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How Many Neighbors Do You Like to Have?

Diablo Lioncourt

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I'm in Bellisseria, so most of my neighbors are not around when I'm home. I have one who I spoke with once & friended, so I like seeing when she's around. As for anyone else, I don't care. Nobody bothers each other, and I'm usually in my skybox anyway.

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I have a corner lot on Horizons and I very rarely see my neighbors.  I have never had any desire to meet and greet any neighbors I've had anywhere I've lived.  In my opinion, it's not wise to be too friendly with people you live by.  

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10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

  In my opinion, it's not wise to be too friendly with people you live by.  

<bad neighbor>

"Hey, neighbor! Can I borrow a cup of..

Say, nice couch!"

* plops down on couch *

</bad neighbor>


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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

<bad neighbor>

"Hey, neighbor! Can I borrow a cup of..

Say, nice couch!"

* plops down on couch *

</bad neighbor>


Yep, it's worse than pesky friends.  Your neighbor can always see when you're online and where you are.  At least with friends, you can try to hide.  😂

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2 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

I'd rather my neighbours don't fill the region 24/7. This usually only happens if it's a club full of bots. Regular homes and shops aren't usually an issue.

My main place on Zindra has (or had) a furry club. At their busiest they had maybe two dozen avatars, but no bots. When the event was over they went home. Most of the other places are private homes or niche venues.

My latest place on Belli is always dead, but that's normal for a residential area.

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I usually see 0-2 dots on the map (In the region), in the places I live on Mainland. That is not all the time, they are there on and off. It is in the houses that is taken care of. The houses where there are outdoor decorations, a garden/yard that they have spent time and planted trees and have outdoor furniture. And with furnished houses.

I lived in Bellisseria for 4 years, and the number of avatars vary a lot. From 10 and more when the region is new, and it trickle down to 0-5.

I live in Europe, so I belive it matters. I would say the ideal is no more than 5.

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On 3/22/2024 at 1:55 AM, Diablo Lioncourt said:

In the region where you live, how many other avatars do you wanna see online when you wake up in SL?

Just curious how people feel about this. Thank you.


I like to have ppl around me, even though I prefer friends. But a non-friend are always a potential friend ❤️. I live in Bellisseria atm but had several places in Mainland and its mostly the same when it comes to neighbours. Not enough ppl in my opinion ;) know im strange as i am like this in SL and I never start talking to ppl as i know most ppl here do not appreciate that. I still miss Second Sweden in SL where there always was ppl around and my own region in another grid where i had built up a really vibrant community. But that was years ago… 🥺 

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As mainland resident I always greet new neighbours (with the exception of those that have build eyesores which is the minority.)

In around 90% of cases I get a response, which is always very friendly. I often see the dots of neighbours around me. To a very few of them I talk to on a regular base, to the majority I just say hi once in a long while. This also has the advantage that if there arises a problem in the region, you already have connections.

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On 3/22/2024 at 1:55 AM, Diablo Lioncourt said:

In the region where you live, how many other avatars do you wanna see online when you wake up in SL?

Just curious how people feel about this. Thank you.

I usually enjoy having neighbors, watching people coming and going from the region. Seeing the regulars, as well as the buildings my neighbors choose to use. Even the "eyesores" have some quirks. It's interesting to me, hence why I love Mainland.

I very rarely go out of my way to talk to people who live nearby. There was only one time I reached out to compliment a beautiful park that someone built near my land, but other than that, I'm a quiet, peaceful neighbor. I stay in my lane and respect the space of others. That being said, I've had neighbors visit my parcel to greet me/get to know me before, and I really enjoyed it when that happened. Those pleasant, brief interactions. Got 3 good friendships that way. Most people are either neutral or pleasant/friendly neighbors. I've only come across bad ones twice (luckily)

I don't care about the amount of avatars, as long as they don't fill up the region all the time (42 avatars) and therefore make it impossible for me and my friends to be there. That has happened to me twice before, and after several months of endless stress and support tickets, I ended up moving out.

Edited by Clem Marques
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I was thinking about the topic of this thread. Most people don't seem to mind neighbors at all, but there are a few specific types that can be pretty unpleasant if one is unlucky enough to come across them. They all are very rare, but here I made a list for entertainment purposes. This list mostly applies to Mainland parcels, not Bellisseria. Feel free to add to it, or share your thoughts. These things don't particularly bother me at all (except for the AFK sex clubs), but this is a compilation of all the complaints I've heard from others throughout the years:



1. The Trespassers

They insist on entering your land, and feel entitled to it. They might confront you to complain about security orbs, ban lines, and any other measures you try to take to make your parcel private. They might also try to boss you around, telling you to remove your building, or change it to suit their tastes. They feel entitled to use the protected road/waterway access that your parcel (not theirs) has. They might try use your house while they think you are offline, or fly up to your sandbox and snoop around. If one has a public parcel, this is not an issue, but for those who value privacy, these are the most annoying neighbors.

2. The Encroachers

They think the world is their sandbox, and that they can build whatever they want, wherever they want it. They might extend a garden into your parcel, or try to use a building that is too big for their parcel and that therefore crosses over into your land. They might rez "off-sim" objects that are ugly and ruin your view if you own a grid edge parcel next to them. They might park a vehicle right on your lawn, or try to build things on your land, using a root prim to keep it from being returned. They might place a huge building in the sky, extending into your parcel, and hope you don't notice it.

3. The AFK Sex Clubs (THE WORST!)

They are a constant risk if you own land in an Adult region. They hog region resources by having several (often 15+, sometimes much more) avatars logged on all at once, 24/7, and might increase lag. The only moment of peace you'll get if you're the neighbor of an AFK Sex Club is right after a region restart happens, and all the bots are logged off forcibly. One AFK Sex Club in your region is bearable... but if you are unlucky enough to get two or more of them in your region, pack up your bags, because your only option will be to move out and find a new place. Either that or pray for one of them to shut down before you run out of patience. 

4. The Eyesores

Are they crazy enough to think that building looks good or are they going out of their way to mess with you? With some eyesore neighbors, there is no way to know for sure. But you will decrease your draw distance to avoid looking at that horrid thing, or derez it, and every time you invite someone over to your place, you will have to preface it by saying "Please ignore that ugly building over there, that was built by my neighbor." They might have obnoxious "privacy walls" that are not transparent on the outside, ground-level skyboxes (WHY?), full-bright buildings that make your eyes hurt, bright lights or horrible, gaudy textures and random unrelated junk thrown around everywhere. It's their land, and therefore their rules, so there is nothing you can or should do about it.

5. The Creeps

Make sure you have the setting "Allow other Residents to / See and chat with residents on this parcel" is disabled, because the creeps love to watch. They might peep on you if you engage in any adult activities or get changed in your parcel by camming into the building. They might stand right next to your building or parcel boundary, sometimes on purpose, which is eerie. They might try to open doors and get into your house while you are there. They might get on furniture with you if they see your avatar there and think you are AFK. They might send unwanted sexual IMs to you or your guests.

6. The Greedy Griefers

They want your land, and will do whatever it takes to get it. Obstructing views, putting up gigantic glowing prim walls, filling up the region with bots (like the AFK sex sims), arguing with you... nothing is off the table. They might try to make their parcels as ugly as possible to get you to move out, hoping that you'll either abandon or sell your parcel to them at a low price due to a lack of options. They have no regard for the people around them, and don't care if their actions affect you, as long as they get your land or get rid of you at the end of the day. 

7. The Nutjobs

They are very confrontational, hateful, and often vengeful people. They might go out of their way to argue with you for no reason in particular, and throw child-like temper tantrums over minor things like a mesh fence you placed in your parcel. If you don't listen to them and follow their outrageous demands, or if they dislike you for whatever reason, they might try to retaliate by griefing and harassing you by all means necessary, sometimes even violating TOS in the process. An abuse report is often all that you need to deal with nutjob neighbors. Try not to take it personally, the erratic behavior is likely a side effect of them being mentally unstable... AR, pity, block and ignore.


Thoughts? :D 

Edited by Clem Marques
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50 minutes ago, Clem Marques said:

I was thinking about the topic of this thread. Most people don't seem to mind neighbors at all, but there are a few specific types that can be pretty unpleasant if one is unlucky enough to come across them. They all are very rare, but here I made a list for entertainment purposes. This list mostly applies to Mainland parcels, not Bellisseria. Feel free to add to it, or share your thoughts. These things don't particularly bother me at all (except for the AFK sex clubs), but this is a compilation of all the complaints I've heard from others throughout the years:





Thoughts? :D 

”Nice” list 😰 I would like to add ”the stalker” often a mix with the ”Nut job” or ”the creeps ”. A creepy crawly being that, even after u been gone for years, starts to buy parcels next to you or just hang around. These are easiest to get rid off if u get to be a hard core GOH player in Bellisseria 😌

Edited by Always Incognito
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21 hours ago, Always Incognito said:

I would like to add ”the stalker” often a mix with the ”Nut job” or ”the creeps ”. A creepy crawly being that, even after u been gone for years, starts to buy parcels next to you or just hang around.

Yikes, hadn't considered that one. That's bad O.o

21 hours ago, Always Incognito said:

These are easiest to get rid off if u get to be a hard core GOH player in Bellisseria 😌

A big perk of living in Bellisseria. So easy and fast to move to a new place. Not only will it look pretty much the same as the previous home, but there also won't be any money lost in that process. The area's covenant and the Moderate rating also help to prevent some of the bad behavior.

Edited by Clem Marques
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On 3/26/2024 at 12:28 PM, Clem Marques said:

I was thinking about the topic of this thread. Most people don't seem to mind neighbors at all, but there are a few specific types that can be pretty unpleasant if one is unlucky enough to come across them. They all are very rare, but here I made a list for entertainment purposes. This list mostly applies to Mainland parcels, not Bellisseria. Feel free to add to it, or share your thoughts. These things don't particularly bother me at all (except for the AFK sex clubs), but this is a compilation of all the complaints I've heard from others throughout the years:



1. The Trespassers

They insist on entering your land, and feel entitled to it. They might confront you to complain about security orbs, ban lines, and any other measures you try to take to make your parcel private. They might also try to boss you around, telling you to remove your building, or change it to suit their tastes. They feel entitled to use the protected road/waterway access that your parcel (not theirs) has. They might try use your house while they think you are offline, or fly up to your sandbox and snoop around. If one has a public parcel, this is not an issue, but for those who value privacy, these are the most annoying neighbors.

2. The Encroachers

They think the world is their sandbox, and that they can build whatever they want, wherever they want it. They might extend a garden into your parcel, or try to use a building that is too big for their parcel and that therefore crosses over into your land. They might rez "off-sim" objects that are ugly and ruin your view if you own a grid edge parcel next to them. They might park a vehicle right on your lawn, or try to build things on your land, using a root prim to keep it from being returned. They might place a huge building in the sky, extending into your parcel, and hope you don't notice it.

3. The AFK Sex Clubs (THE WORST!)

They are a constant risk if you own land in an Adult region. They hog region resources by having several (often 15+, sometimes much more) avatars logged on all at once, 24/7, and might increase lag. The only moment of peace you'll get if you're the neighbor of an AFK Sex Club is right after a region restart happens, and all the bots are logged off forcibly. One AFK Sex Club in your region is bearable... but if you are unlucky enough to get two or more of them in your region, pack up your bags, because your only option will be to move out and find a new place. Either that or pray for one of them to shut down before you run out of patience. 

4. The Eyesores

Are they crazy enough to think that building looks good or are they going out of their way to mess with you? With some eyesore neighbors, there is no way to know for sure. But you will decrease your draw distance to avoid looking at that horrid thing, or derez it, and every time you invite someone over to your place, you will have to preface it by saying "Please ignore that ugly building over there, that was built by my neighbor." They might have obnoxious "privacy walls" that are not transparent on the outside, ground-level skyboxes (WHY?), full-bright buildings that make your eyes hurt, bright lights or horrible, gaudy textures and random unrelated junk thrown around everywhere. It's their land, and therefore their rules, so there is nothing you can or should do about it.

5. The Creeps

Make sure you have the setting "Allow other Residents to / See and chat with residents on this parcel" is disabled, because the creeps love to watch. They might peep on you if you engage in any adult activities or get changed in your parcel by camming into the building. They might stand right next to your building or parcel boundary, sometimes on purpose, which is eerie. They might try to open doors and get into your house while you are there. They might get on furniture with you if they see your avatar there and think you are AFK. They might send unwanted sexual IMs to you or your guests.

6. The Greedy Griefers

They want your land, and will do whatever it takes to get it. Obstructing views, putting up gigantic glowing prim walls, filling up the region with bots (like the AFK sex sims), arguing with you... nothing is off the table. They might try to make their parcels as ugly as possible to get you to move out, hoping that you'll either abandon or sell your parcel to them at a low price due to a lack of options. They have no regard for the people around them, and don't care if their actions affect you, as long as they get your land or get rid of you at the end of the day. 

7. The Nutjobs

They are very confrontational, hateful, and often vengeful people. They might go out of their way to argue with you for no reason in particular, and throw child-like temper tantrums over minor things like a mesh fence you placed in your parcel. If you don't listen to them and follow their outrageous demands, or if they dislike you for whatever reason, they might try to retaliate by griefing and harassing you by all means necessary, sometimes even violating TOS in the process. An abuse report is often all that you need to deal with nutjob neighbors. Try not to take it personally, the erratic behavior is likely a side effect of them being mentally unstable... AR, pity, block and ignore.


Thoughts? :D 

Sounds accurate, I have experienced most of that over my years on the mainland. Currently live near an infohub, so it is just constant friend requests from people who have never spoken to me. Encroachment, I remember when I had land in Brown and I had not built on it yet, I logged on to find that my neighbour had half of his house encroaching onto my land, to the extent that it was taking up most of my parcel. I really enjoyed hitting return on that, his whole house disappeared.

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On 3/26/2024 at 1:28 AM, Clem Marques said:

They might have obnoxious "privacy walls" that are not transparent on the outside, ground-level skyboxes (WHY?)

Because Second Life is weird and messed up. If SL was organised correctly, privacy extremists* wouldn't get mainland, which was created to be a contiguous, communal and navigable landscape. In the early days it was a requirement to get anywhere at all. So "group only" banlines only extended some distance from the terrain level in order that other residents could fly over the land (avatar flying, not vehicles). There was no point to point teleporting, only telehubs and flight. I think it changed over the years but it's at 50m currently. This means the simplest way to get privacy on the mainland, is to have your building at ground level with group access switched on, and if you want a different view then you would use a "skybox".

It would make more sense if there were regions provided by LL that are basically like private regions, with nothing visible outside the parcel, and available with mainland tier since that seems to be what a lot of people look for. So it is what it is. People who want privacy and don't want to pay private landlords are forced to choose parcels on regions that were not intended for them.

I can't be fussed chopping the quote up more but I'm not sure what you meant by neighbours using "your" protected road or waterway. Those protected ways are public, not any parcel owner's private property. Maybe I misunderstood.

For the original question , I like having a "few" neighbours, and so far it's been an overall good experience with some friendly people.


*I only use the term in fun, since people who enjoy using the public linden roads for their intended use are generally called extremists here.

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1 hour ago, Yorkie Bardeen said:

I can't be fussed chopping the quote up more but I'm not sure what you meant by neighbours using "your" protected road or waterway. Those protected ways are public, not any parcel owner's private property. Maybe I misunderstood.

Protected land is public property, of course. Everyone can use it. There is no discussion to be had in that regard at all.

Here is what I said in my original post regarding this topic:

On 3/26/2024 at 2:28 AM, Clem Marques said:

1. The Trespassers

They feel entitled to use the protected road/waterway access that your parcel (not theirs) has.

What I'm talking about here are parcels that border protected land. For instance, a privately-owned parcel that is right next to a LL-owned road, or a privately-owned parcel that has direct access to a protected sea. The owner can do whatever they want with that parcel - including restricting access to it. It does not affect the protected land, but it might affect the ability of a landlocked neighbor to access that protected land, since they would have to go through the parcel that borders the protected land to reach the street. Unless they just TP to the protected land, of course. But in that case, it wouldn't be a bad neighbor interaction.

I'll give a hypothetical example of what a bad neighbor interaction would be when it comes to this type of situation:


  • Neighbor (B) buys a landlocked parcel for 10,000 L$. The parcel that has protected street access (in front of his) is significantly more expensive, but it hasn't sold yet, so no one is using it. Neighbor (B) is happy that he can drive his car straight out of his landlocked parcel, and reach the protected street. He gets used to it and takes it for granted, despite not having a "protected" parcel.
  • Neighbor (A) buys the protected street access parcel for 39,000 L$. He builds a fence around the perimeter of his property, with a house in the middle.
  • Neighbor (B) is disgruntled because he can no longer drive right through Neighbor (A)'s parcel to reach the protected street with his car.
  • Neighbor (B) proceeds to IM Neighbor (A) demanding that he removes the fences so that he can drive through Neighbor (A)'s protected land adjacent parcel and reach the street.
  • Neighbor (A) does not owe Neighbor (B) anything. He might allow his neighbor to drive through his parcel as a kind favor, but he has 0 obligation to do that. Neighbor (A) chooses not to allow it, because it's his land, and he has the right to have a fence in it if he wants to. Is it rude? It might be. But it's his right.
  • Neighbor (B) gets angry that he "lost" his access to the protected street. (that he never had to begin with)
  • Neighbor (A) enjoys the direct access to the protected street, a benefit that he paid a lot of money for.

And here an important lesson was learned: Parcels that border protected land are expensive for a reason. Owners of landlocked parcels should not take that type of direct access to protected streets or waterways for granted. People usually get what they pay for when it comes to land in SL. That's the unfortunate, harsh reality of it.

Edited by Clem Marques
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1 hour ago, Yorkie Bardeen said:

Because Second Life is weird and messed up. If SL was organised correctly, privacy extremists* wouldn't get mainland, which was created to be a contiguous, communal and navigable landscape. In the early days it was a requirement to get anywhere at all. So "group only" banlines only extended some distance from the terrain level in order that other residents could fly over the land (avatar flying, not vehicles). There was no point to point teleporting, only telehubs and flight. I think it changed over the years but it's at 50m currently. This means the simplest way to get privacy on the mainland, is to have your building at ground level with group access switched on, and if you want a different view then you would use a "skybox".

Controversial :D

1 hour ago, Yorkie Bardeen said:

It would make more sense if there were regions provided by LL that are basically like private regions, with nothing visible outside the parcel, and available with mainland tier since that seems to be what a lot of people look for. So it is what it is. People who want privacy and don't want to pay private landlords are forced to choose parcels on regions that were not intended for them.

That's an interesting idea.

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I get it, and it's annoying if it's done without permission. I actually do provide easements to neighbours but my parcels are almost completely public access anyway. Still I would probably put a side road in for a neighbour if they were nice people because driveways and things can be cute and lead to little communities growing.

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I like to have people around too, even if I'm not firends or talk, rezzing to a desert place is odd.

That said in my mainland there ins't usually anyone around, and in my belli places is usually yhe same, except for stiltland, there are more people there. Otherwise is like rezzing in an empty world (it is more like that in Fantasy homes, I have a place there ATM and hardly any people around, most homes are empty).


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