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Mesh selling and phoenix viewer

MaxTux Wonder

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90% of the SL users, use phoenix viewer, you don't believe me? Try to go around with your mesh avie. I been kicked of a SIM just becouse the owner didn't see my body and thought i was kidding around.


I've thousands of visit of my mesh products in my market place, but few sells. I can understand why.

Who will use a mesh avatar if nobody can see it?


I bet the others mesh seller has the same problem.

Please Lindens help the phoenix development, and make it mesh enabled SOON!

Few sells = few fees for you.

Mesh sellers, please report your experience.

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I make mesh products, but I don't list them yet for that very reason. What's the point? Nobody would buy them, and by the time everyone can buy and see them, they will be buried by the new mesh listings and become "old products". Not to mention almost certain technology changes that will be made in time.

I have a questions thou: how exactly do you know the precentage of "market share" for any viewer, or you just guessing the numbers?

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Of course Linden Lab don't partecipate to Phoenix development, and the mean of topic was to ask to Lindens to partecipate to phoenix development.

I know that Mesh code is planned to be incorporated into Phoenix viewer, what i was asking in this topic, was the partecipation of Lindens in the Phoenix development to make it real sooner.


@Tara i was guessing, when i go around with my mesh avies, nobody can see me.

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the Lindens have nothing to do with phoenix viewer and they certainly won't be doing anything to get mesh in to phoenix the reason Phoenix is even getting mesh because Henri Beauchamp the dev of Cool Viewer spent months upon months coding mesh in to his viewer and a mesh version of his viewer has been around a few weeks and that mesh code is what will be incorperated in to phoenix eventually if it wasn't for Henri i doubt any 1.23 based viewer dev would even consider the mamoth task of getting it in their viewer

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In the clubs I frequent the % of V3/Firestorm to Phoenix is slowly tipping toward the mesh-capable viewers. Phoenix use seems highest with the more mature guests (older RL people) but as mesh clothes and objects spread across the grid more people will switch to a mesh viewer. Currently I'm buying only mesh clothes. If the V1 users can't see my gorgeous mesh gown or jeans that's their choice and problem-I'm not going back to texture hair or invisiprims either lol.

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Read this, Phoenix will have a sort of mesh addition.


Sort of a clunker version but will be capable of viewing mesh as i understand it,

I was at a dance last night, there were about 30 avys, the majority had Phoenix viewers,++

I love my Phoenix viewer and have no intention of giving it up until i absolutely have to.

As for as mesh for clothes i could care less and i will not carry them in my shop,maybe one day i will have to change my views but not for now

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Times change. A while ago the TPVs offered 100% of the "official feature" plus some extras. Today they still have extras, but miss some 'standard' features:

I don't know how far the development is, but mesh-support in a TPV might be only usable if there's also support for multiple alphas-layers. Otherwise people will have to choose if they either wear a shoe-alpha OR a mesh-alpha...not an easy decision :-)

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i've been kicked out of a sim yesterday because people could'nt see mee. What amazes me the most is the over the top agression. Why are you in a virtual world if you can't coop with the evolution of imagination. I'm afraid it will take a longtime before mesh is accepted by the majority.

I call on everyone with mesh avatars or mesh clothing not to give in. 

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I see a bit of unreasonable behavior and attitudes on both sides.  I am not against mesh, but consider these points which have been brought up before in discussions about mesh:

Not everyone has a computer capable of running a mesh viewer nor do they have the funds to upgrade.  Yes it may their 'problem' but it is a financial one, not because they are incapable of coping with change. 

Not everyone is enthralled with mesh clothing right now because most have to alter their shape to someone else's idea of what it should be for the clothes to fit properly and the individuality of their look is important to them.  Also, there just isn't enough of it out their to suit everyone's tastes.  Personally, I haven't found any that I am willing to spend money for.  When this changes more people will be willing to wear it.

Not everyone has had a thrilling experience with the new mesh viewers.  They are unstable and crash frequently - I have a brand new computer that greatly exceeds the minimum specs for running a mesh viewer and find this to be true in all of the viewersi've tried. 

If you wear mesh clothing to a venue where the majority of people see you naked except for a donut, people who run the venue have a right to ask you to change or leave if it is offensive to a lot of their other customers. 

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I've sold a number of mesh items Maxtux and yesterday was the first time that I refunded a customer cause they did not have a clue what mesh is. They were willing to except no refund, but I didn't feel right taking their money. I explained mesh in detail to him, and explained why he should use mesh. He agreed but could not use it at this time.

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The Marketplace has few ways to find mesh, outside of just searching for MESH. I think the only reasons I've sold any mesh are because mine are connected to a system that has already been a part of the Marketplace for awhile now, and I'm covering a pretty broad market. For avatars tho, I think many are waiting for the very reasons you state, and will probably need to wait until at least Phoenix gets mesh.

Even tho I haven't made any mesh avatars, I've been pushing every 1 of my AO customers to seek out mesh avatars. To me, it is crucial for non human avatars to get away from wearing sculpties. As an animator, the worst things in our world for animation, is lag or low frame rates. Plus, many of those avatars play in RPG's, which means that they are surrounds by others also lagging every1 and pushing frame rates into the single digits. So, I really hope mesh avatars take off as soon as possible. Really tho, mesh avatars are many, many times better looking than their sculpty counter parts and all any1 has to do is look at yours to see what I mean.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


Not everyone is enthralled with mesh clothing right now because most have to alter their shape to someone else's idea of what it should be for the clothes to fit properly and the individuality of their look is important to them. 

 That's what got me to come read more about mesh as I was away from SL for some months and don't know much about it.  I tried a few demos I found on Marketplace and also some Mesh Group Gifts from here and there just out of curiosity to see what is all about.

To my disappointment I had to change my body to each and every one of mesh items I tried to fit my avatar there.  And no I don' t want to double size my virtual boobs to wear a dress that moves with my virtual butt just because the creator thinks big boobs or small butt or big legs etc…...and I had the small sized dress at that time... (this was just an example  with the boobs, nothing against the creators...)

And no don’t take this wrong, I am not against anything new I am just confused and trying to find reasons to convince me to switch from Phoenix to a mesh capable viewer and for now I have no reason to do it.  It will certainly take a lot of time for people to adjust to mesh and this will have an impact on creators and their sales for sure as well as for what viewer people use. 

Till then is gonna be fun seeing people wearing boxes though to be honest I haven't seen anyone wearing boxes yet which for me means people are not yet for it for many reasons e.g. many don't know about it or are not ready to change their viewer.

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I found a pair of mesh pants I like (Wow, baggy pants that actually look like baggy pants and not lumpy Legos stuck to your legs - what a concept!) so I started wearing them around.

Sure, the Phoenix users all baawwwwww at me because all they see is a box, but I haven't been kicked out of any clubs or anything like that. I think as the technology matures, more and more people will be able to see mesh clothing and objects. It's just a matter of time.

Protip to the Phoenix users: Don't send me snapshots either. I know what it looks like to those using an outdated client. Deal with it, or just Derez the box if it hurts your poor widdle eyeballs to look at it.

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I love mesh, I love changing my shape, and I love change!  Let the old fuddy duddies have the old sl without sculpties and mesh while it lasts.  Eventually all those who resist change will be left trying to get used to a new viewer *at the last moment* because the old ones just wont work anymore.


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