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Rotting in "notice" hell.

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I don't get it, some groups have a really bad habit of sending out way too many notices.

Now we all know this is a problem cause when they created V2/Firestorm, in the low right corner there is the envolope and you open it and all notices just show up on a list, so you can start at the bottom and just keep hitting the X to delete them.

Some video about V2 where Torley Linden is narrating, he says, "Oh my god too many notices!" and tells how it is easier to rid them quickly.

Course all of them are basically clumped into there so you have to be careful but anyways -

So why do some group owners have such a habit of sending out notices for every little thing? They have to know it is spamming. Strip clubs are the worst about this.

I wonder if it would slow down spam if LL charged a "spam fee" of like L$100 for each notice listed by the group?


The size of a group doesn't seem to effect how many notices sent. I rent from a property group where the owner has a few different sims, some residential and some commercial, and I never see any notices, which is good.


Yes I know you can disable notices in your own preferences but that is not the question. Question is - why do some groups insist on spamming too many notices about the same subject?


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what's too many? 1 a month? a week? a day? an hour?

notices get sent because they want people to know... but you have the control... eitehr turn of notices, or drop the group if they send to much for your taste.

what I can't understand is why people join these groups and then complain about it, but don't bother to take any personal responsibility or simple action to control their own experiences.

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One of my good friends started his own club and invited me to the grand opening and when I went he invited me to join the group. I accepted the invitation only to be polite, then the next day and every day afterward I was bombarded by notices like "Party in an hour" "Party in half an hour" "Party in fifteen minutes" "Come party with us right now" "The party's half over" and he was having like three parties a day! Not only that but they'd announce it in chat in between.

I deleted that group and consequentially never went back to his club... he's lucky he was a friend or I would have hunted him down and done him great bodily harm... lol.

And this is not the only group that did this kind of thing. To me it seems like it would just drive people away like it did me. But it must work to some extent if people keep doing it.


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Why are you complaining here when you have all the tools to limit the notices you receive?  Turn off notices from groups or leave groups if the notices are too much for you.  Those who can send notices to groups do so because they CAN.  Some very large groups send multiple notices because not everyone receives them (this can happen when a group gets to be over 4K members).

Whatever the reason, you can decide to suppress notices or leave the group if they are too much.

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Now we all know this is a problem cause when they created V2/Firestorm, in the low right corner there is the envolope and you open it and all notices just show up on a list, so you can start at the bottom and just keep hitting the X to delete them.

We can right click on the little envelope and delete them all at once. Bliss <3

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Yes I know you can disable notices in your own preferences but that is not the question. Question is - why do some groups insist on spamming too many notices about the same subject?


To answer your question:

For the same reason that we get the same leaflet from the same pizza place down the road through our door every week. Or the same spam email asking if we want some special pharmaceutical products! Because these people believe that its good advertsing and, sadly, in some respects it is because people fall for it and live with the spam. If everyone dropped the group people would stop doing it!

As others have stated though, at least with most groups its within your control. I'll drop a group in an instant if it becomes too spammy no matter how good the product or service they offer is (or at the very least turn off group notices). What's more annoying is people who use third party notice services and then make it nigh on impossible to unsubscribe. The best thing to do in that scenario is to AR for spam.

Honestly, complaining about it is never going to solve the problem. The only things you can do to solve the problem is to stop doing business with people who spam and/or to AR them where necessary.


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Some people actually like to be in those sorts of groups that put out a lot of notices; it gives them a reason to be in Second Life.  They come in from their day jobs, and log in, knowing a party is going to be waiting for them somewhere, or a shopping opportunity, or an art exhibition.  How fabulous is that?

I prefer a quiet life; I usually have some reason for logging in, and have altered the settings for most of the groups that I'm in so that I have to go and look through the notices if I want to see the notices.

There really is no need to be annoyed by something that we have control over.

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To the OP:  Yes, it's too much sometimes.  One group I did have to leave because of it.  I didn't know I had "control" for controlling the spam other than leaving the group.  I'll have to check into some of these tools.  I don't like being spammed all day by the groups either, but they fade/disappear fairly quickly (the notices I mean disappear/fade away).  It's the group chat spam in some groups that drives me nutz.  I don't like that chat group spam going on the right side of my screen.  What do I do to get rid of that other than leaving the group?  I'm asking because I like the group, but don't want the chat spam; it's way too much.  I also have an IM where they can reach me, hello? 

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it's because if you send out something to  100 or 1200 users some odds are someone will answer..

some groups are about notices and some just think thats what has to be done..

if you join a dj's group ..expect them ..

i really don't mind the group notices more than i do the spwanlings in the groups jumping on their friends lists to clog up my im's with the same thing i see in a group notice..

i rip those people off my friends list like a sheet of paper out of a notebook then crumble it up with their calling card..that cured that one lol

groups i expect to get something like that from..friends i don't..

if you sign up for a group..it's not spam..if you didn't sign up for the group ..it's spam..

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My poor little avatar just bought a neato device - a virtual paper shredder. This 3 prim device is capable of shredding 10 notices at a time. She is proud of it. It features two spinning sculpted blades, and a container. the container self-empties into the lake next to my house. 


too many is is I would say - more than one a day. I mean sometimes I would get like 10 a day or more. So yeah I had to turn that off cause what if I left SL for like a month and came back, would I have like 300 notices piled up?

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I find it highly counter-productive.

If notices only came in when I was online - or if I could set this as an option for some groups it wouldn't be so bad. But groups with subject I very much desire to follow, I mute...

Anything more than 1 notice a day is more than needed for any practical purpose. Send me a notice at the beginning of the day or week with your schedule for the coming period - and you and I both know that if I'm in your group that notice is going to hit me online or off if I've got notices on at all.

Any more than that and you just start encourage your followers to leave.


If you want to get all the people online right now to come by RIGHT NAOZ!!!, then use group chat.

If its frustrating for me on V2 where I can sort them and chose to close some while leaving others around - people on V1 must be going nuts... as they have to deal with them all in order and close all of them in order to reach one they might want...

Spam me all you want in group chat - it won't affect me when I'm offline. Use notices for period schedules - weekly, monthly, or whatever.


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One of the reasons why I left my previous groups... just too many notices. Most event happens when I'm asleep anyway so why even bother joining when you can't participate, right?

I'm thinking of muting this RP group I'm in. I only joined them so I could get into the sim and take some pretty pictures... but then again, I might missed the event when they'll send a notice of public lynching or gang shootout.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Anything more than 1 notice a day is more than needed for any practical purpose. Send me a notice at the beginning of the day or week with your schedule for the coming period - and you and I both know that if I'm in your group that notice is going to hit me online or off if I've got notices on at all.

Any more than that and you just start encourage your followers to leave.

I think there are groups where it is appropriate and even welcomed to have more than one notice a day. Like a group that promotes classes in SL, I want to receive notices before the start of a class so that I can decide if I want to go to it. Just getting a schedule, I know me and I'd forget all about any class I might have wanted to take.

And group chat wouldn't serve that purpose either, especially in a group that chats a lot. Many times with a group like NCI I'll leave it open and just look at it when I want... if the announcements were done only in chat I'd most probably miss it.


Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If its frustrating for me on V2 where I can sort them and chose to close some while leaving others around - people on V1 must be going nuts... as they have to deal with them all in order and close all of them in order to reach one they might want...

This is one of the things I like most about V2 based viewers, that plus the ability to close all of them all at once, which I just learned about.


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I know it's not exactly "spam".  I just call a lot of things "spam" when they are unwanted.  I guess a better word for what I get with one group is "chat flooding" and I'm like Dudes, go to Twitter already 'cuz it's like 500 chats going at once.  That's too much.  I need my privacy too and I'd like to enjoy the graphics.  I'd prefer a notecard with a weekly schedule too, but then again since RL comes first, events may not be scheduled that far in advance because who knows from day-to-day what RL needs from them that week?  However, they could still schedule, and then if it's cancelled due to RL circumstances, it's cancelled.

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thats what my old club did that i used to be HM for..we had a weekly schedule and a full staff of dj's as well..we did events from i believe 9am to 10 pm..

but we really never had to send out notices for them..

if i remember right we had a weekly schedule that went out a few times a week with what dj was working what sets.

it saved a lot of time and frustration ..

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Well would this paper shredder work if you're not there say for 30 days as you mentioned?  If not, you'd still get back to SL in a month and have 300 notices. 

I don't think it's that weird of a gripe.  I mean there is twitter or they could be courteous and send a notecard of the scheduled events.  Chat flooding is annoying and makes me NOT want to join groups, so people lose business that way.  I hardly join any groups for that very reason.  I think I have one group at this time, and that's all.   I just don't join groups because of the chat flooding.  500 messages?  That's just too much.  I'm not on SL just for that one group nor sim. 

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Ceka, what u said here.  Yes, I have clubs that I know are open 24/7, so I don't need to join the group.  I can just pop in at anytime. If the Dj is playing country, rap, or trance when it says it's a rock club, I listen for awhile to see if the Dj will change up; and, if no change up happens, I go check out another Dj at a 24/7 club/sim to see what they're playing.  There are a few I know of.  So group joining is not always even necessary, though I would like to go to a costume party one of these days.  One group I was in would throw a costume event once in awhile, but it was like only the staff knew because I never got a notice it was going to be a costumed event, and I didn't want to go and change since the event was already starting. 

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Anything more than 1 notice a day is more than needed for any practical purpose. Send me a notice at the beginning of the day or week with your schedule for the coming period - and you and I both know that if I'm in your group that notice is going to hit me online or off if I've got notices on at all.

Any more than that and you just start encourage your followers to leave.

I think there are groups where it is appropriate and even welcomed to have more than one notice a day. Like a group that promotes classes in SL, I want to receive notices before the start of a class so that I can decide if I want to go to it. Just getting a schedule, I know me and I'd forget all about any class I might have wanted to take.

And group chat wouldn't serve that purpose either, especially in a group that chats a lot. Many times with a group like NCI I'll leave it open and just look at it when I want... if the announcements were done only in chat I'd most probably miss it.

Actually a class group is exactly the -WRONG- place to post frequent notices. Do what the big class groups do. Caledon and NCI: post a calendar. Caledon's comes out monthly. They don't even use a notice. You check the calendat and events.

I don't know if events still works this way - but when I was a newbie I managed to attend so many NCI classes because they were in events, and you could sign up to an event. So they were published well in advance, and I'd sign up, and if I was online when the time came up SL would tell me and pop a TP request up for me.

All without flooding my offline email, or sticking me with a few hundred blue boxes causing me to miss other things of importance.

By contrast Builder's Brewery used notices and a calendar. Being forced to shut off notices due to so many offline emails caused me to miss most of their events until I found the posted calendar. I don't know if I could take a copy of it with me though - byt that time I'd given up on them and had instead bookmarked the needed info from NCI, and kept a copy of Caledon's calendar on my land for newbies to see.

Group chat works for sudden 'HERE AND NOW' things. Regular events in a periodic notice. Notice spam floods offline emails...



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Ceka Cianci wrote:

i believe notices and IM's share the same cap..


Yes, they do. Happens now and then to me since I am sometimes not inworld for more than a day. I have two DJ friends who send notices to each other's groups, plus I get one from the club where the gig will be. Not unusual to be sent four notices for the same gig :-). I know I could turn off notices from one or more but really it doesn't bother me. A few clicks and I'm off and running.

Not being able to find something in my Inventory because I didn't take time to drag it into the right folder and I remember the name incorrectly—now that ticks me off!

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