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Should commercial ventures and estates in SL be allowed to discriminate?

Hunter Stern

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54 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Regardless of what mud and straw hovels were located on the site before, the city of London was founded by the Romans.


Please yourself. Cling onto that if it helps, but what you can't deny is that you were dead wrong about Ceasar having anything to do with conquering Britain, which is your actual claim that brought you into this little sidetrack in the first place.

To refresh your memory, contrary to what you claimed, Ceasar didn't conquer Britain. He came for a short visit, that's all. He did, however, conquer Rome, when he led his army back to Rome to oust the existing government and take over. Perhaps that's what you were thinking of ;)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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21 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Favorable areas? You mean they need to be able to move out of the areas where the 10 percent live, and go to the places where the 90 percent are. This whole attitude just perpetuates the problems and leaves those left behind all the poorer. Your social programs are not compassionate, they perpetuate the divisions between the rich and the poor, and leave behind the majority of those they claim to be helping.

A business that can only serve 10% of the population can never be run as efficiently as one that can serve 90% or 100% of the population, meaning that their expenses and costs will be higher, and meaning that the 10% of the population that only has access to those 10% of businesses will always have to pay more or accept less. And that is called "perpetuating divisions."

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31 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I thought the innocent people had already gotten vaccinated. Seems to me if you refuse to be vaccinated and get sick it's your own fault.

OMG what a concept personal responsibility

You don't understand how vaccinations or herd immunity work, do you?

You also completely missed the point she was making. The innocent people in this scenario are the ones who *cannot* be vaccinated, and those for which the vaccination does not work. If more and more around them *choose* not to be, the risk of them contracting whatever it is they cannot be vaccinated against, raises significantly. That's the entire point of herd immunity in the first place, to  help create a buffer, of sorts, for those who CANNOT (not choose not) be vaccinated (or for whom the vaccination does not work) which can still help offer some level of protection. It's not perfect, it never has been, but it's far better than "do what you want, we don't care if you get others sick too"-which is the other side of the vaccination fence. We've all but eradicated many illnesses and diseases, and caused a significant drop in instances of others, because of vaccinations. Less and less children are contracting these things, as a direct result of vaccinations. That makes the world safer for for a whole hell of a lot of people(including you), both vaccinated and non-vaccinated. No vaccine is always 100% effective, so herd immunity also affects those who do not realize the vaccination they received is ineffective-which is something most won't know until/unless they contract something which they previously believed they had some level of protection from. 

It has nothing at all to do with personal responsibility on the part of someone who contracts one of these illnesses/diseases in these two instances-when a vaccination is not possible, and when a vaccination has a lessened(or non-existent) efficacy. 

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9 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

and of course us on the "other side" (non leftist) are called nazi,  fascist, racist, supremacist,  just to name a few examples.

But of course, they aren't perjoratives are they?

*oh and alt-right*

Actually, "fascist" is becoming a "valid descriptor".  "Racist" has always been correct. The "Alt-Right" is definitely both "racist" and "supremacist".

Guess I'm missing your point - these words can be USED as perjoratives, but are completely valid in describing today's extreme "Right".

If you are suggesting that the "Left" is actually communists and socialists, then lol at you.

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1 hour ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I thought the innocent people had already gotten vaccinated. Seems to me if you refuse to be vaccinated and get sick it's your own fault.

OMG what a concept personal responsibility

Please tell me your are an anti-vaxer. That would be HI-LARIOUS!

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42 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I thought the innocent people had already gotten vaccinated. Seems to me if you refuse to be vaccinated and get sick it's your own fault.

I wrote: "People who, for various reasons, can't be immunized depend on avoidance to stay healthy."

Some people are allergic to vaccines or their carrier components, or have other ailments that make taking certain vaccines impossible. Those people depend on herd immunity for their protection from infectious disease.

51 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

OMG what a concept personal responsibility

Unfortunately your attitude has backfired with me.

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9 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

My point is that a private business owner should be able to choose who his clientele will be. I'm sure there are 10 other business owners that will be more than happy to serve those people  he chooses not to serve.

Worst. Business. Model.

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10 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:



The Romans founded London about 50 AD. Its name is derived from the Celtic word Londinios, which means the place of the bold one. After they invaded Britain in 43 AD the Romans built a bridge across the Thames. They later decided it was an excellent place to build a port. The water was deep enough for ocean going ships but it was far enough inland to be safe from Germanic raiders. Around 50 AD Roman merchants built a town by the bridge. So London was born.


Londinium was a settlement established on the current site of the City of London around AD 43. Its bridge over the River Thames turned the city into a road nexus and major port, serving as a major commercial centre in Roman Britain until its abandonment during the 5th century.


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9 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:
9 hours ago, Nalytha said:

Explain to your child why the shop keeper told her to find some place else to shop because her kind isn’t wanted. 

Oh Of course, the old "we must do it for the children"

When nothing else works, say it's for the kids.

Yes. The point is, to raise a generation who is WITHOUT prejudice.  That is impossible to do without setting an example for each next generation.

Or don't you want a world without prejudice?

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

Please yourself. Cling onto that if it helps, but what you can't deny is that you were dead wrong about Ceasar having anything to do with conquering Britain, which is your actual claim that brought you into this little sidetrack in the first place.

To refresh your memory, contrary to what you claimed, Ceasar didn't conquer Britain. He came for a short visit, that's all. He did, however, conquer Rome, when he led his army back to Rome to oust the existing government and take over. Perhaps that's what you were thinking of ;)

Those who are ignorant of history will repeat its mistakes.  Explains the posts about racist, fascism, prejudice, etc.

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48 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Some people are allergic to vaccines or their carrier components, or have other ailments that make taking certain vaccines impossible. Those people depend on herd immunity for their protection from infectious disease.

In the case of vaccines (like flu shots) that confer only imperfect immunity, the herd itself depends on herd immunity; those who are vaccinated benefit from the fact that others are vaccinated to reduce the risk of exposure to a disease to which they're only probably / partially immune.

Of course the kids who do not get vaccinated also depend on that herd immunity -- else they'd all die out.* It's a tidy example of "free rider" moral hazard.

*Many of us are old enough to have contracted and survived childhood diseases for which there are now vaccines. Many didn't, but they're not around to tell their side of the story -- but also, current population density, travel patterns, etc., multiply the risk of epidemics of now perfectly preventable diseases. And it all starts with an epidemic of "personal responsibility" delusions.

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1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

A business that can only serve 10% of the population can never be run as efficiently as one that can serve 90% or 100% of the population, meaning that their expenses and costs will be higher, and meaning that the 10% of the population that only has access to those 10% of businesses will always have to pay more or accept less. And that is called "perpetuating divisions."

Why does a small business in a local community need to serve the entire nation to be successful or operate efficiently? Large corporations reduce value to a mere dollar figure, and in the long run do not help our society or our culture. Small businesses remain human and operate according to the full range of human values, and produce a culture that thrives.

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10 hours ago, Nalytha said:

Explain to your child why the shop keeper told her to find some place else to shop because her kind isn’t wanted. 


10 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Oh Of course, the old "we must do it for the children"

When nothing else works, say it's for the kids.

BilliJo, I wasn't trying to be 'cute.' I think it will help illuminate your perspective if you can share how you'd explain it to someone you love, rather than just a bunch of strangers on the internet. 

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10 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Why does a small business in a local community need to serve the entire nation to be successful or operate efficiently? Large corporations reduce value to a mere dollar figure, and in the long run do not help our society or our culture. Small businesses remain human and operate according to the full range of human values, and produce a culture that thrives.

removed, nothing to see here, move along

Edited by BilliJo Aldrin
changed my mind
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5 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

BilliJo, I wasn't trying to be 'cute.' I think it will help illuminate your perspective if you can share how you'd explain it to someone you love, rather than just a bunch of strangers on the internet. 

Normally the explanation is because "we are better than those other people", or "we do not associate with their kind". But the reality is, parents get to say "because I said so".

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2 hours ago, Talligurl said:

Favorable areas? You mean they need to be able to move out of the areas where the 10 percent live, and go to the places where the 90 percent are. This whole attitude just perpetuates the problems and leaves those left behind all the poorer. Your social programs are not compassionate, they perpetuate the divisions between the rich and the poor, and leave behind the majority of those they claim to be helping.

i agree. its the democrats fault that there are more and more poor people. democrats love poor people because if u give them money they will vote for you to give them more

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4 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:
14 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Why does a small business in a local community need to serve the entire nation to be successful or operate efficiently? Large corporations reduce value to a mere dollar figure, and in the long run do not help our society or our culture. Small businesses remain human and operate according to the full range of human values, and produce a culture that thrives.

here it comes blame everything on evil business owners

Wow, I thought Talligurl was supporting your logic. lulz.

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3 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

In the case of vaccines (like flu shots) that confer only imperfect immunity, the herd itself depends on herd immunity; those who are vaccinated benefit from the fact that others are vaccinated to reduce the risk of exposure to a disease to which they're only probably / partially immune.

Of course the kids who do not get vaccinated also depend on that herd immunity -- else they'd all die out.* It's a tidy example of "free rider" moral hazard.

*Many of us are old enough to have contracted and survived childhood diseases for which there are now vaccines. Many didn't, but they're not around to tell their side of the story -- but also, current population density, travel patterns, etc., multiply the risk of epidemics of now perfectly preventable diseases. And it all starts with an epidemic of "personal responsibility" delusions.


I've a late aunt who contracted polio as a child. She fared better than many, suffering only a barely perceptible limp as an adult. Curiously, another of my aunts is an Anti-Vaxer, showing that ignorance allows bad ideas to be as contagious as polio. I'm fascinated by research showing that the spread of ideas parallels that of infectious disease. The Internet acts as both vaccine and vector. It's powerful and fast acting, so I hope it's more the former than the latter.

The personal responsibility delusion requires Personal Omniscience™, brought to you by Dunning-Kruger

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2 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Please yourself. Cling onto that if it helps, but what you can't deny is that you were dead wrong about Ceasar having anything to do with conquering Britain, which is your actual claim that brought you into this little sidetrack in the first place.

To refresh your memory, contrary to what you claimed, Ceasar didn't conquer Britain. He came for a short visit, that's all. He did, however, conquer Rome, when he led his army back to Rome to oust the existing government and take over. Perhaps that's what you were thinking of ;)

im not clinging to anything please show me where i said julius caesar conquered britain. someone said the inhabitants defeated caesar i said romans conquered britain and remained about 300 years i dont recall saying julius caesar did it. in your usual quest to prove me wrong you once again responded to what you thought i said instead of what i actually said

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7 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:
1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Worst. Business. Model.

yes its a terrible business model but eventually the business owner will see he is hurting himself and change his policy. no government coersion required

Thankfully, we have laws against at least SOME types of discrimination in real life.

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