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    Dances on Rainbows

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  1. Flashing a mischievous smile she whispers a few words and flicks her fingers willing a ball of flames into existence. "What are you looking at? Am I too hawt to handle?"
  2. Great! How long did it take to get the head like that-
  3. Chillaxing under the tree with a good book after the Holidays.
  4. Sometimes you need to catch sum sun to ward of the cold. After I went skying. :D
  5. Great shot aaaand I looooove that outfit.
  6. Chilling with some music on my new bed.
  7. Great pic, that is a badass pose!
  8. We got it you hate Lara X. Whut amazes me is how much time and energy you spend telling other, who are exited/interested in Lara X, in a very rude way that this new body is trash. Why not chennel that energy into sumthing positive?
  9. Thats good since most of my jewellery is from them.
  10. Since you quoted me. I did lister or not butts I knew that Lara X will be a new body. So not everything will fit. When I read about the new release I was thinking that it was interesting but I had no issues with Lara, or I assumed sum of the issues were normal for all bodies. Since I read here I see sum of the issues, so i'm more inclined for sumthing new. Soooo I was hoping that more clothes would fit Lara X. From whut I read so far I assume that less than 50% of my Lara clothes still fit me. I am not comfy of having 2 bodies and use Lara with my old clothes and Lara X with new. So I will do sum experimenting and see if I have a better fit raate with lara X or stay Lara or if I want to get rid of the issues switch to maaaybees Legacy, since sumthing between 60% and 75% of the clothes I own are also rigged for Legacy.
  11. The DAY is here!!!! YAY or WAAAAAAH I dunno ... should I be happies that the new body is here or not? Most of my time in Pixelland I had a lara body. So I just assumed that the sumtimes weird things she did in certain poses where issues all bodies had and th shoulders I neva saw. Now I do and I'm drawn between sumthing new or staying as I am and simply ingoring all the issues. "Loosing" 50% of my clothes or possible more, since my clothes tend to be a bit more revealing or tight fitting does not make me bounce with happyness. On the other hand juggling 2 bodies and see which one fits best with the clothes I wanna wear. Also not funs. I will grab it laters and see how I like it.
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