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Worst profile...?


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What's the worst profile you've ever seen inworld?

(Not mentioning names, to stay within TOS)

Bit of an easy target but, anyway -

1. Read carefully NO DRAMA !!!! If you bring it I delete you from the list. I'm So tired of the petty **bleep**, not to mention the secrets, lies, and most of all fake people out there . Don't do it or you will be forgotten.

2.I am not a sex object for you men that think you will get some think again..... you won't. I'm NOT AVAILABLE . If you try there will be problems.... I did warn ya.

3. I'm not a fan of random friend invites. Don't send them to me. If you want send me and IM first that's fine. We shall see if it is worth an invite.

4. If you happen to be one of the lucky ones on my friend list do what you can to stay there and that is um ......... talk to me and not forget me .

5. If you were removed from my list there was probably a good reason for it. I may or may not put u back, don't plead for me to do so if you do I will not. I will make that decision.

6. Be true to me and I will be the same to you in return. Don't screw me over.

This one's a real stinker too:

About Second Life: I have been playing this game since 2007 and I have always been myself.
Unfortunately people here play other games. They have the rights to. What I never understood is why they add an extra game to this one. The game of playing with personal feelings. It's mean and unecessary. My advice: roleplay as you wish but do not mess with others feelings. Have youserlf a bit of respect for the next.


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Some people seem to have a thing about others reading their profiles and add stuff about 'sick profile pervers'.  A) it's not 'sick' to read peoples' profiles and B) if people don't want others reading their profiles, leave them blank.

Another yucky type of profile is one that contains threats to anyone who might harm their beloved partner or family.

What people who post heavy stuff like this in their profiles don't realise is that 99.9% of SL residents aren't in the least bit interested in other people's dramas.

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ChinRey wrote:


So I looked around and saw him standing there wearing an OpenCollar and nothing else. Checked his profile: Lovely romantic picture of him and his partner, a longish text about love and fidelity and only one interest listed: Monogamy.


He probably thinks fidelity is something to do with music recording and monogamy is a kind of tropical hardwood.

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Kelli May wrote:

He probably thinks fidelity is something to do with music recording and monogamy is a kind of tropical hardwood.

Well, hard wood was defnitely part of the picture there. But not in the way some dirty minds may imagine - unless they are very dirty minds that is.

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Speak of something else please? Can you imagine how difficult it was to actually experience something like that without typing those four omnious letters "ROFL"?



How about....


how about the best profile?

I know of a brilliant but completely forgotten builder who changed his profile description to "Fresh air is good for me." And then he left SL for good. Six words, straight to the point, brilliant.


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This seems to be the average profile in Second Life. In general I get the feeling people don't want to be approached or 'bothered', and it has always made me scratch my head or laugh about it with peers... that people want to act in Second Life like they do in Real Life... with privacy and law and rules and the same antisocial 'leave me alone, don't talk to me' type behaviour we live with each day.

That being said, I can appear to be 'antisocial' myself, but it's only that I'm always working on one project or another and it's hard for me to just stop and talk.

It also doesn't help if someone DOES approach me, and I read a profile like this that they have, then it makes ME not want to get involved, since I'm none of the personality traits mentioned.

I just want to find those that are friendly, creative and understand creators come and go in conversations as they work on things, inspire each other to create more new things, and have a general creative and supportive vibe in Second Life.

At least with the crowds in SL I've been exposed to so far, I don't really find that sort of community (unless they have an ulterior motive like $$$ to 'play supportive'. (eg.. an 'african animal'-named community and a 'double-letter' named community).

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entity0x wrote:

(unless they have an ulterior motive like $$$ to 'play supportive'. (eg.. an 'african animal'-named community and a 'double-letter' named community).

Oh, now we have to guess what you mean. The double letter one is easy, that's LL of course.

But African animal named group asking for money...

Could it be the Neophron percnopterus Group?

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For me, a blank profile is not the absolute worst, because at worst its just a boring or very shy person. The type of people behind the horrible filled out profiles can be far worse than that.

- Profiles that are completely about other people. I hate that. I want to know something about the person it belongs to, not how great their partner or fantasy family is (I find SL families in general weird and creepy).

- Profiles that tell me how much this person hates drama, especially if the same profiles also tells me how this person will destroy me, if I mess with their family/partner.

- Profiles with disclaimers

- Profiles written in stupid fonts

- Profiles of people who feel extra special and call everyone perverted or rude for looking at this profile


But those are the norm. The most shocking profile I have ever seen belonged to a man, who had used every space in it to describe his sexual fantasies around young girls and teenagers in great detail + his favorite roleplay scenarios with them. That was disgusting.

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Kelli May wrote:

I was. Not intentionally, but as soon as I wrote 'tropical hardwood' I thought "How long before someone someone takes the double entendre?"

Chin Rey starts to write a reply but decides that "double entr entendre" is not a good phrase to turn into a double entendre.

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Kelli May wrote:

steph Arnott wrote:

If the hat  fits. Doubt any one else was thinking along your lines.

I was. Not intentionally, but as soon as I wrote 'tropical hardwood' I thought "How long before someone someone takes the double entendre?"


OMG Everyone should realize by now that everything Maddy posts is at least a triple entendre!!!


Even if she only posted the word YES it would be layered in veiled meanings.


BTW - SL Dictionary Check absurdities: Why is entendre always flagged as misspelled? LOL


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

OMG Everyone should realize by now that everything Maddy posts is at least a triple


Oh, you should have told us earlier. I thought it would be rude to mention anything about cherry-picking your hard woods and now she may believe we ignored her. Sorry Maddy!

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