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11 hours ago, Midnoot said:


Enforcers of SL seeming unwilling to control their own environment other than through mass banning of every possible fun aspect of SL. "  If  I can't enjoy it, neither will anyone else. "

It's not like we have the option to completely erase someone from the face of the region by 

- Derendering them when they're too scary for our fragile eyes to witness

- Blocking them when their scary words inflict bodily harm to us in RL

- Muting them when their mouthy voice smacks us in the face with traumatic memories that there are humans and that people in SL might just be from the real world. :V

- Oh,  and that thing that apparently nobody in SL has the capacity to do, ignoring them manually. :P


Peeve: People that equate freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.

Bonus Peeve: People that get butthurt when they run face first into the great wall of consequence. (See what I did there?)

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3 hours ago, Bagnu said:

Why would someone put this up on G land? Is it griefing? Is it private property?

Laghole City is an infamous noob hell. People forget it's not just ONE group or ONE region.

It's a private estate, and it has an adult group as well as a non adult one, they try and do the "everything a noob needs" thing, soo noobs never feel the need to leave.


Ironically somebody wearing a Laghole City "BDSM" themed group tag, is a bit of a red flag in SL's BDSM circles, it screams "useless BDSM wannabe vanilla pest".


They probably spammed that sign all across their M and A rated regions too, and LL may well have been letting them get away with it because a) multiple region estate owners, and b) Special Favoured Snowflake Onboarding Partner Status.

Same reason they get to have a "grid wide" Experience Key.


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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I was explaining why Goverance might not have time for this sort of Minor offense, of posting a sign with boobs.   We will all see if Goverance takes action.  If they don't then they agree it's not worth their time.  Are you offended by boobs?  

Governance will have to. It's certainly inappropriate for the region rating. If I had encountered that in the wild, I would have AR'd it too. We had to move from M land to A land way back when. The rules for what's allowed where have long been established.

You see, by keeping to the rules for adult stuff, we get to keep adult stuff. I like adult stuff, ergo, I don't care how long they've been breaking rules or how many sims they own. It's been shown over the years that the number of sims owned can go to 'zero' by flouting the rules.

OB Peeve: People that think the rules don't apply to them specifically, they're for everyone else.

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30 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

Peeve: People that equate freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.

Bonus Peeve: People that get butthurt when they run face first into the great wall of consequence. (See what I did there?)

Peeve: when people assume that because you dislike rules that yu must automatically not be complying with them .




People that assume because you re tired of sims becoming barren wastelands due to everyone being told off for doing things that are seemingly harmless , leaving you alone with the creators of such prudish rules until you once again have to venture out and find another sim that hasn't been killed by over policing yet .

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19 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Laghole City is an infamous noob hell

The other point to remember is that Laghole City doesn't WANT tiny toxic tots avatars there, any more than they want ANY more acceptable non-noob avatars.

The WHOLE point of the place is to take the newly arrived noobs, and MIILK them of their initial $10 "give it aa try" investment in shopping tokens.

So, super low quality noob wear freebies, next to over priced ordinary low quality noob wear, tip jars all over & donation meters, etc.


The last thing they want is established SL avatars coming in there, with groups shown in profiles, for HUUNDEDS of better places to shop, and nicer avatars, that might give noobs ideas about leaving Laghole City before they run out of shopping tokens.


That's why there's a recognised thread category here, that generally start like this.


"Dear Forum, Captain Oldbie here, I recently visited Laghole City, and got booted with in a couple of mins FOR NO REASON by a FILTHY NOOB under 15 years in SL, so NATURALLY, I re-logged as one of my ancient alts and went back to complain about being banned for FOR NO REASON, only to find my ancient alts had been banned too! Obviously the filthy noob under 15 years in SL must have used a filthy bot to data scape my IP address! Why are filthy noobs under 15 years in SL even allowed to have boot powers on PUBLIC land?

Is this even LEGAL? I demand JUSTICE!"


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1 minute ago, Midnoot said:

Peeve: when people assume that because you dislike rules that yu must automatically not be complying with them .




People that assume because you re tired of sims becoming barren wastelands due to everyone being told off for doing things that are seemingly harmless , leaving you alone with the creators of such prudish rules until you once again have to venture out and find another sim that hasn't been killed by over policing yet .

Peeve: People that complain about "How things are run" don't seem to realize they're free (FREEDOM!!) to have their very own venue where they can set allowed behaviors and wearables.

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Oh, I'm so glad we're finally having this discussion here.

I was worried there'd be one corner of GD untouched by this incessant debate.


This is simple.The sign violates the letter of the ToS. It violates the spirit of the ToS.

It's been ARed. I am pretty sure something will be done about it, but just to be sure we should bring it to the attention of @Dyna Mole and @Quartz Mole, as they've been very good about raising issues that have been reported here with the Lindens.

Can those who are "disgusted" with child avatars and who believe that wanting to remove a sign that is in clear contravention of the ToS is somehow an infringement of their right to act like children while RPing adults please take their outrage to another thread, rather than endangering this one?

Thank you.

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10 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

you re tired of sims becoming barren wastelands due to everyone being told off for doing things that are seemingly harmless , leaving you alone with the creators of such prudish rules

But it's THEIR land, that THEY are paying for, so if THEY want it to be a "barren wasteland" that is THEIR right.

She who pays the tier bill calls the tune. Don't like it take your whiny hate mongering and you plastic toy gun someplace else.

Or pay for your OWN damn land and make your OWN damn rules.


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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

Peeve: People that complain about "How things are run" don't seem to realize they're free (FREEDOM!!) to have their very own venue where they can set allowed behaviors and wearables.


" for the price of a new car, you too can have your very own kingdom in second life! . Once you've accepted that you will be spending half of your income on a virtual playground that people seem to take way too seriously,  you're all set.


Peeve: the solution to any complaints  always being 


" just go make your own echo chamber  cave and live happily ever after" .





Edited by Midnoot
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19 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

told off for doing things that are seemingly harmless

Just as an example, II know several owners of A rated kink sims.

All of them have "no weapons" rules. This has nothing to do with "creating safe spaces for triggered people".

If I, a kinky person go there with a "ray gun" that fires "RLV rubber blimp suits" ( yes that's a thing, a friend made it, I was a beta tester ), they region owner won't bat an eyelid, they won't complain about a pie-thrower, or a fish-slapper, or a bouncy rubber squid launcher either.

But when some vanilla jerk in a fake para-military uniform tp's in and starts waving his toy Arsealite Reject 15 plasti-rifle, and telling all the kinksters he's "Captain Oldbie, of the Failed-Para-Military-Law-Dog-Hero-Wannabe Shopping Mall Cop Bigot force", and demands that we "respect his authority" or get shot, the "no weapons rule" kicks in and Captain Oldbie gets to enjoy the sensation of flying home, without a plane, courtesy of the region owner breaking their foot off in his "seemingly harmless" ass.


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1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Just as an example, II know several owners of A rated kink sims.

All of them have "no weapons" rules. This has nothing to do with "creating safe spaces for triggered people".

If I, a kinky person go there with a "ray gun" that fires "RLV rubber blimp suits" ( yes that's a thing, a friend made it, I was a beta tester ), they region owner won't bat an eyelid, they won't complain about a pie-thrower, or a fish-slapper, or a bouncy rubber squid launcher either.

But when some vanilla jerk in a fake para-military uniform tp's in and starts waving his toy Arsealite Reject 15 plasti-rifle, and telling all the kinksters he's "Captain Oldbie, of the Failed-Para-Military-Law-Dog-Hero-Wannabe Shopping Mall Cop Bigot force", and demands that we "respect his authority" or get shot, the "no weapons rule" kicks in and Captain Oldbie gets to enjoy the sensation of flying home, without a plane, courtesy of the region owner breaking their foot off in his "seemingly harmless" ass.


You're so far off the mark its comical .  Every time you reply, you create an entire scenario based off your own past experiences and attempt to relate it.to mine p:


Entire post irrelevant to any thing that inspired my posts. 

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9 minutes ago, Midnoot said:


" for the price of a new car, you too can have your very own kingdom in second life! . Once you've accepted that you will be spending half of your income on a virtual playground that people seem to take way too seriously,  you're all set.

Peeve: the solution to any complaints  always being 

" just go make your own echo chamber  cave and live happily ever after" .


Peeve: The "golden rule" that those who have the gold make the rules.

In RL regular people have to follow rules and laws. It's only those with money and status that can get away with flouting them.  Want to get out of paying taxes? Be sure to have plenty of money and a good, expensive accountant. Want to get away with sketchy business practices or sexual harassment, have a good, expensive lawyer who can write and enforce NDAs. Want to break a few laws generally, get a good, expensive lawyer who can argue your cases well in court. Even if you just want to go to the head of the line at amusement parks, you can buy a pass to cut in front of all the poor people.

If you want to break TOS rules in SL, pay for your own region and make it private.

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13 minutes ago, Midnoot said:


" for the price of a new car, you too can have your very own kingdom in second life! . Once you've accepted that you will be spending half of your income on a virtual playground that people seem to take way too seriously,  you're all set.


Peeve: the solution to any complaints  always being 


" just go make your own echo chamber  cave and live happily ever after" .





Peeve: People that don't realize that for the price of premium for a year allows them to have their very own 1048m echo chamber.

My car payment was $169/month. It ran, it got me places. It turned out to be tougher than my neighbors 50K vehicle.

There's 3 things you can do when faced with sim rules.

1. Say 'Okay' and comply. (Peace reigns in the universe and everyone gets to enjoy the space.)

2. Say 'okay' and leave. (Peace reigns in this case as well and if the rules are really really stupid, the space becomes that barren wasteland you mentioned. Social Darwinism at its finest.)

3. Argue. (The most likely scenario when I hear 'got banned')

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1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: The "golden rule" that those who have the gold make the rules.

In RL regular people have to follow rules and laws. It's only those with money and status that can get away with flouting them.  Want to get out of paying taxes? Be sure to have plenty of money and a good, expensive accountant. Want to get away with sketchy business practices or sexual harassment, have a good, expensive lawyer who can write and enforce NDAs. Want to break a few laws generally, get a good, expensive lawyer who can argue your cases well in court. Even if you just want to go to the head of the line at amusement parks, you can buy a pass to cut in front of all the poor people.

If you want to break TOS rules in SL, pay for your own region and make it private.

Alright , this was pretty real though. Right in the feels.

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2 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

You're so far off the mark its comical .  Every time you reply, you create an entire scenario based off your own past experiences and attempt to relate it.to mine p:

It's not a created scenario. It's something bored toxic pvp addicts do from time to time, visit those dreadful "seggs" sims and ***** at the "weirdos" who "hate seemingly hramless fun" like pretending to kill each other and screaming about their parra-rp-trash pretend rank in their mall cop groups.

Not much different from the maritime mall cop groups like the SLCG, who harass people and pretend they have admin rights over LLDWP owned sea.


There used to be a regular poster on this forum, a few years ago, who regularly complained about all the "Boring" sims dedicated to boring stuff like shopping and chatting and "seggs".

They claimed all the avatars on those sims were obviously AAFK bots because...

"They are not running and jumping and shooting each other, and I can't hear them talking on voicespam, and they are obviously not typing in local because when I cam them from 200 m away, their hands are NOT playing the noob typing anim that everyone else in SL disabled on day one."


What can I say, over entitled jerks waving fake guns in SL isn't new or that rare.

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3 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Peeve: The "golden rule" that those who have the gold make the rules.

In RL regular people have to follow rules and laws. It's only those with money and status that can get away with flouting them.  Want to get out of paying taxes? Be sure to have plenty of money and a good, expensive accountant. Want to get away with sketchy business practices or sexual harassment, have a good, expensive lawyer who can write and enforce NDAs. Want to break a few laws generally, get a good, expensive lawyer who can argue your cases well in court. Even if you just want to go to the head of the line at amusement parks, you can buy a pass to cut in front of all the poor people.

If you want to break TOS rules in SL, pay for your own region and make it private.

Or just push noobs from your volcano in Opensim



/me looks around for noobs..


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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

Peeve: People that don't realize that for the price of premium for a year allows them to have their very own 1048m echo chamber.

My car payment was $169/month. It ran, it got me places. It turned out to be tougher than my neighbors 50K vehicle.

There's 3 things you can do when faced with sim rules.

1. Say 'Okay' and comply. (Peace reigns in the universe and everyone gets to enjoy the space.)

2. Say 'okay' and leave. (Peace reigns in this case as well and if the rules are really really stupid, the space becomes that barren wasteland you mentioned. Social Darwinism at its finest.)

3. Argue. (The most likely scenario when I hear 'got banned')

I never argue with the tyrant overlords.  I'm almost banned in no sims . That's why I'm doing it here . But countless people eventually start hanging elsewhere due to being so limited on what they're allowed to do in the majority of popular sims in second lyfe, which forces me to.follow them around in a Neverending search for transient locations to temporarily enjoy the presence of other human beans without being silenced cause gramma didn't like a word she heard,  or a scary image she saw , etc.


... or sound that was slightly above her decibel count preference .

Edited by Midnoot
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3 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

I never argue with the tyrant overlords.  I'm almost banned in no sims . That's why I'm doing it here . But countless people eventually start hanging elsewhere due to being so limited on what they're allowed to do in the majority of popular sims in second lyfe, which forces me to.follow them around in a Neverending search for transient locations to temporarily enjoy the presence of other human beans without being silenced cause gramma didn't like a word she heard,  or a scary image she saw , etc.

Your friends sound exhausting.

If they get kicked from every. single. venue.  ...  well the problem most likely isn't the venue(s) or their owners.

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5 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

But countless people eventually start hanging elsewhere due to being so limited on what they're allowed to do in the majority of popular sims in second lyfe

Sorry that's a self defeating argument.

If countless people leave, it's not a popular sim, if it's a popular sim, countless people are not leaving.


This is clearly a YOU problem, not an EVERYONE ELSE problem.

7 minutes ago, Midnoot said:

tyrant overlords

Hmmm, so if you are using a pogo stick on somebody else's lawn, and leaving pogo stick holes all over it and they come out of the house and tell you to stop that and "do one pal", they are a "tyrant overlord".


Every time you whine about this, you come across ass "why do land owners rules have to apply to me when i visit, I demand the right to do as i please, always and everywhere".

You going to complain that you can't trespass in my living room next? It's the standard logical step for people doing the Whine-Trail that you're on.


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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

Your friends sound exhausting.

If they get kicked from every. single. venue.  ...  well the problem most likely isn't the venue(s) or their owners


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