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How Does Your SL Look Today?

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So, today I started setting up a new exhibition I'm hosting at the Factory Art Collective Gallery. It's entitled "Yes Her," and its about positivity and womanhood -- and I've invited 8 other women photographers to contribute a pic, including a number here from the forum. (Check my signature for details.)

Here, I've just hung @Suki Blossom's really amazing contribution, "She Sparkles."


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Cat and I the other day, trying to find "garbage prims" in the water at our waterfall.  It's hard enough to stick to 5000 without having ones lying around that are leftovers, or lost prims.

Cat and I water Sandor.png

Edited by Bagnu
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3 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

Are any of your scenes open to the general SL public? I'd love to visit... when I'm not in the mood for Open Sim. Perhaps later tonight ET US. :)

These are all "Paradise Blanket" rezzer Prim builds, from about 2008-2010!  I rezz each one to script awhile, and am finally taking pictures.  Once I finish taking pictures of them, I'll move on to another old scene rezzer.

I usually leave a scene rezzed when I'm not online,  at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pengallen Bridge/34/227/60

I changed the "blanket" to allow anyone to use. Just sit on it, click it, select "Use It", select a scene, then the default height "60".



Blanket Castle_003.png

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Today's scene #2 - a "Workspace".  Ugly as sin.. I'm not sure, but probably it is meant to be textured by the user, and the round "room" at the end is for "green screen" shots?  Maybe the part in between (with the arrows) is for "rezzing"/"building"?



Blanket Workspace_001.png

Blanket Workspace_002.png

Blanket Workspace_003.png

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Sitting around in my tower being lazy, I just logged into SL played a few rounds of blackjack and came back to my home to relax by the fire.



I want to eventually get a new computer, build a chatbot from it and have some sort of animesh NPC wandering around to bring a bit of life into this place I know there is a parrot on the marketplace in the meantime that I had fun with in one of my previous Bellisseria homes, perhaps I will drag them out to keep me entertained..  I what I really need is  a butler in this this tower, or perhaps a court jester. 

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2 hours ago, Istelathis said:

Sitting around in my tower being lazy, I just logged into SL played a few rounds of blackjack and came back to my home to relax by the fire.



I want to eventually get a new computer, build a chatbot from it and have some sort of animesh NPC wandering around to bring a bit of life into this place I know there is a parrot on the marketplace in the meantime that I had fun with in one of my previous Bellisseria homes, perhaps I will drag them out to keep me entertained..  I what I really need is  a butler in this this tower, or perhaps a court jester. 


Reminds me of Big Barda!!! Love your outfit!!!



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I was playing around with an ivy generator in 3DSMAX today, to try and get some more detail going for the bridge between our 2 islands. I made this texture, and put it on a prim in the Beta Grid. Looks OK from a bit of a distance, but not so good closeup.  I'm going to have to use multiple sculpted prims to get better resolution closeup. It's far too complex to upload as mesh. I've tried. and it won't even load.. Not surprising, since the render took an hour at 8192x4096.  and it has a phenomenal amount of vertices I've tweaked Firestorm to accept 8192x8192 to get supersampling. I'll split that in half in Photoshop, and put each one on a seperate sculpted prim. Of course I'll have to make more textures. And then the doubles sided thing. Seems only sculpties can reverse normals. Combining two with one having inverted normals makes double sided from what I discovered.

Cat could only come on for short bits today, so I took the time to work on our Island stuff. No idea who that person was beside me. I convinced Cat to get access to the beta grid too, so she can come and see if she likes what I'm testing.  No point doing a lot of work on something she hates!!!





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It's been a good 12 years since I hosted and ran a real event in SL -- other than something simple for friends. OMG, I've forgotten so much. I did get some VERY welcome help from three people here about how to set up my stream for my DJ however.

And then I had some fun putting together a way-too-elaborate stage for her. Only after I'd built it did I think to ask her if she wanted to actually USE a stage or DJ booth, and, well, she's not sure: she may just dance with common folk.

Well, I put too much work into this damn thing. I don't care if she's using it or not: it's going out!


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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Only after I'd built it did I think to ask her if she wanted to actually USE a stage or DJ booth, and, well, she's not sure: she may just dance with common folk.

You gave her the option, at least!  Plus, having built this out - now you can do it again much easily for your next "event"!

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

You gave her the option, at least!  Plus, having built this out - now you can do it again much easily for your next "event"!

Yeah. Honestly, most of the DJs I follow -- all but one, in fact, of about 6 or so -- don't bother with a stage or booth, and just dance with the crowd, so I am not actually terribly surprised.

One thing that DID surprise me. The little stage set I made comes in at 43LI unlinked. When I tried linking the pieces, it zoomed up to over 240 LI!!!! That seems to be due to the scaffolding.

I've never run across such a dramatic change in LI from linking before. Weird.

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

One thing that DID surprise me. The little stage set I made comes in at 43LI unlinked. When I tried linking the pieces, it zoomed up to over 240 LI!!!! That seems to be due to the scaffolding.

I've never run across such a dramatic change in LI from linking before. Weird.

The Ways of the Mesh are indeed Weird and Wonderful.  

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9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah. Honestly, most of the DJs I follow -- all but one, in fact, of about 6 or so -- don't bother with a stage or booth, and just dance with the crowd, so I am not actually terribly surprised.

One thing that DID surprise me. The little stage set I made comes in at 43LI unlinked. When I tried linking the pieces, it zoomed up to over 240 LI!!!! That seems to be due to the scaffolding.

I've never run across such a dramatic change in LI from linking before. Weird.

I've seen it double, when I added physics to one of my vine bridge strands, and linked them . Then they all became 2 prims, instead of one. But NEVER what you're describing!!!

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21 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

How about a maid?




Maid? Did you say maid? Cat and I DO need a new one....I had to fire our last one...

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