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Is It Possible To Block All the Members Of A Group At Once?

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Back when I was on Twitter I used a service called "Megablock" to easily block multiple *(&^%^! people at once. After doing so, my feed felt squeaky clean and it was a pleasure to use Twitter again - at least until several months ago 🙂 I'm wondering if a similar service exists for or within SL.

I run into griefer / troll members of a couple of groups pretty regularly, and the interactions are always annoying. I can easily block individuals, but when I do so others from these same groups pick up the ball and run with it. This might sound anti-social, but I'm curious to know if it is possible to block all the members of a group (without having to pull up every individual profile).

I understand that doing so could lead to my blocking of friends, family, and other people that I might later want to speak with. In those cases I'll simply unblock. I'd rather unblock a handful of nice people than have to individually block dozens of disagreeable ones. Thanks for your thoughts.

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If I recall correctly, in some viewers you can mute group chat. No need to mute the individuals. SL viewer doesn't have that option.

Personally if the people in a group become too annoying I just leave the group. 🤷‍♀️

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35 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

easiest solution?

leave the group.

It doesn't sound to me like the OP is in these groups. He wants to block people who are members of certain groups. I have seen this raised before by people who have experienced organised griefing, where people will get banned but come back on alt accounts and join the same griefer groups. Blocking by group would be of assistance in these cases.

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57 minutes ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

It doesn't sound to me like the OP is in these groups. He wants to block people who are members of certain groups. I have seen this raised before by people who have experienced organised griefing, where people will get banned but come back on alt accounts and join the same griefer groups. Blocking by group would be of assistance in these cases.

my answer would change only a little .. instead of leave the group it becomes ; leave the place where you are

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If one of them is that clown riding a flying dingdong who came with all the storm troopers that time to attack everyone at the playground I was playing at, just remind him of the time I held him while he cried in the lap of the big teddy bear, and he will probably stop.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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For the record, my concern is with members of a white supremacist group. I'm surprised that LL even allows such groups to exist, and a quick search shows that there are many within SL. And of course there are groups of all kinds that choose to not appear in search, so there may be more white supremacist ones too. I had no idea when joining SL that it welcomed such people; that is a terrifying blemish on SL and is why I'll be leaving shortly. I have no wish to spend time with white supremacists or to support any platform that welcomes them. 

Arielle, that's a good question. I hope that there is a solution though for the people I've spoken with. I'm not at all the only one to raise this question...

Akane, yes it is possible to mute group chat - I've done that with some store groups that tend to be chatty or have loads of ads. In this case though it is not group chat that's the problem, but the behaviors of people in that group.

Stephanie, thanks 🙂

Alwin, I think you probably mean well, but I'm not an idiot. Of course I could leave a group if I were in it, or leave a place if that place was the problem.

Pheeby, I haven't seen the weirdness you describe, but agree that someone else's behaviors meant to be fun can be bothersome or even offensive to the people they prank. 

I suspect that LL's desire to make this a social space means that they deliberately avoid making it possible to block entire groups. Many groups hide their membership lists too, so even if a group block were possible it might work only on people wearing a group tag rather than all members. There are some great people in SL, and I sincerely hope for them that SL doesn't slide downward into an Twitter-like "free speech" sinkhole.


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1 hour ago, RedHillDrained said:

For the record, my concern is with members of a white supremacist group. I'm surprised that LL even allows such groups to exist, and a quick search shows that there are many within SL.

If you search google you will be able to find their addresses and be able to join in person. I do not support any group like that but I can understand in the united states it is not illegal to be part of a group whos members are openly or secretly racist. 

This is where tolerance kicks in.

Tolerance: Sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own.

Are you searching google for these groups and urging google to ban their information, as well as, all the other groups out there I have no desire knowing or even learning about?

If I were in the wrong place in real life with those people I'd probably end up hurt. I'm not trying to protect them. I'm trying to protect you from harassing the wrong group. Harassment is not tolerated here. Tolerance is. As soon as your brain processes that you will start to become conditioned to go about your business and worry about yourself.

If someone is harassing you, especially based on your race file an abuse report. 

I don't understand why you want to block an entire group. Why would you join a group like that if you are not down with what they believe? 

Would you really want that sort of hate attached to your name? On your account, on a list to remind you oh wait your leaving soon? Personally I don't believe your going anywhere. You're stuck here with the rest of us. Personally I've never seen LL supporting any group besides the Relay for Life American Cancer Society. 

Second Life users are responsible for their own actions here, just like real life.

Discusting blemishes are everywhere in the real and virtual world. If you can't handle them in an non aggressive original way, I don't know what else to tell you, except maybe someday you will not believe in them and not give them any of your energy. 

I'm not a shrink but it sounds like you want to block them so block them from your mind. My mind when I think of them now is nothing, there's nothing there. Practice blocking them from your mind.




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1 hour ago, RedHillDrained said:

For the record, my concern is with members of a white supremacist group. I'm surprised that LL even allows such groups to exist, and a quick search shows that there are many within SL. And of course there are groups of all kinds that choose to not appear in search, so there may be more white supremacist ones too. I had no idea when joining SL that it welcomed such people; that is a terrifying blemish on SL and is why I'll be leaving shortly. I have no wish to spend time with white supremacists or to support any platform that welcomes them.

It doesn't welcome them and it's possible that the whole group might be reportable if their group description and image break the intolerance rules: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards

However, no platform will ever be free of bigots, because society isn't. I'd suggest that seeking out the racist groups in Second Life is not a good choice of battles. It won't actually do anything to help. It'll mean you'll spend all your time worrying about racists and interacting with them, rather than spending time with anyone else. Ban/block the bigots and focus your time on finding people you want to hang around.

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4 hours ago, RedHillDrained said:

I had no idea when joining SL that it welcomed such people

It doesn't. After nearly 15 years in SL, personally I have yet to come across any group of this sort (I also don't go looking for them). Nor have any of the people I've met and befriended in SL espoused such views. I don't deny you encountered this, but it certainly isn't a norm.

As Polenth says, such things are against the TOS - report 'em.

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I've yet to encounter any such group while wandering SL in 14 years.  I've never been approached by any such person aside from one troll here in the forums.  I'm sure they are out there.  I have probably been in the same places as some of their members.  I have probably encounter haters of all types that don't belong to any specific SL group.

If i go looking, I'm sure I would find all kinds of groups that are offensive to me.  If a group is actually against ToS, report it.  Not sure LL would bother doing anything, though.

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9 hours ago, RedHillDrained said:

For the record, my concern is with members of a white supremacist group. I'm surprised that LL even allows such groups to exist, and a quick search shows that there are many within SL. And of course there are groups of all kinds that choose to not appear in search, so there may be more white supremacist ones too. I had no idea when joining SL that it welcomed such people; that is a terrifying blemish on SL and is why I'll be leaving shortly. I have no wish to spend time with white supremacists or to support any platform that welcomes them. 

Arielle, that's a good question. I hope that there is a solution though for the people I've spoken with. I'm not at all the only one to raise this question...

A white supremacist group eh? That is a rare thing in the circles I travel and profiles I have read. The one I did come across late last year was more into a white s3x supremacy/dominance theme then an attempt to start any sort of RL political movement. Think it was a sort of lame attempt to counter the much more popular Black supremacy groups many are members of. I have the appropriate QoS paraphernalia for those to mark myself as a fan even if I don't belong to any of them myself. Maybe that is why I am often approached by members wanting to blacken me :) Any case I don't think one should take either sort of group too seriously as being a spearhead to convert SL members to a r/l faction. jmo

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4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

why I am often approached by members wanting to blacken me

This, I find hilarious in general especially since quite a few of those wanting to do so are RPing as black men and not actually black men in RL.

There are also quite a few dolcett groups which I find appalling although, I've yet to have anyone ask me to be the main course at their barbeque.

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41 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

There are also quite a few dolcett groups which I find appalling although, I've yet to have anyone ask me to be the main course at their barbeque.

Now that I have encountered. The invitation to dinner was so very polite I almost felt bad declining it. 

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57 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

This, I find hilarious in general especially since quite a few of those wanting to do so are RPing as black men and not actually black men in RL.

There are also quite a few dolcett groups which I find appalling although, I've yet to have anyone ask me to be the main course at their barbeque.

I like a mix up of rp's so tend to just go with what image they are projecting while on the other hand, trying to not generalize, I do think there are some subtle cues that differentiate the real from the wannabes and from that, I feel there are less wannabe's then there used to be in the past. Some too just like experimenting with darker skins without trying to be something they aren't.

Never tried the dolcett and yes makes me cringe but had a girlfriend who was into it to a point I had to save her from herself when she got involved with a group that would have the girls surrender their accounts after they were eaten. They would then close it with no chance to reinstate it. Not having seen her online now for the past year, I wonder if she finally went through with it :(

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This whole thread is really surprising... it looks like the prevalent SL resident position on racism is something like "art imitates life, suck it up Buttercup." There are many things we can do in RL to address racism, but to have it simply shrugged off here is annoying. And enlightening. Looks like SL may not be for me, or for any POC, after all. 

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8 hours ago, Waialae said:

This whole thread is really surprising... it looks like the prevalent SL resident position on racism is something like "art imitates life, suck it up Buttercup." There are many things we can do in RL to address racism, but to have it simply shrugged off here is annoying. And enlightening. Looks like SL may not be for me, or for any POC, after all. 

I don't really see where you're getting this impression in this thread. I certainly hope it's not in reaction to this very practical advice:

On 3/18/2023 at 12:00 AM, Polenth Yue said:

I'd suggest that seeking out the racist groups in Second Life is not a good choice of battles. It won't actually do anything to help. It'll mean you'll spend all your time worrying about racists and interacting with them, rather than spending time with anyone else. Ban/block the bigots and focus your time on finding people you want to hang around.

This is such good advice not because there's some misguided virtue in tolerating the intolerable, but rather that, on the Internet in general and Second Life in particular, confrontation "only encourages them." Are they really white supremacists, or just trolling for a response from the justly offended? They deserve scorn, but supplying it only gives them what they wanted in the first place. Instead, a quiet AR with plenty of details may not be quickly effective (as it should be) but at least isn't counterproductive as are other responses.

To the subject of the thread, blocking by group membership: This would pretty much require going back to the infamous 42 group limit of a few years ago. That's because it's not cheap to query for all groups to which an avatar belongs, for every avatar encountered in view, in chat, and everywhere else. It's the same reason it would be a very bad idea to restrict parcel entry by group membership (although restricting by active group would be fine, if utterly pointless). In the case of a land ban, we really do not want to make the simulator keep track of every group to which every avatar belongs every time they try to enter a parcel; in the case of blocks, we don't want the viewer to have to do that every… well, practically constantly.

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12 hours ago, Waialae said:

This whole thread is really surprising... it looks like the prevalent SL resident position on racism is something like "art imitates life, suck it up Buttercup." There are many things we can do in RL to address racism, but to have it simply shrugged off here is annoying. And enlightening. Looks like SL may not be for me, or for any POC, after all. 

If you don't like the White supremacy groups, join the POC supremacy groups. Simple solution really. 

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Have encountered RL racism.  Too bad there isn't a mute and derender option there.   Groups in RL can be dealt with but not singular people.  SL makes it much easier to avoid those types since I've yet to have an issue with them here.

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On 3/17/2023 at 2:27 AM, Akane Nacht said:

If I recall correctly, in some viewers you can mute group chat. No need to mute the individuals. SL viewer doesn't have that option.

I once got Firestorm solely for this feature. Or I think it was to ignore chat from non-friends who created "group chats" with hundreds of people as Spam.  Not groups I was a member of.

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14 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I once got Firestorm solely for this feature. Or I think it was to ignore chat from non-friends who created "group chats" with hundreds of people as Spam.  Not groups I was a member of.

I miss the group chat mute option (and the derender objects option, otherwise I quite like SL viewer). It's annoying to be in the middle of a chat or rp and suddenly get a pop up from group saying "ohhh I love the new hair." or "is there a staff online?" or "good morning lovelies!". I just have to tolerate it for groups I paid for, otherwise I ditch them 😝 

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5 hours ago, Akane Nacht said:

In my country singular people are also dealt with, at least if they do their nonsense publicly or get caught on camera!

Yes, same in the US.  It's the singular people or even a couple of people usually making racist comments.  In SL, I can mute and derender them and I wish we had the same option in RL. 🙁

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