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3 hours ago, Dyna Mole said:

Hi, gang!

Just a brief reminder to stay on topic and, as usual, try to to maintain an atmosphere of courtesy and respect for others at all times. Yeah, I know it's Monday .... 

Just trying to keep us on topic is a full time job. You know that.

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10 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

What do you mean by "RL consumption practises/patterns"? Examples?


RL consumption practices/patterns means that the real-life process by which people search, purchase and consume products in a way to meet all their needs or desires.

For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well.

For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. 

Do you have the same similar situation?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


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2 minutes ago, Xiyuanbbb said:
10 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

What do you mean by "RL consumption practises/patterns"? Examples?


RL consumption practices/patterns means that the real-life process by which people search, purchase and consume products in a way to meet all their needs or desires.

For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well.

For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. 

Do you have the same similar situation?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Phil prefers the looser type miniskirt I believe.  And I am being super silly.

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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


An authentic researcher with any knowledge or experience in RolePlay would say something more gender-neutral like, "I can be your female or male companion in RolePlay", and add something relevant to her research such as, "to assist with a deeper level of research for my study".


Thanks for your suggestion~ 

I mean I can be your female or male companion in RolePlay!

Very good point


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22 minutes ago, Xiyuanbbb said:


RL consumption practices/patterns means that the real-life process by which people search, purchase and consume products in a way to meet all their needs or desires.

For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well.

For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. 

Do you have the same similar situation?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Playing a video game, or logging into a virtual world doesn't change the way I buy groceries, or how I eat food. I certainly don't buy the same brand clothes out there in RL, that I buy in SL, as my SL clothiers do not make RL clothing.

The whole concept of your "thesis" is fatuous at best.


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8 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

Nah...think she's serious.  There's a huge education faction in 2nd life -- sometimes I attend their events/meetings. They're interested in how virtual worlds can help their teaching methods and also have a few regions in 2nd life.  Some of them make their way to the forum.

OP -- find these people inworld who can direct you to places more favorable to your mission. The forum isn't a good place.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Do you have any idea about where is a favourable place in word?

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13 hours ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

Hi everyone, I am a Ph.D. student from Victory University of Wellington😀. I am doing a study on how your virtual experience in SL affects your RL consumption practices/patterns. Could you please share your experience with me😍?  If you could share some insightful ideas to me, I can be your girl in SL!  Thanks heaps for your help. 🤩🤑🤗

Before answering, I'd like more information on what your Ph.D. is for and how this question/study relates.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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49 minutes ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

Thanks for your suggestion.

Do you have any idea about where is a favourable place in word?

You could start attending some of these events/classes...meet lots of people.  They're more involved in RL stuff. I know some of them could direct you to RL education residents:


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1 hour ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well.

For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. 

Do you have the same similar situation?

I thought much like @Zalificent did, that there are very few brands in SL that are also in RL. The Hello Kitty brand is licensed to one store and Blueberry has some Teletubbie inspired clothes that they were licensed to create, but neither of those would match my RL or SL tastes.

As I stated above, for my avatar who represents RL me, I'm more likely to try to match her clothes to what I'd wear in RL. My favorite alt perhaps represents a style I can imagine wearing if I were a younger and more stylistically adventurous person - inspired by classic Morticia Addams, some goth forensics lab girls on TV shows, and modern Wednesday Addams - but it's not what I would really wear in RL.

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1 hour ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

Do you have the same similar situation?

I focus on nature in SL...I'm a nature artist.

Often I see various plants in SL that really strike me as beautiful, and this inspires me to buy the plant in real life!   Sometimes when we look at art or objects in SL we pay more attention to them, and so develop more of a love for them. This can translate to RL.  I imagine (for some people) this would also happen with clothes.

* oh, I remember it happening with a rug many years ago  I just had to have that pattern for my RL house too.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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3 hours ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

For example, I like to wear a tight hugging mini skirt in SL, then I found that I like to wear the same type in my real life as well.

For the brand I knew from SL, I will try to buy the product from the same brand in my real life. 

My avatar does have several outfits that mimic what i wear in RL, but it doesn't really flow the other way. My avatar is in her 20s. I'm in my 50s. In my experience, a lot of fashion trends in SL skew to younger ages, and a lot of SL users are, shall we say... mature. 

As for SL brands, I don't know of any that have crossed over into RL. I do sometimes get home decor ideas from things I see in SL, but then I go to RL stores like IKEA, etc. 

Shopping in SL satisfies my desire for retail therapy, at a low cost, and also doesn't clutter up my RL home. People will spend tons of money on something purely virtual, as any gamer knows. 

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12 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Cruel, perhaps, but still I can't help but wonder: In what discipline are PhDs awarded for the study of how SL affects RL consumption?

I'm ruling out medicine on the theory that it's not that kind of "consumption", but still… what?

  • Marketing (yet again)?
  • Some tepid backwater of psychology?
  • What?

It would take a lot more rigor than a forums survey, but it would be a very practical outcome to find that virtual experience can replace inherently carbon-intensive real life experiences, such as travel.*

Of course SL-running computers burn electrons, some not perfectly greenhouse-safe. But if avatar-attached food could replace the wasteful habit of RL eating, think of the carbon we'd save!

*We've all been inculcated in the virtues of travel, how it expands one's perspective, etc., etc., but there are few acts more planet-destroying than boarding an airplane.

Yes, I am majored in Marketing. Your are right.


Could you share how SL changes your real life behaviour? Consumption patterns? If not, why?

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I halfway don't get why things like this are still happening when SL and MMOs are decades old now. You'd think the idea of a 'metaverse' would be as "old" as "the Internet" - and yet a few years ago the entire world went nuts because Zuckerberg "discovered" America... er, the Metaverse. But just like with Columbus - people had already been there for ages but the wrong guy got the credit anyway.


What are we doing here and why is this topic still coming up?



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12 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:




Writing a dissertation on a focused subject is part of any PhD program. It's not "awarded" simply for turning in a report. 

My guess is that this student is trying to take a casual, friendly tone in her request, in order to inspire us with a sense of trust in her. This tactic isn't working very well though.  😉

Yes! You got me.


I am just tended to be more casual. And hope to get more attention~

Could you share a little bit about how SL affect your real life consumption patterns?

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4 minutes ago, Xiyuanbbb said:

Yes! You got me.


I am just tended to be more casual. And hope to get more attention~

Could you share a little bit about how SL affect your real life consumption patterns?

I'm too poor to shop in RL, but playing in SL did inspire me to get an expensive Alienware computer, then cause me to need a new battery and keyboard for it.

Being able to have plenty of virtual stuff makes me feel like I don't need much RL stuff.

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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12 hours ago, John Nova said:

My Second Life experiences have no impact whatsoever upon real life because one is virtual and the other is real. 

Thank you for sharing your perspective on Second Life and its impact on real life. It's interesting to hear your thoughts on this matter. While I understand that Second Life is a virtual world and real life is, well, real, I've personally found that the experiences in virtual environments can sometimes have more influence on our lives than we initially realize.

For me, virtual worlds provide an opportunity to explore aspects of ourselves, connect with others, and even learn new skills that can have surprising parallels in the real world. I'd love to hear more about your perspective on this topic. Could you please share more about why you believe there is no impact, or have you had any specific experiences that shaped your viewpoint?😜

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5 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Playing a video game, or logging into a virtual world doesn't change the way I buy groceries, or how I eat food. I certainly don't buy the same brand clothes out there in RL, that I buy in SL, as my SL clothiers do not make RL clothing.

The whole concept of your "thesis" is fatuous at best.


I appreciate your perspective and understand your points about the distinct differences between virtual worlds like Second Life and real life. It's true that buying groceries and making everyday choices aren't directly affected by our virtual experiences. However, I believe there are indirect ways in which virtual experiences can influence and relate to our real lives.

For instance, engaging in Second Life can enhance creativity and design skills, which can carry over into the real world. Many people use virtual environments to learn about digital design, architecture, programming, and even marketing. These skills and experiences can be beneficial for career development and personal growth. Moreover, the social interactions and relationships we build in virtual worlds can enhance our communication skills and understanding of diverse perspectives, which can positively impact our real-life relationships and interactions.

I would be genuinely interested in hearing more about your perspective and understanding if you've had any experiences or observations that led you to your current viewpoint. It's essential to have a respectful exchange of ideas to better comprehend different perspectives on this matter.😍

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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Before answering, I'd like more information on what your Ph.D. is for and how this question/study relates.

My PhD research is focused on consumer behavior within the field of marketing. Specifically, I am examining how social virtual worlds, such as Second Life, can impact real-time, immersive social interactions that, in turn, influence consumers' consumption patterns in the real world.

Social virtual worlds offer a unique environment where individuals can interact, socialize, and engage in activities in a manner that can closely resemble real-life experiences. The connections and experiences forged within these virtual spaces often have implications on people's attitudes, preferences, and behaviors beyond the virtual environment.

For example, the relationships and social interactions we have in Second Life can influence our perceptions of products, brands, and even shopping preferences in the physical world. It's intriguing to study how these virtual experiences might shape our decision-making processes and consumer choices outside of the virtual realm.

I hope this provides a clearer understanding of the connection between my research and the discussion we're having about the potential impact of virtual experiences on real-life behaviors. I'd be happy to delve deeper or provide more information if you're interested

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