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Automatically unlisted items - what's going on?

Elvina Ewing

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24 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

I don’t see a problem with knowing what words to avoid using. How is that bad?

I don't think it's always words in isolation causing the problem, but rather a combination of words. For example, I might get away with saying a waterfall comes in 3 sizes (XS, Large, and XL), but if I'd also use certain descriptive adjectives for that waterfall that could apply to human bodies as well, as I like to do since waterfalls are quite sensual to me, well BAM it's unlisted.

Anyway, if they give us the words we could reverse engineer it fairly easily if we wanted an X-rated item to pass for G.

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13 hours ago, Nik Emoto said:

Tyvm Yue but...

I mean this is crazy.. i have stuff of all kind (dress, forniture, posters) and they ALL been removed - can u please tell me how to contact them to know whats the forbidden word in my stuff ? (to find it out myselves by guessing sound like mission impossible)

Thank you in advance

You'd need to contact support, which I've not had to do in a long time, but I can point you in the right direction.

When you're logged in to the main account area on the website, look at the "Help" menu. "Ticket History" takes you to your support history and has a button to submit a new ticket. I think everyone can do that rather than just premium. Once you have the form open for the ticket, the issue type is "Marketplace" and the subtype "Marketplace Item Listing Issues". Then explain the issue and give the listing IDs.

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LL won't tell us the words, they've already said that countless times over in the past. I have absolutely no doubt that it has nothing at all to do with giving people ideas to circumvent the offenses, as that will happen with or without the list being known. That just sounds like a super good excuse, because they think no one will argue against it, lol. 

If it were really just offending, even most potentially offending words, no one would take issue with it. The b word may be a word for female dog, but we're also well aware of it's negative connotation as well, it would surprise no one to see it on a list that triggers the adult flag -whether we think it's a bad word or not. 

It's the other words, numbers, names that aren't even actually words in any language..(need I really go on?) that are extremely innocuous that throw everything for a loop, really anger people, and rightfully so. When your list of offenses is nonsensical, it becomes rather difficult for people to avoid committing those offenses. The onus is on you to help them avoid them, not on them to try and figure out what's rattling around in your brain.  These words aren't triggering an adult flag, though that happens too, these words are triggering a listing removal-and in most cases, getting them relisted on your own is damn near impossible. 

In this case, as it nearly always has been (again, because this isn't the first time the addition of a word or even list of words that should not cause such behavior), it was a linden employee doing something they shouldn't have been doing (although the admission of such was refreshing, so I don't want the rest to sound like just an attack, we rarely see that, lol). This is what happens when you put people in places they shouldn't be, doing things they shouldn't be doing. If I flubbed up the code in any of my projects bad enough to cause end users this much grief, and even worse, cause them to have to come find me to fix it, I would've lost my job, end of.  There would be no "oops, my bad", and there certainly wouldn't be a repeat offense even if they had mercy the first time, lol. Mistakes happen, accidents happen, miss-types happen, but there are still merchants having to hunt down LL(tickets) to get this fixed, there are even a ton who don't know it happened because they don't read the forums, and it's not even a fresh or isolated incident. Some people won't know it happened at all until they take a really close look at their MP store (which isn't a necessity in most cases)-because this didn't trigger the "your items have been unlisted" messages we get on the merchant home page when it normally happens. People with hundreds, thousands of listings could be pretty peeved-again, rightfully so. 

Edited by Tari Landar
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  • Lindens

Hey, Nik!


I'm sorry to hear that you are still having trouble relisting your items. This was very much not our intention when updating our filters. What happened was that we updated our filters to take into account some copyright and trademark protected words and phrases, and the filter was a bit too aggressive in blocking words that were "similar enough" to trip the flag in a way that we were not expecting prior to updating the list. What we're seeing here is the result, and for that I personally apologize. We are working hard to reduce the impact of this sort of thing in the future and we have done a fair bit to reduce the current issues across the board which seems to have alleviated the problem that most people have run into.

As stated previously by your fellow residents, you can and should absolutely contact our Support Team for assistance if you're still having problems relisting your items. The best place to do so is: support.secondlife.com where you can see the options available to you on the right hand side, like so: 



Contact Support, or Submit a Support Ticket are your best bets.  They're likely going to ask you for the full text of the items that you're having problems relisting so they can check the copy against the list on our end and get you sorted out. They know what to look for, and can adjust the filters to ensure that no one else runs into the specific issue that you're having in the future as well. Any information you give them will help all of us.

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Does not this whole "relist things we removed for no reason, copy all text from all removed listings you can't relist, come hunt us down, do all the work for us, so we can look at the list we don't want you to know about and then wait for us to fix it"....seem like the most convoluted way you could possibly go about fixing this? I'm certain somewhere there is a file that contains all the information pertaining to items that have been unlisted, so it SHOULD be easy to put them back from the back end, while also fixing the filters so they work properly (if it's not, something's amiss there) Filters, when properly implemented, don't look for "close enough" unless you tell them to, programming only does what we tell it to do, it's not autonomous, lol. 

I'm glad you're working on fixing it, honestly, I know all my posts look more like an attack, I'm trying not to make it a personal one but more so as one geared towards LL as a whole, because it's a bigger issue than LL seems to think, not just a few merchants here and there affected. If you've been around this issue time and time again, read all the posts when it has happened,  witnessed how utterly frustrating it is for merchants,  if you've seen how many have simply chosen not to relist or even come back to the mp...it should be somewhat understandable. This is an ongoing issue, has been for years, and now a whole lot of people don't even know you created a problem for them-talked to THREE just last night (they may be able to relist on their own, one of them was pissed off because her whole store was removed-don't think she's coming back). I still haven't seen a single word from LL warning merchants that they should be checking their listings, since the trigger for warning a merchant on the merchant home page is apparently also not working. That should've been the first step and it would be SUPER simple to send out an email.  This issue literally unlisted entire stores and sections of stores for some merchants (I'm not one of them, I'm just peeved for them) that's a LOT of work on their part, and they didn't do a thing wrong. They didn't actually violate anything at all, but they're probably going to feel like it since you've still not said a single official word anywhere but here on the forums-where less than 10% of the grid  will read it. 

I do love that the MP has its own team, or I'm pretty sure it does, it seems to-and it definitely needs it, lol. The team has done a lot to try and improve MP and the relationship between MP merchants and LL over the years-even if not always to our satisfaction, even when we complain it's not enough. Just wish LL cared a lot MORE about the MP, and the LL MP team-it seems they care very little about ya, which tends to lead you to taking the brunt of the blow when something is done that breaks all the things. I can only imagine how frustrating it probably is for some. 

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11 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

 I'm certain somewhere there is a file that contains all the information pertaining to items that have been unlisted, so it SHOULD be easy to put them back from the back end, while also fixing the filters so they work properly (if it's not, something's amiss there) Filters, when properly implemented, don't look for "close enough" unless you tell them to, programming only does what we tell it to do, it's not autonomous, lol. 

Not to mention that testing on a pretty current copy of the MP would have produced all the delistings as test results.  Should have been able to skim that and figure out the words causing delisting that should not have.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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  • Lindens

If your argument is that we should have had better tools in place to determine the scope of the impact our changes would make, then I absolutely agree with you! ;) It's almost like you're reading my mind.  


The good news is that we're making those tools RIGHT NOW so that the next time we need to do something like this, we can, in fact, take the very reasonable steps you're suggesting beforehand.

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and when LL finally notices their MP revenue has gone down because half of the MP is unlisted and merchants have no idea, do you think it will ring a bell or two? Nope, they will just raise the fees again and continue on their merry way....

You would think it would be in their own interest to make an effort and send out a notification to all merchants - how hard can this be??

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Tyvm Yue, ill follow yr suggestion also remarked by Reed Linden

About Reed Linden post and the "making those tools RIGHT NOW " sentence: does that mean that soon we will be able to know what word to avoid or, better, we will see evidenced the forbidden words when creating new item  in MP ?

If thats the case i'd wait for the tool to be available instead of goin into a time wasting word treasure hunt

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9 hours ago, Nik Emoto said:

Tyvm Yue, ill follow yr suggestion also remarked by Reed Linden

About Reed Linden post and the "making those tools RIGHT NOW " sentence: does that mean that soon we will be able to know what word to avoid or, better, we will see evidenced the forbidden words when creating new item  in MP ?

If thats the case i'd wait for the tool to be available instead of goin into a time wasting word treasure hunt

I'm pretty sure he meant that they would soon have better tools for testing.  So when they modify their word-catcher process, they'll be able to better test to see if they will inadvertently unlist things that shouldn't be unlisted.

As stated by a few before -- LL will never tell us what specific words are not allowed.

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It would be awesome, in the future, to have a list of words which are allowed and unallowed in listings. Unsurprisingly for me, it was the keyword "Pokemon" that got a few things unlisted. I get it and that's fine! But it would be nice to know instead of a vague message :)

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I got an email notice of a review but when I clicked on it, it went to the market homepage. Same when I clicked on link to the product. Discovered 70 unlisted items. I tried batch listing them but got a notice that some could not be listed. 30 are still unlisted and cannot be listed. 

ETA Because of this thread I was able to list one because it had the word leg in it, But this listing doesn’t have anything that I can see:


COPY Antique Ash Banquette / Bench - Pillows change
Ash Shaker Console Table COPY
Eames Birds on stand
3 Butterfly Watercolor Pictures Horizontal IVORY
Ash Shaker End Table / Nightstand COPY
Bird and Flower Lamp Porcelain COPY

23 Prims/LI
-Sit on benches for singles and couples animations.
-Coffee rezzes your choice of centerpiece, coffee set, cheese plate and more!

IMPORTANT:  Before rezzing, select edit so you will be able to move the entire coalesced object

All items are delivered as one coalesced object that will look like one object -- rez all items at one time by rezzing coalesced object.  



Edited by Pamela Galli
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This is annoying...no matter what I do I can't get some items relisted.  At first I thought it was because one entire region design had "for riding animals" in the title, as it has numerous trails. That wasn't it. Then I wondered if 'jungle' was the "obscene word".

What are we supposed to do? File a ticket for each listing?  I did not plan for several hours of this crap in my day!

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10 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

I got an email notice of a review but when I clicked on it, it went to the market homepage. Same when I clicked on link to the product. Discovered 70 unlisted items. I tried batch listing them but got a notice that some could not be listed. 30 are still unlisted and cannot be listed. 

ETA Because of this thread I was able to list one because it had the word leg in it, But this listing doesn’t have anything that I can see:


COPY Antique Ash Banquette / Bench - Pillows change
Ash Shaker Console Table COPY
Eames Birds on stand
3 Butterfly Watercolor Pictures Horizontal IVORY
Ash Shaker End Table / Nightstand COPY
Bird and Flower Lamp Porcelain COPY

23 Prims/LI
-Sit on benches for singles and couples animations.
-Coffee rezzes your choice of centerpiece, coffee set, cheese plate and more!

IMPORTANT:  Before rezzing, select edit so you will be able to move the entire coalesced object

All items are delivered as one coalesced object that will look like one object -- rez all items at one time by rezzing coalesced object.  



I took out the LI, still says there are forbidden words.

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51 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

ETA Because of this thread I was able to list one because it had the word leg in it, But this listing doesn’t have anything that I can see:

The dirty word is Eames
This is kinda getting beyond a joke  :D

Edit to add:  Eames appears to be a registered brand, so that's my guess as to why it was flagged.

Edited by Whirly Fizzle
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