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Hyperlinks that change the appearance of your avatar (secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=...)


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Hello, community,

Recently the links of the type "secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=..." have gained popularity, and residents who think they're clever put them in their profiles as jokes, by claiming that this link is leading to something other than avatar appearance changing. Example: "My real life photos: secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=97cd6164-1144-fec8-80e5-fd7f6cd3e26f" .

It is enough for a resident to be burnt on it once to never click such a link again, but that first and last burn may happen at an inappropriate time... say, a resident who has never seen this link before, at a formal party, browsing profiles, seeing the bait above and falling for it - and the next moment, his formal attire changes into a giant rabbit avatar.

In my opinion, this almost equates to griefing - messing up with another resident's avatar for personal amusement.

What do you people think of it?

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To support my argument, I would like to quote the ToS, in particular section 6.2 part (iii):

"6.2 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users' functionality, invade other users' privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network.

You agree to respect both the integrity of the Service and the privacy of other users. You will not:

(iii) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users' normal use of or enjoyment of the Service;"

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KayT wrote:

To support my argument, I would like to quote the ToS, in particular section 6.2 part (iii):

"6.2 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users' functionality, invade other users' privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network.

i think that doesn't support your argument, this article, for me, has nothing to do with a, harmless, but perhap sometimes unconvinient joke.

It's not more than that last... unconvinient, it doesn harm you, it doesn't limit your functionality, nor privacy, nor system or network problems.

And.. if you clicked it once... you'll never do it again.

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Alwin, thank you for your reply. But the entire quote is:

"6.2 You agree that you will not post or transmit Content or code that may be harmful, impede other users' functionality, invade other users' privacy, or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network.

You agree to respect both the integrity of the Service and the privacy of other users. You will not:

(iii) Engage in malicious or disruptive conduct that impedes or interferes with other users' normal use of or enjoyment of the Service;"

In my opinion, this does count as disruptive conduct that impedes the enjoyment of the Service.

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KayT wrote:

Alwin, thank you for your reply. But the entire quote is:



In my opinion, this does count as disruptive conduct that impedes the enjoyment of the Service.

That's the problem right there...your opinion. You asked what others' opinions were, and that's what Alwin gave you, an opinion. Whether or not you agree with it, doesn't matter. You asked what others thought.

I've always thought it pointless for people to try and debate an "opinion question"(lack of better terminology on my part). Don't ask for opinions when all you want is people that agree with you.

I can tell you, 100%, Linden Lab does not agree with you, and your opinion. The same question has been around, for ages, as long as we've had jokes, gags, deformer tools, etc... in sl. Unless someone is using it, repeatedly, on either one person or group of people(in a malicious manner), LL will nto consider it griefing and will simply ignore you. It's far too easy to fix these kinds of things for it to be this massively huge problem you're trying to make it out to be. You're not the first, and you won't be the last, and some folks may even agree wholeheartedly, or in part, with your opinion. But, the bottom line is that LL does not agree, and therefore...individual opinions on the matter, don't really..umm..matter, lol.

Falling for an idiotic gag at least once in one's sl history, is par for the course, and to be honest, I think everyone should experience it once, and not get all bent out of shape when it happens. If nothign else, it might be good for a laugh, or a learing experience.

I've done it, every single person I know in sl has done it, likely many of the folks posting here have done it...yet our sl world keeps spinning, and we all keep right on keeping on. :)

Take it with a grain of salt, brush it off, laugh at yourself, and go back to enjoying your day. It didn't actually harm you, there was no real harm done, and it can be fixed in a matter of mere seconds, at most. It's not that big of a deal(hence why LL doens't really care, until or unless it actually *does* become a big deal).

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KayT wrote:

What do you people think of it?

It's the SL equivalent of being Rick Rolled.  In this case, Ruth rolled. Learn to Laugh.  Learn to fix it with a couple of clicks. But most importantly, learn to not click random links in chat without checking them first.  It could have been something truly malicious instead of a joke.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

KayT wrote:

What do you people think of it?

It's the SL equivalent of being Rick Rolled.  In this case, Ruth rolled. Learn to Laugh.  Learn to fix it with a couple of clicks. But most importantly, learn to not click random links in chat without checking them first.  It could have been something truly malicious instead of a joke.

KayT must have missed LL's April's Fool joke.  :D

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If nothing else it may teach ignorant people not to click on links from people they don't know and that they have no idea what a link may do.  Everyone needs to learn that lesson.  The next link they click on in someone's profile or chat may take them to a site that downloads a key logger or other malicious software.  It's a harmless price to pay for that lesson, IMO.


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KayT wrote:

Hello, community,

Recently the links of the type "secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=..." have gained popularity, and residents who think they're clever put them in their profiles as jokes, by claiming that this link is leading to something other than avatar appearance changing. Example: "My real life photos: secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=97cd6164-1144-fec8-80e5-fd7f6cd3e26f" .

It is enough for a resident to be burnt on it once to never click such a link again, but that first and last burn may happen at an inappropriate time... say, a resident who has never seen this link before, at a formal party, browsing profiles, seeing the bait above and falling for it - and the next moment, his formal attire changes into a giant rabbit avatar.

In my opinion, this almost equates to griefing - messing up with another resident's avatar for personal amusement.

What do you people think of it?

I don't dare speak for the people, they have their own brains.  These things happen, and it happened to me.. I found it quite ammusing, and said to myself...."ok , dumbass, I guess we won't click on THAT again"

....and life goes on.....and we learn to avoid douchebaggery as we travel.....and with more wisdom.

Peace, love, and bunnies.

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Rhonda Huntress wrote: But most importantly, learn to not click random links in chat without checking them first.  It could have been something truly malicious instead of a joke.

To give the benefit of the doubt, though, it would be a secondlife:///app/... URI, right? And really that better not link anywhere terribly sinister.

And, of course, it doesn't.

I mean, if today a surprise stint in a bunny costume registers as a problem worthy of note, it's a fine day indeed.

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Tari, in the reply you quoted, I corrected the way Alwin misquoted me. I did not say that Alwin's argument is invalid because it contradicts mine. Perhaps the "But..." gave that impression, and in that case, I apologize for the misleading phrasing.

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KayT wrote:

Perrie, unfortunately, I indeed have missed it... What did they do for the April Fools? Must've been awesome!


http://slnewser.blogspot.com/2016/04/more-second-life-april-fools.html   for the rest of the story

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I've never clicked one of those, i know the form a real web URL takes, but at least once i've said to someone omg look at this persons rl tab and click the link to see nude pictures of them.

However, I do admit to once being fooled into wearing a 600 L diamond ring that was actually a giant pokemon that mounted me and had its way with me.





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greek Wingtips wrote:

Anyone offering these or using them should be banned from SL  like a sin bin  ban for 1 month,if you are new or dont know how sl works this could bge devistatiingif you were transformed into something else,


LL should ban this outright

Jeepers. Who peed in your cornflakes this morning? You do understand how this works, right? It's not as if the target folder can be just any random thing -- it must be something in the avatar's inventory, with the same UUID in every avatar's inventory, so for all practical purposes a Library folder.

Also, in passing, because the profile text is only processed to a clickable link in some places, this differentially affects certain (popular) viewers. It's possible to get it in the LL viewer, too, but less so than in others.

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