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8 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:
32 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Let's go wing shopping soon!  I don't have that many, but have increased my supply the last few months.

Yes, a Show & Tell for wings first in my penthouse and then browsing.  If my internet settles down later today, I will IM you inworld.

Oh god, I will have to find wings in my inventory!  I swear, just 2 days ago I vowed to make a 'wings' folder!


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17 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

TOTALLY WOW!!!  Stunning!

They did a great job honestly, they have a real knack for this stuff! If you're talking about the av itself though the mod is my own texture work (on the BG Solarian Feline, it's old but its too cute for me to give up!). ^^ I appreciate this a lot, thank you!

Edited by Blink Hexem
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12 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Oh god, I will have to find wings in my inventory!  I swear, just 2 days ago I vowed to make a 'wings' folder!

You just sparked a memory from 2007:  the first two items I bought in SL were pajamas (no idea why either) and wings.  Then for at least a decade, I never wore wings so thanks to you, Shambhala Sanctuary, and the fantasy build at the Fairgrounds, I now have to build up my wing supply again.  🦋 🪰

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2 hours ago, UnilWay SpiritWeaver said:

I'm looking to get in on this NFT shape / prim thing people keep posting about in random day-one user threads. ;)


I so clearly remember my first day in SL in 2007, going through the welcome area as it was then, dutifully making a box and thinking, "Why the hell would I want to make a box????"

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7 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

A joy to meet my lovely new owl sister, Leora, on the Shambhala Sanctuary beach tonight:

Sept 12 Leora & Me On The Beach_003 Resized.png

Thanks, Luna, we had great fun and thanks for the amazing tour; my TP history is bulging, LOL. 

This photo made me want to make one quick request of everyone posting their own gorgeous photos here:  I would always love to know where you and that amazing spot in SL were photographed, so, if you are able to share the location, please let us all know. 

Thanks to Luna and thanks to all of you!

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I grabbed 2 items at the Arcade event and set them out on my mainland. They're no-copy though so I'm not going back, but at least they were mod. Had to shrink these to about 70% of original size, and then put in a script on the coffee machine taken from one of my other items. Not sure I'll keep it - that cart was 17LI after all. But it does look nice.


There other item is a little metal chair sitting between me and the cart that I had to update the AVsit script on because it had a very old version - then use the AVsitter shift position script to update all the poses to be closer to the chair seat after the resize.

If you look close you can see the chair.


Edited by UnilWay SpiritWeaver
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