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Wouldn't bother me a bit if ads were shown. As I use the time taken to TP to indicate a problem - i.e. longer == bad - then any ad I saw in that process == bad too. Yep, sell that ad sharks longer exposure equates to greater negative impression.

So go for it.


As to targetting ... lots of PG only?


So yep on first point, if my TPV of choice has equiv of adblock ( oh look - it does ) not a diff. As for what the Lab do with any possible revenue - who cares?



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many things to consider.

some people would expect minimum advertisement in their experience, and would be bothered by an addition of one that at first glance, they can not escape, they would argue that this new feature is being forced upon them, it will diminish the enjoyment of their experience.

now, we recieve advertisement in the login screen, and personally, i don't find it that bothersome, as long as is only text, like google ads, i think it will be ok.

what kind of advertisement should we get and when? it would be good if it would be something related to the place we are teleporting to, Linden Lab could get a reference of the type of sim we are going to, by seeing the place that matches more closely in search to it.

would business owners would like the idea to have their potential client persuaded to go to another place besides their own, before it arrives to the place? or maybe the advertisement would be about the place that you are going to arrive to, for example "DJ Canoro Philipp is now playing your favorite songs, please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the show, don't forget to visit our shops where you can find the highest qualty in clubwear".

if the advertisement would be about the place we will be visiting, it would be an addition to the place experience, i dont see many sim owners complaining about enchancing the experience of their sim, the could even add the rules of the place so the visitors would be aware of them before they arrive.

now, would that generate enough money for Linden Lab to invest in support? probably it will increase their income, but i think they have other expenses in they would like to invest first.

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It's interesting that Ebbe has done nothing to monetarise SL in this manner, given that he has several patents (from his time at several failing organisations that espoused push advertising) for example this one which would allow selected advertisers to push their stuff relevant to users from identified geographical areas (LL wouldn't have to divulge the IP address, just use it - unless Tor or something like it was being used)  or this one which would offer the opportunity to meet a salesman inworld . . .

[Remember, TPVs are only allowed by LL if they adhere to certain mandated rules - and removing the facility to opt out of the tp screen would be pretty simple to insist upon and enforce.]

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I don't know how effective the ads would be. Teleports are fast and I zone out or switch to a browser (to the forums) until I am at the new location.

How much money could they possibly make on such a thing? Would it even pay for itself or for a new developer or do you think throwing money at an existing LL developer would actually get measurable improvement? 

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First of all, I reject the (silent) assumption that LL needs to monetize us more. They already accomplish that quite handily. In the past they've shown MASSIVE disregard for the effects their edicts have on people, even IMHO being the sole cause for the continual decline in usage of their primary (only remaining?) product. If they were rolling this concept around in their heads, it would just indicate once again that they are more interested in sucking the life blood out of their Host .. even to the point of killing their source of sustenance.

Secondly any change that increases TP delays or adds to the already extremely high bandwidth demands will meet with a high level of resistance from Customers or, perhaps the most damaging outcome, result in a massive flood of Support Tickets as peoples' computers and viewers lag down or lock-up with the added duties.

Third and finally, LL has already shown that any income added to their coffers is not spent in any manner to improve SL. Instead they have "optimized" their biggest cash outlay by laying off huge numbers of their highest paid people. And yes, "High Pay" did equate to knowledge, experience and capability. They didn't just trim the fat, they whacked the meat off the bone and then tried to pretend that meatless bones were all that was necessary to run the company.

I realize that the slash-n-burn destruction of LL's best asset were the handiwork of one of Ebbe's predecessors, but I have not yet seen any clearly obvious evidence that they're trying to "Un-fix" their earlier mistake. Ebbe did start off by fixing some of the most egregious blunders, but there is still a giant gulf between what the acceptable levels of support and technology should be, and where they are now.

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I would be against it mostly because it is the first step down a slippery slope.  If successful would we then see pop up ads in world?

Secondly I don't think it would be effective at all.  I switch screens and do something else while waiting for a TP to finish, unless it goes really fast.  In that case I wouldn't see the ad long enough to get anything out of it.

I also agree that may backfire on the company placing the ad, especially on RL companies.

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LlazarusLlong wrote:


[Remember, TPVs are only allowed by LL if they adhere to certain mandated rules - and removing the facility to opt out of the tp screen would be pretty simple to insist upon and enforce.]

They would need to rewrite the policy.  Right now a TPV can add any feature they want as long as it doesn't effect the "shared experience" of what people experience in world.  My blocking ads by disabling the TP screen thus the ads too, would not effect the 'shared experience' in world as it is not being shown in world but on an individuals screen while they TP.

Of course they could rewrite the policy, but I still feel it would not be effective and might backfire on the advertiser.

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My worry is that such screens would have their content defined by your search / content settings.

Just because I keep search set to 'A' and have my home on Zindra doesn't mean I want my screen to have a giant hentai splooge covered anime woman in chains all over it every time I teleport...

Which... would likely be the top paying result... and we'd all have 'OMG WTF' going on everytime we hit the teleport button...


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Caitlin Tobias wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

I'll keep it simple for a change.

Would you put up with an advertising screen during teleportation on non-premium accounts?

I say, go for it.

But then, I am a premium account so I would expect to NOT have them. For non premiums, well pff, go ahead and advertise.

This is pretty smart thinking. :-)  (And I am not premium, but I can turn off tp screen.)

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May I point out to those who are saying "I would block the ads" or "I wouldn't look at the ads anyway" that Google seems to be doing fairly well financially by taking money off companies and individuals who MUST realise (unless they are just as stupid as their customers) that their ads are extensively blocked and ignored on the general internet

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


They would need to rewrite the policy.

Like, they haven't changed the ToS dramatically in the last year or so anyway regarding intellectual property...

And there's always the possibility that SL V2, to protect its revenues (Ebbe hasn't ever said it'll be made available free) will use a proprietary viewer and only allow you to filter ads depending upon your subscription level.

[i wouldn't bother asking Ebbe; he'll trot out Peter Grey's response that "nothing has been decided yet".]

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Caitlin Tobias wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

I'll keep it simple for a change.

Would you put up with an advertising screen during teleportation on non-premium accounts?

I say, go for it.

But then, I am a premium account so I would expect to NOT have them. For non premiums, well pff, go ahead and advertise.

This is pretty smart thinking. :-)  (And I am not premium, but I can turn off tp screen.)

Ooh, I didn't realise one can turn the tp screen off, probably a feature in TPV's as I cannot find the option in my LL Viewer?

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Why would an advertiser want to pay for an ad that get seen for the 2-3 seconds it takes to teleport? The only way the ad would work is if LL were to increase the TP time. I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. Oh, It's Saturday! I guess this discussion has run it's course.

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Bree Giffen wrote:

Why would an advertiser want to pay for an ad that get seen for the 2-3 seconds it takes to teleport? The only way the ad would work is if LL were to increase the TP time. I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. Oh, It's Saturday! I guess this discussion has run it's course.

Oh I dunno, I have been in teleports long enough to watch the complete LOTR Trilogy...:P

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