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Forum becoming more negative?

Annabell Wandsworth

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

 But what if he did it in this case to get an argument going again? I can't count how many have done this, so not sure why you pick on him and not others..

I guess I consider trying to restart an argument to be in direct conflict with the concept of posting with kindness.


I really need to go play inworld for a while before my head explodes.  ?

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29 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

you don't know what it means, and I don't either.

I spent about 4 hours reading law books about 'justice vs the law', 'justice and the law', 'no law without justice', and 'no justice without law'... and I still can't say I understand fully.


Edited by Phorumities
removed before someone accuses me of trolling for posting non-leftist links
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38 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

you don't know what it means, and I don't either.

I spent about 4 hours reading law books about 'justice vs the law', 'justice and the law', 'no law without justice', and 'no justice without law'... and I still can't say I understand fully.

I hate to double reply to the same post, but... justice and social justice are NOT the same thing. You can think of social justice as "communism lite".


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13 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

No, it's not. But that aside, Luna isn't a SJW. Quite the opposite. The victims / targets for her attacks are predominately female with new-age buzz words thrown in. It's stereotype  role play.

Ask your typical SJW for their vision of the world as they would like to see it. Its right out of the Marxist playbook.

here's a humorous but basically true description of SJW's 


Edited by Phorumities
added a link, so sue me
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I've always found the terms "SJW", "RWNJ", "Leftard", "Alt-Reich", "Feminazi", "Trumpette" and so on to be rather childish *on both sides*.

It not only makes the person using it look like a rabid, raving lunatic, and it turns reasonable people (everyone not at the two extremes) completely off the argument.

For those people on both sides who like to throw these terms around... are you trying to make the vast majority's eye glaze over on purpose?

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3 minutes ago, Callum Meriman said:

I've always found the terms "SJW", "RWNJ", "Leftard", "Alt-Reich", "Feminazi", "Trumpette" and so on to be rather childish *on both sides*.

It not only makes the person using it look like a rabid, raving lunatic, and it turns reasonable people (everyone not at the two extremes) completely off the argument.

For those people on both sides who like to throw these terms around... are you trying to make the vast majority's eye glaze over on purpose?

Honey they call THEMSELVES social justice warriors. I'm just showing them respect by using the name they gave themselves

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1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

That's really cool, to have such an inspiring upbringing. That reminds me I need to do my mediation, clear those ruts that social brainwashing imposes on us from early on..

BTW...noticed you mentioned getting rid of the social constructs that kept you in your marriage...I'm curious if u don't mind...what caused you to get out of those ruts...?

I didn't dump all the social constructs, just some. I've always known I was different, but was too busy to contemplate it, thought I'd grow out of it, etc. By the time grad school rolled around, my friends were dating or getting married. A cute guy took an interest in me, which is when I discovered I can't resist people who take an interest in me. We got married.

I'd always been interested in "damsels in distress" and thought maybe I should be one. He didn't have my sense of adventure. When he started hinting about children, I changed the subject. Then I discovered we had the same taste in women. Eventually we both saw the handwriting and parted amicably. It took a rebound boyfriend (poor fella) for me to discover that I didn't want to be a damsel in distress, I wanted to have one.

I had a fling with a woman in SL that was lovely, vexing, and eventually heartbreaking. My desire to try that in RL has never risen to the point where it seems worth the distress that would cause to those close to me, or the woman. I'm now retired and living the Life of Riley, who is apparently the Sisyphus of home remodeling. Once the house is done, I hope to travel the world flirting with people. It's a dangerous thing to do, but I can't resist. Hopefully I've learned enough to survive someone taking an interest in me again.

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3 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:


Luna New Age & Women.jpg

Umm..Krishna doesn’t do the tongue thing, that’s Kali. There’s all kinds of “wrong” about this. Plus: Kali wears a garland of skulls, you can see a couple in the picture. Please don’t appropriate or make fun of other’s religions. This is very offensive.

*Edit* Luna, why?!?!?

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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