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"Voice Verified"

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Okay, I'm about to go off on a very short but to the point rant here. And for starters, troll me if you will, because I'm certainly not posting this to gain friends or brownie points.....

Almost everywhere inworld that advertises for SL jobs, DEMAND voice verification...for male AND female. What's up with this junk? This is SECOND LIFE. You remember? The place where you can "be whatever or whoever you want". Remember that catchphrase from days gone by? Well, how the $#%$ can anyone be that...if they have to "voice verify" just to get a pathetic little SL job?

I sometimes think the people demanding voice verification, either forget they're in SL....OR....they get some kind of strange thrill out of hearing an avatars true voice. Now, I'm not against USING voice...BUT....I use voice WHEN, WHERE and IF I decide to...not when someone says I HAVE to.

End of rant.

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Seriously? I've Hosted & DJ'd for oh 7 of my 9 years here and other than some duds that asked to VV on meeting me I've never been asked to VV. Then again I'm a Voice DJ so that kind if is a self identifying aspect of my job in terms of applications. This was never asked when I was a hostess at a ballroom or at an Adult Swinging club.

Where have you been searching for SL employment?

In my experience, most clubs could care less about the RL Avatar Driver's gender. All I know accept the Avatar applicant as they present.

Clearly if you want to perform in the Adult Pleasure Classification of work where it's expected that you will be communicating voice to voice I get that prerequisite as a condition of employment.


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I've been seeing it here on the Forums but mostly inworld. Many "M" clubs hiring Hosts...Voice Verify. Even some that hire for "Security". None Adult rated. (I agree, the Adult areas require it the most). There have been scattered other little jobs, where that was a requirement. And I think that's completely BS. Could be why they're constantly hiring too.

I've been here for 8 years. And to me, a "forced" voice verify, almost feels like a violation of my privacy. Might not make sense to most, but it does to me.

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MadDog Tremor wrote:

I've been seeing it here on the Forums but mostly inworld. Many "M" clubs hiring Hosts...Voice Verify. Even some that hire for "Security". None Adult rated. (I agree, the Adult areas require it the most). There have been scattered other little jobs, where that was a requirement. And I think that's completely BS. Could be why they're constantly hiring too.

I've been here for 8 years.
And to me, a "forced" voice verify, almost feels like a violation of my privacy.
Might not make sense to most, but it does to me.

No one can demand, yet force you to share any facet of your real life per the terms set forth in the TOS. However, and there is always a however, employment is also not a guaranteed activity within SL.

Clubs and the parcels they are located on are governed by the rules of the Region Owner / Parcel Owner. So they are under no obligation to allow anyone access to their parcel yet alone employ them.

This makes you wish there were some enforceable employment rules defined in the TOS.

As I recall, asking about RL information is not per-se against the TOS. You can always decline to share that with anyone. If you voluntarily choose to VV, then if the person you VV with shares that information publicly, lets say in open chat, you have a TOS Violation. However if the condition for employment at that club brags or announces that all employees are VV'ed where is that Parcel Owner now in terms of the TOS?

Now I have a headache.



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This started with the escort and stuff,

" DEMAND voice verification" have had this when was asked to script for someone, why they needed proof im female is beyond me, my private life is not SL. Just told them to shovel it as it was totally irrelevent.

If a guy wants to be a girl and visa versa, really could not careless, have better things to worry about.

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In the escort and in some BDSM role playing sims you have some males that want to be sure they are interacting with a female in RL and not a male. They don't get the aspect that, for all intents and purposes, when you step into LL you are roleplaying/cosplaying. For the most part, people don't look much like their avis. Shrugs...their problem not yours.

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It is your right not to voice verify if you don't want to.  On the other hand an employer has the right to set qualifications for jobs as long as it doesn't violate the TOS.

That said, voice verification proves nothing.  A guy driving a female avatar can alway get a woman they know to 'voice verify' for them and a woman driving a man's avatar can get a RL man to 'voice verify' for them. 

I'll use voice with no problem all the time, but I refuse to 'voice verify' for any reason as it's just plain silly.

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I have seen alot of clubs advertise perticurly on the forums for "voice verified" DJ's and Hosts. Some not all clubs do this. Why I have no idea. SL is about being what you always want to be. For the clubs that voice verify for "mele and female", that tends to leave out a large portion of the sl population who is playing either as the oposit gender or who are transgender. We practicly have to stay away from those places for employment in world. wich is fine with me because it loses that perticuler club a good staff member and or guest. Their lose and move on.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

That said, voice verification proves nothing.  A guy driving a female avatar can alway get a woman they know to 'voice verify' for them and a woman driving a man's avatar can get a RL man to 'voice verify' for them.

Or you can use the Morphing functions built into SL's voice chat, or one of the many other voice morphing programs available. Voice verification is a bit silly since it's so easy to "cheat". But as several others have already said, the employer have the right to demand it if they want to.

And at least you prove you're willing to put a little bit of extra effort into the role you play. ;)

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

In the escort and in some BDSM role playing sims you have some males that want to be sure they are interacting with a female in RL and not a male.
They don't get the aspect that, for all intents and purposes, when you step into LL you are roleplaying/cosplaying.
For the most part, people don't look much like their avis. Shrugs...their problem not yours.

There's something you don't 'get', Bobbie. If you did, you wouldn't have written the part I bolded.

For many, probably most, people, adult activities in SL are not roleplay. They are the RL person getting at least sexually aroused, and the last thing a straight guy wants is to become sexually aroused by another guy at the other end. Of course, there are some people who merely operate cartoons, and probably laugh at it all while they're doing it, who don't care what's at the other end (escorts, for instance), but, on the whole, straight men prefer to at least believe that's it's a female at the other end, so it's not surprising, and it's perfectly natural, that they prefer to have some form of assurance.

Note: It doesn't bother me, because the days are loooong gone since I indulged in adult activities in SL. But I do remember indulging back then :)

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Just becouse the voice sounds female does not mean they are, i know many guys that sound female over a mic. Also even if is female, they could be 98 years old and 350lb for all people know. I for one can not understand virtual sex, just seems totaly pointless to me, but then again i frankly do not understand men and their ability to get hot over a pair of breasts.

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steph Arnott wrote:

Just becouse the voice sounds female does not mean they are, i know many guys that sound female over a mic. Also even if is female, they could be 98 years old and 350lb for all people know. I for one can not understand virtual sex, just seems totaly pointless to me, but then again
i frankly do not understand men and their ability to get hot over a pair of breasts.

LOL! If you were a man, you'd understand it. Or... you may be a man in drag, in which case, you still probably wouldn't understand it :P

I know what you mean. I watched a video a while back where a girl was demonstrating voices. She was clearly a girl - not only did she have a girl's face, but she sounded much too girl-like to be anything but a girl. She was a bloke! He went into his normal voice, and he was a bloke. Even webcams wouldn't have given him away.

The general point I'm making is that, on the whole, it's not roleplay. We males (at least me) like to have some form of assurance that we are dealing with a female when 'playing'. It could just be having got to know a person for some time, and gained the confidence that she is what she says she is, but something is usually needed. It's having confidence in the other person's gender that matters, and I think I'm a typical male..Nothing is guaranteed. We just don't want to 'play' with men if we can help it.

Incidentally, if that woman is 98 years old, and weighs 350lbs, then she's doing bloody good in life! lol

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

In the escort and in some BDSM role playing sims you have some males that want to be sure they are interacting with a female in RL and not a male.
They don't get the aspect that, for all intents and purposes, when you step into LL you are roleplaying/cosplaying.
For the most part, people don't look much like their avis. Shrugs...their problem not yours.

There's something you don't 'get', Bobbie. If you did, you wouldn't have written the part I bolded.

For many, probably most, people, adult activities in SL are not roleplay. They are the RL person getting at least sexually aroused, and the last thing a straight guy wants is to become sexually aroused by another guy at the other end. Of course, there are some people who merely operate cartoons, and probably laugh at it all while they're doing it, who don't care what's at the other end (escorts, for instance), but, on the whole, straight men prefer to at least believe that's it's a female at the other end, so it's not surprising, and it's perfectly natural, that they prefer to have some form of assurance.

Note: It doesn't bother me, because the days are loooong gone since I indulged in adult activities in SL. But I do remember indulging back then

I do get it. If you look at the first line of my reply, I stated that. I've been in SL over 8 years and am well aware, just some people that come into SL don't think that way. 

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Just  ... well, maybe I shouldn't mention this but ...

I have been a "voice verified" man before.  Even talked on the phone with her.  It was long ago and only lead to heartbreak; it's nothing I am proud of.

The point is, voice changers for computer and smartphones have been around a long time.  Even without electronic tools, any good voice coach can help you shift your voice higher or lower to achieve a gender or age change.


I gave up caring about the gender of the person I was talking to long ago.  It helps that there is only one person whose opinion matters and we lived together for 5 years in RL so she is well aware of my true gender ;)


I also know the way SL thinks.  There is only one reason not to do voice and that's because your a G.I.R.L.  (guy in real life)

OK ... so .. you got me, I'm a man. Woopee, have a cookie, you found me out.  I really don't care; I have been a guy before so I guess I can be again.  I can just as easily  "Voice Verify" ™ as a man as I can as a woman.  So take your pick as to what you want to believe because I will not do either ever again.  If it helps you sleep at night then it's cool with me.



Woot! I even scored as male on gender genie wit this post :)
Well, after edits at least.


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There's usually no way I could pass as a fella on the phone unless he's six. But, a recent chest cold lowered my voice an octave and I was able to convince my boarder, who's familiar with my voice and mannerisms, that I was a music promoter, that I'd seen one of his YouTube videos, and wanted him to open for Ke$ha (he hates her). He knew it was a hoax, but hurled epithets at a long list of his friend's names, never once figuring it was me.

Here's a voice I've been trying to do...

ETA: Long ago, when I'd get into long-winded discussions with a particular forumite, I'd compare his posts to mine in Gender Genie. According to the infallible algorithms, I was the guy and he was the gal. I can't say it didn't feel that way to me at times.


ETA2: Oh pfft! Based on this post (which has too few words, something I've never been accused of before), Gender Guesser says I'm a weak female from Europe. I've been outed!

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" There is only one reason not to do voice and that's because your a G.I.R.L.  (guy in real life)" so if refuse to do voice on demand becouse i find it too close to my RL, even tho i have done at seminars, im automaticaly a guy? Sorry, my life is my life, not yours or anyone elses to demand any thing. What gives you the right to assume that?

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