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whats your lurkererness??

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Total messages read 422,981 and replied to 3,269

So I'm a 129:1 super-duper lurkerer.  :smileysurprised:  :smileyvery-happy:  :smileytongue:

(I must reveal that sometimes I mark all read in some forum areas without reading all.)  :matte-motes-asleep:

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CheriColette wrote:

Hehe...as long as you dont start fighting with yourself 


q; (:

i do sometimes. Not fight fight but get in a big argue with myself sometimes (:



sometimes I am reading some posts from some time ago. and I go woooh!! who wrote that. They dont know nothing. Then I look at the name and it was me

!! shame !!

jejejejjeje (:


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irihapeti wrote:

i just looked at my stats

i have read 44,158 messages and replied to 1,145

so I am about 40:1 lurkerer

maybe more even. bc I reply to myself quite a lot


Nooooo, the lurkererness surely isn't officially even counted on the stats; unfortunately all the pages you might view while you're not actually logged in are harder to calculate.

And look how many lurkers there are at any one time (this is now):


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My lurkerness is 50:1. There are many reason to read but not reply. The thread could be a question that I don't know how to answer or already answered. It could be a survey request. The thread could be too juvenile or flame bait by a troll. It could be about a product I don't use like Firestorm.

Plus, a high post count doesn't necessarily mean a high quality of posts. An empty can rattles the most as the saying goes.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

i just looked at my stats

i have read 44,158 messages and replied to 1,145

so I am about 40:1 lurkerer

maybe more even. bc I reply to myself quite a lot



333079 read

3350 replies

Ratio = 99:1

I am lurkier than thou. ;-)

Oh course you are, Dillon. 


PS Hi :)


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112,296 Total Messages Read
6,941 Replies + 1,985 Q&A Replies
Lurkererness ratio = 13:1

It seems it took me over 11,000 hours to do that. I presume the difference between my reply total and my post total is in my OPs. So that's an 35 OPs in 112,296 reads, for an originationality ratio of a puny 1:3119. Surely you're doing better than that.

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