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Hello from Linden Lab’s New CEO

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Pamela Galli wrote:

A big plus that not only is EA the kind of weird-o that would investigate SL on his own,  but his son was "very active".  

I think any mention of "EA" is probably inappropriate - particularly given the provenance of the outgoing CEO.


ETA I knew there was a reason not to like him - COYS!

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SidQuibley wrote:


We never win it unless the year ends in a 1.

And not often then!

But it's only five years since we won some silverware, compared to your eight.


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Hi Ebbe and welcome. 

I must say that I am encouraged by your background, the fact that you are familiar with SL and that you have actually communicated with us here in the SL forums.

All of us here, with the rare exception, want to see SL grow and flourish.  I and many others wouldn't have stuck around as long as we have if we didn't think It has a lot going for it and a lot of potential for the future.  We've been discouraged lately though by the lack of communication from LL and most of us have felt not only ignored but that LL no longer cares about us, its customers. 

I am not saying you have to do everything we ask, I understand LL is a for profit business after all and you have to make tough decisions and provide value for your investors.  However I hope you at least take our opinions to heart, take our suggestions when you can and honestly communicate frequently through the official SL channels. Not all of us use twitter and facebook or third party forums and a lot of us who are very experienced residents and many who also own businesses in SL take the time during our day to come here and to Answers to assist other residents as volunteers because we really want SL to flourish and want to do our part.

I personally wish you every success because in the long run your success will be SL's and ours too.

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Welcome to SL Ebbe,

If you would like to do a little swashbuckling and sail some ships into battle and see some of the absolute beauty of Second Life, come drop by Trade Winds on an alt and be a gunner.  Set your environment to midnight and turn up your volumne and laugh out loud as your ship sinks to the bottom of the pixel sea or sink another and shake your fist and yell out an *Arrrr, got ya mate!", then come hoist a bit of pixel rum at the Abandoned Hope Inn (helps to be hoisting some rl rum at the same time) and sing along to some pirate shanties, dance and meet a pixel friend and wander off into the shadows....

Or like I try to tell every new person I meet in SL...

Run, run like hell. If you don't you will find yourself addicted to this wonderful place and you might forget to go outside, eat a nice apple occassionally, ski, make actual love, be with your family a bit more often.

This is truly a place for the artist and the depraved and sometimes both shall meet, and lucky you, you get to deal with the actual financial side of things and try to move this entire word into some kind of platform that can enhance something in actual real life besides people dipping into their ids and egos.

Best of luck to you, oh and don't mind the first paragraph it was a shameless plug :) although you really are welcome to join in, just don't come in a bunny suit, lol.

Oh, please build and sell something too.  Please take a look at that entire creative/marketing process.  You will be amazed at some of the true talents that have immersed themselves in this world.

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Welcome to SL new overlord!

Reading your bio, it seems to me *as some others have pointed out) that you are an excellent fit for SL and it al looks very promising! So, once again, a very warm welcome from an old fogey (i hit 10 years in SL last month).

All of that being said, and i'm not sure if you've been warned that this may re-surface, but... there's a topic and Jira that are dear to my heart, as well as many other SLers. The topic is about last names... how SL used to have a list to pick from (which, admittedly, could have been configured better), but now everybody gets a generic "Resident" as a last name, but can then just change their names to anything they want via Display Names. My view has always been that unique last names were a major part of the magic soup that made SL into the phenomenon it came to be.

There is plenty to read about in the Jira, both in the description and in the multitude of comments on the topic. Please have a look and seriously consider bringing back last names. ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7125? )

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Figures the day I'd have to leave early and be away from a computer this would happen. The CEO of SL comes to the forum and I missed it.  Welcome belatedly and reduntantly, and thank you for making your presence known here in the official Second Life forum. We know we are a tiny fraction of the userbase, but we (well, actually 'they' but since I'm here I'll ride their coat-tails) are a pretty knowledgeable and connected fraction. There is a lot of SL smarts here.

Too bad you had to run into Maddy so early on, but I'll hope you ignore that.  Laskya, I do believe the post count in this thread alone has exceeded by leaps and bounds the lifetime total of anyone who might figure in that deja vu.

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And they can't wait to do that...most common question/issue on both sides of the "fence" has been the same thing! I'm getting love from both sides when I'm talking about fixing communication. I don't know when/how it got strange but we'll work hard to make us better at it...motivation is not an issue at all. We just need to figure out process for doing it effectively at scale...

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Ebbe Linden wrote:

And they can't wait to do that...most common question/issue on both sides of the "fence" has been the same thing! I'm getting love from both sides when I'm talking about fixing communication. I don't know when/how it got strange but we'll work hard to make us better at it...motivation is not an issue at all. We just need to figure out process for doing it effectively at scale...

When you say both sides of the fence do you mean both In House at the the Lab and from the Residents or something else?

I'm trying very hard to stay off my soapbox here..............  :D


ETA, I see you answered that while I was posting.

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