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Forum Trolls....

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Some forums are much worse than others...

I've noticed on THIS forum, that there are a group/clique of trolls....     they post here like 24/7 of every day.   It's actually quite amazing, but at the same time pretty sad and pathetic.

I've had trolls make personal comments/presumptions about me, and cite stuff I posted about a year ago.

Now tell me what kind of person actually memorizes what other anonymous people on a forum may or may not have posted about, a year ago?! lol


I'd guess people without a life, and such are the kinds of people that make up "trolls".

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Suella Ember wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

I love David Mitchell. Now I will be lost in youtube for several hours!





When you say "fanny" do you mean "fanny" or "arse"?! And when you say "pants" do you mean "pants" or "trousers"?!


You know how this forum software apparently bleeps out words that aren't allowed, such as ... let me see.... **bleep** and **bleep** ...

Well if the software had been set up in the UK, then arse and fanny would undoubtedly be bleeped out.

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Marigold Devin wrote:


You know how this forum software apparently bleeps out words that aren't allowed, such as ...
let me see.... **bleep** and **bleep** ...

Well if the software had been set up in the UK, then arse and fanny would undoubtedly be bleeped out.

And those disallowed words were sh1t and p3nis

But arse and fanny are allowed?

Am I being a troll?

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anyone that consistently posts for the purpose of instigating or otherwise starting arguments just to get people riled up.... it's the forum version of a griefer.

early use came from usenet, where the term actually came from fishing, as a method laying out "bait" in the hope that someone would "bite". confusion of the word latter led to references to trolls (the story monster kind) , and generally targeted regulars that had a general nasty disposition.

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It's all about context. Like the word tit is/was famously disallowed on Marketplace by the software.

Fanny isn't a rude word to me, but when an American says it on TV, instead of arse, it just sounds like they're talking about someone's front bottom !!! (and it makes me snigger uncontrollably) Guess it brings out the teenage boy in me ! :matte-motes-evil-grin:

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Marigold Devin wrote:

It's all about context. Like the word tit is/was famously disallowed on Marketplace by the software.

Fanny isn't a rude word to me, but when an American says it on TV, instead of arse, it just sounds like they're talking about someone's front bottom !!! (and it makes me snigger uncontrollably) Guess it brings out the teenage boy in me ! :matte-motes-evil-grin:

no wonder i can't get these listed on the market place. 

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The best explanation is in Clare's post and link, imo.

Part of the link reads:

The evolution of the Internet troll was a slow process which began as computer users started to more widely adopt the Internet. At first, the term referred merely to someone who was “trolling” for a response or opinion, in the same way that fishing boats cast out large nets to troll for a catch. Over time, trolls grew more aggressive, and the term began to be used specifically to refer to someone irritating or hurtful. In this sense, a troll could be compared to the nasty creatures of Scandinavian mythology which are also known as trolls.

And my sig says a lot about trolls, imo.  Ugly is as ugly does; that's my simplified version of a troll. 

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

Great explanation Void! I have been baited before but didn't bite. TY!

/me kept thinking of the troll under the bridge.

Yours makes more sense.

there's all sort of varieties now, like keychain trolls (you know, those stupid little dolls)... that sub species starts out vaguely cute and amusing, but quickly latches onto perceived insults and like to drag their baggage everywhere. full grown trolls use them for bait.

then there's deep woods trolls, which are mostly benign, unless you happen to run across them in the wilderness. Some say Pep was this variety.

there's bridge/cave trolls, that tend to lie in wait until certain topics come up, and then they lay their bait.

then there's rampaging trolls, which is closer to the classic... 100% nastiness all the time. they don't tend to survive long, because the local populace tends to rally up and drive them out.

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:



...oh, and it's "color", "labor" and aluminum is pronounced 'a-LUM-in-um', not 'alleu-MIN-e-MUM' like you crazy British people do.

Us crazy British eh...hmmm....At least we noticed that it is spelt differently and that is why it is pronounced differently. :P


Its only had the extra "i" in it since 1812,  to sound more like magnesium, potassium, sodium.

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Peewee Musytari wrote:

Janelle Darkstone wrote:



...oh, and it's "color", "labor" and aluminum is pronounced 'a-LUM-in-um', not 'alleu-MIN-e-MUM' like you crazy British people do.

Us crazy British eh...hmmm....At least we noticed that it is spelt differently and that is why it is pronounced differently.


Its only had the extra "i" in it since 1812,  to sound more like magnesium, potassium, sodium.

....either spelling is acceptable. 

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Peewee Musytari wrote:

Janelle Darkstone wrote:



...oh, and it's "color", "labor" and aluminum is pronounced 'a-LUM-in-um', not 'alleu-MIN-e-MUM' like you crazy British people do.

Us crazy British eh...hmmm....At least we noticed that it is spelt differently and that is why it is pronounced differently.


Its only had the extra "i" in it since 1812,  to sound more like magnesium, potassium, sodium.

....either spelling is acceptable. 

It... most... definitely... is... not!  rant rant whine whine aluminum! rant whine rant

*crosses her arms and sulks in her inflatable hover fort.*

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