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Rod Humble leaving Linden Lab

Jo Yardley

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Perrie Juran wrote:

ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL."


From an SL culture Point of view he was a fiasco. With the lindens basically abandoning their public presence both inworld and out... the linden homes wrecking devastation on mainland and estate community, the shift to marketplace causing so many sim closures and empty land lots... etc...

But the technology HAS improved greatly under his reign.

- server side baking

- mesh

- Viewer 3

- stabalizing viewer inconsistency with the 'common experience' rule

- numerous improvements to lag and sim crossing

- linkset scripting (remember resizer scripts in every single prim - and how a single avatar could crash a sim just by wearing hair?).

- rendering improvements that have made windlight much more common.

- materials

and other things.



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Rod did benefit the many with the improvements, and did communicate with the users, that many were not interested to read what he wrote, that's another thing. and yes, he log in various times with his main and his alts. just making the flexible viewer was a transformation for the better. "in Rod we trust"

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

ETA, I disagree strongly with your assessment that he brought "a lot of improvements to SL."


From an SL culture Point of view he was a fiasco. With the lindens basically abandoning their public presence both inworld and out... the linden homes wrecking devastation on mainland and estate community, the shift to marketplace causing so many sim closures and empty land lots... etc...

But the technology HAS improved greatly under his reign.

- server side baking

- mesh

- Viewer 3

- stabalizing viewer inconsistency with the 'common experience' rule

- numerous improvements to lag and sim crossing

- linkset scripting (remember resizer scripts in every single prim - and how a single avatar could crash a sim just by wearing hair?).

- rendering improvements that have made windlight much more common.

- materials

and other things.



I didn't say improvements did not happen as I clarified later on.  What is questionable is whether he "brought them."  What does appear to be true is that some priorities were set.  But many of these things should have been happpenning in the natural course of development so is there anything really that special about them?

So while I agree that progress has been made, it has still been a mixed bag, and as you pointed out, what may be really the most important thing, is that from an SL Culture point of view, which you describe as a 'fiasco,' I'd simply say nothing has really happenned.


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Hadn't yet read too far into the discussion when I posted so I was just replaying to your specific point.

As a CEO, a person sets direction - so I give that kind of credit for setting a direction that led to things like mesh and SSB getting done. I do not recall if the shift that moved us from viewer 2 to viewer 3 was instigated by him or already basically done by the time he'd stepped in. That shift more or less saved the viewer for a lot of people and has shaped what even TPVs are today.

Mesh has had a massive impact - and even for those who hate mesh fashion, in buildings, landscaping, objects, and 'body parts' (not just that one, but an assortment of them) the change has been nearly universally seen as an improvement for the end users (but as a major problem for many slow-to-reskill content makers).


Before Humble, I could teleport around the grid and likely randomly run into 1 to 3 lindens a day. If I knew where to go - I could guarantee this - as many had office hours inworld. Here on the forums and blogs we could be sure to see a post from one, and on a regular basis a blog. On third party blogs we'd see them commenting.

- This is now perhaps the ONLY social media platform where that does NOT happen. Even when I include other MMOs.

And I think this is the biggest problem facing SL today... It outweighs every other concern I can come up with. The lack of a public presence from the lindens is crippling the platform.

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Good riddance - whats needed is someone who lives by the old addage the customer is always right and sees that all his staff do the same - especially when the customer IS right !!


Lets hope that the new CEO rapidly sees that the most vital thing needed to revitalise sl is a rapid reduction in tiers and useful inducements and rewards to faithful long term customers rather than the ridiculous baubles theyve been palming off as 'incentives'

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The fact that he announced it to a friend in facebook and not here on the forum says it all. He was never really interested in SL. When he was in world he didn't really communicate with people and any communication was all done away from the main SL forum and blog. He's used LL resources for his own projects and as such SL seems to have been put on hold. 

Maybe now we'll get someone in who actually understands what SL is about. 


BTW for all of those you say he improved lag and sim crossings. I agree. The lag on sim crossing has improved dramatically - I even crash when I'm walking over a sim crossing now.

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The thing I remember most about Humble is him commenting on this forum to thank people ( albeit a week late and no doubt after many criticial comments from certain observers) for wishing him a happy birthday....typically until then he'd been thanking people in every other bit of social media except the forum.... It spoke volumes to me about how much he and other lindens (always noticeable by their absence from the forums) appear to care about sl and the opinions of its users.... In the end he perpetuated the Linden attitude that  people who use sl ought to consider themselves lucky for the right to pay a lot of money to use sl - and forget who actually keep its administrators and functionaries in work....

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No great loss, let us hope the next one has his/her priorities right, like greater community relations. Which ever way you slice it, without a solid community support base, you are ultimately going to fail. A basic management principle that LL have never grasped.

Then he/she can work on dealing with the abuse reports that never get acted on, Secondlife is fast turning into the "Wild Wild West".

Having said that, I wish him well.

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  Don't make this virtual World a mirror of the insane real one!

 I will miss Rod, cause when is was in change one thing i know it was respected, the right to privacy, the right to be as anomimous as any can believe its possible in the days that we live in!

 May the next Ceo remenbers above all, that, the fondation of Second Life and what will make it endure and exist!






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When Rod joined the staff, I had high hopes that someone with a gaming industry background would at least understand how to handle Customer Service issues. I also hoped that his experience with managing IT-based ventures would help him stamp out the rampant and horribly damaging NIH (Not Invented Here) illness that continually causes LL to drive the Second Life wagon train off the cliff.

On both counts .. fail.

The BoD needs to hire someone that "Gets It" when it comes to what Second Life is, what it's about, and what makes it tick. Failure to hire someone with an inward facing attitude will result in the exact same stagnation and race toward extinction that has been the hallmark of the previous CEOs.

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I will remember Rod Humble as being the man during whose 'reign' second life plumbed new depths with abysmal levels of customer service and a shoddier less stable environment to play, build and explore in with record levels of crashes, lag, and tp failures ....oh look I crashed again as I typed that !!

Its time Lindens put customer service and satisfaction first now and ended that culture which implies that the customer is lucky to be in sl regardless of the amount they pay.... Lindens should also end these ludicrous legal wranglings whereby they try to 'dodge' any responsibility for the quality of service - or lack of it - they provide




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It just goes to show you can't please everyone.  The man could have walked on water in RL and some would still find ways to throw stones.  Yawns.  We are in the era of PC and In a PC world humor is a capital offense.   It's fun to read all the misery in OUR little world ... a lot like RL, eh?  (and let's not forget misery loves company)

I have seen nothing but improvements in my short time in SL.  I am still having fun.  I am still laughing and tripping over myself in SL just like RL, eh?


PS I am thinking of organizing an "Occupy SL".  I am protesting the presence of the UCCSL, OBR, NSA, JFK, CIA, and PJ's (I hate PJ's as I prefer to sleep in the nude ....TMI?)   LL better hire a CEO soon or I will start writing letters to the BoD re above.  

PPS I am curious as I have not read the ToS in its entirety, is there any mention of the BoD having to heed the words of the masses?   I may be just OMR (One Man Rising) against the machine of injustice, but I will not falter in my resolve.



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Darrius Gothly wrote:

When Rod joined the staff,
I had high hopes
that someone with a gaming industry background would at least understand how to handle Customer Service issues. I also hoped that his experience with managing IT-based ventures would help him
stamp out the rampant and horribly damaging NIH
(Not Invented Here
) illness
that continually causes
LL to drive the Second Life wagon train off the cliff

On both counts .. fail.

The BoD needs
to hire someone that "Gets It" when it comes to what Second Life is,
what it's about, and what makes it tick.
Failure to hire someone
with an inward facing attitude will result in the exact same stagnation and race toward extinction
that has been the hallmark of the previous CEOs.

OMG!  The D-R-A-M-A that reeks in this post!  I love it!!!  You are such a D-R-A-M-A ho, Darrius ... you could have been a role-model for some, but you ....

PS May I ask you a question, Darrius? Do you really think you are holy enough to know "what it's about, what makes it tick?"  Because imo you use the game just like the rest of us ... I didn't realize you had GOD privilege. 

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Nalates Urriah wrote:

What did Rod get done?

[stuff that happened in 2011-2012]

Ok, I knew all that, but I was specifically referring to 2013, not 2011 and 2012. A lot happened in 2012 and most of it was starting in 2011. 

Experience Tools project: From what I was seeing, it was in a nearly ready to ship state in 2012 then for some reason apparently got shelved. Work seemed to start up again sometime in late 2013.

User groups: 2013 saw most of them either ended or consolidated as the Lindens that led them either left or we laid off. 2012 saw them improve greatly though, as I recall.

The Third Party Viewer: Those having continued since at least early 2011 (possibly late 2010) on though 2013 really doesn't count as something Rodvik did in 2013. Unless you consider him not canceling them as such (some of us kinda do).


(ETA, I still think Lithium is the worst thing LL has done to their website since web profiles. Gawd this is feature-meh.)


ETA, my question is: Did anyone see much first hand involvement of Rodvik in 2013? Cause I couldn't think of anything and still can't. Not making accusations, just wondering if 2013 was just maintenance and catch up.

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Kadah Coba wrote:

Nalates Urriah wrote:

What did Rod get done?

[stuff that happened in 2011-2012]

Ok, I knew all that, but I was specifically referring to 2013, not 2011 and 2012. A lot happened in 2012 and most of it was starting in 2011. 

Experience Tools project: From what I was seeing, it was in a nearly ready to ship state in 2012 then for some reason apparently got shelved. Work seemed to start up again sometime in late 2013.


Experience Tools got put on the back burner because of the problems with permissions that were uncovered by "Griefer Monday" (when it transpired that llTeleportAgent() worked so long as the script had permission to teleport somebody, rather than the agent you want to teleport somewhere).   

As I understand it, getting to the bottom of that took a lot longer than anyone anticipated.    That's now fixed, or so I gather, and we should be seeing at least a test version of Experience Tools  before too long.

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Kadah Coba wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

I was hoping for a fourth party viewer, but I'm kinky that way. 

I think all the forks of Firestorm can be considered forth-party if you want. lol

I have a hacked viewer that in the words of Skills Emerald: "would make you creme in your pants".  But I don't use it in-world because I despise public displays of affection. 

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

"Griefer Monday"

xD Haha, I forgot about that. That was awesome, trying to have user group meetings about it and everyone keep getting dispersed.

If memory servers right, that was before the user side of it was being worked on and the exploit was using unexposed LSL functions that were only to be used by Linden Realms at the time. I think the fix was that permissions dialog that was added for any experience tools to act on an avatar needed in a private region.

AFAIK, that was completed and rolled out in 2012.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

When Rod joined the staff,
I had high hopes
that someone with a gaming industry background would at least understand how to handle Customer Service issues. I also hoped that his experience with managing IT-based ventures would help him
stamp out the rampant and horribly damaging NIH
(Not Invented Here
) illness
that continually causes
LL to drive the Second Life wagon train off the cliff

On both counts .. fail.

The BoD needs
to hire someone that "Gets It" when it comes to what Second Life is,
what it's about, and what makes it tick.
Failure to hire someone
with an inward facing attitude will result in the exact same stagnation and race toward extinction
that has been the hallmark of the previous CEOs.

OMG!  The D-R-A-M-A that reeks in this post!  I love it!!!  You are such a D-R-A-M-A ho, Darrius ... you could have been a role-model for some, but you ....

PS May I ask you a question, Darrius? Do you really think you are holy enough to know "what it's about, what makes it tick?"  Because imo you use the game just like the rest of us ... I didn't realize you had GOD privilege. 

I believe in myself, yes. I believe that I, like many others, have a very good comprehension of what SL can and should be in order to turn it around. I believe I have ideas, understanding and experience that would be very valuable in the role of CEO. And I believe I could take the helm of LL for a 3-year plan-of-action that would result in tangible, measurable improvements.

Can I count on your vote, Storm?

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A lot of this thread has moved into "What did Rod accomplish," or "What was accomplished while Rod was at the helm."

Opinions vary.  There have been both improvements and some giant clusterf*cks.

But I am reminded of Phillip's "Fast, Fun, and Easy" back in 2010.  LINKLINK and LINK.

Perhaps Rod didn't find it as Fast, Fun & Easy as he thought it would be.  It certainly did not capture his imagination enough for him to stay.  Unless there are other unknown reasons for him leaving.

It will be interesting to see what the future brings. 



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Perrie Juran wrote:

A lot of this thread has moved into "What did Rod accomplish," or "What was accomplished while Rod was at the helm."

Opinions vary.  There have been both improvements and some giant clusterf*cks.

But I am reminded of Phillip's "Fast, Fun, and Easy" back in 2010. 

Perhaps Rod didn't find it as Fast, Fun & Easy as he thought it would be.  It certainly did not capture his imagination enough for him to stay. 
Unless there are other unknown reasons for him leaving

It will be interesting to see what the future brings. 




Well, they would have been unknown if that guy hadn't published the incredible shocking truth behind the Beachwood Incident ;-).

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