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New Resident Names

Marcus Hancroft

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As a noobie, the username / display name issues was unknown to me.   If I had know the problems I would encounter, then I certainly would have choosen my username more carefully, as I thought a display name like feature would have been used.    Well yes while there is a display name field, very little of supporting software in sl actual shows my display  name, it shows in my case Malestorm Resident.   When I join a contest, tip a DJ, make a purchace, ...  I am constantely seeing Malestorm Resident, event though I have my display name defined.   In the case of contests, since what displays over my head does not match what is on the contest boards, it makes it confusing for people to vote for me.

Furtheremore, not even the LL web systems are fully converted.  For example, I cannot make comments on the Wik and had trouble asking a support question, because, as it states when I try to login, "Residence with only one name can not log in yet."    And I have a premium account.

So from a Noobie perspective, I  should hope LL knows that they should not be making their new, paying residents feel like third class citizens.



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I hate my username, I expected a screen name to be provided. Im making a new account, once i get the clothes i want. Then, i will get them with my better username and friend the one friend i have, LOL. If there is a Display Name, tell me how to set it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before everyone became a "Resident" I didn't see thjat many numbers next to people's names. Now it seems like so many people have numbers. I use Imprudence and I don't think it has options for display names...so when I see a person named X and some others start calling the person Y (based on their display name) it's awkward.

Yes I know people feel the need to be individuals. Maybe for a fee (like someone suggested) they could change their name...so it's one name...not username and display name. But I like my name...would had never came up with my last name had it not been for SL and I think it suits me :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best name I have seen with numbers is Juan234...  Think about that one.

I used VWR1 when I DJed because I liked it's functionality better for the way I used SL.  And with Display Names, I never saw them.  I referred to Avs by their user name, not their Display Name.  Chat is bloated with DisplayName(user.name) preceding every comment.  I owned a club (and mainland) with scripted club things.  How old scripts will handle the Display Name/username changes is unknown.  I just gave up, closed the club and abandoned my mainland after not finding a buyer, and dropped my Premium membership.

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HotRodJohnny Gears wrote:

How old scripts will handle the Display Name/username changes is unknown.  I just gave up, closed the club and abandoned my mainland after not finding a buyer, and dropped my Premium membership.


I really hope you're joking because LL posted the answer to that question all over the place. The only way you could have had trouble finding it is if you never bothered to look.

But just in case the answer is there was no change, old scripts would continue to work the same as they always have. No need to worry about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in a big rush to get the initiation over with, and my usual incognito name and variation thereof where used already. So I pulled an easy and androgynous name out of the air. It never occurred to me, (I guess I missed the fine print), that it would be permanent.

Oh, well, thank the powers that I had the internet savvy to steer clear of the reveal. I did immediately pick a new username, but I'm still not sure what people are seeing;  Jenet Fennet is not what I would have chosen if I had thought about it first.

Are both names shown inworld, or just the display name? I can live with it, either way.

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Some people use approved non-SL browsers in Second Life that are not Viewer 2 based.  These browsers don't enable "display names" to be chosen and displayed , which means that a massive number of avatars with names like "Joeblow12345 Resident" quickly gets really, REALLY old. Also, people using Display Names can now disguise themselves under the name of any other avatar in SL, pretending to be someone else, and send messages that appear to come from the other avatar.  That seems to be a huge privacy issue, and possibly a security issue as well.  Also, long-term residents have taken a great deal of pride in their unique names, and now every newbie is named like a lemming.  I'm not sure what is prompting Linden Labs to cease providing interesting last names from which to be chosen, but the availability of only ONE last name absolutely prohibits using easy first names and requires more and more long numbers to be necessary.  But never fear -- while the creativity factor has been removed from really important things like the name your avatar will be stuck with for the rest of their SL life, the creative coding necessary to provide important features like the option to have "bouncy effects" at this time appears to be getting the bulk of LL attention.

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Fennet wrote:

Are both names shown inworld, or just the display name? I can live with it, either way.

It depends on how other people set it up. It could be either name or both.  I used to show both, but it takes up a lot of room on a chat line.  So I then went to just display names.  The growing popularity of hard to read extended charcters and wingdings eventually led me to go back to only showing account names.  So in world I would see your name as it is shown here.  Just the one name Fennet. 


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Penny Patton wrote:

There are two issues here. First, older residents need to not think of new resident "usernames" as "avatar names". LL has deliberately divorced the two, and that's a good call.

The problem as I see it, having gone through the new resident sign up process to see how it differs from previous incarnations, is that Linden Lab does not make a clear distinction to people signing up for the first time. On one hand, they do not let you know that your username will always be visible (having lead to many people using their private e-mail address as their username without the knowledge that this would be visible to all, and they don't do enough to prompt new users into creating a display name.

 New residents basically choose a username, then get dumped into the grid with that as their display name until they learn to change it on their own.


  Everything about the new user sign-up and orientation process is poorly thought out and this is no exception. New users should be put through an agressively interactive tutorial/orientation process much like you'd find in a well made videogame. During this usernames should be given the spotlight. As a new resident rezzes for the first time a box should pop up in the middle of their screen prompting them to create a display name. Some examples should be given, driving home that they are choosing a name, not an AOL screenname. Once chosen, they should be shown how to change it and told what limitations there are on this.

Oh I couldn't agree more. I complained about this in my own post. And Display Names are their own issue since many people changed their settings so as not to display them, because of issues with them. I really wish I had been more clearly warned that the name I was choosing was going to be a visible first name and not just an account name. And that I was going to have the last name Resident handed to me. I would have made very different choices. It's too late now. I'm invested in this avatar. Maybe someday an alt.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm new to Second Life and I was very excited that the username I wanted for my character was available. It is however, very disappointing to see greeters and other various objects in-world saying hello to me or displaying my name in hover text as "Zjezi Resident". :matte-motes-frown:

I do wish that Linden Lab would make it clear to new users that our last name is defaulted to "Resident". OR that they just go back to the system they used before because it seems to have worked a lot better than this new system with "Display Names" and "Usernames". I understand the practicality and convenience of "Display Names" for users who would like to have alternate role play characters. But slapping the last name "Resident" on new users without us knowing it from the start is just plain annoying.

It really saddens me to see older Second Life users with last names that they at least got to choose themselves even if it was from a small variety that just happened to be available at the time they created their account. If there is a petition somewhere to sign about bringing back the "old" naming system, please point me in it's direction. Thank you.

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Monica Querrien wrote:

Maybe for a fee (like someone suggested) they could change their name...so it's one name...not username and display name. But I like my name...would had never came up with my last name had it not been for SL and I think it suits me

This is what people were asking for, but LL said it was impossible.

Display names is a messy superstructure, but that's what they went with.

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Monica Querrien wrote:

Before everyone became a "Resident" I didn't see thjat many numbers next to people's names. Now it seems like so many people have numbers.

All the good names are taken.

Its pretty much over for SL for good names at this point. It only took a few weeks into 'Resident' to happen.

Odd or unusualy names are mostly gone, silly names are dissapearing. These won't last much longer though.


This is one major fiasco that will do serious harm to SLs 'brand' (what little of such there may be)...


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Monica Querrien wrote:

Before everyone became a "Resident" I didn't see thjat many numbers next to people's names. Now it seems like so many people have numbers.

All the good names are taken.

Its pretty much over for SL for good names at this point. It only took a few weeks into 'Resident' to happen.

Odd or unusualy names are mostly gone, silly names are dissapearing. These won't last much longer though.


This is one major fiasco that will do serious harm to SLs 'brand' (what little of such there may be)...


Never forget, the only thing constant is change.  Some day even this will change.

SL last names are only a matter of policy.  Maybe 2011 will be the end of the one name SL accounts.  Next year we can wax nostalgic about the end of the Resident line.  It would be little more than another change of policy to have everyone's last name be associated with the month they were created.  For any account created in January 2012 the last name could be .. Couldbe.  February residents might then be named Rodviks.  And SLife goes on.

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That would actually be an improvement if they could also keep those names from being visible anywhere.

Account creation ought to have an account name, and then a name for your 'first avatar' with this account, and let each account create 'X' number of avatars. In world and profile wise, those account names should be unable to be found. Only LL's should ever see them.

- The system could have switched to this by making all the old residents with 2 names have their account name be X.Y

Which in fact it did... but it then left our display names alone, making this non-obvious, and allowed our account names to be visible... so that we see the '12345 Resident' of the new people and can even search for '12345'...

New people should not even get past the creation screen without picking a display name. Just have two fields:

Account name: [____________] (this is how LLs support will know you, and is unique to you.)

Avatar name: [______________] (this is different from your account name, and can be anything. You can change it later.)


Only complication is people pretending to be other people... and I presume that is why we still see account names.

- If I could mentally figure out how to avoid that without seeing account names I would suggest it. And I'm sure that if I could figure it out, it would have been figured out and we would not have the mess we have right now.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Canoro Philipp wrote:

here are some places that still allows you to register with a last name:

the last names still available are:












Those sites don't work any more. I've tried several other third-party registration sites, and it appears

that LL has turned off the RegAPI.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree, because for those of us who have been around SL for a while know that we were once able to pick any name we wanted. Also it was fun to choose from those random lists of last names! Now it seems we can't even create a first name without having to check the availability. There are so many people playing SL the names are going to be duplicated at some point, and it is bad enough they took away our choice to choose our last names, now we don't get a fair option in what our first names will be. It takes forever to keep trying to come up with a new name that is not taken, when you just want to be (the whole point of playing SL, to be who and what you want to be in world) the EXACT name of choice, and get to playing! 

With that said I hope SL realizes they are taking away our options, and thats what made SL great to begin with, and do something about changing it back! 

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  • 3 months later...

More time passes and names continue to grow stranger and stranger some nites I truly pity the poor DJs I work with on SL a tip from
E<3WICK3D(something) with a display name of ANSI characters makes thanking them on the stream a near impossablity I tend to give nicknames to regulars but My own display name is so prevalent now as to be confusing ("Sweet something" being a popular choice) and even though I have been "sweetlildel" in my display name for most of my SL I am thinking of giving it up and just being del.My name "deluxegal923 Northman" is my identity "Deluxegal" having been my internet identity since 1999 and "Northman" chosen from the list of last names offered in Nov.2010 when I first came to SL. to express my love of the TV Show True Blood and the character "Eric Northman".
Our names are our identities New Residents should have the ability to "brand" themselves to express who they are.
In our First/Real Lives we live with the names we were given at birth but they often are shortened and we are given nicknames that further individualize us. Give new residents the option to express who they are with last-names.".

go to

and log in with your SL name and vote for last names in SL leave a comment and "Follow" the JHRA.Support Last Names in SL.

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  • 10 months later...

*points at the name to the left. I remember sitting at the entry portal and trying endless variations of my name before settling on mine, 36 refers to my birthdate. I am pretty sure their others out their that have had similar experiences.

Given the chance I would happily pay to change it.

But stuck with it I guess, close enough to my RL *shrugs

Thank God for display names :)


Month/day not year Lol


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I hope they DON'T go back to that stupid last name thing, unless they allow us to CREATE OUR OWN last names. I remember I was so sick of trying out combinations of first/last names so I don't end up with some retarded last name like "gossipgirl". I know countless people who had to make up BS first names in order to get a proper last name, or making typos in first names on purpose (like "johnn" or "kely"). In all MMORPGs you just have one name, one permanent name, I don't see why SL has to be different. If someone is stupid enough to write up a retarded name, well then the only explanation is they're completely fine with having that name. I don't know any other games that allow you to change your name after creating it, unless you create a new account that is.

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