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26 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Why do I get memories about 1985 when the new Coca Cola taste was introduced?
"Never change a winning team" comes to mind.

On the other hand, if you are a creator and read how many times your product is being torn down on the shoulders, butt, or whatever they are complaining on ... there comes a time that you are at a crossroad: either leave it as it be with the risk that your product becomes outdated and no longer sold or update the product to the current standards and hope that it remains a valid choice for those who are using it. Haters will always be haters and you can't please everybody.

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10 hours ago, Cougar Sangria said:


Dead Doll has updated a sweater at Equal 10 and a pair of shorts at Anthem events to include LaraX size.  If you have purchased these, hit the redelivery button at the store.

All Maitreya Items in store are to be updated.  No date has been announced.

What the heck? Update all items?!

I did not see that coming. I am happy and grateful if stores update only the recent releases. I expect nothing for free.

Stores who update a few things makes me very positive against them. But if I see something that makes me go "ooh pretty!"... I will buy it, regardless of what the store did with previous releases. I do not stop shopping there even if they don't update.

I said earlier in the thread that it is 3 things I wish was updated... and already heard that one will be.

Edited by Marianne Little
changed some text to clarify
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10 hours ago, Tarani Tempest said:

The Maitreya Vintage Jeans at the Maitreya store have been updated to include the LaraX size.  Redeliver them :D


Hah, I have the fatpack! 😁 I hope Maitreya makes some more clothes.

And I hope Maitreya makes a male body. Sell it for 2750 and it is byeeeeeeeeeeee Signature Gianni, for my alt who has that body.

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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

Why do I get memories about 1985 when the new Coca Cola taste was introduced?
"Never change a winning team" comes to mind.

It's more like, they added a flavor rather than changing it.. hehehe

I really shouldn't be so rough on it until I really get in there and mess with it..

I could just be stuck in my ways and looking at it more as a body update rather than a new body..

I said in the group the other night, They shoulda named it Kara!!\o/  hehehe

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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's more like, they added a flavor rather than changing it.. hehehe

I really shouldn't be so rough on it until I really get in there and mess with it..

I could just be stuck in my ways and looking at it more as a body update rather than a new body..

I said in the group the other night, They shoulda named it Kara!!\o/  hehehe


Much better to have "X" first.

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Well, I tried Lara X today and I can't say that I liked it.  I preferred the way my body was shaped with Lara V5.3, although I could adjust it a bit to get it looking the way it was before, I suppose.  Yes, I'm another SL resident who is short at a realistic 5' 2" (the same as my height in RL) and skinny.

As for the rather prominent Dimples of Venus, that's not a deal breaker for me.  I'm very rarely naked in SL anyway.

I did find though, that a lot of my clothes didn't fit properly.  One of my jackets even had my arms at a different angle away from my body than the sleeves!  It fitted properly before.

As I can't see any improvements, but I can see quite a few problems, I changed back to Lara V5.3.  I don't think I'll bother trying Lara X again.

I suppose the one good thing is that I didn't pay to get it.......

Edited by Possum888
fixed a typo
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This whole thread pretty much reminds me why I stopped chatting on the forums a while back.  Thanks to Maitreya for the free body update.  I for one am happy with it and have no complaints about swapping between Lara and LaraX depending on what I want to wear.   


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i went thru all my wardrobe and end up with 5 outfits to fit my LaraX. Had to alpha-hud them all to pieces but these I can wear without any clipping

so if I do have to go anywhere G respectable then I suppose I can go on the LaraX 😸

and tbf that I managed to assemble 5 outfits turned out to be 5 more than I expected, given that it took me about 50 goes to assemble the first one. Also I think that if I handmade some BOM alphas I could get many of my other skirts, dresses, tops and shorts to be wearable as well

altogether turned out to be not as bad as I thought it was going to be





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I'm sure it surprises nobody when I say that I've decided to stay exclusively with Lara v5.3.

If I'd wanted to change bodies, I would have done so long before now.  The fact that this body is free makes no difference to me one way or another just as if I'd have wanted to change to another vendor's body the high cost of the body purchase wouldn't have deterred me one bit.  The true cost comes from the supporting purchases over the years anyway.  The body purchase is just a drop in the ocean by comparison.

I've never had any issues with the way Lara looks and have been completely satisfied from day one.  It was and still is a fantastic body in my opinion.

The aesthetic of LaraX however doesn't appeal to me at all and is not a look I would choose given a choice.

I've already said goodbye to a bunch of creators who've announced that they'll no longer be making new releases for Lara.  It's a shame and I understand why they make this choice but I don't want to spend at places who don't want to support the body I wish to use.

I've said before now and still maintain that I would rather stop shopping for clothes and accessories altogether should it come to that.  I've already got more outfit options than I could ever exhaust and shopping for more is really just an indulgence at this point.

I'm am happy for the people who do like it and who got everything they hoped for and I do wish Maitreya and the clothing/accessory creators well for the future regardless.

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2 hours ago, Dorientje Woller said:

On the other hand, if you are a creator and read how many times your product is being torn down on the shoulders, butt, or whatever they are complaining on ... there comes a time that you are at a crossroad: either leave it as it be with the risk that your product becomes outdated and no longer sold or update the product to the current standards and hope that it remains a valid choice for those who are using it. Haters will always be haters and you can't please everybody.

This is it. Now I have seen the issues with Lara fixed I know why we're going through all this.

Lara had problems, LaraX doesn't aside from responding differently to sliders and a couple of awkward looking dimples. It'll win out.


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I realise that it wasn't an update as such and, for that reason I am not surprised that a lot of clothes don't fit the as well as they used to with V5.3.  For me, this is the reason I'm not going to use Lara X.  I don't personally see the need to change as, for me, Lara X doesn't seem to be any better than V5.3, at least not the way I use SL.

Also, I have rather specific tastes in clothing, and it might be a long time before the clothes I wear are available in quantity in a form that would suit Lara X.

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2 hours ago, Dorientje Woller said:

either leave it as it be with the risk that your product becomes outdated and no longer sold or update the product to the current standards and hope that it remains a valid choice for those who are using it

But LardaX is NOT a valid choice for Real Lara users, none of their Real Lara clothing, fits, none of their Real Lara jewellery fits, it deprecates their preferred body and ALL third party items they ever bought for it.


More than that, LardaX isn't really a valid choice for NEW users either, as there's not that much clothing available for it, oh yeah one day there MIGHT be, in a year or three.

But right now, this is "We decided to destroy our own number 1 popular product, and launch a relatively unsupported product that half our customers will hate on sight".

That is EXACTLY the same mistake Belleza made with FailX, except that instead of trying to charge 5500 for the useless rubbish, they are giving it away free to old customers, because they managed to learn something from the FailX fiasco, nobody would PAY to replace Real Lara with LardaX.

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10 hours ago, elleevelyn said:

i thought it was just me but seems not going by this pic

the Velour skin cleavage shading is different on each breast. The right breast cleavage shading is darker than the left. Seems a bit like didn't spend an equal time sunbathing on each side

i have never had a Velour before so am wondering is this different shading a standard feature of all Velour skins or just those in the LaraX pack ?

is still quite a nice skin tho altogether compared to some others that I have tried

This is Venus, try Picasso Babe. It ius said to be made for LaraX

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Note, just forwarded by Onyx:


"We proudly present an entirely new version, a next generation of Lara: LaraX

The long anticipated arrival of our neXt generation Lara mesh body is finally here! If you update your Lara mesh body you will find the LaraX body in the folder, alongside your original Lara mesh body. There is a redeliver button on your Lara HUD -> misc page, or you can use the redelivery terminal at the store.
The LaraX body was made with all your requests in mind: it is a rounder, softer version of Lara, with smoother weights (which was a request from many content creators who had to work with the kit). We have improved the shape of the shoulders and arms, slimmed the wrists down a bit, smoothened the ankles and wrists, improved the weights of the breasts to look better on higher slider settings, we added a jiggle option for the butt (physics), and improved the geometry flow of the body for a softer and more defined shape.

These changes to the mesh and to the weights do imply that content that was made for Lara most often will not fit the LaraX body. The LaraX body should be perceived as a new and different mesh body, requiring it’s own size mesh clothes. For this reason the LaraX is not a replacement of your original Lara body, but a complementary body. For your existing wardrobe you can keep wearing your original Lara and as more and more things will be made for LaraX, you can switch over or switch between them.

As many of you have also requested: the LaraX alpha HUD has more and smaller sections to alpha out in the torso area. The alpha auto-hide script (that is often used in mesh clothing) is still the same. But because the alpha sections are different, it is important to set the script up for the right body. Content made for Lara, containing an alpha auto-hide script, will not hide the correct parts on LaraX

The hands and feet haven’t changed, so footwear and hand jewellery that was made for Lara, will also fit LaraX. Skins, BoM layers and appliers will all still work on LaraX as well.

The LaraX and LaraX Petite bodies come with the beautiful Venus skin from Velour, in 20 skintones (skin presets in the HUD and BoM layers)! Also included for LaraX and for LaraX Petite are 3 gorgeous lingerie sets by Addams, Blueberry and Velour!!

There is also a LaraX version for the Petite add-on and we have introduced a full body option for petite now too. For those who bought the Petite Add-on for their Lara body before there was a choice (between full body or add-on), we made a special redeliver option in the redelivery, with the full body Petite as an extra. For people who don’t yet own the Petite there will simply be a choice between the Petite as add-on (which requires the Lara/LaraX body) or the Petite as full body, if they don’t own the Lara/LaraX body.

The Flat Chest Add-on has not yet been made compatible with LaraX. We hope to complete that the coming weeks. As soon as we finish that, we will release it like the Petite.
We will also be working on LaraX (and LaraX Petite) updates for our clothes collection at the Maitreya store.

We hope you will enjoy the LaraX body as much as your Lara body, or more! (but either way, you will have both, so you have options and you can switch between them effortlessly at any time).
Happy holidays and see you all soon!

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Hah, I have the fatpack! 😁 I hope Maitreya makes some more clothes.

And I hope Maitreya makes a male body. Sell it for 2750 and it is byeeeeeeeeeeee Signature Gianni, for my alt who has that body.

I have the fatpack of the Biker jeans, get those next please, so I have one top and one pair of jeans to start with :)

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16 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

Now I have seen the issues with Lara fixed I know why we're going through all this.

Issues fixed?

I heard some whiners moaning about the shoulders, but apparently the new ones still "need" deformers, so that's not fixed.

Where exactly did people complain that the legs needed to be thinned, or that Lara's crotch was in the wrong place?

Where exactly did people demand that she had a huge ass, that can't be shrunk down without distorting torso proportions or having the hips get WIDER if you lower the "chunky ass" slider to zero?


I must have missed people whining that Larra needed chicken legs, bread stick arms, badly weighted hips and ass, a deformed crotch, silicone implants in her boobs, weird shoulders, and two sodding great dents put in by an apprentice panel beater with a 10lb hammer.

I must have missed people complaining that the #1 body on the grid had "too many clothes & accessories available for it" and demanding a NEW body with poor support, and limited options.

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8 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Issues fixed?

I heard some whiners moaning about the shoulders, but apparently the new ones still "need" deformers, so that's not fixed.

Where exactly did people complain that the legs needed to be thinned, or that Lara's crotch was in the wrong place?

Where exactly did people demand that she had a huge ass, that can't be shrunk down without distorting torso proportions or having the hips get WIDER if you lower the "chunky ass" slider to zero?


I must have missed people whining that Larra needed chicken legs, bread stick arms, badly weighted hips and ass, a deformed crotch, silicone implants in her boobs, weird shoulders, and two sodding great dents put in by an apprentice panel beater with a 10lb hammer.

I must have missed people complaining that the #1 body on the grid had "too many clothes & accessories available for it" and demanding a NEW body with poor support, and limited options.

We got it you hate Lara X.

Whut amazes me is how much time and energy you spend telling other, who are exited/interested in Lara X, in a very rude way that this new body is trash.

Why not chennel that energy into sumthing positive?

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2 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's more like, they added a flavor rather than changing it.. hehehe

Adding a new flavour:

"Hey store owners, we've launched this thing called Cherry Coke, why not order some and see if your customers like it"

Not adding a new flavour:

"Hey store owners, we decided to fubar the taste of the world's #1 cola, next time you order some Coke for your store, you'll get Coke Fubar, and if your customers complain it tastes weird, tell them to shut up and die of thirst"


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17 minutes ago, Dorientje Woller said:

The hands and feet haven’t changed, so footwear and hand jewellery that was made for Lara, will also fit LaraX.

Now I could swear the hands looked different... weird! I was admiring them. I need to go do a side by side, my brain is tricking me I think.

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5 minutes ago, ChandraKusari said:

Why not chennel that energy into sumthing positive?

Cult of Pointless Positivity is pointless.

This whole mess is happening because people were negative about Lara's shoulders, and whine constantly about the need for an update that was guaranteed to break everything.

I didn't notice YOU telling THEM to complain less. 


Positive effort: Teaching people to spell.

The word you were looking for is "something" not "sumthing", hope that helps.

Happy now? Something Positive! for you


Edited by Zalificent Corvinus
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21 minutes ago, Dorientje Woller said:

There is also a LaraX version for the Petite add-on and we have introduced a full body option for petite now too. For those who bought the Petite Add-on for their Lara body before there was a choice (between full body or add-on), we made a special redeliver option in the redelivery, with the full body Petite as an extra. For people who don’t yet own the Petite there will simply be a choice between the Petite as add-on (which requires the Lara/LaraX body) or the Petite as full body, if they don’t own the Lara/LaraX body.

I have to say I found this a little confusing when I got all my redeliveries, my assumption was that Petite was to be its own body only but yeah, there's a LaraX Petite X addon as well! confusing and unnecessary imo, I can't really see the purpose of it. I'm glad there is an all-in-one version to use as well of course though.

I guess I was thinking there might have been a psychological effect of making Petite its own body only that would increase likelihood of it being rigged for as well, a little selfish of me since I wear it but I think the "add on" status makes it seem less important.

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