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Is There a Bellisseria Directory?

Prokofy Neva

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Is there a directory of all the sites in Bellissaria open to the public?

With difficulty I found the "Cabinet of Curiosities" which moved, at least from the time when I saw it mentioned in the forums.

Now where is the place where you get the vehicles again?

Join the Bellisseria Citizens group and grab the LM package that was sent out on 10/11/2020.  They send updates to it out every few weeks.

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Oh, you rang Ms. Hammie?  @Prokofy Neva Jon Ree puts out the current Rez Zones and Landmarks of Bellisseria, every month in the Bellisseria Citizens Group notices.  I also put out the Bellisseria Parade of Homes & Resident Owned Places of Interest once a month in the Bellisseria Citizens group notices.  You can also pick up both of these items anytime with the most current updated listings at the Bellisseria Group Consociate Building in Winters Elm region.  Between Jon and my own listings you should find just about everything of interest, you're looking to find in Bellisseria.  Hope this helps. - Pru

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Winters Elm/77/155/24

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The cabinet is supposed to move :) the whole part of the thing was to be fluid not static. Also this is certainly the last two weeks of it ever so no reason to bother folks at official lists because 1. its like a pop up. 2. its not coming back after the current one!

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4 hours ago, Chloe Dolores said:

The cabinet is supposed to move :) the whole part of the thing was to be fluid not static. Also this is certainly the last two weeks of it ever so no reason to bother folks at official lists because 1. its like a pop up. 2. its not coming back after the current one!

Like most things in all lives, don't be sad that it is closing for good, be happy that it existed at all and that you were able to experience it.  

I'm a big fan of the pop-up approach, as it is the perfect foil for "been there, done that" syndrome.  There are dozens of creative "public by resident" builds in Bellisseria.  Few of them ever get visited more than once by any one person...unless you keep turning down that same dead end street because the map makes it look like it connects.  It's a lot of work creating an experience.  Keeping it fresh requires a level of effort and expense that most cannot sustain indefinitely.  Pop-ups help with that.  They generate considerable immediate interest and excitement because they are temporary.  At the same time, they allow the creative types to do what they do, while alleviating the obligation for ongoing support.  Everyone wins.       

It's also a good solution for those GOH addicts who love to collect beautiful parcels, but then don't know what to do with them.  Build a pop-up, then release the home for someone else to enjoy.  Café, pub, gym, yoga studio, record store, man cave, she shack, antique shop, library, gallery, wine tasting, art studio, pottery class, garage, bike shop, Brady Bunch makeover...the list is only limited by your imagination and the Linden Home covenant. 

Have a great idea, but not the skills to execute it?  Ask for help.  Bellisseria is full of talented designers, builders, scripters, and posers, many of whom would give the virtual shirts off their backs to help anyone who asked. 


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25 minutes ago, Matthieu Quander said:

  Pop-ups help with that.  They generate considerable immediate interest and excitement because they are temporary.  At the same time, they allow the creative types to do what they do, while alleviating the obligation for ongoing support.  Everyone wins.       


:) This is the ethos of what I was trying to do - especially between releases when people start flagging.  I love seeing how folks decorate their homes but I really do love the creativity of creating spaces for public enjoyment. Pop up record listening booth I am looking forward to some musician doing that one, streaming themselves. In fact I got to get myself to @Nando Yip new exhibit, a white rabbit ran by me and reminded me I am late!

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Hmmm, I've put too much work into the Belliserria Museum of Pixelated Art to tear it all down.  But maybe instead of trying to perfect it, I should just announce an opening date.  And maybe even a closing date.  I stressed myself out trying to finish it before the Milbank event ended, as it's in an adjacent region.  Sucked the fun out of it, so I set it aside a bit.  Almost done lol  And maybe when it's run its course, I won't throw it back into the pool, but invite Chloe over to build Cabinet 3.0 🙂

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4 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Hmmm, I've put too much work into the Belliserria Museum of Pixelated Art to tear it all down.  But maybe instead of trying to perfect it, I should just announce an opening date.  And maybe even a closing date.  I stressed myself out trying to finish it before the Milbank event ended, as it's in an adjacent region.  Sucked the fun out of it, so I set it aside a bit.  Almost done lol  And maybe when it's run its course, I won't throw it back into the pool, but invite Chloe over to build Cabinet 3.0 🙂

Think we would all like to see what you have built - perfection goes along that Judy Garland quote about casting away priceless time in dreams (our idea), born of imagination, fed upon illusion (trying to get it spot on) and put to death by reality (land allowance) ! If I spent any longer than 24 hours building mine no one would ever see it :) 

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10 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Hmmm, eu coloquei muito trabalho no Museu de Arte Pixelizada de Belliserria para demoli-lo. Mas talvez em vez de tentar aperfeiçoá-lo, eu deva apenas anunciar uma data de inauguração. E talvez até uma data de encerramento. Eu me estressei tentando terminá-lo antes do evento Milbank terminar, pois é em uma região adjacente. Tirou a diversão disso, então eu o coloquei de lado um pouco. Quase pronto (risos) E talvez quando terminar, eu não vou jogá-lo de volta na piscina, mas convido Chloe para construir o Cabinet 3.0 🙂

if that works ... i'm never totally happy with what i do, but there is a moment that i think: it's time to get public ... i would like to see your work!

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Well, I took your advice, typed up the brochure, went with what I got.  Plus I ran out of prims lol

I'm putting the slurl outside of the museum, in case years from now someone's reading this.  You're welcome for preventing you from teleporting into the middle of someone's intimate vampire-zombie hot tub party.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/191/228/23


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6 hours ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Well, I took your advice, typed up the brochure, went with what I got.  Plus I ran out of prims lol

I'm putting the slurl outside of the museum, in case years from now someone's reading this.  You're welcome for preventing you from teleporting into the middle of someone's intimate vampire-zombie hot tub party.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/191/228/23


I will visit at the weekend! 

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