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People Can Cam into my SL rental house?


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People can and are able to cam inside my SL rental house?  I read that somewhere, but lost the thread.

Anyhow, my question is there anyway to stop this, such as would what are called privacy screens work?  Or can those privacy screens be cammed through also?

Is there any way to prevent this other than a skybox way up in the sky?  (I don't want to move!... and, why wasn't this disclosed by LL?)

Angry at SL for not stating in their TOS that there is no privacy on your rental land or land to prevent "cammers".  :smileymad:

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It's true, Unforunately if someone wants to see in they can. There is no real privacy in SL. An orb or banlines can deter them but even then they can cam in.

But remember you a avatar. Personally I never cam someones place, makes me feel like a intruder.

ETA Skyboxes are probably the best bet for privacy if they are far from any other skybox. Depending on the computer the better it is the farther they can cam. And if you use open chat they can hear you up to 96 meters.

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Can't they shorten the cam distance?  What is this camming thing for anyways?  What is it's purpose?  Is it for builder's or land owners or what?

Still, I find this unethical of Linden Labs.  Very unethical for not disclosing this to SL users. 

IT SUCKS!  I know I'm an avatar, but I pay for my own SL, and I am not free SL entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will I stop being angry at LL, not!  IT SUCKS!  It should be fully disclosed to new users period. 

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Mayalilly you seem to hold LL responsible for the fact that you are not aware of some things about SL. Not just this, either. What exactly do you have in mind?  Did you want them to mail you a big book of facts and tutorials?  Have you read all the Wiki pages and Knowlege base?


I found out by using my camera how I could use my camera; I didn't hold someone else responsible for giving me some Guide to Camming.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i think the new privacy settings for land works on that..

i'm not sure what a privacy screen is really..

I'll look in the new privacy settings to see if I can find anything; but , if not, they need to add that because it's an invasion of privacy, or it needs to be fully disclosed by Linden Labs period before a user signs up.

You can search privacy screens on Marketplace, but I think they are just large backdrops that block out buildings, etc, from other people's sims when you buy your own sim.  Privacy screen doesn't even sound like the correct wording because in the description of one it says block out buildings, etc.  It doesn't say get privacy for your house, etc. 

Can't someone design a shield of some sort to stop this invasion of privacy? 

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Mayalily wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

i think the new privacy settings for land works on that..

i'm not sure what a privacy screen is really..

I'll look in the new privacy settings to see if I can find anything; but , if not, they need to add that because it's an invasion of privacy, or it needs to be fully disclosed by Linden Labs period before a user signs up.

You can search privacy screens on Marketplace, but I think they are just large backdrops that block out buildings, etc, from other people's sims when you buy your own sim.  Privacy screen doesn't even sound like the correct wording because in the description of one it says block out buildings, etc.  It doesn't say get privacy for your house, etc. 

Can't someone design a shield of some sort to stop this invasion of privacy? 

oh ya those are like fencing yourself in..kind of like the big privacy fences in rl..

you can cam through prims..

i would check the KB for  privacy settings and see what shows up..

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Ian Undercroft wrote:

The new privacy features are able prevent those not on the parcel from seeing avatars on the parcel. So, if changing clothes or engaged in jiggy jiggy on poseballs, you will be invisible to onlookers.

Is there something in your home that you'd rather others didn't see?


Haha, I like that...jiggy jiggy :)  Never heard it called that before.

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there is a new privacy setting for land as long as you can edit stuff in about land you can toggle it, it's a handy feature to stop people camming in on you. i've tested it at my linden home the downside is if you're on your land with this setting activated you can't cam on your neighbours but as soon as you turn it off they show up again 

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Yes, I'm running a brothel.  Just kidding.

Yes me.  It's my avatar.  I paid for it.  I want my privacy PERIOD! 

What I have paid for, should belong to no one else, nor should they have a right to anything about my avatar period without my permission period. 

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Mayalily wrote:

I don't cam on anybody.  I think it's rude, and I would never do that period, ever, and never ever have!   I have not used the cam feature not even once! 

They need to take this out period!  This is unethical. 

Lol, sadly, you have a lot to learn about Linden Lab :matte-motes-not-even:

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Mayalily wrote:

I don't cam on anybody.  I think it's rude, and I would never do that period, ever, and never ever have!   I have not used the cam feature not even once! 

They need to take this out period!  This is unethical. 

I respond to this post only, but I wanted to respond to all your posts in this thread.  I will post  an emoticon:


I post this emoticon because I will face a suspension if I really stated my opinion about your OP and your rants.  

You must grow up.  

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Mayalily wrote:

Can't someone design a shield of some sort to stop this invasion of privacy? 

It exists, it's called "rent a private island, and only allow your friends access".  And it's not "invasion of privacy" in the legal sense, because we don't know your real name or where you live, or anything else about the real you unless you tell us.  There is not an "expectation of privacy" in a public virtual world.  In order for the system to function, it has to show you the other avatars and objects around you.

The long time feature of private islands, and the new parcel privacy feature *do* create an expectation of privacy, and anyone breaking those features to peek in can be reported.  Additionally, hidden "listening" devices that relay chat text are not allowed.  The expectation of SL is local chat can be heard within 20 meters, and you would notice if an avatar was that close or their dot was on the minimap.  Trying to circumvent that expectation will get you in trouble.

As far as Linden Lab disclosing things before signing up, it's in the Knowledge Base, under

Camera Controls

So who do we blame for starting to use the product before reading the directions?

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Mayalily wrote:

I don't cam on anybody.  I think it's rude, and I would never do that period, ever, and never ever have!   I have not used the cam feature not even once! 

They need to take this out period!  This is unethical. 

Never used "the cam feature" even once?  I would find that pretty difficult personally.


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