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Who thinks there should be an SL app made for iPods, iPhones, and iPads?


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I agree.

The best way to advance a technology is to make a want a necessity.


Bringing the iPod to Second Life presents real challenges. I was thinking that the opposite may produce immediate measureable effect. The idea is to bring SL to the iPod. The first step might be to create several Regions that would act as  docking stations or communication displays. Inworld Residents could visit the Regions to communicate live or send and receive messages.

A huge virtual forest where all the Trees are chatting because they choose to be iPod Avatrees. A (live) sentinel would be cool to.

Locomotion and all the other goodies takes time, a simple and small goal of establishing communication may be the most logical approach.


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Bluemars went to appleware and seems to have lost favour. If SL made an Appleware client they would also have to accommodate Android and other "notepads" too. Not a bad thing but a lot more work inhouse. Outsourcing  was done for V2 interface design I believe and a nice UI would have to be crafted for small screens.

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As I've said before, there are more cars than iPuke gadgets, so I'm voting for a version of SL that works on cars.

All your car would need is a keyboard, mouse, more memory, better display, graphics card and processor - just like all those toys that pretend to be 'computers' but are known as tablets (we all like taking tablets!) and phones.

Apart from there being more of them, almost all modern cars are smarter than tablets anyway.  If you want to run computer software, buy a computer.  If you just want to show-off your toys don't expect anyone else to take you seriously.

[*sigh* Yes, alright, I have to admit it ... a really, really, crappy-graphics, almost-stationary, 2.5D version of SL for lobotomised calculators is almost inevitable given that LL, and every other company, is keen to continue parting these fools from their money.  Unfortunately this will be at the cost of any actual improvement in SL's functionality or usability ... again]

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The end of the PC era is here (many industry experts agree) & like it or not these mobile devices are the future environment where SL and similar virtual world apps will be generally used. Sure, Second Life developers may work off of a desktop PC & Second Life content might be created on desktops, but most users who purchase these items & play inworld will someday be using SL on a mobile device.

The only gap which I think stops SL from being tablet-ready today is all the legacy UGC we use here, it is graphic intensive (how many 1024 textures on that object?) & very heavy in every way..... for no particular reason. Once we move away from that style & the norm here becomes mesh designs with pro-level efficiency, then SL will display on iPad & other mobile devices without problem (and still look great on a desktop)!


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Yes and no ...

WADE1 Jya wrote:

The end of the PC era is here (many industry experts agree) & like it or not these mobile devices are the future environment where SL and similar virtual world apps will be generally used. 

Yes - this is what people want.  Just as they wanted laptops instead of desktops.  Personally I think smart phones are more interesting than tablets but smaller, more mobile devices are definitely the Next Big Thing.

WADE1 Jya wrote:

The only gap which I think stops SL from being tablet-ready today is all the legacy UGC we use here, it is graphic intensive (how many 1024 textures on that object?) & very heavy in every way..... for no particular reason.


No - to me 'mesh designs with pro-level efficiency' would mean Oblivion, for example.  That won't run on a tablet or smart phone either.  The only gap which I think stops proper software from being tablet-ready is for the first time in history people are demanding that smaller, less powerful, less suitable devices perform the same function as their predeccessors.  Asking iPuke to run such an app is very much like asking your car to - neither has the necessary computing power or equipment.  The big difference is your car has more power than iPuke and can also double as a handy transportaton device.

I was a rebel trend-setter when I started in IT because I preferred 'micro computers' to minis and mainframes.  I never expected them to run the same applications though or demanded that the software houses make their database engines fit on a floppy disk.


Yes and no reprise:

What will happen, eventually, is that mobile devices will become more powerful and software houses will write more optimised/dumbed-down software until they meet in the middle.  At the moment though there is no practical way that anything recognisable as SL, or any decent 3D application, can run on that hardware.  The machines simply aren't up to it in ANY department.


ETA: @Ishtara below - can I come around to your house please :-)

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

The end of the PC era is here (many industry experts agree) & like it or not these mobile devices are the future environment where SL and similar virtual world apps will be generally used.

The end of the notebook era perhaps. But desktop PCs? Would you rather sit at home in your living room with an iPad and fiddle with a tiny touchscreen, or type on a diNovo Edge keyboard while looking at a 27" monitor with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 that is hooked up to a PC with a watercooled and overcloocked 6-core i9 Extreme CPU, four GeForce GTX 590 cards, and more RAM than you can shake a USB stick at? I doubt that this kind of tech will be squeezed into tablet PCs anytime soon.

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

WADE1 Jya wrote:

The end of the PC era is here (many industry experts agree) & like it or not these mobile devices are the future environment where SL and similar virtual world apps will be generally used.

The end of the notebook era perhaps. But desktop PCs? Would you rather sit at home in your living room with an iPad and fiddle with a tiny touchscreen, or type on a diNovo Edge keyboard while looking at a 27" monitor with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 that is hooked up to a PC with a watercooled and overcloocked 6-core i9 Extreme CPU, four GeForce GTX 590 cards, and more RAM than you can shake a USB stick at? I doubt that this kind of tech will be squeezed into tablet PCs anytime soon.

This. So, so this. When tablets can run the latest Call of Duty, or Crysis, or play Batman: Arkham City at max graphics, comfortably and intuitively, then they may replace PCs. And that's just not happening for another couple decades, at least.
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Ishy, I have no clue about all that techiejargon you're speaking, but the way you say it turns me on.

Tolya (thus far has only found 4 apps on his HTC android thingamajobber work phone really worth using - navigation, calculator, flashlight, and alarm clock - SL on a phone? why bother?)

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  • 3 months later...

Loose Zipper wrote:

I HAVE a computer (both desktop & laptop) and would prefer to be able to use my iPod. Whoever compares an iPod/Pad to a kindle obviously doesn't own one. I use mine for MOST of my Internet, business and game activities. This IS the future of computing

I'm going to repeat myself. The day it can run good games, SL, Call of Duty, Skyrim, etc. at max graphics and has a 27" screen, a keyboard, and a mouse, then it- Oh wait, we have that already. It's called a PC.


Fiddling around on a tiny screen trying to use a touchpad or touch screen to do any of this stuff would be uncomfortable and annoying, and don't even get me started on how destroyed you'd get in any games against people using a keyboard and mouse. Apparently your idea of "gaming" and a gamer's idea of gaming are vastly different.

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Until Apple changes its mind about Flash, it probably won't happen.

If they're willing to ban such a light weight technology, they're unlikely to let in SL.

On Android tablet though, you'll probably see one in not too distant a future.


What I want to know though, is why are we expecting SL and other games on these things, if for some reason they can't even run MS-Word or Open Office or even Pages...

- The tablets won't get far until they can replace -BOTH- the gaming and office machines. Right now they do neither.


Before you dismiss those geek-gamers, consider that gaming brings in more money that Hollywood now. Its big business, with a lot of customers. It ain't folding up shop just because Steve Jobs thought it should.



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Loose Zipper wrote:

I HAVE a computer (both desktop & laptop) and would prefer to be able to use my iPod. Whoever compares an iPod/Pad to a kindle obviously doesn't own one. I use mine for MOST of my Internet, business and game activities. This IS the future of computing

Well done, it's only taken you 4 months to compose and send that message on your iPod.  Not quite necro-posting, but close.  Perhaps it would have worked faster if you hadn't used an MP4 player ;-)

However, you are right - portable devices are the future of computing, for a minimal definition of 'computing'.  At a minimum I need a decent, full-sized keyboard as most of my computing is typing text.  I've been a touch-typist for 35 years so any other input device is going to slow me down.  Most of what I'm typing is software so at any one time I generally need to be able to see and read 1) a multi-window IDE, 2) test window(s), 3) language/protocol references, 4) calculator/text editor or spreadsheet/word-processor for notes.  Working on a system across 3 platforms or more (eg; local, several web and SL) and maybe 7 languages at once (eg; C#, SQL Server, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, LSL) that adds up to a lot of windows - so a big screen is a must too.  I'll need a fair amount of memory and a decent processor for all that working at the same time, but the real requirement is for a big hard drive.  Make sure I have a wired internet connection to sync all that over the internet too and I should be ok - as long as I have a battery life of at least 6 hours.

So - full sized keyboard, big screen, GBs RAM, powerful processor(s), TB(s) of hard drive, wired internet and a BIG battery.  Would I be better off with a desktop, do you think?

The future will become the present in time.  In that time children, and portable devices, will grow up.  That is why they "are the future" and not the present

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