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Can Someone Please Help Me Like Mesh?


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I have to look classy for a job I am trying to get, so I was told to get some mesh outfits. However, I am finding out that I absolutely hate them. In order to fit into the standard sizes, I must decrease my bust size and increase my rear size. It makes me very depressed that I have to change who I am to make mesh clothing fit, plus, the mesh clothing looks less realistic to me than classic clothing with good textures and flexi prims. I am not going to be a happy camper if I have to dump a bunch of money into something that I hate.

Upon my search, it was shared to me to look into fitted mesh, as it will wrap around your body and fit. However, I am finding this to not to be the case. Fitted mesh seems to only come in the standard sizes, or for specific avatar body types that are already mesh, not for classic avatars like myself.

I was also told that there are sliders on these specific mesh avatars to look like what you want to look like, is this true?  If so, then how does mesh clothing fit them? Also, it is important to know that I like being a "freebie queen" because the hunt for free items is fun to me, plus I, unfortunately, do NOT have a lot of money to dump into a mesh project, however, I REALLY would like this job. Should I be looking for specific mesh freebies to find out what I would like? I am lost and a bit unhappy.


Is there a cheap way to like mesh and still be who I am? Can someone please enlighten me as to why mesh is so much more wonderful than my individual self, or rather, how I can stay who I am and still incorporate mesh?


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All I can say is share with you my own experience..  I was a long time hold out for not getting into mesh for many of the same reasons you noted.  But then I finally did get a mesh body, and wow what a difference..  I could still use my shape so I was still me only now I could wear the mesh clothes made for that body.. so it was worth the investment.  I still have an alt who has not gone to mesh, and as I make clothing, all my mesh that can fit classic avatars gets tested on her.. and what I have found is that the fit mesh does work with the sliders but not always in the way you would think.  Sometimes it looks like I have to decrease the sliders to keep my boobs from popping through but in fact I have to increase that slider and it covers.. Makes no sense to me, but with fit mesh and sliders you just have to experiment and sometimes do the opposite to what you would think.   And with the sliders, you are still changing your shape, so if you don't wanna do that then fitmesh won't be of much worth to you. (unless you do like I do and save each body change for each fitmesh item and name them for the dress etc. so I know to put that one on with the item.)  But then that is a hassle too.  

As for free stuff, I am afraid I can't help there, I never have gone looking for free stuff in all the 12 years I have been in SL, except for the first few months and I found all the free stuff back then was gawd awful, so it kinda put me off free stuff.  

I guess if you really want this job, I suggest you get a mesh body DEMO along with some mesh clothing made for it (all demos too)  use your own body shape with it not the ones that come with the demo.  Then experiment I am sure you will come up with something that you can live with. And it just might be worth it to you:)  But I do stress using only demos until you are happy with your look.

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The top mesh bodies are Maitreya, and Belleza I would say, they have the most clothing available for them..  You can get demos for the bodies in the stores, just put it in search and go visit the store you will find them.  Then look for demos for clothes to fit those bodies.  

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I would definitely say that you have more "shape freedom" when you're using a mesh body and fitted clothing for it than trying to press your system shape numbers into the horribly unflexible corset of standard sizes.

However, something that can hardly be denied, the upfront cost is quite high: the body, new skin(s), perhaps tattoo layers. It sums up.

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Hello Ruby,

I understand exactly what you mean and i have not went mesh either, (except some feet). That said here are some sites that might help you.


(has great posts on free items and group gifts)


(great source for how things work)


(have heard from others here that this is another good source for information)

Best of Luck to you in your searching.

Kind Regards,



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On 08/09/2017 at 5:24 AM, RubyOuroboros said:

Is there a cheap way to like mesh and still be who I am? Can someone please enlighten me as to why mesh is so much more wonderful than my individual self, or rather, how I can stay who I am and still incorporate mesh?

Yes, it is possible to find mesh freebies. I don't know any Mesh Freebie group to suggest, mostly because there are all Maitreya. But if you google, you should find blogs that review some nice freebies.

The fitmesh avatar is smoother and doesn't have all these angular polygons.

Sadly I don't believe it is possible to be exactly the same with a fitmesh body. However it should be possible to find a fitmesh body close enough to the way you want to look. You can have look there : http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-body-reviews/ then read the reviews and see if anything fits with what you're looking for (probably eBody or SLink Physique).

Finally, the three main reasons why many have choosen to move to a fitmesh body are : it is much more photogenic than the default avatar, we don't need to have a standard sized shape, most fitmesh clothings for these bodies fit better than other mesh clothings.

I'm not sure what kind of classy you're looking for so I can't really tell more on this point.

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  • 1 month later...
2 minutes ago, PickleflufferButternut said:

stop looking like your 60 in world with waxy skin,  flex hair and hands that are as big as your head.  ¬¬

As one in her 70s in RL, I should probably be offended by the suggestion that I can't be attractive at my age. Instead, I hope that you look as good as I do when you reach your 70s.  ;)

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33 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

As one in her 70s in RL, I should probably be offended by the suggestion that I can't be attractive at my age. Instead, I hope that you look as good as I do when you reach your 70s.  ;)

Well, I think you're kinda hot. That said, I do have a thing for brains, which is probably worth worrying about during Halloween.

And this reminds me of my childhood friends thinking that my parents were my grandparents upon first seeing them. That changed once they had a chance to interact, often resulting in "your parents are a lot more fun than mine".

Given the definition of "look" that I think we share, I also share your hope for FickleflufferButternut.


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I hated the idea of mesh bodies for a long time. I still don't have a mesh head, and don't see the point of that. But I've bought and tried several different ones - Belleza, Tonic, Maitreya, and even though I had to spend money for the body, a skin, and appliers, I rarely bought clothes, and just hunted for freebies. 

My experience is that you can get by quite well on freebies if you have a Maitreya body, but that it can be hard to even buy clothes if you have the other bodies. Before you jump on me for saying that about Belleza, let me say that I had the Hourglass body. It's not an easy fit. With Maitreya, on the other hand, you can find tons of free clothes AND SHOES. And you don't have to buy an extra pair of feet. They come with the body.

There are even a few skin makers who give out body appliers with their group-gift skins.

Also, I have a couple of alts, and most of them have mesh bodies, because after you start using it, it's hard to go without it. You'll be surprised what it can do for your favorite shape, and it makes a lot more variation in shape possible, because if you start pushing the limits of breasts and butt, you start looking bad in the classic avatar, but there is no limit like that in the mesh bodies. And if you want a real hourglass figure, you can't get that tiny waist without one (a la Belezza Hourglass).

Unfortunately, the only way to really find this out is to buy one of the bodies. I would be very surprised if you regret it. if you do struggle with it, ASK FOR HELP. None of it is as hard as it might first appear.


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On 8/9/2017 at 4:24 AM, RubyOuroboros said:

Also, it is important to know that I like being a "freebie queen" because the hunt for free items is fun to me

Just like me! I held back from getting  a mesh body for a long time because I was reasonably happy with what I had and I was afraid I would have to dump my old clothes and actually "buy" ohmy.png new stuff for it. But no, I look a million times better with a mesh body, most of my old clothes fit it with a bit of body shape adjustment, and there are tons of quality freebies available that suit it very nicely, either out of the box (mostly fitmesh) or with some shape adjustment (mostly standard sizes). I wear the market-leader mesh body (naming no names) but I'm sure any quality body of normal proportions will work just as well.

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20 hours ago, PickleflufferButternut said:

There is no reason to not go mesh at this point.  Classic AVI are done and over and anyone still hanging onto it more then likely will be left behind on most everything in fashion.

Upgrade already and stop looking like your 60 in world with waxy skin,  flex hair and hands that are as big as your head.  ¬¬

No, the classic avi is still alive and well.  There is a lot of hate for the mesh avatars, for there price, complexity and clothing problems.  And until mesh hair moves like flexi hair and not like you used ten cans of hair spray, then flexi hair (done right) will always look better.  And if you have waxy skin, its not the avatar, its the skin, spend a little money and get a good skin.  And there are sliders to adjust the size of your hands, use it!
I have a mesh avatar but still use my classic avatar MOST of the time, I just like it better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I doubted a very long time to go mesh body, I had around 15k non mesh fashion items that would no longer work. But from the moment I switched I have never looked back. I love shopping, and all the good stuff nowadays is mesh, and mesh only really works well on a mesh body. You can get it to work otherwise, but it will hardly ever fit as good as on a mesh body.

My choice was Maitreya. No regrets. Deleted all my non mesh clothing too.

Yes its quite a lot of L$, but you buy it once and get updates whenever released, and its a long term investment.You will most likely keep the body for years to come.

Hair is a different thing. I like mesh hair, but if you prefer flexi you can still have that, you having a mesh body does not change that.

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On 11/10/2017 at 5:51 AM, Zeta Vandyke said:

I doubted a very long time to go mesh body, I had around 15k non mesh fashion items that would no longer work. But from the moment I switched I have never looked back. I love shopping, and all the good stuff nowadays is mesh, and mesh only really works well on a mesh body. You can get it to work otherwise, but it will hardly ever fit as good as on a mesh body.

My choice was Maitreya. No regrets. Deleted all my non mesh clothing too.

Yes its quite a lot of L$, but you buy it once and get updates whenever released, and its a long term investment.You will most likely keep the body for years to come.

Hair is a different thing. I like mesh hair, but if you prefer flexi you can still have that, you having a mesh body does not change that.

I jumped at mesh, bought my first mesh avatar in 2012, it is now updated to fit mesh and bento, so yes a good investment.

I have a lot of mesh clothing, I love it, most of it Standard Size, and it works very well with the Classic avatar.
The only mesh clothing that fits the mesh avatars {well} is mesh clothing rigged for a particular avatar.  And that leaves out Standard Size mesh and fit mesh, and fit mesh because it is rigged to the LL avatar (but does not work very well with the LL avatar(IMHO), go figure).
I have a lot of Standard Size that fits my Classic avatar very nicely, you just needed to find a creator that makes clothes for your size, and I did.  Now you need to take that one step further and find a creator that creates clothing for “your” avatar.

I did a demo of Maitreya, passed it up for another brand I liked better.

And, LOL, I don’t delete anything, almost.  I still have avatars from my early years, I’m ten now, I would save everything for an avatar in a folder each year to watch them progressing.
And I love flexi hair, what I use is shoulder length and I love the way it flies around as I dance, looks assume, so much more like RL.  But I do have some mesh hair, its good for photos.

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