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RL - SL balance

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Charli Infinity wrote:

don't be touchy

i wonder sometime how people can be on sl everday all the time. like here or the other forum, flickr and on blogs

literally on everyday

how many hours a day you spend on sl on average?

You do realize it literally takes seconds, minutes at most, to post things, right?

That doesn't equate to "hours" spent  in, or on, sl.

That said, I'm not sure why someone would care about how much time others spend on a hobby they enjoy. Personally, I spend more time in the forums than I do inworld. Usually it's because I post, or read, here between working on my own classes and working on curriculum for my kids. Even on days when I have tons of posts, it usually only takes me a few minutes to make them. It takes me less time when I don't use TTS.

Then again, I work from home, and I homeschool, so I have this flexibility to come and go between rl, and sl related things as I please ;)

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Tari Landar wrote:

I'm not sure why someone would care about how much time others spend on a hobby they enjoy.

I concur... seems to me as though most people who bring up such a topic only wish to do so in order to try to disqualify a person's opinion within the context of what's being discussed at the moment.  I doubt that this is the case with Charli's assertions in this thread... but, nevertheless, I can't help but be disturbed by the inference.

Obviously, those who choose to spend their time in SL or participating in the forums or on blogs do so because that is the very thing which brings them enough pleasure to make their time spent doing so worth while.  The OP seems rather judgmental to me, but I suppose that should be expected, considering the source.


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The obvious answer is I am in this 'RL' 100% of the time.

If I am cooking for 1.5 hours out of a given 24 then I am not RL x% Cooking y% after all (and yes probably 5 days a week I do)

My 'RL' is made up of a variety of activities, most of which over lap. Example, I fire up my box and log in here. Unless I need all the box resource for some other intensive task (ie an over lap activity such as a render) then I will close down the browser. Otherwise I stay logged on. If that results in being logged 16 out of 24 is that 66.6% of the time in 'SL'? And by the same token I also have open at least  2 news sites more or less all day..does that count as Not 'RL'?

Actually logging inworld now - can be anything from zero to.. well til whatever I was doing is done.

Perhaps a more general and interesting question would ask about how much time is spent online in total, rather than narrowing it to SL. In which case, I am online all the time that one of my boxes is on - ie 24 hours a day.


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Charli Infinity wrote:

so it's taboo to ask how much time people spend on SL...silly 

if don't want to share then just don't answer don't have to get defensive

and i thought here people were proud of being on sl because because sl is sogreat and there's so much to do and all

Charli, I think it's a fantastic topic thread to create. I am surprised there aren't more serious responses to it. My opinions only, but those that would get defensive or find the question humorous are likely spending their time in that 70% SL/30% RL proportion you mentioned and would feel embarassed to come out and answer the question straightforward. The topic does have a level of seriousness to it as there are quite a number of users whose RL has been significantly impacted (more so negatively) as a result of how much time they spent in SL

As for me, the ratio of time I spend would probably be just the flip of what you mentioned, 70% RL/30% SL. It is just an temporary escape for relaxation and to hone creativity and imagination for me. A healthy balance is best and as the saying goes "You can't have a second life if you don't have a real life first."


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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Be careful of stereotypes. Many in SL are disabled and have limited transportation. SL becomes their window to the world, if you will. I fall into this category. I've interacted with people from around the world. Just saying

That is not a good excuse to be in SL a whole lot more and limit themselves in RL If they are capable of logging on to a computer and have some mobility with their arms and legs, there are still many things in RL they can do and explore. SL would be an added bonus not a substitute. The only people that would qualify where they could not do anything in RL would be if they are severly paralyzed or in a medically unconscious state.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Same here -- there is no reason to separate my life into parts like that. My RL job is SL. So how exactly would I go about separating my life into compartments?

The question is asking how many hours you spend in RL and how many hours you spend in SL on a daily basis. That means how many hours you spend at the computer actively doing stuff in SL versus stuff completely unrelated to SL either at or not at the computer..

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Being a full time Merchant in SL for me means being on call for customer service off and on all day every day. It also means spending a great deal of time creating not just inworld but also in my modeling and texturing programs. I may or may not be logged inworld while handling CS or creating. Why does it matter to anyone but me?


It seems to me that some people like to construct some sort of artificial ideal balance of some imaginary division of time so they can chide others for not living up to their superior example.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

so it's taboo to ask how much time people spend on SL...silly 

if don't want to share then just don't answer don't have to get defensive

and i thought here people were proud of being on sl because because sl is sogreat and there's so much to do and all

It's not taboo, but it is unreasonable to phrase your first ever post in such antagonistic terms. "...the stereotypical second lifer with no real life..."  is hardly a friendly way of addressing and labelling a community of people. If people act defensive, it's usually because they feel like they're being attacked.

To answer your original question, I log in 3-5 times a week, for between 2-4 hours each time. Two of those visits will be to DJ (in an amateur capacity) and I might spend up to an hour extra prepping a playlist. It's rare for me to be away for more than three days. I check the forum a few times on most days; usually little more than a 5 minute scan of new threads. Outside of SL I do the stuff you'd expect... work, sleep, eat, socialise and all the other stuff a carbon blob needs to maintain health and sanity.

Back when I started on SL, I spent a couple of months when it was my only solo activity. A conservative estimate would be fifty hours a week and it could easily have been more. Somehow I still had time for a RL: I was working more hours back then and I still met up with face-to-face friends. I'm not sure how I used to fit it all in, but I probably didn't watch a lot of TV during that time.



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daisybloomer wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Be careful of stereotypes. Many in SL are disabled and have limited transportation. SL becomes their window to the world, if you will. I fall into this category. I've interacted with people from around the world. Just saying

That is not a good excuse to be in SL a whole lot more and limit themselves in RL If they are capable of logging on to a computer and have some mobility with their arms and legs, there are still many things in RL they can do and explore. SL would be an added bonus not a substitute. The only people that would qualify where they could not do anything in RL would be if they are severly paralyzed or in a medically unconscious state.

And just how easy is it for a wheelchair bound person to get out and about in the winter with 4 feet of snow on the ground? Are you disabled? You do know there are thousands of types of disabilities, right? Take someone who is severely agoraphobic. They can barely walk outside of their house. FUlly functional body, terrifying fear. So, tell me, how do they explore the world? You are coming off as a very smug person telling others what to do with their lives.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

well that's for you. there are other people in the world besides you.

there are people that are always here or in sl for hours

sounds like you think it's very embarassing to spend a few hours on sl or in the forums.

Why are you being so confrontational, yet in the same breath acting as if others' opinions have no merit, only yours?

I don't think it's embarrassing at all, and I never suggested it is, or should be. I wondered why you care. Now I wonder even more, because you challenge every opinion that is not yours.

I happen to think sl is absolutely awesome, flaws, quirks, and all. I used to spend a lot more time in sl, on forums, blogs, whatever have you. Then I decided to pursue a degree, and, well, that took front seat. So now my inworld time is more limited. That said, what works for me, won't work for others, and personally I don't care to judge others on how much time they spend doing whatever it is they wish to do. 

I am glad others are here, or inworld, or wherever they want to be, for hours. I am glad they have something to ccupy their time, that they fully enjoy. I don't give a rat's left nut why they have chosen that passtime, it doesn't have any affect on me and my choices. Well, except that I truly enjoy discussions on the forums, and often find them not only intriguing, but fascinating, educational, insightful, and entertaining, among other things.

You never know what you'll learn here, or inworld, or on other forums, or in blogs, or wherever it is you choose to place your focus, even if temporarily.

You make too many assumptions about other people. It's really not healthy ;)


ETA: I am currently working on programming, while posting in the forums, and grading finals...all while my children are working on circuits, polymers and home ec(yes, we school on weekends sometimes too, lol). I am absolutely brilliant at multi-tasking :D and darn proud of it! From hanging out in the forums, and "knowing" quite a lot of folks by reading their posts, I can venture a guess that loads of us are great at multitasking. What seems like hours spent in the forums to some, is mere minutes of my day. Since I am online a LOT most days, because I have to be in order to get my degree, work, and create next year's curriculum...it stands to reason I will venture off now and again. Changing up my screens is good for me, I'm legally blind and staring at the same screen for hours would actually just cause my eventually complete blindness to speed up. I don't want that, at leats not before I get my kids off to college, and have all of my degrees in hand ;) So, until then, I'll keep multi-tasking, and if the forums still exist by that point, I'll keep posting too :D

I also don't think it's a taboo subject, but how people respond will likely be affected by how something is asked. Even if the intent is pure, the context and virtual tone(since we cannot really determine actual tone without being in person) can be miscontrued very easily. The fault doens't necessarily sit with anyone, but it is surely commonplace online :D

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