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Check out the Place Pages Beta!

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Asil, please explain to me why I, as the tier-payer of a location, am not the one to have sole control over its description, and instead, have to yield it up to a select group -- or for that matter, the general public, like Yelp. This isn't a Wikimapia idea, which overlays everything, but elsewhere, not in your own parcel description.

Essentially, it sounds like you want this system to function like SLUniverse's photo page (a long-time dream of both Lindens and SLuniverse), so people can stack up their photos on one page location. Well why should I have griefers doing that on locations I pay for?!

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@Prok. I don't use SLuniverse enough to understand how their photo-pages work, so I'm not sure. However, as a land-owner in SL, what I'd like to see is the content related to a parcel I own get automatically aggregated to its places page, and for that page to include tools which would allow me to curate that content. For example, if someone visited NeoVictoria and took 30 pictures, I might only want to include a couple in the page feed. On the flip side, as a resident visiting a parcel, I'd also like to have some control over the stuff I post to my SL photo feed. For example, if I visited NeoVictoria and took 30 pictures, I might not want any of them to appear in the parcel page's photo-feed. To your comment about who gets to control the parcel page's description page? That's tricky! If you are a resident who owns a mainland parcel which you rent from the Lab, the permissions are easy; the owner-avatar should be the only editor of the page. But what if the land is owned by a group? Do all the owners of that group have rights to edit the page? Or, does anyone with a role that includes rights to edit the in-world parcel profile also get rights to the parcel-page? And what if the region is private and the owner "sells" parcels; then who has rights to edit that parcel's page? It's unclear to me how much (if any) of the in-world group permissions will/are being used to define access to the parcel page. I got to the discussion after they closed the beta, so I could not test.

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  • 1 month later...

Showing off two of my Places pages, as I tinker in the beta:

Overall, I like this thing, but it could use more functionality. Off to make feature requests! ;-)

Edited by Marianne McCann
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Unfortunately, the way Google, Bling, and Yahoo work these pages within secondlife.com are likely never going to place well. Google is looking to provide the best match for things people search for. The Google AI considers the site and decides what the overall site is about. The sub-domain places.secondlife.com mitigates some of the problem.

If someone is searching on the term places "The Pen" it could place well. But, those searching on Beatnik Coffee House are way unlikely to find the page.

A page titled 1920's Berlin in places is going to place poorly even when searching specifically for it.

These are nice lead in pages to get someone to the landing point. But, my thinking is you will need to search position at Google+, Facebook, and other social sites and most importantly a web site pointing to the page... at which point I'm not sure the Places page is needed.

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Did a JIRA or six:

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41555 (Integration of search data)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41556 (Integration of Second Life Map)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41557 (Additional text area)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41558 (Integration of event information)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41559 (Additional Share button for Plurk)

https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41560 (Integration of my.secondlife.com images)

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On 1/21/2017 at 2:07 PM, Asil Ares said:

For example, if someone visited NeoVictoria and took 30 pictures, I might only want to include a couple in the page feed. On the flip side, as a resident visiting a parcel, I'd also like to have some control over the stuff I post to my SL photo feed. For example, if I visited NeoVictoria and took 30 pictures, I might not want any of them to appear in the parcel page's photo-feed. 

That's the tricky part, to be sure. I'd be happy to have photos of happy people enjoying my parcels. I don't want pictures of angry people griefing my parcels. Hence, it would be useful to have a couple levels of curation.

1. Pictures taken by a user would not show up on a places page if they unselected "Show Location" (using my.secondlife.com as the example)

2. A page owner can uncheck "show photo taken by others" on their places page, disallowing *any* photos other than their own on their Places page.

3. A page owner can click an "X" in the upper right hand corner of any picture on their page to disallow that picture from showing up on their Places page. A similar mechanism to removing photos from a Flickr group that one moderates.

Additionally, if a person is banned from a given parcel or region, none of their pictures from said parcel or region would show up on the page. That may seem obvious (how could they take a picture from a place they can't get to), but would account for photos taken *before* such a ban took place. 

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12 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Unfortunately, the way Google, Bling, and Yahoo work these pages within secondlife.com are likely never going to place well. Google is looking to provide the best match for things people search for. The Google AI considers the site and decides what the overall site is about. The sub-domain places.secondlife.com mitigates some of the problem.

If someone is searching on the term places "The Pen" it could place well. But, those searching on Beatnik Coffee House are way unlikely to find the page.

A page titled 1920's Berlin in places is going to place poorly even when searching specifically for it.

These are nice lead in pages to get someone to the landing point. But, my thinking is you will need to search position at Google+, Facebook, and other social sites and most importantly a web site pointing to the page... at which point I'm not sure the Places page is needed.

That is unfortunate. 

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As I think the JIRAs I posted above might point out, while I really like the Places pages, I find them rather limiting.

The Good:

I can show off the places I have built and am proud of, including more and larger pictures. It's vastly more compelling to look at than the old search results version. Plus being able to add a spherical or a video link really ups the possibilities. 

The Bad:

There needs to be more still. I want to be able to show off more than four photos (hero + three additional). I want to show my event listings. I want to include more information. I want a map on it. I want deeper information on any given place. If these pages are to be the gold standard for a directory of this metaverse we share, then it is going to have to have more information than your typical Wikipedia stub page. 

The Big Question: (you thought I was gonna say ugly, huh?)

We currently have the following:

world.secondlife.com search (which serves the "more info" in the web-based search)




and now https://places.secondlife.com/

How can these (and maybe even land.secondlife.com, my.secondlife.com, or events.secondlife.com) work together to make for a better experience. How many of the above can be integrated into a single killer directory?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Lindens

For all those who have been inquiring about access to the Place Pages Beta, we're happy to announce that we just deployed "all access" to landowners! Thank you for your patience! Check out the latest blog for more details:

Can't wait to check out your Place Page!

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Wow.  The JIRA was already closed with the reasoning: "Visit This Location is by design."

So by design, the link is not supposed to work at all for region pages?

This is why I hate filing JIRAs, because I spend my time writing them up with what I know, and someone who doesn't read, or try to understand the issue, closes it down.  Then I can't even comment on it to correct their misunderstanding because it's closed.

[Edit to add...]

---  Since the JIRA issue is closed, I am explaining further and posting my fix here ---

The SL viewer does not like URI location x, y, z, values greater than 256.  On a region page (not a parcel) ,the regions global coordinates are where the X and Y should be instead of local coordinates.  Since my regions global coordinates are 786x, 1038y, clicking Visit this Location will try to open another instance of the viewer because it doesn't understand what the URI wants to do, instead of opening the Place Profile window of the viewer.

Possible fixes, one is tested and works:

  • For region pages only, default the x,y,z to 128,128,0.  Because it's a region destination it should be fine. (less desirable, but works)
  • Find the regions telehub/infohub coordinates with a back-end search, and put actual x,y,z coordinates in.

I pray that a Linden sees this, and instructs someone to re-open the issue as it is a LEGITIMATE BUG.


Edited by NeoBokrug Elytis
Rather than just complain, I'll complain and leave a solution or two.
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It seems they put the feature live without fixing the most important bug?

If you choose to visit a place you get send to the wrong spot!

ALL my places, sims, shops, etc, are in skyboxes, it is where you arrive, usually above 1920 meters high.

If you go to a parcel place... you end up on the ground.

And Time Portal is shared as one of the example place pages (yay!) and for the region place pace it somehow works, you do get send to the skybox arrival area, but if you then choose a place page for a parcel (like every single venue and shop in that region) you end up on a barren wasteland down below.
And as the shops are rather important for me to pay the tier, it is really rather inconvenient.

But the place pages teleporting doesn't seem to work very well in general, often when I click the visit button nothing happens at all, sometimes it opens another version of SL!

Maybe that is just my bad old computer (someone buy me a new one) or because I use Firestorm, but when I click the Visit button in Firefox, nothing happens, nothing at all.
It doesn't start SL and when SL is already running it doesn't take me to the location.

Same in Internet Explorer.

It does all seem to work with google chrome although there it opens the map window and then a teleport window in the viewer.


So in short, till that gets fixed, I can't really use them, as I fear they will either not work or send visitors to the wasteland below where I keep my killer rabbits.

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I think that it's only limited to the region pages.  If you do the same thing for a parcel page it works.  Additionally it's only they x and y portions of the vector that the client doesn't like being over 256.  I am pretty sure the z can go up to 4096 easily.

31 minutes ago, Jo Yardley said:

But the place pages teleporting doesn't seem to work very well in general, often when I click the visit button nothing happens at all, sometimes it opens another version of SL!

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There is nowhere where you can actually change or set the grid references in the place pages edit.

It is stuck at 23 meters high at the Z reference and even if the parcel has a forced landing point, via the place pages I still end up at the 23 meters Z location.

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2 hours ago, Jo Yardley said:

There is nowhere where you can actually change or set the grid references in the place pages edit.

It is stuck at 23 meters high at the Z reference and even if the parcel has a forced landing point, via the place pages I still end up at the 23 meters Z location.

This seems like a showstopper of a bug if you ask me.

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In an ideal world you would be able to set an exact grid reference where you want people who found your sim via the place pages to land, overriding even the forced redirect settings and landing point you've set for that parcel.

After all, people who arrive via an inworld landmark or via search might be more experienced than someone who arrives via the place page or maybe you just want to give them a slightly different experience.
If you have a shop you may want regular visitors to arrive in the for sale section while you want place pages visitors to arrive at a nice fancy welcome area.

Either way, you shoud be able to set the landing point for place pages exactly.

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Awesome and nice feature ,specially for us merchants to improve the inworld exploring experience.I can´t wait to see it through Googe Search or other Search engines.I only would have wished more than 3 pics allowed to add besides the Hero pic.Still good work guys and keep it up :) 


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