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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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So, you can all just skip over this post while I take a moment to vent a little. Actually I probably should be thankful that only now, after almost two years in SL, that I have encountered my first griefer, or at least I think that is what he is. The story starts yesterday, when I was sending out invites to the Kultivate June Art show opening party. I am one of the artists in the show, and Kultivate sent me and every other artist invitations to send out to our friends. I was sending them out when someone objected to getting this unsolicited invitation. I dealt with this the same way I have dealt with this situation in the past, I removed him from my friend list. He wasn't a close friend I hang out with, and the best way to ensure he does not receive and future invitations is to remove him. If he doesn't want to get these things then why is he even wanting to be my friend anyway? Like I said I had done this many times before, but never once did anyone get upset over it, but this guy did. 

The today I am dancing on a dance pole at my favorite beach, chatting in group chats, trying to stir up some interest, and tips, when this guy IMs me. I chat with him in IM a bit when he asks me "if I have sex with you I have to pay right?", Now I seriously considered telling I wouldn't have sex even if he did pay, but I didn't. I knew he wasn't going to pay me anything, so I just said yes. He then proceeds to start telling me he is going to report me to the own of the sim where i was dancing, because I was violating the rules by escorting, and he was going to get me banned. Eventually I tell him to go ahead and do whatever he wants, and tell him that anything he says I will deny, and if he tries to prove anything by sharing private IMs I will report him to SL for doing that. He then backs off the "I am going to report you bit" but doesn't stop with the IMs, For someone who obviously doesn't like me he sure likes to talk to me. I have heard the stories of people who act like this, but this is the first time I saw it. I had to log off to go to work, which ended today's conversation, but I have a feeling i haven't heard the last of him. So anyway that is my little rant, I feel so much better now, and you can all go back to your happy posts.

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37 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

The today I am dancing on a dance pole at my favorite beach, chatting in group chats, trying to stir up some interest, and tips, when this guy IMs me. I chat with him in IM a bit when he asks me "if I have sex with you I have to pay right?", Now I seriously considered telling I wouldn't have sex even if he did pay, but I didn't. I knew he wasn't going to pay me anything, so I just said yes. He then proceeds to start telling me he is going to report me to the own of the sim where i was dancing, because I was violating the rules by escorting, and he was going to get me banned. Eventually I tell him to go ahead and do whatever he wants, and tell him that anything he says I will deny, and if he tries to prove anything by sharing private IMs I will report him to SL for doing that. He then backs off the "I am going to report you bit" but doesn't stop with the IMs, For someone who obviously doesn't like me he sure likes to talk to me. I have heard the stories of people who act like this, but this is the first time I saw it. I had to log off to go to work, which ended today's conversation, but I have a feeling i haven't heard the last of him. So anyway that is my little rant, I feel so much better now, and you can all go back to your happy posts.

If he bothers you anymore, I'd notify the sim owner about the guy bothering you - also mentioning how much you love his beach and that you've been patronizing it for years.  Then block the jerk.

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5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If he bothers you anymore, I'd notify the sim owner about the guy bothering you - also mentioning how much you love his beach and that you've been patronizing it for years.  Then block the jerk.

I even caught the bouquet at the sim owner's wedding that must be worth something.

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47 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

So, you can all just skip over this post while I take a moment to vent a little. Actually I probably should be thankful that only now, after almost two years in SL, that I have encountered my first griefer, or at least I think that is what he is. The story starts yesterday, when I was sending out invites to the Kultivate June Art show opening party. I am one of the artists in the show, and Kultivate sent me and every other artist invitations to send out to our friends. I was sending them out when someone objected to getting this unsolicited invitation. I dealt with this the same way I have dealt with this situation in the past, I removed him from my friend list. He wasn't a close friend I hang out with, and the best way to ensure he does not receive and future invitations is to remove him. If he doesn't want to get these things then why is he even wanting to be my friend anyway? Like I said I had done this many times before, but never once did anyone get upset over it, but this guy did. 

The today I am dancing on a dance pole at my favorite beach, chatting in group chats, trying to stir up some interest, and tips, when this guy IMs me. I chat with him in IM a bit when he asks me "if I have sex with you I have to pay right?", Now I seriously considered telling I wouldn't have sex even if he did pay, but I didn't. I knew he wasn't going to pay me anything, so I just said yes. He then proceeds to start telling me he is going to report me to the own of the sim where i was dancing, because I was violating the rules by escorting, and he was going to get me banned. Eventually I tell him to go ahead and do whatever he wants, and tell him that anything he says I will deny, and if he tries to prove anything by sharing private IMs I will report him to SL for doing that. He then backs off the "I am going to report you bit" but doesn't stop with the IMs, For someone who obviously doesn't like me he sure likes to talk to me. I have heard the stories of people who act like this, but this is the first time I saw it. I had to log off to go to work, which ended today's conversation, but I have a feeling i haven't heard the last of him. So anyway that is my little rant, I feel so much better now, and you can all go back to your happy posts.

Hi Talligurl. Ugh! What a waste of energy on the part of that guy. Do you think it is an alt of the person you de-friended? If it continues then yes, block is a good option. This person radiates negative energy. Also vent here anytime! The people that inhabit this thread is just like family, with lots of positive energy. When one of us is upset it hurts. And talking it out does help! Dig?  Hugs!





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Just now, Hippie Bowman said:

Hi Talligurl. Ugh! What a waste of energy on the part of that guy. Do you think it is an alt of the person you de-friended? If it continues then yes, block is a good option. This person radiates negative energy. Also vent here anytime! The people that inhabit this thread is just like family, with lots of positive energy. When one of us is upset it hurts. And talking it out does help! Dig?  Hugs!





No it isn't his alt. it is actually him, i just de-friended him, didn't block him since I was only removing him from the list because he didn't want to receive any future notices from me. I have over 400 friends on my list, by far most of those are just there as a kind of mailing list for my art business, he fell into that category. I guess he thought he was more special than that, and his pride got hurt when he found out he wasn't.

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1 minute ago, Talligurl said:

No it isn't his alt. it is actually him, i just de-friended him, didn't block him since I was only removing him from the list because he didn't want to receive any future notices from me. I have over 400 friends on my list, by far most of those are just there as a kind of mailing list for my art business, he fell into that category. I guess he thought he was more special than that, and his pride got hurt when he found out he wasn't.

Ahh! I see. Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like a case of inflated male ego.



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