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Deletion Of Hundreds Of Second Life Facebook Accounts Being Reported Today

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Facebook & SL don't serve the same purpose. 

Second Life is primarily a virtual world to play in, and one needs to have fairly good computer to use it.

Facebook is easy to use on a crappy computer or small iPhone.  One can share short updates, links, news articles, pictures, videos & discussions.  It has the capacity to share massive amounts of information between many people in quick, bite-sized units. It's social media, not virtual meeting.

I'm not saying it's better than SL at all.  I like Facebook, but I love Second Life.  Facebook could disappear tonight & I wouldn't care. I just find another social networking site to use instead.  But if SL were gone, I would be really sad, because I don't think any other virtual world comes close to what it does.  - Ok, maybe a couple come close, but not really close enough for me.

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

This is not just about Second Life names on

"We fundamentally believe this leads to greater accountability and a safer and more trusted environment for people who use the service. This view point has been developed by our own research and
in consultation with a number of safety and child protection experts
," the (Facebook) spokesperson said.

This part kills me... so now, if you disagree, then you're against protecting children, right? Whatever.

I have no presence on the web under my real name, nor do I ever feel the need to. Before I joined SL I had a presence with a user name that I used across platforms... good enough for me. After I joined SL, my SL name took over (damn you Dresden... lol). The attitude that, because someone chooses to not give their personal information out to the world, they can't be trusted or held accountable for their actions is just ridiculous.

It would be easy enough for law enforcement to find out who I am if I should do something horrible enough for them to even care to, but to willingly give that same ability to any Tom, Dick or Harry on the net for no reason at all? I don't think so.

The more people are willing to put forth this information about themselves, the more it will be expected. The more it's expected, the more pressure the ones that don't want to will be under to follow suit. Soon, if you don't provide your real information you'll be accused of anything from dishonestly to down right treacherous intent. We saw this play out in SL with zfire and his Redzone ridiculousness.

Yet people are going along with it in droves, Facebook is an internet phenomenon. I can easily see them changing the face of social networking much the way Wal-mart changed the face of retail. And it's scary to think of the possible ramifications.

...Dres *considers the best thing to do is delete the "Fictitious Character" Facebook page he created today (reference) and be done with the whole thing*

Edited to remove a superfluous sentence.

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I never understood why people love to soil their privacy.... Who cares about Facebook anyway ?

I avoid it like the plague, not that im secretive about my RL, but i dont like to be datamined to find out what advertisements to send me, or what products i favor. 

Zuckerberg: i don’t know why, they “trust me”, dumb **bleep**s

I just wonder why the Lindens still do think a 3rd Party Site would be "the best site t find out what happens in SL".





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Jaylin Wytchwood wrote:

I never understood why people love to soil their privacy.... Who cares about Facebook anyway ?

I avoid it like the plague, not that im secretive about my RL, but i dont like to be datamined to find out what advertisements to send me, or what products i favor. 

Zuckerberg: i don’t know why, they “trust me”, dumb **bleep**s

I just wonder why the Lindens still do think a 3rd Party Site would be "the best site t find out what happens in SL".

For existing residents, I agree with you on this. I never understood why either. They have a lot of options available to reach the SL population. There's the webside, the login screen, the login progress screen, user groups and they have our email addresses. (Is there such a thing as a grid wide notification system?) If they used these 'channels' a more than they do, there would be no better place than SL to find out what is going on in SL.

To a degree, though, I understand that they want to use FB and Twitter for getting information out. I can imagine it is convenient in the sense that you publish information once (for each) and reach a rather large number of people. Both new users and a number of current residents. The clue here is 'new users'. I don't use FB or Twitter, and won't for as long as I can avoid it, but, from what I understand (which I probably don't), information can spread through the networks of people following SL rather quickly, and LL is bound to reach people unfamiliar with SL and tickle their curiosity. No doubt; SL need to attract new users.

Getting information out there using tools available in SL - in world and the website - is less convenient than FB and Twitter, and probably mean they have to publish the same information many times - one for each information channel - to reach the same number of people. Well, you probably wouldn't reach the same number of people, and you would most likely not get the information out to a great number of new users. In my mind there could be no better way of spreading information to, and communicating with, current SL residents than by using these tools.

- Luc -

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I am thinking that the deletions were to make way for the owners stated intention of letting 13 year olds use facebook.

Which I heard or saw on a reputable web news stream. Surely that is ridiculous. But what do I know :matte-motes-impatient:

Twitter is perfect for SL. I am a total convert nowadays.

*note to self:... Self? ^^ pokes me in the ribs... you MUST make a dancing avi profile like Dana's  ♥。♥

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Deltango Vale wrote:

I'm curious (serious question)... What can Facebook do that SL can't?


In other words, why not continue the migration from Yahoo Groups -> Myspace -> Facebook -> SL?

Facebook, and its predecessors, fill(ed) an area of appeal that SL doesn't do. They are different kinds of "animals", and the quick messaging animal is what's popular. Young people thrive on what the mobile (cell) phone brought - messaging - and FB is in that area. Also, FB isn't continually trying to claw every penny it can out of its users, whereas that's exactly what LL does to its users.

LL's "display names" was their attempt to attract FB type people, and it worked. Sign-ups were up a lot because of it. But then it failed, because concurrency didn't go up, so SL didn't appeal to many or most of those sign-ups - the people who find the messaging (FB) systems so good.

With SL as it is, it's appeal is limited, and it doesn't include the minds that are attracted by the quick messaging systems like FB and Twitter.


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Deltango Vale wrote:

Facebook is for people who like cassette tape recorders and 35mm film cameras - the kind of people who think privacy is closing the loo door to take a pee.

While I agree with your conclusion, I'd say the exact opposite for the first part.

Facebook is for people who, while standing in line at the drug store, tweet that they're picking up their "pills", then just as they're about to pay, they answer the phone and tell their bf/gf "No, not tonight, my parents will be home. How about the back of your car?"


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since you mentioned officials using twitter....

I thought it was funny as hell and agree.. Fox news drones on about the most ridiculous crap at times, and tends to beat dead horses back to life too, although the piece they were waiting for to monitor was important (and the secret service deserved to get slammed over it)

I hate to see stupidity like that... I've actually seen facebook and similar used to great effect to engage students and keep them more interested in what they're studying

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Perrie Juran wrote:

There are links to other soursces concerning this in Daniel's blog.

One of my friends (an SL business consultant)  reported a drop in her friends list from around 1400 friends down to 1100 today.

Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry........




NOT!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha! I always said Facebook is the biggest crap ever and nobody actually needs it! Even more than Viewer 2!

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My thought on that one is i still have mine there  so this must be a joke to just be saying stuff. Facebook accounts are all still active that i see of and then some i have new facebook friends that are friends of 3 years join facebook and added me there as well so seems this is only a roomer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was deleted yesterday; it's definitely not a rumour. All it takes someone to flag your profile for review, and Facebook will act swiftly, and not even send you an email. You also have no way to dispute your claim.

For me personally, the only abuse of my rights as consumer is that I've joined Facebook under different terms of service, which most definitely allowed artistic names, pseudonyms, and the like. Facebook changed their terms of service over the years and the only option I had was to leave it; I did register my name as a valid literary pseudonym and as a trademark, back when Facebook became more aggressive in their policies, but all that is worthless nowadays.

Sure, I still keep a Facebook "page"; but "pages" are terribly limited in functionality.

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Sorry to hear about that, you might want to check out 2ndHub, I hear a lot of SL people went there after having their FB accounts deleted. I created an account there but I never use it (don't quite know how and don't feel like setting aside the time to learn).

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that I love your blog. You've really made me think of some things in a completely different way. For that, I thank you.


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