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3 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

As you can see, the newest "L" shaped "project land" part was actually two separate parcels just two days ago

Two days, ago, that explains it! I tend to visit Dunvegan a few times a month, and it wasn’t yet like this last time I had been there. Great job! I can see the region has even more abandoned parcels than I surveyed (I gave up after hitting those two pink squares, one of which teleported me home with 0 seconds notice!), and actually it’s possible to reach the narrow passage to the edge of the void on southeast Dunvegan going around the parcel I painted red, past the SW of the region (there's a hill there but the Moles can bore it for a canal tunnel and a road tunnel under it, and make it look cool!).

I did notice quite a lot of abandoned parcels north of this unpaved road that goes from Drum to Rumgally, some of them even connecting to each other, allowing a road to be brought to northeast Pitreavie, where there is abandoned coast, but it’s blocked by parcels in use on both sides (Wemyss and Freswick). Apart from that narrow slit at southeast Dunvegan I couldn’t any abandoned coastal parcel that could be used for a harbour or tunnel portal allowing a route connection to Ranchland.

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13 hours ago, 4lice Cerise said:

It’s only the second time I ever saw this parcel name, by the way:

Unrelated to Belli,  but southwest of the end of Route 8 in Soulgiver region, Satori, there are now several abandoned areas in nearby regions that also bear this name.  Gnoll, Druid's Post, Dakhanavar, and Vampyre regions all have large areas named "Project Land", in response to a feature request to extend Route 8 down into these regions.


Edited by Eowyn Southmoor
typo's of course
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2 hours ago, Eowyn Southmoor said:

Unrelated to Belli,  but southwest of the end of Route 8 in Soulgiver region, Satori, there are now several abandoned areas in nearby regions that also bear this name.  Gnoll, Druid's Post, Dakhanavar, and Vampyre regions all have large areas named "Project Land", in response to a feature request to extend Route 8 down into these regions.

This is  great news. The only problem is that it's getting harder to know which thread to post land development news. Is it SSP, Connect the Continents, or the one about improving mainland?

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3 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

which thread to post land development news. Is it SSP, Connect the Continents, or the one about improving mainland?

I posted about that suggestion around region Knoll in the "Road repairs complete" thread because I thought it's where it makes more sense. It has nothing to do with Belli, so I didn't post here. I linked to it because that same parcel name, "Project Land", appeared a 2nd time at a possible connection site between Mainland and Belli.

I check half a dozen threads here for public land improvement topics, but "SSP?" is where most fun is to be had! XD

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15 hours ago, 4lice Cerise said:

I did notice quite a lot of abandoned parcels north of this unpaved road that goes from Drum to Rumgally

At the northeast corner of region Big Mushamush (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Big Mushamush/253/242/85) there is a small parcel abutting the LL-owned route parcel whose name is also "Protected land", but it is owned by a private resident. Interesting!

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I hadn't checked the SSP zone for a few weeks - summer! - but as of this morning, someone has been doing serious housecleaning.  It appears that LL is clearing the decks to begin on a new theme soon, as Patch seemed to indicate will be happening.  The large tile blocks of regions for both the Ranches and Meds have all been deleted, as well as many individual regions that had been kept around, without any apparent work being done on them, for many months, if not years.

Again, at this moment someone is in both SSP Conspiracy III and the QA Vault regions, perhaps some work on a new style of home for existing theme(s).

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22 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

The only problem is that it's getting harder to know which thread to post land development news. Is it SSP, Connect the Continents, or the one about improving mainland?

I would suggest using this thread for status updates and speculation on new (SSP) regions in Bellisseria.

The point of "connect the continents" was to lobby for  connecting the continents, primarily via protected water regions that could be used without further building for air and sea travel. With the exception of Zindra, which may never be connected, this is complete.

Posts that give suggestions to LDPW on what they should be working on would be more effective in the feedback site... https://feedback.secondlife.com/ldpw

Otherwise, should not discussions of General and Mainland issues be in those subforums?

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@diamond Marchant

You're not in the official Connect The Continents community group (which created the forum page of the same name) and therefore you're completely unqualified to act as a spokesperson regarding matters concerning whether if the group's goals and objectives are "complete" or not.

Kindly please be quiet.

Edited by SarahKB7 Koskinen
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4 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

@diamond Marchant

You're not in the official Connect The Continents community group (which created the forum page of the same name) and therefore you're completely unqualified to act as a spokesperson regarding matters concerning whether if the group's goals and objectives are "complete" or not.

Kindly please be quiet.

This is a public discussion forum for ALL of SL. No one has to "be quiet" in any thread.  You can make the rules on who's allowed to speak or have an opinion in your own private group inworld. 

You are completely unqualified to decide how the forums are run especially in the SSP thread where we should be talking about SSP regions.

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