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Why is LL banning for no reason?

Syo Emerald

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Hello, I read until now I read it a few times that people suddenly had the issue that they always get a message saying they can't logg into SL from this computer and the answer that this is the way LL tells you, that your banned.

Now it happened to me. Yesterday everything was fine and out of a sudden it won't let me in today. (and I know that there is no reason for banning me, I was always friendly to the people I met.). And now it should be my turn do what ever the hell to get their messed up system right?! Why do they do that to people, who aren't involved in anything bad? Shouldn't they focus on the real problems and the real bad guys? :matte-motes-angry:

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Hello, I read until now I read it a few times that people suddenly had the issue that they always get a message saying they can't logg into SL from this computer and the answer that this is the way LL tells you, that your banned.

Now it happened to me. Yesterday everything was fine and out of a sudden it won't let me in today. (and I know that there is no reason for banning me, I was always friendly to the people I met.). And now it should be my turn do what ever the hell to get their messed up system right?! Why do they do that to people, who aren't involved in anything bad? Shouldn't they focus on the real problems and the real bad guys? :matte-motes-angry:

I've said it before and I know some do not agree with me, but LL's policy is err on the side of caution...ban and ask questions later, imo.  Sorry this happened to you and I hope you get it solved quickly.

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They won't care, I guess. Cause I don't have a premium account (and they only care about those people). Only thing I can do so far is waiting until I am the only one online at the house to try to restart the router (hope it helps). I would be so much smarter from LL to only ban if they hear about someone having trouble with that resident and not banning people out of the blue. And I wonder how they think that mess would help getting people into paying for sl :(

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Hi, sorry but i cannot offer any help.

No matter what LL policy is, you should be noticed why. Anything else is plain stupid and you have no way to act against it and proof they are wrong.

And that´s for premium or basic members because all make SL to what it is and help to keep it up.


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It does seem to be case by case and rather irrelevant at times.  I had a good friend who had a paid account, cancelled the account and then 3 months later, was billed again.  They contacted billing had it correct and then again a few months later, where billed again.  They had that fixed too and again it happened however, this time, they contacted their bank to have the charges blocked.

A month went by and LL banned their account however, since I had once logged in from their PC, my account was banned too.  I always use the same PC and have had the sam IP address for years with the exception on this one day when I logged in to show them something.

It took me two weeks and eventually, my friend Adam Blodin had me reinstated and back in within hours.  Their support was rude and didn't seem to care about anything.

I'm afraid this is what Linden Labs has become.  They randomly attack good users while letting well known greifers back in.  It makes little sense as with most of their actions which again points back to where their corporate culture is heading.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Hello, I read until now I read it a few times that people suddenly had the issue that they always get a message saying they can't logg into SL from this computer and the answer that this is the way LL tells you, that your banned.

Now it happened to me. Yesterday everything was fine and out of a sudden it won't let me in today.

you are probably not banned at all if your router/modem assigns you a random IP every time you re-set it or turn on your computer it means you have a dynamic IP address and you've been unlucky enough to get an IP on LL's banned list all you need to do is turn off your modem or router for a few minutes plug it back in then try SL again you shouldn't be banned any more if that fails a live chat or support ticket should resolve the issue

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Everyone wants the "real problem griefers and users" banned.  So does LL.  The problem is that those "real problem griefers and users" are more often than not quite computer savvy......script kiddies, hackers, and just plain a$$ holes.  IP bans (which used to be the perferred way to ban someone by LL) are much too easy to get around (simple router reboots often is all it takes.......or a phone call to the ISP to get a new IP address assigned........or just waiting for the ISP to reassign IP's (most do that monthly and if you know when it's going to happen, just wait).  It also means that when the ISP's do reassign IP's someone else might get one of the banned ones...........you can see what that would cause some innocent user.  It seems LL has taken to hardware bans as their preferred method of banning.  The easiest hardware to ban is the router or modem.  It's effective and less likely to get innocents banned........note the words "less likely".


How many people who use routers lock those routers down.  Meaning blocking any device from accessing the router and gaining access to the Internet (called "piggybacking on someone elses connection")?  If you have a router and it's less than about 8 years old, it's also wireless.....even if you are connected via an Ethernet cable.  Any Joe walking down the street with a cell phone/smart phone capable of Internet connections wirelessly can see in a matter of a few seconds if someone has a router not locked down........now he knows where you are and that he can gain access to the Internet using your access (your router).  If that person is one of those a$$ holes that everyone wants banned from SL he's free to do as he pleases................and you suffer the consequences (not him.......he's scott free).


Now call up LL and tell them you are innocent.........go ahead.  Do you think they are going to be all happy to believe anything you say?  It was your router that the griefing (or worse) originated from.........think about it.  LL has no choice be to continue the ban (or potentially let real problem users back in with only the users say so.........."I'm innocent").  What would you do?


I'm not saying this is what happened...........there's just no way anyone can know.  I do know it's very possible.  And SL griefers getting you wrongfully banned could be the least of your problems..........child pornography could get you in jail (arrest, ask questions later............sound familar?).  Take your security seriously..........you'll have far fewer problems.

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He said "ban".  Nothing about account put on "hold".  He's using the message he gets that says he cannot login into SL from his computer.  That is the typical message one gets when they've been banned.  The typical message for an account put on hold includes the advice to contact support.  In both cases when LL has banned or put a hold on an account an email is sent with an explaination and links to either appeal the ban or resolve the hold.  He claims he did not recieve the email.  That leads people to believe it's a mistake (or something happened to the email........like went to the junk or spam folder.  Maybe he used a seldom used Internet email address when he signed up and hasn't checked it.......or that email is no longer valid.


There are any number of posibilities for the message he's recieving.  And not one single person here knows what has happened.  Only LL can resolve the problem.  Jumping on the "LL is a bunch of dopes" bandwagon when you know nothing is really out there........intelligence wise anyway.  It's likely something in error or the OP is leaving out some important information.  LL does not ban just to piss everyone off.........they do make mistakes (like everyone of us do).  If LL did this on purpose then an email was fired off.......where it went only the OP can guess.  It's his responsibility to keep track of such things.  Not LL's.

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Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

???   What's up Pamela?:smileysurprised:

That's just been my experience.  The person who put my best selling kitchen for sale on the marketplace -- full perm! -- is still here.  The person who copied half my store and used it in her builds, which I spent 4 work days and 20 pages documenting, is still here -- and still using my content in her builds.

But don't commit the crime of falling behind on Premium account payments or your account will be deleted.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Why are you and everyone else assuming you're banned?

Unplug your modem and walk away for a few minutes.  Plug in, reboot, try again. Then come back and have a grumble if you're still not able to log in.

When LL ban/suspend people, they send out an email.

With all due respect, no, not every time.  They didn't with me.  I only use one email that has been active since I began 4 years ago...I receive everything from LL in my regular inbox...nothing went to junk.  They didn't send me one!!

ETA: Included reply to Peggy's post

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Kylie Jaxxon wrote:

???   What's up Pamela?:smileysurprised:

That's just been my experience.  The person who put my best selling kitchen for sale on the marketplace -- full perm! -- is still here.  The person who copied half my store and used it in her builds, which I spent 4 work days and 20 pages documenting, is still here -- and still using my content in her builds.

But don't commit the crime of falling behind on Premium account payments or your account
be deleted.

Pam, sorry to hear that...it must be very frustrating :(


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:



How many people who use routers lock those routers down.  Meaning blocking any device from accessing the router and gaining access to the Internet (called "piggybacking on someone elses connection")?  If you have a router and it's less than about 8 years old, it's also wireless.....even if you are connected via an Ethernet cable.  Any Joe walking down the street with a cell phone/smart phone capable of Internet connections wirelessly can see in a matter of a few seconds if someone has a router not locked down........now he knows where you are and that he can gain access to the Internet using your access (your router).  If that person is one of those a$$ holes that everyone wants banned from SL he's free to do as he pleases................and you suffer the consequences (not him.......he's scott free).



AT&T has a new password modem/router wireless deal where hackers and/or neighbors can't do this any longer, and I'm sure other companies do as well, though would prefer not to say on the internet which one I use.  However, for people with old modem/routers, just call your ISP and ask if you can get one of their new boxes that use a password which keeps the neighbor's children from trying to access your wireless.

ETA:  If someone comes to your house to visit and is on a laptop, just give them your password and then they can use their laptop in your home. 

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


How many people who use routers lock those routers down.  Meaning blocking any device from accessing the router and gaining access to the Internet (called "piggybacking on someone elses connection")?  If you have a router and it's less than about 8 years old, it's also wireless.....even if you are connected via an Ethernet cable.  Any Joe walking down the street with a cell phone/smart phone capable of Internet connections wirelessly can see in a matter of a few seconds if someone has a router not locked down........now he knows where you are and that he can gain access to the Internet using your access (your router).  If that person is one of those a$$ holes that everyone wants banned from SL he's free to do as he pleases................and you suffer the consequences (not him.......he's scott free).


Very few people bother with security on home wireless routers, and it shouldn't be that way. There are only a few simple steps needed to vastly improve wireless security. A short description is here, but your ISP (presuming you got your router from them) should be able to help you. The article doesn't mention that you should disable SSID broadcasting but that does help too: won't stop anyone who knows a thing about wireless networking but it will stop casual 'snoopers'.

If nothing else; securing your router will prevent people using that bandwidth you pay so dearly for, and if you are in SL the one thing you can never have too much of is bandwidth. Okay, two things: bandwidth and Lindens.

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I know a guy who had been a resident of SL for 6 years - he tried to login a month ago and couldnt and got some message about abuse - which did not really have a explanation - nor any offer of help. It seems like Linden is looking for reasons to get rid of good people. I have known him almost 2 years and he was not a copy botter, nor was he someone who caused problems. He was a truly nice guy, good manners - and they banned him or locked his account for no reason. He was so disgusted with the way they treated him after being here for 6 years - that he has decided not to bother returning to SL.


Thats a shame.

I am a premium member - but I tell you that most days the suppor IS rude............ and not very helpful. It's like they are doing you a big favor to tell you to uninstall the viewer, delete the files in the application data folder and reinstall it. They dont listen to you when you tell them you have already done that multiple times. SO basically my support is telling me to do what I already know how to do and have done.............. and Im paying them for that.


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I'm sorry to hear about your friend, who has been a resident of Second Life for all of that time. Has he appealed against LL's decision? 

 "It seems like Linden is looking for reasons to get rid of good people. "

But think logically please. Why would LL do that?  Why would LL want to "get rid of good people"? That makes no sense. 

I do agree with you though, that support does need to buck its ideas up, be much more consistent and fair in the treatment of the residents.  It seems to me, the good ones in Support are carrying the ones who seem to have no training, or little in the way of people skills. And that's a great shame if LL management aren't realising this by now.

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