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Just my observation

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Seems that "back in the day" (my 7th rez day is quickly approaching) you might bump into a Linden here and there while cruising the grid. I have not seen a Linden in a couple years (or more). Might be the increased size of the grid, or are they just not active like they used to be? What are your thoughts on this?? 

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For several years there was a policy against Linden's being In World with their Linden accounts with possible exception of Governance and Server teams. 

This was recently lifted:

"1:05:53 I spoke to this earlier; the policy that Lindens with their actual Linden avatars – there was no policy against Lindens using alts in-world – but there was a policy against Lindens using their Linden avatar in-world, so that’s been removed. We just had an all hands meeting yesterday [Thursday April 10th, 2014], and I’m standing in front of a group of people and I’m saying, “I’m in there. I’m interacting with the users and I want you to do it to.”"


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They keep chopping and changing. One time, one Linden was told to communicate more with us via the blog, but not long afterwards the powers that be (that were then) told them all not to communicate with us. On the one hand, communicating with us has a tendancy to show that users actually matter but, on the other hand, they often get a lot stick from users when they do. So much so that some of them changed their Linden names so that they weren't recognised and users couldn't carry on with the flack. Nevertheless, the company really should communicate with users even if all the employees don't, and not in external places like Twitter. If the CEO carries on communicating in Twitter, and other external places, and not in LL's own spaces, where the users are, he won't get any respect from me - not that he'll lose any sleep over that.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

They keep chopping and changing. One time, one Linden was told to communicate more with us via the blog, but not long afterwards the powers that be (that were then) told them all not to communicate with us. On the one hand, communicating with us has a tendancy to show that users actually matter but, on the other hand, they often get a lot stick from users when they do. So much so that some of them changed their Linden names so that they weren't recognised and users couldn't carry on with the flack. Nevertheless, the company really should communicate with users even if all the employees don't, and not in external places like Twitter. If the CEO carries on communicating in Twitter, and other external places, and not in LL's own spaces, where the users are, he won't get any respect from me - not that he'll lose any sleep over that.


Phil, I don't use Facebook or Twitter. But a HELL of a lot of people do, and some of them are Second Lifers. There are a fair amount of Forumites who are apparently regular Twitter users, and I'd suspect there are a great number of SL users who use Twitter, but don't even know these forums exist. As in, tens of thousands.

If I'm right, then it's probably a good idea for Ebbe or anyone speaking for LL to do so on Twitter. The idea is to reach as many people as possible. Twitter probably has a bigger Second Life audience than the Forum. Don't get me wrong: I completely agree that the LL blog and the Forum should be included in any announcement. But I won't think less of LL for using Twitter, or even Facebook, as well.

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A lot of the TWITS link back to the Featured News/Blog Posts.

Ebbe Altberg @ebbealtberg

@SecondLife: Fresh Blog Post: Enjoy Faster Scene-Loading with Project Interesting http://bit.ly/SxDXBI ” Let us know what you think!


I really don't twit myself but glance at them occasionally. 

I don't know if there is any way for us to see how many page views they get but I seriously think it will be a miniscule percent of users who ever look.

But I don't even think people page attention to the Log In Screen.

log in screen.jpg

Fantasy Faire was right there on the Screen for the Official Viewer as well as being announced when logging in with Firestorm.  Yet the number of times I heard, "Oh is that going on," when I told friends I was there was astounding.  People simply don't look.  :(

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

You used to see them on a regular basis. Now it's infrequent, and that's too bad. It's always an OMG, It's a LINDEN now.

For the longest time we had rezzed a "Linden Detector" at a few of my clubs and social gathering areas on the islands I owned. When a ***** Linden would visit it used to shoot fireworks and SPAM the owner and pepper local chat with "A Linden is Here! - A Linden is Here!"" announcements.


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When I first joined SL thw help menu item actually got you an IM from an actual Linden or brought a Linden to you to help if necessary!  If someone needed to be removed, they'd come and literaally drag them off to the cornfield or banning.  Of course the number of residents was under 10K at the time and the number of residents actually logged in was much smaller.  They'd have to have an army of them now to do that. lol.

I wish we'd see more Lindens around, even if its just to see them around occasionally and talking to people. If someone started to give them unreasonable grief they can always either tp away or deal with the person the way we do, by blocking them or even ejecting them after a warning.  It would get the word out that you have to be respectful when talking to them even if you are discussing a 'problem'.  It would go a long way to making users feel like they mattered. 

Since Ebbe told them to do it, i haven't see any.  Has anyone?  I wonder if any will show up at the SLB celebration.

As far as twitter and facebook, official communication channels should always be used first and these services used only as a supplement.  While a lot of residents do use these, i suspect that the number who don't is large too.   No one i know uses them.  If Ebbe can use twitter, why can't they allow us to comment on the blog posts and just moderate them to remove the hate speech that may show up?


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


As far as twitter and facebook, official communication channels should always be used first and these services used only as a supplement.  While a lot of residents do use these, i suspect that the number who don't is large too.   No one i know uses them.  If Ebbe can use twitter, why can't they allow us to comment on the blog posts and just moderate them to remove the hate speech that may show up?


Well, it is easier to allow no comments than to be accused of 'censorship.'

But I am in agreement with you.  Sure they could get heated but commenting was allowed at one time.

I linked someone earlier to the old blog post on Camping.  Lots of comments.  Jack Linden (pops)

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You do know where being sent to the cornfield came from, right? It's from the short story by Jerome Bixby that was made into a Twilight Zone episode, It's a Good Life. Starred Billy Mumy. He made the town go away from the rest of the world. When he got upset with someone, he'd send them to the cornfield. Of course, those were never seen or heard from again.

Yay for trivia.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

They keep chopping and changing. One time, one Linden was told to communicate more with us via the blog, but not long afterwards the powers that be (that were then) told them all not to communicate with us. On the one hand, communicating with us has a tendancy to show that users actually matter but, on the other hand, they often get a lot stick from users when they do. So much so that some of them changed their Linden names so that they weren't recognised and users couldn't carry on with the flack. Nevertheless, the company really should communicate with users even if all the employees don't, and not in external places like Twitter. If the CEO carries on communicating in Twitter, and other external places, and not in LL's own spaces, where the users are, he won't get any respect from me - not that he'll lose any sleep over that.


Phil, I don't use Facebook or Twitter. But a HELL of a lot of people do, and some of them are Second Lifers. There are a fair amount of Forumites who are apparently regular Twitter users, and I'd suspect there are a great number of SL users who use Twitter, but don't even know these forums exist. As in, tens of thousands.

If I'm right, then it's probably a good idea for Ebbe or anyone speaking for LL to do so on Twitter. The idea is to reach as many people as possible. Twitter probably has a bigger Second Life audience than the Forum. Don't get me wrong: I completely agree that the LL blog and the Forum should be included in any announcement. But I won't think less of LL for using Twitter, or even Facebook, as well.

I omitted something. I didn't mean that the CEO shouldn't use external spaces. I meant that, if they are used instead of LL's own spaces, where the users are, he will not earn any respect from me. Using them as well as where the users are is fine, but not instead of, like he and his predecessor have been doing. Currently, it's instead of, and that is simply wrong, not to mention utter stupidity.

There are enough people who look in this forum for any news to get around the SL population quickly enough - no slower, and probably much quicker, that news announced on Twitter and Facebook. The millions of people who use those spaces are irrelevent, because those millions of people have no interest whatsoever in SL. If the CEO really wants users to know any news, all he needs to do is point people at the forum and/or blog when they register, so that everyone knows they are there, and provide information there. He can think what he wants to think but he does not yet talk to the users.

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re 'The millions of people who use those spaces are irrelevent' well not quite. Out of the

millions that are Twits or FaceBorgers there are those that can be informed if their interests

include Second Life and indeed this happens. It depends on whether they choose to use

those services (I had to expunge what I was going to call them there :) ) in that way.

Information made available via a mass penetration social medium regarding Second Life

is as 'irrelevent' as informing any other special interest group in the same manner.

I would be fascinated to see real numbers regarding how many people do use this forum

as opposed to or in conjunction with other sources.

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The millions don't matter. Only those of them who are interested in SL matter, and that's not millions. That's what was meant.

I don't mind those people being informed that way. What I do mind is when that way is used *instead of* LL's own information spaces.

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Or... you know... at the 1:05 mark, that Perrie posted the relevant (transcribed) portion of. The video is also embedded at the link that he posted.

Nice sig, btw.

"Post count does not equate to intelligence.."

Someone should have told you that back in the day, huh?

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Nice sig, btw.

"Post count does not equate to intelligence.."

Someone should have told you that back in the day, huh?


Now it appears as 'icon' Griff.


oooooo burn!


Icon envy is such a tragic thing to behold.


The butthurt runs deep in this one. LOL

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