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Attention the oldest trick and I was so stupid

AnnaL Shepherd

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Hi folks, call me a nut or whatever but I stumbled over the oldest trick in the world. There is a girl/boy that asks in several groups for 142 Linden so she can pay her rent. Stating to pay it back next day. Well we all where in trouble from time to time isnt it so? I gave her 100 and did not get it back. LOOOL and that after 5 years of experience in SL. 


Ciao Anna 



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There is nothing wrong with spending 40 cents on the offchance that one of the bazillion beggars in SL is actually genuine. Most of us have seen it so many times before that we tend to brand them all as scammers & ignore them, but there has to be at least one that is occasionally telling the truth.

As it turned out that one was just another scammer, but you could have been someones hero that day. :)

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you need to remove the name for tos reasons that type of scam is the oldest trick in the SL book i've seen it hundreds of times the typical response is to get a job or buy L$ but they never respond if the beggars say they can pay it back the next day they don't need it in the first place the thing they want to buy will be there the next day and most landlords will give a day or two leway before kicking someone out when the rent runs out 

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There have been beggers for L$ ever since I was a n00b well over 4 years ago.  Your response to it is your responsibility, not LL or other residents.  Beggers do not spoil the 'community'.  They exist in RL, too!  Decide how you will respond and live with your decision.

You know that if you say 'no', they will move on.

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I used to have a friend who worked as a male prostitute over in Zindra. He couldn't afford to pay for his place so he borrowed some from me. He couldn't pay his debt so he offered to pay with sex... I said, No!... He defriended me. :matte-motes-impatient:

/me looks at Tamara

Tamara, can I have your notecard please? I need to visit 2800 sheeps to get my lindens back.

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Eh...most of us are a soft touch at times. People like this rely on the numbers game. They get a fake account, hit up as many people as they can and transfer that. Y'know you can AR this as fraud, maybe. 

I can stop a lot of them in their tracks with one sentence they hate:


"I am not your mother."

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yers, that is one of the oldest tricks around, and you fell for it. dont worry when ppl are saying it is just a small amoutn, because it is not the amount that matters so much as it is the trust and faith you have in ppl that slowly dies little by little. a small suggestion, next time someone asks you, instead of "lending" , first make sure you can afford it yourself then GIVE the money without any ecpectation of it being returned, at least that way, if it gets paid back it will be a wonderful surprise, and if it doesnt, then you have lost nothing extra.....................anfd to anyone else talking about the "amount"...you really have no clue do you?

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I know it's not the money for you, or even the fact that the person turned out to fall on the side commonly referred to as "scammer"...but you also shouldn't focus on your own "stupidity".

You should never think of your actions as stupidity. It very well may be one of the oldest tricks in the book, but charity isn't stupidity, regardless of what the recipient does with that charity. Your motives were sincere and it's all that matters....or should :)

I've done the same thing myself, given lindens here and there, bought someone food for their breedable when they were running low/out, handed out things to someone just down on their luck(in some cases so they could turn a profit on it even, lol), helped them with all sorts of things, really. It's quite possible, probable even, that not every person I helped was sincere in their need. Eh, no skin off my nose. I try not to think about the bad that could be lurking behind every need, I think it tends to make people bitter when they do that. I don't want to allow that "bad" to have any sort of impact on *my* sl.

I do the same in rl though ;)


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To say what you did was stupid is too harsh on yourself. Maybe a mild foolishness or a momentary lapse of reason. I agree with Wiked on paying out without expecting anything back but always consider if you can afford to be so generous. There's no shame in not helping someone out in SL. After all, the Lindens won't get involved in monetary disputes between residents.

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Don't miss the opportunity for entertainment, here's my dialogue with one.  NAME CHANGED so don't get uptight about ToS :)

I do not know this person, she just IM'd me as we were standing in Stiletto Moody... (name changed)

-- Instant message logging enabled --
[12:03]  Immabeggar Lorefield: hi
[12:03]  Sassy Romano: hello
[12:04]  Immabeggar Lorefield: how are you ?
[12:04]  Sassy Romano: good thanks you?
[12:05]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok
[12:05]  Immabeggar Lorefield: can i ask a question?
[12:05]  Sassy Romano: of course you can  :)
[12:06]  Immabeggar Lorefield: can i borrow 200l usally i dont ask this but im very desperate i do get paid on monday i will pay it back
[12:06]  Sassy Romano: 200 is less than $1 US
[12:08]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but i dont use real money
[12:08]  Sassy Romano: what do you need it for?
[12:08]  Immabeggar Lorefield: im expecting a baby so im short on a nursery
[12:08]  Sassy Romano: an SL baby?
[12:09]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yep
[12:10]  Sassy Romano: if you stick it on the floor, it won't notice
[12:10]  Immabeggar Lorefield: huh
[12:10]  Sassy Romano: it's not real, it won't notice if you place it on the floor or in a cot
[12:10]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back
[12:10]  Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just borrow it please
[12:12]  Sassy Romano: let me consult my therapist...
[12:12]  Immabeggar Lorefield: haha
[12:14]  Immabeggar Lorefield: so what did your therapist
[12:14]  Sassy Romano: not answering yet
[12:15]  Sassy Romano: what job do you do?
[12:16]  Immabeggar Lorefield: nurse
[12:16]  Sassy Romano: in SL I meant?
[12:16]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah a nurse
[12:17]  Sassy Romano: i've been advised that in accordance with the Financial Services Act, in order to consider a loan, I would need to have a full break down of income and expenses
[12:17]  Immabeggar Lorefield: so you wanna know what i make
[12:17]  Sassy Romano: and expenses
[12:17]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok
[12:18]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i make 650 weekly i work weekends
[12:18]  Immabeggar Lorefield: only
[12:19]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ii dont spend thta much on clothes i usally spend 250 on clothes and shoes
[12:19]  Sassy Romano: and how long has prim baby been coming?
[12:19]  Immabeggar Lorefield: my baby is due on monday
[12:20]  Sassy Romano: you buy it on monday?
[12:20]  Immabeggar Lorefield: no
[12:20]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i already bought it
[12:20]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i give birth on monday
[12:20]  Sassy Romano: and how long has it been coming for?
[12:20]  Immabeggar Lorefield: 4 weeks
[12:20]  Sassy Romano: so in 4 weeks you'd have earned L$2600
[12:21]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yes
[12:21]  Sassy Romano: and 4 days before you find that you didn't plan 4 weeks of spending?
[12:21]  Immabeggar Lorefield: my baby cost 6k
[12:21]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok
[12:22]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i just need to borrow 20l
[12:22]  Sassy Romano: but what happens to prim baby without the nursery?
[12:22]  Immabeggar Lorefield: it has no bed
[12:22]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back
[12:23]  Sassy Romano: and that will affect it how?
[12:23]  Immabeggar Lorefield: it will be homeless
[12:23]  Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just i borrow 200l
[12:23]  Sassy Romano: I can rez a cube and hollow it out if that helps?
[12:23]  Immabeggar Lorefield: well can i borrow 200l please
[12:25]  Sassy Romano: hold on..
[12:25]  Immabeggar Lorefield: kk
[12:25]  Inventory item offered
[12:26]  Immabeggar Lorefield: thanks but can i borrow 200
[12:26]  Sassy Romano: but that's a bed no?
[12:26]  Sassy Romano: I just made that for you, it's a gift especially from Autie Sassy
[12:26]  Immabeggar Lorefield: a bed is not the only thing bath tub
[12:26]  Immabeggar Lorefield: haha
[12:26]  Immabeggar Lorefield: please i will pay you back im just short of 200
[12:27]  Sassy Romano: but you don't need 200 now, you have a cot?
[12:27]  Sassy Romano: bath tub...hold on...
[12:28]  Inventory item offered
12:57]  Immabeggar Lorefield: so can i borrow it
[12:57]  Sassy Romano: I made a cot and a bath for you, those were your requirements no?
[12:58]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yes but can i can borrow 200l it not like im not going to pay you back
[12:58]  Sassy Romano: but you have what you need no?
[12:58]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but i want a nursery im just short of 200
[12:58]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back
[12:58]  Sassy Romano: what else do you need?
[12:59]  Immabeggar Lorefield: sassy thank you for the cot and the bath but im short of 200l i will pay you back i want to buy a scupltie one
[13:00]  Sassy Romano: ah but you have to cut your cloth accordingly.  See when I moved into my house, all I could afford was a plywood cube but I was happy and used that until I could afford a sofa
[13:00]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok but i will pay you back
[13:01]  Sassy Romano: I think the point is being lost... prim baby won't know the difference between a 2 prim cot or a one prim sculpty no?
[13:01]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok i ask can i borrow 200l if it is yes say  yes if it is a no then say no
[13:02]  Sassy Romano: well... i'm saving you 200 here, this is a good thing.  You said you needed it for a cot and a bath, well actually you said a nursery but we identified the actual need.  I met the need with gifts and yet that's not working here?
[13:03]  Immabeggar Lorefield: like i said i ask for 200
[13:03]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i said ill pay you back
[13:03]  Sassy Romano: and I met the need saving 200 bonus! :)
[13:03]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but im not trying to save can i just borrow it
[13:03]  Sassy Romano: but what for?  I don't understand?
[13:04]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i need it please i will pay it back
[13:04]  Sassy Romano: need it for?...
[13:04]  Immabeggar Lorefield: cause im trying to save up to 800 i have 340
[13:04]  Sassy Romano: but that makes you 460 short?
[13:04]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yes
[13:05]  Sassy Romano: so even after 200 from me, you won't have enough
[13:05]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but it is a start
[13:06]  Sassy Romano: but...you don't need to spend 800 now, cos you have what you identified as needing
[13:06]  Immabeggar Lorefield: a tummy talker is 800
[13:06]  Sassy Romano: but you wanted a nursery not a tummy talker?
[13:06]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i want both
[13:07]  Sassy Romano: well if you can't *afford* both.... just like RL, what I want and what I can afford are two different things
[13:07]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok well can i borrow 200l please i said a millon times i will pay it back ok
[13:08]  Sassy Romano: but you don't need it, it's only a want.  Surely the cot upgrade can wait until Monday?
[13:08]  Immabeggar Lorefield: ok like i said i dont need a finacal consulted can i borrow 200l
[13:09]  Sassy Romano: did you see anything in Stiletto Moody you liked? great shoes eh?
[13:10]  Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah there nice
[13:10]  Sassy Romano: odd store to be in if you've got other things that demand money?
[13:11]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i bought shoes from there today
[13:11]  Immabeggar Lorefield: im just short of 200l
[13:11]  Immabeggar Lorefield: on a tummy talker
[13:11]  Sassy Romano: but wait....if you bought shoes today...why didn't you buy the tummy talker instead?
[13:11]  Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just borrow it i told you personal info about my job
[13:12]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i didnt know that tummy talkers cost 800
[13:12]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i thought they were cheaper
[13:12]  Sassy Romano: is it essential?  what will happen if you don't have it?
[13:12]  Immabeggar Lorefield: i will not be able to give birth
[13:13]  Sassy Romano: so in that case then it will wait until Monday yes?  If it won't happen until you buy it, there's the solution!
[13:14]  Immabeggar Lorefield: nvm then

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When someone asks me for money, I usually ask for his soul. Here is the notecard:

I, _________ , in return for L$100, hereby post bond, in spirit and intention, to my soul, which, upon failure of repayment, shall become the property of Deltango Vale. To accept the agreement, please fill in your name, copy the text to a read-only notecard and send it to me. I shall then send you L$100. Failure to repay by _______ will result in the forfeiture of your soul (in perpetuity).

The beauty of this system is:

  1. It's much cheaper than RL (people are so greedy in RL: mansions, jewelry, stardom, yadayadayada)
  2. LL does not get involved with personal disputes
  3. Tranches of souls can be sold on to investment banks for securitization
  4. Default / foreclosure is a good thing
  5. The best part, though, is the look in their eyes when they log off and your avatar remains on screen, smiling and tapping its foot
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hmmm, not a bad idea, but it suffers from one problem..... there is no guarantee that the soul hasn't already been contractually sold already.... there are no physical goods on hand, and no way to verify.

that said, I still have a box of signed contracts, in which the signers offered up their souls for candy bars and other trivial things, thumb printed in their own blood. I still haven't decided what to do with them. I could be "good" and sell them off to some religion.... I'm not exactly sure what an "evil" action to take with them might be.

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