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Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world

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Masami Kuramoto wrote:

And to be honest, even if LL still had the capacity to merge SL into the hypergrid, I doubt that the OpenSim community would welcome them. The hypergrid is run by artists/techies who left the old world behind for good reason. They are happy to build their own worlds from scratch without interference from Linden Lab.


this a pretty fair assessment of OpenSim community

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Gavin Hird wrote:

No. it is not played by Kitely. :-)

Kitely connected to other grids via Hypergrid only a few weeks ago, and is a latecomer to the party. 

Masami was refer to the central/open role of banker and marketplace. Something no one was enabling until Kitely step up. Some people did enable bank and market on their grids but in a closed/exclusive way same like LL does

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Right now only a sim owner can set the textures of the land. Land and SL water is ground level only


Will a parcel owner, no matter how small, be able to set the textures and landscape the land they own? Will it be possible to make walkable 3rd dimensional lands in the sky? What about SL water in the sky?


Well for SOME reason my comment didn't show up and I have seen this happen on other posts here. Odd.


Anyway you CAN have walkable hilly land in the skin in SL 1.0. I made a couple of mesh hill sets and a friend made one for me with lower land impact. Mine was prettier, hers more practicle.


You can see them in SAND, SOIL, SAGE or SNOW at LEA7.   You can't terraform them of course except my making new files in your 3D editor and uploading.



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irihapeti wrote:

Gavin Hird wrote:

No. it is not played by Kitely. :-)

Kitely connected to other grids via Hypergrid only a few weeks ago, and is a latecomer to the party. 

Masami was refer to the central/open role of banker and marketplace. Something no one was enabling until Kitely step up. Some people did enable bank and market on their grids but in a closed/exclusive way same like LL does

Ambitions are there and it is a good start, but the problem with Kitely marketplace is you have to upload your creations to their asset servers, meaning you also must be a Kitely paid user, to trade on the marketplace. 

This is problematic for anyone who have their assets well established elsewhere, even on grids they operate themselves. A true marketplace for Hypergrid should be able to broker content without moving this from their original asset store. 

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Gavin Hird wrote:


This is problematic for anyone who have their assets well established elsewhere, even on grids they operate themselves. A true marketplace for Hypergrid should be able to broker content without moving this from their original asset store. 

build it and they will come

probably have to have a repository of authenticated brokers. The brokers would have to create an account with the authenticating service for that I would think

can anyone be a broker? Probably why not. More is better than less when building a market

can the authenticating service authenticate that the broker does actual have the stuff they purport to be brokering? Or can they just take their word for it as good enough?

and so on and on

but build it and answer all these kinds of questions in the build and you be good to go


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irihapeti wrote:

Gavin Hird wrote:


This is problematic for anyone who have their assets well established elsewhere, even on grids they operate themselves. A true marketplace for Hypergrid should be able to broker content without moving this from their original asset store. 

build it and they will come

probably have to have a repository of authenticated brokers. The brokers would have to create an account with the authenticating service for that I would think

can anyone be a broker? Probably why not. More is better than less when building a market

can the authenticating service authenticate that the broker does actual have the stuff they purport to be brokering? Or can they just take their word for it as good enough?

and so on and on

but build it and answer all these kinds of questions in the build and you be good to go


Yep. If LL were smart they would enhance their marketplace to enable content providers to sell also to opensim based grids given 90% of the content there is compatible. Virtually everyone would benefit from it although SL might experience a bit of cannibalization of users. – But that is bound to happen anyway now that New & Shiny is out in the open.  

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You wrote:




Right now only a sim owner can set the textures of the land. Land and SL water is ground level only


Will a parcel owner, no matter how small, be able to set the textures and landscape the land they own? Will it be possible to make walkable 3rd dimensional lands in the sky? What about SL water in the sky?



Why would you want a parcel owner to be able to set a different ground texture ? To have snow, beach, rock, mud, jungle, all mixed up in a single region ? Is land, especially mainland, not ugly enough yet ?

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Gavin Hird wrote:

If LL were smart they would enhance their marketplace to enable content providers to sell also to opensim based grids given 90% of the content there is compatible.

i think that spaceship crashed into the stargate horizon years ago. You probably best debate that one with Masami and others on the opensim forums. You probably find yourself in a minority of one these days on that thought

i think is smarter for LL to not bother


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irihapeti wrote:

Gavin Hird wrote:

If LL were smart they would enhance their marketplace to enable content providers to sell also to opensim based grids given 90% of the content there is compatible.

i think that spaceship crashed into the stargate horizon years ago. You probably best debate that one with Masami and others on the opensim forums. You probably find yourself in a minority of one these days on that thought


Any grid owner who wants to develop an economy for their grid, including Kitely, Avination, Inworldz  would most likely welcome an increased influx of content, since one of the main barriers to growth is the lack of good content. 

Opensim is developed with an economy module, and it does not exist to be unused (and most grid owners use it.)

OSGrid has opted to not enable a currency and paid for transactions in that grid, but that is both because OSgrid is a test grid for the opensim software developers and also because they are organized as an ideal foundation. So for that grid it makes sense. It is like the SL beta grid does not have an economy. 

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thats all good

If i had a OS gridworld and wanted to maintain my independence (which is what OS is fundamentally about)  then I probably be looking more to HiFi for authentication and central banking services. If thats all I wanted. That can work without worrying about content compatibility even

But if its about content, like how can I get SL creators to make stuff for my world, then I probably going to have to like hire them for RL wages to make it for me. Buy off them for RL dollars and then try sell in my owngrid shops to my owngrid customers. Is plenty of people/creators be happy to do that for me. for RL cash

or can open up my grid to say Kitely and get some kinda contract payments/exchange thingy going with them

LL is not the answer to OS grids future. OS people are making their own future. And they like it that way. You the only one seems to be wanting to fly that spaceship these days. But like I say it crashed already. You just not accepted it yet

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My friend, the situation completely changed a few days ago. :-)

Suddenly a massive repository of content is going to be abandoned in the not too distant future. So rather sit and wither till that happens, it could be brought to use by those in need of such content, and at the same time broaden the revenue base for everyone. 

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Innula Zenovka wrote:


"A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!!"

Join me! We will even provide unlimited replicants to do the grunt work in the better life.

Father "I'm one myself" Jim

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madjim wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:


"A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!!"

Join me! We will even provide unlimited replicants to do the grunt work in the better life.

Father "I'm one myself" Jim

If we do join you, will we be  asked to do anything lewd... or unsavory, or... or, otherwise repulsive to our persons?   Or is that just at Adult Safe Hubs?

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

madjim wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:


"A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies! A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure!!"

Join me! We will even provide unlimited replicants to do the grunt work in the better life.

Father "I'm one myself" Jim

If we do join you, will we be  
asked to do anything lewd... or unsavory, or... or, otherwise repulsive to our persons?   Or is that just at Adult Safe Hubs?

Do you want the freedom to enjoy yourself? Or would you prefer Sanitised Life?

Father "If the latter, stick with Mr Altberg" Jim

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If i rent a 1/4 sim that is beach front property and the land owner decides to set the texture to snow because it is winter for them but summer for me.... Why should i be stuck with what the land owner wants? Thats like your landlord saying what decoration you can put in your home.

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you mean same like all that stuff created in 2007 and earlier thats cluttering up the opensim freebie grids these days?

on my own private grid I got 257 sims. And still havent got enough room for it all
i suppose in 2016 i be able to upgrade my freebs to 2010 vintage or about. if i can be bothered. Or I can you know. Make my own. which is why i actual got a OS-powered sim grid

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Well, I only got 28 public sims on OSG and a standalone mirror.  (+ 1/2 SL sim.) 

Most of the stuff on both instances I have made myself, and some of my creations you will find in the SL marketplace too.  It has been in development (on opensim) since 2011. 

BUT, I would buy quality stuff from the Marketplace if I could – there is no way I can go it all alone. Others would too. I have also bought from the Kitely marketplace after they went HG. 

My sims are mesh + trad prims only, with a few sculpted items. The goal is to completely eliminate sculpts. Only yesterday I replaced over 100 sculpted items with mesh I created myself.  Both for performance and for future compatibility with whatever lies ahead. 

I have a new series of mesh items ready to go - not seen anyone else making them, but after the announcement the other day I feel it is close to pointless releasing in SL. 

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

The problem is, Gavin, that if someone gives you or sells you an item to use on your OSG sim, they're trusting whoever runs that grid with a full perms copy of the item -- scripts, animations, the lot. 


The problem Innula, is that if I upload one of my new creations to SL, I give away a cost-free right and license for Linden Lab to 

"use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, re-sell, sublicense (through multiple levels), modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content (and derivative works thereof), for any purpose whatsoever in all formats, on or through any media, software, formula, or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same."

So it is actually two sides of the same coin. 

I might just give it away to some poor sod who one day might make a buck out of it, rather than to someone with a development department and a lofty plan of making billions? 

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Gavin Hird wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

The problem is, Gavin, that if someone gives you or sells you an item to use on your OSG sim, they're trusting whoever runs that grid with a full perms copy of the item -- scripts, animations, the lot. 


The problem Innula, is that if I upload one of my new creations to SL, I give away a
cost-free right and license 
for Linden Lab to 

"use, copy, record, distribute, reproduce, disclose,
sell, re-sell
, sublicense (through multiple levels), modify, display, publicly perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, translate, make derivative works of, and
otherwise exploit
in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content (and derivative works thereof), f
or any purpose whatsoever in all formats
, on or through any media, software, formula, or medium now known or hereafter developed, and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed, and to advertise, market, and promote the same."

So it is actually two sides of the same coin. 

I might just give it away to some poor sod who one day might make a buck out of it, rather than to someone with a development department and a lofty plan of making billions? 

Yeah, but I know who LL are, where their offices are, and so on, and I've yet to hear of them ripping off content people have made and selling it as their own, whatever their ToS might say.    In contrast, I've seen dozens of creators ripped off by fellow SL residents, so in general I trust LL a lot more than I trust unknown residents or unknown proprietors of OS grids.   

If I let something out into the OS grid, I'm letting it out into the wild, effectively.     I might well be prepared to sell you, or even give you, some of the scripted, animated stuff my business partner and I make, because I know you and trust you not to start selling it in the SL Marketplace next week using a disposable alt.  

But there is no way on earth I'm putting anything up for general sale on grids outside SL, at least not while I still hope to sell a few copies in SL.

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