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Mainstream failure of SL & Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Sex on people's front lawns! Lawnmowers with "Adult" animations! (😮) Husband-swapping coffee klatsches! DOGS AND CATS LIVING TOGETHER!

You'd be surprised at the kind of swapping that happens behind closed doors :D

And cats and dog living together is totally normal phenomenon nowadays.

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1 minute ago, Fauve Aeon said:

If everything was restricted by geography and travel time, as it is in First Life that may be true but in a virtual world where everything is literally at our fingertips and travel time is 3 seconds, there’s no need for this style of like + like marketing. I don’t need a 10th restaurant,  I crave something novel, that I haven’t experienced before. People who buy shoes also buy other things, people who play games also enjoy other interactive things, people who sail also may enjoy other immersive or competitive experiences. You can draw similar parallels across the gamut of human experiences. Flip it and people who enjoy all these things may also enjoy having virtual sex but we mostly all know that it is here and available, to the point of scarcely even needing to talk about it much. But it’s not often our defining characteristic of our inworld personas and activities maybe, so forgive me if I say that I find your focus a bit one dimensional and myopic. 

You gave me an idea:

We need to find the thing that is literally "Better than Sex" and market that. 

Since it is literally "better than sex", it will be guaranteed to succeed.

Take that, naysayers!


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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

The combination sounds very dangerous. 

I actually own an electric floor fan with adult animations. I've often thought the same about that.

My purchase of the fan, btw, rather underlines the point that not everything rated as "Adult" is actually going to be used for adult activities, including "A" rated regions.


ETA: I also own no less than TWO fridges with adult animations. The mind boggles. ("FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T OPEN THE FREEZER DRAWER!")

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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1 minute ago, Aiyumei said:

And cats and dog living together is totally normal phenomenon nowadays.

I have one of each! It's not a harmonious relationship, exactly, but, like most of us in SL, they manage to get along well enough despite their differences.

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I’ve always had the saying of ‘Anything can become a hat in SL if you are properly motivated’ so combine that thinking with ‘If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail’ and it can produce a certain particularly specific focus. But I do find it quite a singular point of view. If my argument consists of  ‘well it’s popular, everyone’s doing it, that’s the largest demographic’ and it still needs to be hammered hard, I might consider rethinking the approach. It should persuade. If it doesn’t, then it’s not really successful, is it?

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Yes, that was my memory. (I read a lot.)

So if it "did" exist but "does not" exist, that means it isn't an example per Coffee's request for current examples.  Even if it were a "PG Sandbox".


There actually is still a Sims online which is now open source software. They have a following that is about as big as Open Sim.  There are about 4-5 servers that run it. It's mostly run by a few people that have enough technical knowledge to start it up and do some scripting in it however the egos of these administrator's are often their downfall.


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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Positive mentions of SL in the media helps. Positive blogs about SL work. Good-looking starter avatars and Welcome regions, especially if they include links and mentors who actually help new users will work.

Yes they will work-when ll employs them. Ll has only recently started to do more of this. I know the CSI episode helped a lot-there is also an episode of The Office that brought it to light too. Those methods worked really nicely to help drum up attention. The problem is ll didn't keep that momentum going-they stagnated. It happens in probably most companies at one point or another. Now ll is doing some things to change that-which is good. I may say and believe they need to do more-because I strongly believe they do-but I think they're attempting to start to make a better effort. There are some things they're working on and I like that.

There are some areas they need to do more work in-like marketing sl outside of the areas one might typically find sl related news. No one new is going to go looking on sl blogs or sl reddit or sl anything without being prompted to do so first in some manner-subconsciously or otherwise. Things like those tv shows-are outside the proverbial confines of sl and areas one might typically find their marketing. Those were fantastic ideas because they were a bit more out of the box-reached a wider audience and drummed up the whole-what the heck is this second life thing-question. I suspect that's what the Motown thing is as well-an attempt at marketing outside of typical arenas and areas.

This is where ll needs to sit down and think-which kind of campaign are they going for? If it's to reach a select demographic-cool market things that they desire to them specifically in places and ways they're likely to see it. If it's a general campaign to draw in a larger audience-which is what I think they're actually going for but I may be wrong-they need to go back to methods that draw up general interest and not focused. Focused campaigns only work on small targets-casting a wide net is better. 

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1 hour ago, Fauve Aeon said:

Only if the ‘grass’ is long. Bah dum *tsh*

Do you know why leprechauns laugh when they run through fields?

It tickles

But-seriously-there probably is an adult lawnmower. I know there are adult birdbaths because I found one while wandering some nice nature region once and thought oh look it has a sit menu-and boy did it haha. 

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22 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Thank you for proving my point so quickly and so exactly.

It will probably horrify you to know that BDSM has been a core part of this platforms social construct right back it earliest days.

Back when people couldn't just roll infinite disposable 'after dark' alts because it cost money, people had to be subtle. Most everyone was owned by someone if you knew were to look, or read between the lines, or highlight transparent to see all the hidden collars.

Why? (omg why!?) .. because BDSM provided an increased level of personal connection, it raised and expanded the emotional bandwidth a little, it was also thrilling and fun.

But most of all .. it allowed people to feel belonging and connection to another person.

Guess which demographic doesn't have a lot of that in their life.

I've been a part of the Erotic/ BDSM scene of SL pretty much since the day I signed up for this, I still continue to partake in very erotic and adult RP and have spent a HEFTY sum of money over the years that was for such things such as cuffs, collars, gags, blindfolds, plugs, and hooks ( I can't exactly specify because....Forum rules LOL) as well as certain body fluid layers as well as injury layers for such things. While yes SL has become very hypersexual in recent years, to say it's always been like this just isn't true.
Back when I first signed up 12 years ago the Adult scene wasn't AS big as it is now and trying to force SL to be JUST that, when there's actually a large percentage of inworld residents who don't participate in anything even remotely adult themed is probably the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. Just because the adult scene is something you and I both enjoy doesn't mean it's the ONLY thing that should be allowed or catered to. 

People get on Sl for a LARGE variety of reasons, blogging, creation, family, dating, musical pursuits and more. If LL were to shut all that out and just focus on the adult side of things ( which I highly doubt they will, I was an admin of an Adult RP sim, and getting them to even acknowledge the fact that BDSM or adult RP sims exist was an uphill battle) it would be financial suicide because they would be pushing out a large chunk of their users to do so.

Edited by Ivy Mysterious
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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You gave me an idea:

We need to find the thing that is literally "Better than Sex" and market that. 

Since it is literally "better than sex", it will be guaranteed to succeed.

Take that, naysayers!


I’ll help with the branding…what do you think, Neo-Victorian or Sputnik-Retro? Slab-Moderne? Bleeding Cowboys? 

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4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You simply must come visit me at my darling little Brutalist apartment in Voroznia! The faded and peeling wallpaper, and the doors that never close properly, are to DIE for!


It’s a date! 🪐

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Is Haiku?

FYI, I know how to do the "pour child water over a sugar-cube" serving method. Quite well.

There’s also Death in the Afternoon and Cocktail Suissesse. Yumyum.

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9 minutes ago, Paladin Tyran said:

probably, not safe near windows too?

Perhaps more true than you know.

I'm half Ukrainian, and my apartment is festooned with Soviet-era Ukrainian art, books, and portraits (including the inevitable Taras Shevchenko). And a few progressive Russian women authors thrown in to the mix.

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We're getting off topic.

People, I'm sure, must have sex in Voroznia. Right? I mean, it's adult. And contraception was readily and freely available to Soviet-era women!

However, the walls are paper thin, and I've never actually heard (or seen) any of my neighbours (there are I think seven others in my particular apartment block) going at it, so who knows?

Maybe they're doing it in IM to hide it from the NKVD?

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

We're getting off topic.

On the contrary, it’s a solid working demonstration of the development of level 3 in the pyramid. Ta-dah. Thank you all for coming to Sunday Improv Theater, Forums Edition - please tip your servers and remember the cigarette and rose girls as you make your way towards the exits.

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