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Finding the perfect tattoo HELP >.<


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I am almost done perfecting my avie, but I noticed something was missing.  I really love tattoos, I have them in real life and I'd love to have some in SL.  

I've been looking around a lot, I tried SL Marketplace, but that's really not one of my favorite options.  I enjoy going into the stores and looking around.

That being said, I DO not want anything touching my chest.  I do love sleeves, some back tattoos and so forth.  I really would love to keep my boobies clean though xD.  This is what I seem to have the most issues finding.  I also want it to look as natural as possible.  Nothing too bright and nothing too dull.  

I love butterflies, birds and all the girly things (no not hello kitty).  I also love japanese art forms.  Something a little antique looking I guess you could say.  :)


Hope I'm not to demanding! haha

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You could try Leti's Tattoos (no apostrophe when searching). Variety of designs, some very feminine stuff in sleeves, back, full body etc. Sold on all layers including tattoo, and in 'fresh' and 'worn' styles.

Seven of Himeji does wonderful designs, mostly the denser Japanese irezumi styles.

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ATTUI has some nice ones. I like them, though I'm not sure exactly how much they have that doesn't go over the chest. You could also check some of the tattoo places mentioned and if you don't see something you like, or see something you do like that has something on the chest (like sleeves with chest detail, which happens a lot), you can IM the creator and see if they'll do custom. Some may be able to remove whatever's on the chest, if you like the rest of it, and some may be able to create something entirely custom for you. Be prepared to pay extra, though, for any custom work.

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Here is a list of tattoo stores I assembled a couple years ago. Some of the slurls may be outdated, and it's possible some of the stores have left SL (SL stores move around all the time), but when that happens, just use the designer's name to search for their profile, they will usually have an updated location listed in their picks tabs:


Good luck!

Stacia Villota


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ShyBirdShy wrote:

I am almost done perfecting my avie, but I noticed something was missing.  I really love tattoos, I have them in real life and I'd love to have some in SL.  

I've been looking around a lot, I tried SL Marketplace, but that's really not one of my favorite options.  I enjoy going into the stores and looking around.

That being said,
I DO not want anything touching my chest.  I do love sleeves, some back tattoos and so forth.  I really would love to keep my boobies clean though
.  This is what I seem to have the most issues finding.  I also want it to look as natural as possible.  Nothing too bright and nothing too dull.  

I love butterflies, birds and all the girly things (no not hello kitty).  I also love japanese art forms.  Something a little antique looking I guess you could say.  


Hope I'm not to demanding! haha

Howdy, Miss ShyBird!

Let me just first say that I hate SL tattoos.  EVERYBODY has them it seems because they are easy.  A few L's and ta-da!  you can have full body tattoos.  In reality, as you know since you have tattoos, one has to sit in a tattooists chair for hours and (in some cases) days to get a tattoo done.  But not here.  Here you just pay a few L's and off you go all tattooed up.  As a result, everywhere I look, too many people are completely covered in tattoos.  So much so in fact, that tattoos in SL now make you look common. 

I suspect that these same people would be running to Bensonhurst if somebody came near them with a tattoo needle!  Think about this...full body tattoos, sleeves etc are exceedingly rare in reality.  But in SL they are so common as to be laughable.  Why is this?  Not many people are willing to endure the pain, the time or the expense to have them.  But here, all of that doesn't exist.  And because they don't, tattoos are prolific in SL. 

I'm quite sure the tattoo makers here in SecondLife make good money.  But they won't get any of mine. 

So why am I telling you all this? 

Well, hopefully I can persuade you or someone else reading this thread to not make the mistake of making oneself common.  There is nothing common about any of us here.  In SecondLife, you can be anything your heart desires!  Why would you want to be as common as you can be? 

Before you spend your money on tattoos, explore around.  Go to clubs, look at people and count the number of avatars with and without tattoos.  I think you will be surprised at the number you see.  You have to be careful though.  Those who don't appear to have tattoos might be hiding them under their clothes!  If you see prim clothing attachments on someone, derender them and I bet you'll find tattoos there too! 

Mine is not a popular opinion.  I'm sure someone will be along shortly to say "Let people do what they want to do.  This is SL after all!  If they want to wear tattoos, let em!"  And in this I agree.  If you want to wear tattoos (and therein lies a huge distinction between the tattoos here and the real ones in real life), then you go right on and wear them!  But, in doing so, you just make yourself one of the masses.  And who wants to be common anyway?

I feel the same way about the stupid, ridiculous pacing animations I see all over the place too, but, that's another thread.

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Personally, I occasionally (not always) use tattoos in SL because I can't in RL - absolute phobia about needles. I don't even get the flu shot because it's not worth the panic attack. I think in SL they can look nice (of course, they can also look horrid), and help to make the avatar unique. I don't think Wildcat, for instance, would look at all the same without her tattoos. They're kind of a signature for some people.

Of course, when you grab a freebie tattoo or visit some of the most common SL tattoo shops, chances are you'll get the same tattoo as someone else. I don't recommend relying solely on tattoos to make an avi unique, but I think they can help, for some. The more stereotypical you go, the more like others you look - butterfly tattoos are all well and good, but goodness, everybody has them! Same with flowers, stars, etc. But if that's your style, go for it.

Custom helps because if you go that route, you're assured no one else has exactly the same tattoo that you have. But it's not required; there are plenty of good ones out there already.

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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

Personally, I occasionally (not always) use tattoos in SL because I can't in RL - absolute phobia about needles. I don't even get the flu shot because it's not worth the panic attack. I think in SL they can look nice (of course, they can also look horrid), and help to make the avatar unique. I don't think Wildcat, for instance, would look at all the same without her tattoos. They're kind of a signature for some people.

Of course, when you grab a freebie tattoo or visit some of the most common SL tattoo shops, chances are you'll get the same tattoo as someone else. I don't recommend relying solely on tattoos to make an avi unique, but I think they can help, for some. The more stereotypical you go, the more like others you look - butterfly tattoos are all well and good, but goodness, everybody has them! Same with flowers, stars, etc. But if that's your style, go for it.

Custom helps because if you go that route, you're assured no one else has exactly the same tattoo that you have. But it's not required; there are plenty of good ones out there already.

Howdy, Miss Ariel!

I hate needles too, let me just say.  /me laughs!  I've always wanted an eagle with wings spread in flight on my left shoulder as a tattoo, but, there's no way.  Still though, I don't wear tattoos even here in SL.  There is nothing common about me.  Or you, or Miss Shy, or, or, or...

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I don't consider myself common, but I have found a tattoo lately that I wear quite often, simply because I like it and it fits my personality. I like text tattoos, and found a cute Alice in Wonderland one that suits me. For the moment. It's possible I'll get tired of it and stop wearing it, but for now, I like it. I haven't seen the same one on anyone else yet.

As for going to a club and counting how many people have versus don't have tattoos...Try that in RL. You'll find plenty that have tattoos, either hidden or visible, there as well. I still don't think they're common. A lot of it, in my opinion, is what you get and where. Hip, above the pelvis, on the lower back - common. Sleeves - kind of common,  not as much so. Back tattoos are more common, depending what you get. Forearm not as common, but moreso now than they used to be, I think. Text tattoos aren't terribly common, though name tattoos - which are a kind of text tattoo - have gotten fairly so. Butterflies, flowers, stars - common. Naked women - common for men ^_^ Dragons - pretty common. Alice in Wonderland - not really.

I think my tattoo makes me interesting, not boring. It's all personal opinion and taste, really. I like to think that someone who saw my (current) tattoo might find it interesting, might ask me about it, that it might intrigue them into wanting to learn more about me.

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There are a lot of really great tat artists in sl, but there are also a lot of eh, not so great ones. So I do know how disappointing it can be to get one and find that it's really not all that great. A lot of images are just taken off the net. And while it may take some work to remove backgrounds/white, slap them on a template, align them correctly and upload them, it's not really quite the same as designing it from scratch.

Sleeves in particular in sl, are, well can be, very tricky. For one, they will be identical. You can't have two different sleeves. This is part of the reason why I don't like most of the ones in sl. Even some of the best ones I've seen in sl, aren't necessarily something that I would buy. They simply don't end up looking right. (mostly because, as we're all well aware, no two avs are ever really the same). Personally, I would avoid full sleeves for this reason, because very few artists in sl really can pull them off and have them look right on most avs. Now tats on the arms in general don't necessarily look quite as bad as many full sleeves do, though. But I would still be very picky with those. I'm the same way with chest tats, expecially on women. They stretch funny and rarely look right because of placement.

I have some tats I made myself. I used actual designs I've made in rl and combined them with some other design ideas from a couple other rl artists I know. I have one on my upper left arm(rl) that I turned into a back tat in sl (because it doesn't look right in sl as an upper arm tat on both arms, lol) that I absolutely love. You might even want to try your hand at making your own. It's not nearly as difficult as it might seem. It's actually a lot of fun!

If I were you I would do a LOT of wandering the grid and don't settle on the first few places you see. I would definitely use the marketplace to your advantage, but not to buy. I know you said you don't like using it, but it can be a valuable search tool. Even if they don't have a "see it in second life" link in their listing, you can see the seller's name and then search them in-world by name(not store name, but the av's name) and could find their in-world location that way. Sounds more complicated than it is, lol. That's how I find a lot of places because in-world ssearch sucks.

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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

I don't consider myself common, but I have found a tattoo lately that I wear quite often, simply because I like it and it fits my personality.
I like text tattoos
, and found a cute Alice in Wonderland one that suits me. For the moment. It's possible I'll get tired of it and stop wearing it, but for now, I like it. I haven't seen the same one on anyone else yet.

As for going to a club and counting how many people have versus don't have tattoos...Try that in RL. You'll find plenty that have tattoos, either hidden or visible, there as well. I still don't think they're common. A lot of it, in my opinion, is what you get and where. Hip, above the pelvis, on the lower back - common. Sleeves - kind of common,  not as much so. Back tattoos are more common, depending what you get. Forearm not as common, but moreso now than they used to be, I think. Text tattoos aren't terribly common, though name tattoos - which are a kind of text tattoo - have gotten fairly so. Butterflies, flowers, stars - common. Naked women - common for men
Dragons - pretty common. Alice in Wonderland - not really.

I think my tattoo makes me interesting, not boring. It's all personal opinion and taste, really. I like to think that someone who saw my (current) tattoo might find it interesting, might ask me about it, that it might intrigue them into wanting to learn more about me.

Oooo, Ooooo!  This reminds me!  I was at a favorite hangout of mine not long ago and in comes this dude wearing the tiniest little g-string thing that went between his butt cheeks and barely covered his business and he had, I swear to all the gods, FULL PARAGRAPHS of text all over his body!  I'm telling you, it was a veritable novel!  And when I say paragraphs, I mean it!  There were first line indents, single spaced, capitol letters where they should be and punctuation marks!  I'm tellin you now I was thrown into gales of laughter just at the sight of him!  

It was so ridiculous my first thought was that it HAD to be some kind of joke!  Really?  Did he SERIOUSLY think anybody was gonna stand there and read his tattoos?  I looked at them long enough to see the indents and punctuations and things, but by then my eyes were tearing up so much from laughing it all just became a blur, so I stopped looking.

And then...to start it all over again, he says, in open chat no less:  "Hey, Everbody!  Aren't my tats the greatest you've ever seen on SL?!"

I just about fell outta my chair!

Nobody answered him right away.  I KNEW it would happen...he waited a few minutes and...I thought to myself: "Here it comes..." He says:  "Did everybody hear me?  Aren't my tats the greatest??"

Of course by this time my sides were hurting so bad from laughing I wanted to chime in and burst his bubble about his fabulous tattoo novel!  If he only knew how ridiculous he looked!

I got ahold of myself as I was typing my response to him in local.  Who am *I* to dash his pride to the rocks below?  So, I left it alone. 

I teleported away shortly after because I was in such pain and tearing up so much I just couldn't take it anymore. 

Dang he brought me so much comedy that day! :smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy:

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Good evening everyone! 

:)  Wow, didn't expect the huge response, but this community always suprises me.  I don't even know how to respond to everyone at once.

First off, let me say...THANK YOU!! I'm happy everyone has put some kind of input to tattoos or even refering me to a few places.  I'm even happy that some of you have messaged me inworld.  ^_^

Now also let me say, I DON'T want to be like everyone else.  I also do have tattoos in real life and they were so painless I'll do it again someday, but I always OVERTHINK everything.  (So when I say butterflies, I don't mean just slap on a few butterflies and call it a day.)  I do like the whole custom idea of tattoos.  It'd be neat if someone could make the ones I have in real life.  They are actually on my chest, but not smacked in the middle like I see quiet often in SL.

I have not done to much exploring and getting out just yet in second life, so maybe this is why I don't see how common tattoos are.  I love tattoos and I think they are a great way to express yourself.  I'm not sure if I even stand out now, my socializing in second life so far has been minimal at best.  I need to stop being a wallflower or a forum stalker haha!  xD.

I also liked the idea of trying to make my own tattoos.  I learn very fast and I enjoy being creative so I don't know why I didn't consider that idea in the first place!  I think I might mess around with that and recreate my tattoo that I have now.  I'm still going to browse around a little and also hold into consideration of NOT having one.


Sorry if I'm all over the place, everyone helps out and I want to make sure I'm thankful for that ^.^


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Recreating your RL tattoos sounds like a really good idea. By doing so, you don't end up with the same tattoo as everybody else. I have the same pet peeve as you when it comes to tattoos over the chest, and especially over the aerolas. Ewww, that looks painful!

I don't like huge chest  tattoos on guys either. The chest area is where most details is put on the skin, some does really good muscles/abdomens.  I have yet to see SL tattoos that follow the muscles, goes around the aerola so it draws attention to it instead of splashing a pattern over. 

I am not so terrible fond of SL tattoos myself, for the reasons already stated here. Everybody has them, some stack tattoos over tattoos, no attention to detail as enchanging the body, just copy a pattern over to the template. The SL templates is old and has only one arm. I swear that if we get a 2 armed template, I am so going to get one sleeve! 

You can try Garden of Ku, (GoK). HUZ tats does good work, but almost all their tattoos goes over the aerola. I don't remember if they have only sleeves. Para Designs too, good work. 

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I have a small tattoo on my back in RL.  It is only visible with my hair up and a bareback top or dress.  I can control when/if it is visible.  It's not so much of matter of hiding it as it is controlling when it is discovered.  I have been looking for something similar in SL, but had a hard time finding it.  I finally did find a couple at Tattoo Shop Dutch Ink (it's in my picks), but there was not much selection.  I think she does custom work, but as someone else mentioned, I think I am going to try making my own.  I have built things in SL, but never tried clothes or custom AV items, so we will see how it goes.

On another note, in RL a tattoo is pretty much for ever.  In SL you can change it as often as you like.  My intention is to use that fact to experiment, but when I find or create what I want, I intend to consider it permenant in SL and not remove or change it.  What are other people's thoughts about that?

This is what I have at the moment...pretty stock and not very original...

Close up of tattoo.jpg

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Taylor Roff wrote:

On another note, in RL a tattoo is pretty much for ever.  In SL you can change it as often as you like.  My intention is to use that fact to experiment, but when I find or create what I want, I intend to consider it permenant in SL and not remove or change it.
 What are other people's thoughts about that?

This is what I have at the moment...pretty stock and not very original...


The first tatt I wore in SL was nice for awhile but it did not really mean anything to me.  It was decoration, an accessory.  If I never changed my tatt after putting on that first one, I would be very disappointed as so many wonderful tattoo designers have so much to offer.  So, while I still do not have a special tattoo (I have been thinking of one recently, btw), I change them as I wish.  Sometimes I wear one, sometimes not.

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It really is funny how things in SL are like things in RL.  Another thread about friends seems to drive that home, but here it applies too.

I guess being a tattooist (word?) is not that hard in real life.  You have to get some tools, you have to know how to work them.  I assume (hope) you have to have certification on sterile technique.

In SL, with the right tools, it is not that difficult either.  I have created my first tattoo for my Av.  It is not ready for me to post a picture yet.  I still have to do a lot more work.

In both SL and RL, the most important part of the project is creativity and artistry.  Yes, in less than an hour I figured out how to put some ink on my Av and even have it in the right location on the body, but, WOW, it looks like crap.  The hard part is the most important and makes me rethink what I called "stock and not very original".   Hats off to the skilled masters, both RL and SL, that create the beautiful works of art that we wear.

I'm still trying though.


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when i  logged in SL , the firstt thing i did was look for tattoos cause i never got one irl ..

i couldnt find one all of them looked waayyyy to dark and just a freakin brush slapped on a SL template.

Because i know photoshop it was obvious how easy it was lol..  and i didnt even have a wacom or 3d templates, just the sl templates so i could see where goes what.. i just made a random kinda tattoo, i ddnt really know what i wanted

but i wanted it to wrap around my body sorta..  and i wanted some scratches etc.. wich are all over  sl now...

this is  vintage  2007 LOL sl retro when  there was barely any  bloody items or scratches or whatnot,

i have to say im dan proud of it lol... 

but becasue its easy and a ripp off , i dont sell tattoo's i did however do some custom ones where ppl took pics of their RL tats and id turn them into SL ones..   i still take requests at my shop .


heres my tat ... keep i mind its evry old 2007 lol + its underwear still , haha  forgot to actually put it on a tat layer till now...  but i allways wear these ^^



Snapshot _ Death row Designs main store qua, Ketama (57, 247, 3.jpg




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