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What are the reasons on being banned from london city? Im not sure what i did wrong to get banned? I thought the owner torric rodas was just another player and didnt relise he was the attcual sim owner of london city. I just said hi and asked if he was a bot. I just wasnt sure if he was a real player is not is why I asked. Then he called me something which i wont repeat here but it wasnt called for. Then i got banned.

The matter has just been resolved and I am happy to return to london city!!!! Thanks torric.

Edited by hotBabeAu
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19 minutes ago, hotBabeAu said:

What are the reasons on being banned from london city? Im not sure what i did wrong to get banned? I thought the owner torric rodas was just another player and didnt relise he was the attcual sim owner of london city. I just said hi and asked if he was a bot. I just wasnt sure if he was a real player is not is why I asked. Then he called me something which i wont repeat here but it wasnt called for. Then i got banned.

why on earth you ask somebody if he is a bot?...  if somebody doesn't reply on hi, he's or afk, or not interested .. or any other reason

as Ceka also said..  they can ban you for any, multiple.. or even no reason at all.

The pick you made will for sure not help...

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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1 hour ago, hotBabeAu said:

What are the reasons on being banned from london city? Im not sure what i did wrong to get banned? I thought the owner torric rodas was just another player and didnt relise he was the attcual sim owner of london city. I just said hi and asked if he was a bot. I just wasnt sure if he was a real player is not is why I asked. Then he called me something which i wont repeat here but it wasnt called for. Then i got banned.

My bs sense tells me, that this is probably not the whole story...but thats nothing new, apperently everyone who comes to the forum has no clue what they did ;)

All sims are owned by someone and that someone can ban you for any reason or no reason. Knowing whatever (I have no clue about their rules, its not a place I have been visiting) official rules London City has in place is not going to change your ban.

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1 hour ago, hotBabeAu said:

What are the reasons on being banned from london city?


Because the owner might have been having a bad day.

Because he's running four regions full of avatars, many of them clueless newbies.

Because he probably has a hundred demands on his time in SL at any one time when he's logged in.

Because he might have been dealing with a griefer report in one IM window, a rental query in another, two residents bitching at him about each other in a third, he might have had RL distractions going on as well, and then someone who doesn't get an answer to their "Hi" goes and asks him if he's a bot.

What, exactly, would you expect a bot to say in answer to that question? A bot would likely remain silent, so why ask it that question? The only reason to ask another avatar if they are a bot (when you know a bot would in all probability not reply) is that you know they're not a bot and you're just irritated that they didn't respond to you. If you'd asked me that question that is exactly what I would have assumed you meant by it, and I would have been equally as annoyed as he clearly was.

You've now created a profile pick (your only one) that states you would not recommend London City to anyone because the owner bans "random people for no reason". Since you expect people to read your profile, see that, and stay away from London City, perhaps it would have served you well to read the owner's profile, too, in which he states the following:

"No reply, is also a reply."

In fact, if you'd bothered to check his profile at all then you would have seen that he's not a bot; just a very busy man with a very busy job. As a ten-year resident of SL, I know how to read between the lines of a profile, and his bears all the hallmarks of someone who has dealt with many many insults and ridiculous questions, is thoroughly hacked off with it, doesn't tolerate fools gladly, and tries to head some of them off at the pass with the words in his profile.

1 hour ago, hotBabeAu said:

I just wasnt sure if he was a real player is not is why I asked. Then he called me something which i wont repeat here but it wasnt called for. Then i got banned.

Well there's your lesson to take away from this: in future, read the bloody profile before you insult someone by asking them if they're REAL.

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3 minutes ago, hotBabeAu said:

I didnt read his profile and I dont know anything about him. I just asked if he was a bot it is not against the rules to ask if someone is a bot or not.

Absolutely correct. It is not against "the rules" to ask someone if they are a bot or not. The rules that we all must abide by are the Second Life Terms of Service, and thou shalt not ask another avatar if they are a bot is not in "the rules".

Regardless of whether it's against any rules, it's still an insensitive thing to do. I hope that this will bring you to the realisation that opening someone's profile and giving it a quick read is infinitely preferable to asking them a rude question and being banned for it. It's a hard lesson, but only if you don't learn from it.

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1 hour ago, hotBabeAu said:

Fair point skell I didn't relise it was a rude comment but i agree I hope the owner is forgiving. 

What you need to hope is that the owner isn't an estate manager on multiple sims, because with one click, he can ban you from every single sim he manages 


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Why ask this question here? I have been banned several times (yes sweet little me) some of those times I had no clue why, I always contacted the sim owner and asked why. I then sent a very apologetic message and promised to always be good, and most times I got let back in. Remember you have no rights in this situation, arguing with a sim owner is not going to help. If you want back in, you need to be saying "I was wrong, you were right, I am so sorry" 

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6 hours ago, hotBabeAu said:

I didnt read his profile

As Skell mentioned, I'm guessing that by putting the negative Pick in your profile, you are assuming that people will read yours.  Why would you assume such if you don't read other profiles?

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5 hours ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

What you need to hope is that the owner isn't an estate manager on multiple sims, because with one click, he can ban you from every single sim he manages 


Posting here is an even better way to settle things. No really :) Especially naming names, surprised the OP has not been informed of that particular no-no.

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7 hours ago, hotBabeAu said:

I didnt read his profile and I dont know anything about him. I just asked if he was a bot it is not against the rules to ask if someone is a bot or not.

I do think the person that banned you seriously over-reacted IF we assume this was the ONLY interaction the two of you had.

But land owners can do what they want in terms of access to their land.

Anytime you ask someone a question; just stop and think of how you'd like it if you got asked that question 100 times a day by random strangers.



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Basically because the owner or anyone on that SIM that has bann rights wanted to. It really comes down to that. Not saying its right but they literally have the right to ban for any reason or none at all. Maybe just because they felt like it. Many places like this in SL, control freaks that are myopic  and paranoid all over SL. Get use to it! It wont ever change and its only gotten worse in the 10.5 yrs I been in SL

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21 hours ago, Talligurl said:

Why ask this question here? I have been banned several times (yes sweet little me) some of those times I had no clue why, I always contacted the sim owner and asked why. I then sent a very apologetic message and promised to always be good, and most times I got let back in. Remember you have no rights in this situation, arguing with a sim owner is not going to help. If you want back in, you need to be saying "I was wrong, you were right, I am so sorry" 

I got banned on 350 sims with one click, but I didn't need to ask him why. A friend asked a couple of years later if I could be allowed back onto one of the sims he manages, but he said no effing way. Its unfortunate that a person as unstable as him is a manager of so many sims.


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15 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It's probably a good rule of thumb to just look at it as being in someone elses house just about anytime you go anywhere,until they know you and you know them..

That's if you want to play it safe..:)

If someone has a small parcel, people expect him to admit or not admit whomever he wants to his parcel. But if someone has a large parcel of land, some people assume he has to justify who he admits or doesn't.

Edited by Pamela Galli
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1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

If someone has a small parcel, people expect him to admit or not admit whomever he wants to his parcel. But if someone has a large parcel of land, some people assume he has to justify who he admits or doesn't.

I just look back to when I was new and how much I had no idea what this world was about.. I thought ,there is a company and players and that everything in the world was open to all the players..

I didn't realize just how much I was about to learn ,how in each place you go,that is someones place and that they pay for that place..Just like in the real world..

With new people I can totally understand how they can be mixed up on things..

The older ones that know better and still cause troubles..They know better and more times than not,get what they have coming to them.

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