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9 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

though I hope I don't have to, because it's a somewhat fiddly process).

This made me laugh outloud, which was not easy if you read what I just wrote about trying to drink coffee at the same time as serial sneezing. :) Ahhhh, truth in action. 'I could but don't make me cuz it is stupid work.'

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14 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:
17 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

It's a double pet-peeve today:  mesh snobbery and art snobbery.

Any Snobbery!! \o/

Agreed, but I have a snobbery rating system -- some types of snobbery are worse than others. For example, snobbery that involves hypocrisy.  Definitely a peeve.

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Although... now that I think about it, the irony is strong in that in a grand-fathered thread where there is a smidge more leeway to the current Draconian rules, that one gets their collective hands slapped for posting about something that is entirely SL related, whereas elsewhere we are told that even the mere allusion or metaphor that might relate to something RL and not entirely SL is also cause for handslapping. (Or worse, don't forget the clauses that allow Forum handslapping to become removal from inworld.)

I realize a point can be made for time and place, but around here that tends to be wtf-o'clock and Through The Looking Glass.

Go ask Alice, I think she knows.

This post no doubt brought to you by oxygen deprivation from sneezing nonstop.

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7 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

that one gets their collective hands slapped for posting about something that is entirely SL related

I believe - from my own point of view - the issue may be that there was a personal dispute forming on the relative merits / LL position on TPV's which would have been better served in a separate thread.


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Seriously? Sig lines? There are sig line police? Actively patrolling the streets? smh, "What have we come to."

I keep feeling the need for disclaimers: I understand sig lines being totally over-the-limits if they spew hate speech of some kind, but... good grief. This place. "Peeve" doesn't cover it. /me goes back to read Kali's post in another thread about the good old bad days...

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2 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I believe - from my own point of view - the issue may be that there was a personal dispute forming on the relative merits / LL position on TPV's which would have been better served in a separate thread.


Understood. To a point. However, my original irony observation stands.

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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I believe - from my own point of view - the issue may be that there was a personal dispute forming on the relative merits / LL position on TPV's which would have been better served in a separate thread.


PS. And gawd forbid in a text-based forum that a few people should actually disagree! smh. A one-on-one back-and-forth is not the same thing as a flame war and just spamming a thread with spew. There is a difference between disagreeing and being disagreeable (which granted, many here sometimes fail to grasp), and being disagreeable and flaming the board.  Well, in theory, but apparently not in practice...  I keep forgetting these are no longer discussion boards.

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10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

PS. And gawd forbid in a text-based forum that a few people should actually disagree! smh. A one-on-one back-and-forth is not the same thing as a flame war and just spamming a thread with spew. There is a difference between disagreeing and being disagreeable (which granted, many here sometimes fail to grasp), and being disagreeable and flaming the board.  Well, in theory, but apparently not in practice...  I keep forgetting these are no longer discussion boards.

Peeve: Many (if not "most") Peeves start as "disagreements"!


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19 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I think Knock at the Cabin included planes falling out of the sky.

It was on our UK news yesterday that there were some issues with air traffic control, yet I kept hearing planes and helicopters going overhead, and the plane radar website I use still showed plenty of air traffic. I sat in the bath bracing myself every time I heard anything going overhead. 

They say there is nothing to fear but fear itself, and bracing myself would not help.

Battening down the hatches might but I have prayed the hurricanes and tornadoes have moved along to non-populated areas. The extreme weather certainly reminds us all how merely mortal we are.

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2 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

@Arielle Popstar @Phil Deakins  I think if you want to carry on this discussion about viewer features, it might be better suited to its own thread in the Viewer sub-forum.

I can try moving it to its own thread there if you would like (though I hope I don't have to, because it's a somewhat fiddly process).

No need to move it. We're done :D

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54 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

/me goes back to read Kali's post in another thread about the good old bad days...

"the good old bad old days" Those were the days I yearn for :D

Back in RA I had some really good arguments - really good arguments. I attracted them and I loved it. I loved it because I was always right, of course 9_9. They were about traffic bots, which everyone knew I used, but many people seriously objected to manipulating search results like that. I was always right because they were absolutely legal at that time. Wonderful days :D

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1 minute ago, Phil Deakins said:

"the good old bad old days" Those were the days I yearn for :D

Back in RA I had some really good arguments - really good arguments. I attracted them and I loved it. I loved it because I was always right, of course 9_9. They were about traffic bots, which everyone knew I used, but many people seriously objected to manipulating search results like that. I was always right because they were absolutely legal at that time. Wonderful days :D

Kali, in the thread yours truly started, summed up one aspect of forum participation (and leaving) I suspect many of us old-timers experienced. It was a (mostly) good old days, that turned rabidly bad, but yeah the banter, play, serious discussions, and disagreements all formed a type of community that should have been nurtured by a company that hosts an online community, or so it seems. The reality of course, was much different. (As I'm being reminded harshly today, "Oh right, that's why I stopped posting again.")

Wait. YOUR fond memories are arguments about traffic bots?!?! :D

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1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:

Wait. YOUR fond memories are arguments about traffic bots?!?! :D

Yep :D. I enjoy a good debate and/or argument, and the ones about traffic bots were arguments. Some people were so against them that any discussion/debate quickly turned into arguments, and I was always in the right on that topic.

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4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

I don't get into debates and arguments where there are opposing views unless I believe that I'm right. Isn't everyone the same? ;)

Peeve Irony: Some people "apparently" believe they are right with no basis or reason! I'm not saying YOU are that way, of course. *Snark!*

Those are the people "royal we" ("I") most often enjoy "debating", as you'd think they can be convinced of their error.  However, 'tis but a fool's game usually, when others are so firmly entrenched in their beliefs.


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