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1 second Orb timing, is it necessary

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A message for those who set their security orbs to 0. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you make allowances for those of us who periodically go through our landmarks to weed out the ones that are no longer valid. And since old habits die hard some of us still use the tried-and-true method of actually teleporting to the coordinates. At least, give us a few seconds to pull up the next LM and move on. I, for one, really have no desire to even be on your parcel since it is no longer the business I am looking for and I certainly have no desire to get to know someone who just booted me off their parcel simply for checking old landmarks.

It's this kind of overkill that makes me not want to associate with most people in SL.

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

You seem to imply though, that if someone is experiencing "extreme social sensitivity" they should not be accommodated? Why would this need to be -- is the world only for the "normal" in your eyes?

No, I think you do them a grave disservice by suggesting SL Mainland is appropriate to their situation, all they need is an orb, especially if "accommodating" them reinforces their sensitivity, as it almost certainly would.

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7 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

A message for those who set their security orbs to 0. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you make allowances for those of us who periodically go through our landmarks to weed out the ones that are no longer valid. And since old habits die hard some of us still use the tried-and-true method of actually teleporting to the coordinates. At least, give us a few seconds to pull up the next LM and move on. I, for one, really have no desire to even be on your parcel since it is no longer the business I am looking for and I certainly have no desire to get to know someone who just booted me off their parcel simply for checking old landmarks.

It's this kind of overkill that makes me not want to associate with most people in SL.

This is a good point, too! I try to keep this in mind if I move to a commercial use allowed/residential plot - sometimes people just TP in using old landmarks and who knows what was originally in my place.

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10 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:
1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

You seem to imply though, that if someone is experiencing "extreme social sensitivity" they should not be accommodated? Why would this need to be -- is the world only for the "normal" in your eyes?

No, I think you do them a grave disservice by suggesting SL Mainland is appropriate to their situation, all they need is an orb, especially if "accommodating" them reinforces their sensitivity, as it almost certainly would.

I think they should be able to live anywhere they desire. There is no rule anywhere saying Mainland should be a sandbox without privacy considerations. Besides, people are invaded by others everywhere -- it's not just a Mainland problem.

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I think they should be able to live anywhere they desire. There is no rule anywhere saying Mainland should be a sandbox without privacy considerations. Besides, people are invaded by others everywhere -- it's not just a Mainland problem.

Oh but it is. On Mainland it's impossible to achieve anything remotely approximating "privacy", in contrast to an Estate region dedicated to that purpose, which might be appropriate to the purpose under consideration here. Mainland: definitely not.

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27 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Oh but it is. On Mainland it's impossible to achieve anything remotely approximating "privacy", in contrast to an Estate region dedicated to that purpose, which might be appropriate to the purpose under consideration here. Mainland: definitely not.

I had a parcel on the Mainland and was never bothered, nor did I ever turn on security. Yet on private estates I've been hassled, usually when I was working on somebody else's property.  Of course I would never go by my experience only, but others have stories of being hassled on both private estates and Mainland.

It seems likely a private estate "dedicated to that purpose" , as you say, of privacy, would be safer.  But everyone can't afford that.

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Honestly, I would set it to 30 seconds. To give people enough time to scat. However, that is me. I can't tell people that they are wrong for the duration they set it, or where it sends you when you get booted. It's their private domain, their orb, their choice. 

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46 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I had a parcel on the Mainland and was never bothered, nor did I ever turn on security. Yet on private estates I've been hassled, usually when I was working on somebody else's property.  Of course I would never go by my experience only, but others have stories of being hassled on both private estates and Mainland.

It seems likely a private estate "dedicated to that purpose" , as you say, of privacy, would be safer.  But everyone can't afford that.

But that's kinda the point. Ideas of "privacy" in SL are so idiosyncratic and arbitrary.

Some consider anyone being in the presence of their virtual possessions when they're not even online to be a "privacy" concern.

Everybody must realize their online status is knowable to all who care to spy on them, yet they consider their avatars private. This despite the fact an avatar can be changed instantly whereas readily tracked account identity is unchangeable. (People do complain about being unable to effectively hide online status, and that makes sense, but given that gap, the rest of "privacy" seems… cosmetic.) 

The Mainland, specifically, exposes the very location of an avatar, no amount of scripted "security" can fix that. Estates, however, can prevent all but vetted visitors from entering the region at all, so nobody else can see who is where. I'd been supposing a whole region for privacy, but an Estate could offer privacy-focused co-op regions requiring some tenant or other authorized agent to approve any visitors in advance. That's certainly head-and-shoulders more "private" than anything on Mainland and at more or less comparable cost—if there were a market for it. But is that a common offering? Rather, it seems folks have decided some familiar level of "privacy" is good enough—and anything less is utterly unacceptable, you filthy prying intruders—whereas that threshold seems objectively completely arbitrary.

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Oh for the love of ...

If you are not paying the tier or rent for a parcel, you have no "rights" whatsoever to do anything there. Beginning and end of.

Telling/suggesting that those with privacy concerns (or any other excuse you might try to shoe-horn in, in an attempt to make your non-existent point) that they should/must use Private Estates for such is entirely out of line.

You want to explore/fly/drive/sail? Goody! You have zero "rights" whatsoever to pass through anyone's parcel with a singular estate exception: The Vehicular Enthusiast continent being passed off as part of Linden Homes (a rousing mistake on the part of Linden Lab as it has emboldened the segment of the userbase that feels entitled to their "exploration").

All other faux concerns are side-tracks.

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17 hours ago, LunaRavencroft said:

Put it this way.

If you invade my privacy, even by one second, you've DRASTICALLY overstayed your welcome. I do not enjoy unwelcome, uninvited guests. I have anxiety, and I feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable with randos intruding where they're not welcome. 


Don't like it? Don't come to my home uninvited. It's MY home, MY safe place, MY private sanctum. If you intrude into MY home, understand that YOU are the reason why my security system forcibly ejected you. You were an unauthorized intruder into someone's private space, and therefor, you are to blame for their security orb's aggressive negotiations. Why? Because some individuals don't listen when told to leave, so, they must be made to leave.

How I see it, if you intrude into someone's private space....
1. You are an unwelcome/invited/etc... intruder and do not belong there.
2. You are the reason why you were banned/ejected.
3. You may be one of those miserable individuals whom doesn't listen to verbal/text warnings about getting out of someone's private area.

TL;DR-  Don't want to be ejected? Don't intrude in other people's private spaces like a creep.

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.

17 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I live on a parcel that isn't on mainland and I have my access list on and no one is allowed on. Except anyone on my access list. Now if I had an orb, I would make it 30 seconds tops. But I am totally fine with people choosing to make it a shorter time. I mean ultimately it is their choice and their piece of paradise. It is also their choice to choose to send you wherever they want to send you. 

I think it is better to only use scripts or methods to ensure your own privacy, that leasts affects the enjoyment and reasonable free movement of your fellow SL'ers, who the majority of mean you no harm - and that using such scripts are used in moderation - especially those who forcefully send someone's avatar home.

It's funny how people can AR others for using scripts that limit their avatar's movement, or entrap them, or otherwise manipulate them, but then eject orb users feel it's perfectly fine to do it in that situation.

The most reasonable solution that makes everyone happy is:

1) Limit eject orbs to a minimum delay time (of 15 seconds) and fair people can use 30 seconds.

2) LL reworks the eject system, and ejects the affected avatar to a nearby parcel, or a region "safe zone". (a reserved 4mx4m plot or park) so that region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

15 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

We just don't know for sure what meaning it has for them and why they desire privacy, as there are so many possibilities, but I do know it's not right for you to insult and ridicule another because of the personal space and privacy they need.

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.

12 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

And all it really tells us is that the orb script hasn't been updated with the modern way of scripting that can perfectly detect avatars on a parcel of any shape and is instead using the older method which can only detect based on a circle diameter from where the orb is placed which obviously cannot do a perfect job even in the centre of square shaped land let alone the weirdly shaped land that people often get near roads.

The reason for their orb being out of date could be many:

  • The land owner is absent and has been for some time.
  • They don't know that better scripting methods exist or why they are better.
  • They don't know update for their orb is available.
  • The maker of their orb has gone out of business long ago and they don't realise that newer orbs are better.

Often people just stick with what is working for them and so it isn't always malice that drives this.

Sure, now extend the same courtesy to people who might come across your parcel, who are there through no malicious intent of their own - and to treat them with patience and kindness.

9 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

If there's some program to use SL (or any online experience) to help victims recover from whatever causes such extreme social sensitivity, that would be great but it would require a heck of a lot more than any security orb could deliver and must include progressive desensitization, not reward for ever increasing vigilance to the trigger.

As an introvert, occasionally having somewhere to retreat for a little virtual "me time" has appeal, but overall SL is a social platform. The Fortress of Solitude, long term, is not a healthy place. It's just not.

Yes, and perhaps these users could use a privately dedicated space (on demand type of service), so that they won't be exposed to the SL user masses.

9 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

most problems seem to happen on places where waterwways are at regions where no protections is set to the land. For many years these parcels are sold and traded between residents. But by their origin are no public passages.
Somebobdy to blame? .. nah, thats to big, but it's how mainland was designed.

OK, ill blame somebody at 3 sides .. the landowner could be less restrictive, the traveler could be more carefull and plan better, and as third, LL redo the design of seemingly public passingways and make it LL owned.

Or we could just create an easy solution that will work out for everyone;

1) Limit eject orbs to a minimum delay time (of 15 seconds) and fair people can use 30 seconds.

2) LL reworks the eject system, and ejects the affected avatar to a nearby parcel, or a region "safe zone". (a reserved 4mx4m plot or park) so that region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

8 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I have a 4096 corner parcel with a beach theme on a private island.  No ban lines or isolation walls are allowed, to maintain the Beach theme. 

One neighbor moved in and immediately set up a zero second orb for his entire parcel up to the top of the sky.  There is no warning messsage and it has no delay.  When I was landscaping near his parcel, I would sometime step onto his side of the adjacent boundary with one foot, and instantly be ejected to the bottom of the ocean.  This got rather annoying, and the last thing I wanted to do was touch his BDSM beach playground.  So my answer was to put up a security wall, so I could not drift onto his parcel by even 0.00001 meter.  It works just fine, and I hope he enjoys his privacy:



(I was tempted to make the texture on his side a collection of dog turds, but alas I opted for 100% transparency on both sides.)

We are so isolated on this island that we never see a visitor.  I have no orbs active at any level because they are not needed.

Sad huh. It's like finally applying a "When In Rome" principle when it seems that there is no interest from others around you to be reasonable, and then you have to resort to such things.

But then it just makes SL more antisocial and hostile than before. Of course this stuff didn't happen overnight, this kind of behaviour has been growing, and perhaps it's time for LL to step in again and regulate some stuff - especially eject orbs.

8 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I don't think you get to make that call for how people approach their use of SL.  It also supposes that they never go anywhere else to socialise.  They may just not want to be forced to socialise in their sanctum.

Sure, now please extend the same courtesy for your fellow SL'ers and their approach of their use of SL - especially on the topic of balancing the ability to explore (and all the benefits it has for fun, and even profit for store owners and land renters/sellers) and others need for privacy. The solutions have been prevented - why not support it, or at least offer a counter-explanation as to why you need 0 second orbs?

6 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, Superman, but @Gabriele Graves' point stands: I don't get to dictate how sociable people must be in their sanctum.

For that solitude, there's OpenSim on a stick with the network cable unplugged. Or, much better, a meditation app.

For healing, there are mental health professionals, not orb scripters.


Also, let's not pretend there's some special nobility in selecting Mainland of all places as the place to seek privacy in SL. The tools are grandfathered-in so Mainland will always have these lame functions to achieve a kind of half-assed "privacy" and folks will always be able to use them, but only a dedicated, one-owner Estate region has anything like meaningful privacy. Meanwhile, the Mainland "privacy" seekers will forever be dissatisfied with their results while inconveniencing others. As a designed environment, Mainland "privacy" is less a compromise than a failure, but it's a permanent failure now.

Yep. At some point people have to accept that there is a balance between privacy, and allowing the free flow of reasonable access

And if their needs for privacy outweighs an average need, perhaps a private region is in order, or like you said, go load an OpenSim on localhost where noone will ever bother them - ever.

This is why we can live in a society (at least in the West) where people can knock on your door and say "hello" - yet of course they'd never enter your house. If we made it so noone could step on your driveway for any reason - it would actually work against a free and civil society.

No one wants people's privacy taken away, no one has said that protections should be removed - but some are obsessed with this as if it's an all or nothing proposition.

4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm going to have to agree with @Gabriele Gravesabout this.  I am quite social when I choose to be.  I'm hopping all over the grid most of the time.  But, just as in RL, my home is for my down time.  The one place in SL I should be guaranteed some solitude if I so choose.  I don't have any social anxiety.  As people say, I'm social selective.

No one is suggesting to take that away from you.

1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

On Mainland it's impossible to achieve anything remotely approximating "privacy", in contrast to an Estate region dedicated to that purpose, which might be appropriate to the purpose under consideration here. Mainland: definitely not.

Some people seem lost on this point.

To me, it makes no sense to park in a relatively 'public' area - which the majority of SL'ers have a reasonable expectation to move in and explore - and some are willing to go to great lengths - to the point of abusive practices - to try to gain themselves 100% privacy.

Those users should be pointed to private island rentals, or as I proposed before, that

LL Could Consider On-Demand Parcels/Lands/Worlds for those who seem to need it the most.

Seemingly though, some are simply not looking for solutions, but to just double down on their views - which heavily relies on the assumption that other SL'ers are a threat, hostile and chronic griefers, trolls and abusers.

This is not healthy for the platform.

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7 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

The Vehicular Enthusiast continent being passed off as part of Linden Homes (a rousing mistake on the part of Linden Lab as it has emboldened the segment of the userbase that feels entitled to their "exploration").

You seem to be quite agitated about this.

And you are wrong. The existence of the Sailing Estates plus Blake Sea mainland regions and lots over lots of public roads on mainland predate the alleged mistake of Bellisseria by many, many years. And it's been and still is a recognized strength of mainland, which may have influenced the the Bellisseria Covenant, both through the good and the bad experiences with mainlands "all ownership privileges and no social responsibilities whatsoever" attitude.

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2 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

A message for those who set their security orbs to 0. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you make allowances for those of us who periodically go through our landmarks to weed out the ones that are no longer valid. And since old habits die hard some of us still use the tried-and-true method of actually teleporting to the coordinates. At least, give us a few seconds to pull up the next LM and move on. I, for one, really have no desire to even be on your parcel since it is no longer the business I am looking for and I certainly have no desire to get to know someone who just booted me off their parcel simply for checking old landmarks.

It's this kind of overkill that makes me not want to associate with most people in SL.

Right now, there is a well-known creator with an outdated link to their inworld store, that teleports right into the kitchen of someone who lives there now. :D

No eject orb in that case, I am glad was able to have time to get my bearings, pull up the map, and see what was around, or if the store was off to the side somewhere.

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So, to answer the OP, no it is not necessary, yes people can do that in mainland, their land their choice.

I would advise to roam and sail in Belli, it is what I do nowadays, I got tired of orbs that don't give me time to get out of a place and banlines, and as I said before, I wandered there by mistake or lag. 


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8 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

No one is making a case to remove your preference for privacy. Not one person.

What has been presented is a request to set your orb to a reasonable eject delay, and for LL to disallow one user sending another user home as they can lose their place moving about and exploring on the Mainland during legitimate, non-malicious activity (which the overwhelming majority of SL'ers do). Sniping your fellow SL'ers and tp'ing them home without warning is not reasonable.

Well, again their orb, their private bit of land, their choice. I don't know hard that is to conceptualize? I mean you are basically demanding LL to make it illegal to set your own orb to a time you feel is necessary and also demanding that they not send you home. Like somehow you are entitled to be sent somewhere else. You really can't always get what you want. I mean this is turn into LL better make regulations, cause it's unfair. I mean would you expect the same courtesy IRL? Would you expect the owner of the home to give you 15 seconds to get off THEIR land? Do you pay THEIR land fees? So how is it fair to tell a person what they should do in the privacy of their own land, with their own orb? Do you see what I mean? That would be like asking the mayor of the town to give people 15 seconds to get off their land, they own. And at the same time, not call the police if you hestitate to do so, in what you deem is a reasonable amount of time. 

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5 minutes ago, Tary Allen said:

So, to answer the OP, no it is not necessary, yes people can do that in mainland, their land their choice.

I would advise to roam and sail in Belli, it is what I do nowadays, I got tired of orbs that don't give me time to get out of a place and banlines, and as I said before, I wandered there by mistake or lag.

There is no reason why you should have to adjust your use of SL, especially if you pay for it, to what amounts as LESS service than what you had previously, and many people lose out on opportunities, eg.

That store owner you com across as you explore.

That affordable land rental/purchase that you may never have known about.

The fun of exploring and finding new things and new people to meet.

Instead, We could just create an easy solution that will work out for everyone;

1) Limit eject orbs to a minimum delay time (of 15 seconds) and fair people can use 30 seconds.

2) LL reworks the eject system, and ejects the affected avatar to a nearby parcel, or a region "safe zone". (a reserved 4mx4m plot or park) so that region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Well, again their orb, their private bit of land, their choice. I don't know hard that is to conceptualize?

No one has suggested that they take away this functionality from private people, but that their effect on other SL residents is within reason. I don't know how hard that is to conceptualize.

We only have a right to protect ourselves, in SL or RL, and not impose our will and force upon others in the process.

1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean you are basically demanding LL to make it illegal to set your own orb to a time you feel is necessary and also demanding that they not send you home. Like somehow you are entitled to be sent somewhere else.

I made no demands, only suggestions to solve unpleasant experiences, and that benefit BOTH parties involved. However if I did make a demand, please quote when I or anyone else ever did so.

I haven't really heard any argument as to why someone would need a 0 second orb, or why they feel they're entitled to basically nuking an avatar back to their home, and i did provide reasons why doing so is not to the benefit of anyone.

1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

You really can't always get what you want.

But if you try sometimes... you get what you need! :D

1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean this is turn into LL better make regulations, cause it's unfair.

If LL deems it as reasonable to allow 0 second orbs and to forcefully remove people from an entire region and send them back home - there is nothing any of us can do about it - but I'm just presenting a rational reason for them to consider changing their mind on this - it's up to them in the end, but I'm going to make a case.

It's not unfair to have some regulation (otherwise known as 'best practices') if something in SL is found to be abused. It's not regulation, it's a revamping of a function that hopefully balances the need for privacy and the respectful treatment of PAYING Second Lifers. I also made a case as to what gets lost in the process as a result - the least of it being bad blood between SL'ers - which is toxic to a platform.

1 minute ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I mean this is turn into LL better make regulations, cause it's unfair. I mean would you expect the same courtesy IRL? Would you expect the owner of the home to give you 15 seconds to get off THEIR land? Do you pay THEIR land fees? So how is it fair to tell a person what they should do in the privacy of their own land, with their own orb? Do you see what I mean? That would be like asking the mayor of the town to give people 15 seconds to get off their land, they own. And at the same time, not call the police if you hestitate to do so, in what you deem is a reasonable amount of time. 

Well yeah, in RL there is still a reasonable time to expect someone to get off your land when you request it, or it becomes trespassing. 15 seconds in many cases wouldn't be enough..

The key word here is 'reasonable'. 0 second eject orbs, insta-ban scripts (in relation to those), and giving control to that script owner to completely send that avatar 'home' is not, and I gave many reasons why.





Edited by Codex Alpha
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2 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

There is no reason why you should have to adjust your use of SL, especially if you pay for it, to what amounts as LESS service than what you had previously, and many people lose out on opportunities, eg.

That store owner you com across as you explore.

That affordable land rental/purchase that you may never have known about.

The fun of exploring and finding new things and new people to meet.

Instead, We could just create an easy solution that will work out for everyone;

1) Limit eject orbs to a minimum delay time (of 15 seconds) and fair people can use 30 seconds.

2) LL reworks the eject system, and ejects the affected avatar to a nearby parcel, or a region "safe zone". (a reserved 4mx4m plot or park) so that region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

But you are not entitled to those same "Rights" when you cross the threshold from open access to private access. You aren't getting it. You are basically telling LL to make rules that seem ridiculous in the long run. Telling people how they should setup their property. To accommodate someone trespassing. See how moronic that sounds. Look no one has to accommodate you, once you step on their land and you incidentally get booted for that. That is absolutely preposterous. 

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3 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

so that region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

That gives me an idea, we should create "Second Life No-Fault Teleport Home Insurance Policies"!

"Teleported home, through no fault of your own?

Just call Second Life No-Fault Insurance!

For a low, low, monthly L$ fee, we will personally do something when you get teleported against your will!

Second Life No-Fault Insurance - We've got your back, and sometimes your front."

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Just now, CarlaWetter said:

You seem to be quite agitated about this.

And you are wrong. The existence of the Sailing Estates plus Blake Sea mainland regions and lots over lots of public roads on mainland predate the alleged mistake of Bellisseria by many, many years. And it's been and still is a recognized strength of mainland, which may have influenced the the Bellisseria Covenant, both through the good and the bad experiences with mainlands "all ownership privileges and no social responsibilities whatsoever" attitude.

That's nice.

No, I am not "wrong" on this - The Sailing estates and Blake sea are privately owned.

The public roads on Mainland are Linden Owned and not the point of contention - leave them out.

As far as the agitation is concerned: It is a matter of presentation (and possibly semantics) - The new continent is being passed off as an "upgrade" to the original Linden Homes when it is in reality a loosely linked side project geared more to those who presume to have some sort of "right" to explore parcels which they are not directly paying for.

Further - as noted above - I am irritated by the insistence of some that they have some "right" to move through another's parcel (a notion that Linden Lab has exacerbated with their restrictions in their Vehicular User continent)). Your ability to pass through a parcel is at the whim of the parcel owner.

I noted in another thread (not that long ago) what my current parceling situation is and feel I ought to make a note here on something: If I could ever find a decently shaped 4096 on Mainland that is decently priced and has the same (1.1) or greater Object Bonus, I'd consider moving there and using the same setup I have now - One "orb" set to only allow access to a singular group with both a Whitelist and Blacklist set to scan the entire parcel with about 15 seconds before it takes action (currently set to teleport Home to prevent bouncing them off of my neighbors access restricted parcels) with orbs in specific locations with stricter access, specified ranges and far shorter timers (each set to warp Home, no exception to be made there).

The Parcel encompassing system is rarely activated but exists as a hold over from the days when random griefers would pop onto the region or from when some random user would pop onto the parcel for whatever reason.

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Oh please, this isn't about everyone and an amicable solution, it's about demanding the right to roam SL without boundary.

The push back to your ideas in this thread alone are a storm in a teacup next to the mayhem that would be dumped on LL's door should they change the rules to facilitate this entitled nonsense. 


SECOND LIFE - Your World! Your Imagination! AND Some guy unironically using Alpha as his last name.


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2 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

But you are not entitled to those same "Rights"

But! But, I say!

8 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

There is no reason why you should have to adjust your use of SL

And then again:

9 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

region visitors don't have to lose their place through no fault of their own.

Now you see, this just goes to show:

"Second Life No-Fault Insurance - If you had us, you wouldn't be home already."

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14 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

I haven't really heard any argument as to why someone would need a 0 second orb, or why they feel they're entitled to basically nuking an avatar back to their home, and i did provide reasons why doing so is not to the benefit of anyone

BECAUSE IT'S THEIR ORB, THEIR LAND. Ergo you don't have a right to tell them how they should set it. That is a very good reason as to why people set it. Until you start paying their land fees and buying them an orb. You have no say as to why they shouldn't do it, nor be questioning how they set their orb. 

Edited by Sammy Huntsman
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While I could edit my earlier post, I'll put this in a new one:

There was a time when I actually did use a vehicle and went exploring myself. Funnily enough my cessation had nothing to do with security systems, region crossings or other such thing. No, I simply did not truly enjoy it.

Security systems? The only problematic ones I ever ran across were on region borders (or worsecorners). Ditto with the banlines and other things that some here seem to find oh so important to gripe about.

So uh, yeah ... I am quite familiar with the issues. I still don't agree with let alone condone many of the attitudes shown here concerning vehicle use by those coming across as entitled.

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14 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

But you are not entitled to those same "Rights" when you cross the threshold from open access to private access. You aren't getting it. You are basically telling LL to make rules that seem ridiculous in the long run. Telling people how they should setup their property. To accommodate someone trespassing. See how moronic that sounds. Look no one has to accommodate you, once you step on their land and you incidentally get booted for that. That is absolutely preposterous. 


8 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

BECAUSE IT'S THEIR ORB, THEIR LAND. Ergo you don't have a right to tell them how they should set it. That is a very good reason as to why people set it. 

Why is it that I and others can't get the same courtesy that you would like to afford them? This is why people try to meet in the middle of any issue, and come up with a reasonable solution. Not all parties will be 100% happy, but that's what happens when an agreement is finally met.

"Because it's their land" in RL wouldn't allow a landowner to blow someone away on their land, with no warning, or before a reasonable request to leave the property (then give them reasonable time to do so) - and every court of law will back this up. Being a landowner isn't a license to blow people away.

I did not speak in the concepts of 'right to' do anything. Landowners have a right to privacy, and everyone else has the right to free and reasonable (the word being reasonable) access to Mainland (which this is about) areas in SL where this is happening.

I wish you well, but I don't think I can rephrase or make my position clearer at this point. :D

And I'm not sure why you are still being counter to me, because you've already agreed with me:

1 hour ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

Honestly, I would set it to 30 seconds. To give people enough time to scat. However, that is me. I can't tell people that they are wrong for the duration they set it, or where it sends you when you get booted. It's their private domain, their orb, their choice. 

See we agree.

Edited by Codex Alpha
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