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Male Avatars Come On.....


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make an effort please.

Here are a few tips for the guys out there....

1. DO NOT SETTLE for that freebie hair that you see 50% of the men in SL sporting...ladies, you know what I am talking about.  Same goes for common old skins.

2. THINK ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT.  Default height = Godzilla, Frankenstein, A Big Dragon, not a realisticly sized human.  Size right from the beginning! 

3. DO NOT SETTLE for that freebie skin or make your own shape.

4. Learn how to edit your clothing and/or body parts.  (Hint: there should not be a gap between your twigs and berries and your body, if there is see a doctor to have the dangly bits removed quickly before they fall off)

5. THINK ABOUT THE DETAILS.  Yes, we want to know the color of your eyes, they should be mesmerizing.

6. SHOES MATTER. Good ones, don't look like you just stepped off the clown car.

7. GET AT LEAST 5 OUTFITS. To start please...some of those pixel clothing must be getting crusty as heck!

8. AVOID THE BLING.  Watches and chains should make you look good not like a lighthouse.

9. TATTOOS:  Guess what your freebie tatt is blurry, it looks like somebody magic markered you in your sleep.  There are good tattoos out there, they are not free.

10. WORK ON YOUR SOCIAL SKILLS!  "Hi", "How R U?", "Wanna ****?" is not a social skill. "Nice Bewbs"...is not a good social skill.....

and the bonus....

11. EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS...Take a building class, learn how to sail, do something that makes you interesting instead of number 10.

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Hey, I'm still working on my shape :)


As a male member I have to say there are two sides to this issue...


Most men are lazy, they won't get past step two before thinking they're ready for the SL world of romance and XXX....



But then on a more 'for the guys' side of the coin, allot of the quality male stuff is hard to come by... (And at a reasonable price, it becomes harder still.)


I'm still searching for a shape and skin which won't make me look like an albino stick insect or the Hulk painted brown...


Still I have to agree with many of your points, if a man wants to get into your pants, his first effort should be his appearance, then they should keep in mind not every women is playing as Inflatable Ingrid the spread leg doll everyone's had a ride on, some girls want a bit more than that...



Good luck in your crusade for boosting the male market and the removal of male ignorance. :)

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LOL, I have to laugh at your rant. You covered so many issues that should be considered by users who want to look like regular humans. I have a male friend who I try to help but he gets impatient and frustrated with shopping. In addition, he is not very good with the viewer so he just leaves things the way they are because he can't be bothered trying to learn how to use all of the features. For example, he doesn't wear all of his alphas (mainly because he has difficulty finding items in his inventory or he does not know how to add instead of wear).

He also did not know how to save outfits let alone put them together properly on his avatar. The best part is, he is NOT new to SL. Newbies have an excuse. It takes time to get your avatar to look a certain way unless you have a more experienced person helping you. At first Newbies think they look ok until they start to see other people, then little by little they improve.

I recently helped another new person and within a few hours, they looked like they were there for years. But he was willing to fix up his avatar and he had some lindens to work with. It doesn't even take alot of lindens to look good. For example, Vista Animations has a very good basic AO for just 1L & it can be edited. Blackburns has some decent men's shoes for also just 1L, etc.









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LoriLexa wrote:

I have a male friend who I try to help but he gets impatient and frustrated with shopping. In addition, he is not very good with the viewer so he just leaves things the way they are because he can't be bothered trying to learn how to use all of the features. For example, he doesn't wear all of his alphas (mainly because he has difficulty finding items in his inventory or he does not know how to add instead of wear).

He also did not know how to save outfits let alone put them together properly on his avatar. The best part is, he is
new to SL.

Perhaps this guy is just playing stupid because he enjoys the attention you're giving him.


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Virilis wrote: [...] if a man wants to get into your pants, his first effort should be his appearance [...]

Actually, every man should take care of his appearance just for the sake of it, not as a device to get into anyone else's pants... otherwise, no matter how finely they end up looking, they'll still be just the other side of the 'inflatable doll' concept.

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I'm going to disagree about tip #2, default height.  If you are a male avatar, you need to be taller than most of the females you plan to dance with.  And yes, many of them are seven feet tall.

I see a lot of those statements in profiles "I'm not short, I'm realistic size!".  Yeah, well, that's like moving to a country where everyone is eight and nine feet tall and expecting everyone else to accommodate you because you didn't eat your vegetables as a kid.

The downsizing trend might eventually catch on but you can expect the men to follow last because of those circumstances.

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I'm going to make it easy for all of you people.




If you have more trouble after this, I cannot be of help to you.


eta: link for those who don't like to try too hard



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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

LoriLexa wrote:

I have a male friend who I try to help but he gets impatient and frustrated with shopping. In addition, he is not very good with the viewer so he just leaves things the way they are because he can't be bothered trying to learn how to use all of the features. For example, he doesn't wear all of his alphas (mainly because he has difficulty finding items in his inventory or he does not know how to add instead of wear).

He also did not know how to save outfits let alone put them together properly on his avatar. The best part is, he is
new to SL.

Perhaps this guy is just playing stupid because he enjoys the attention you're giving him.


Hi Dres,

That is probably correct LOL & I assume you are a guy so you should know better than me :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Virilis wrote:

Hey, I'm still working on my shape


As a male member I have to say there are two sides to this issue...


Most men are lazy, they won't get past step two before thinking they're ready for the SL world of romance and XXX....



But then on a more 'for the guys' side of the coin, allot of the quality male stuff is hard to come by... (And at a reasonable price, it becomes harder still.)


I'm still searching for a shape and skin which won't make me look like an albino stick insect or the Hulk painted brown...


Still I have to agree with many of your points, if a man wants to get into your pants, his first effort should be his appearance, then they should keep in mind not every women is playing as Inflatable Ingrid the spread leg doll everyone's had a ride on, some girls want a bit more than that...



Good luck in your crusade for boosting the male market and the removal of male ignorance.

Well, you are right that male stuff of good quality and reasonable price is not so common. But it is there, if you invest some time. You would need to find blogs like Fabulously Free in SL, and Seraphimsl.com. A quick look at those and it's easy to say:: This is just female stuff! You need to look a bit in the blogs, like here: http://fabfree.wordpress.com/category/mens/

Free stuff is often limited in time, like a group gift = 14 days. Hunts = the time the hunt lasts.

Seraphimsl covers The Mens Dept, a good place... unfortunally the prices there tend to rise. Skins is still a very good buy there. Clothing and accessories you can find cheaper in the Marketplace. The Marketplace is a real hodgepodge of ugly and old stuff but sorting by best selling often brings up promos.

You can put together a nice looking female for free, by just investing time. A male, well maybe but most likely it will cost you a few hundred - 1000 L. In 2011 a blogger named Gogo had a newbie style challenge where the goal was to put together full avatars with skin, hair and clothing for max 550L. I took the challenge, but making female looks is just too easy. I made 10 male looks, each under 550L. Here is the link if you will see what I managed to find: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27764102@N02/sets/72157627973499919/with/6322070990/

I let you decide if I did a good job. Eyes of the beholder.  All the stuff was available during that time, but it was 2011 so much will have changed. But still today, I could make good males for 500 L and up to 1000, and use mostly mesh too.

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the thing is that males usually are not into fashion.

they dont get excited to go spend the day shopping with their friends, they dont look to have as many pairs of shoes they can, they dont go to the barber shop to have a slightly different haircut and expect their male friends to say "OMG you look gorgeous!", they dont worry if somebody saw them 2 times with the same piece of clothing, they are not looking for clothes to match his latest accesories, they dont spend hours on the mirror trying to get the best look.

for males, if it covers their bodies, thats fine enough. thats why you wont see many males avatars doing an effort on their appearance, they just dont care. the freebie hair does the job to cover their head. the feebie skin has some characteristics, it should be usable.

males are usually on the practical side, if it works, its fine.

im gonna take your advice tho and work more on my avatar.

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Sorry it is their SL not yours, and they can look as they please.  There is no reason they have to conform to the way you want them to look.  They can choose to do what is comfortable for them. Most guys if they stick around long enough eventually improve their avatars. You don't see many guys over a year old that haven't made some effort and if they haven't so what? Not every guy wants to get into some woman's pants. As long as they enjoy their SL its all good.

There is also nothing wrong with making your own shape.  I know a lot of men and women that do and do a much better job of it than many of the shapes available for purchase. You assume just because you may not be able to make a decent looking shape no one can.

Finally to be fair, I see lots of women running around SL that aren't all that either.  I could make a list of all the IMO ridiculous things I see them do to their avatars.  I've seen a lot that have spent  fortune on their avi but look like fashion victims or worse, because they always have to have the latest thing and have no taste themselves. But again, if they are happy, so what?

I am not opposed to anyone wanting to improve and over the years I've helped a lot of people fix up their avatars, but only when they ask me to help and only to help them realize their vision of how they want  to look.  Its just pixels after all.

You of course have your own SL and can always just ignore anyone that doesn't fit your idea of an acceptable avatar or you can maybe get to know some really fantastic people that have a lot more going for them than a bunch of pretty pixels.. 


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Tinkatoi wrote:


2. THINK ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT.  Default height = Godzilla, Frankenstein, A Big Dragon, not a realisticly sized human.  Size right from the beginning! 

3. DO NOT SETTLE for that freebie skin or make your own shape.


I find it hard to tell whether you think they should make their own shapes. As it is written, it seems to say "DO NOT < do either of these things>", but it could be read as "DO NOT SETTLE for that freebie skin. Make your own shape." Especially as you are also telling them to sort out their height. If they've any kind of artistic talent, making their own shape could be a better idea than buying one.

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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

I'm going to make it easy for all of you people.


Thanks for posting this link.  That feed seems to have blogs that are not on http://malefashionfeed.info/ which I love looking through from time to time.  Now I guess I'll have two to look through... damn my wallet.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Finally to be fair, I see lots of women running around SL that aren't all that either.  I could make a list of all the IMO ridicules things I see them do to their avatars.

Of this, I have no doubt and it may even make for as amusing a rant as the one the OP's.


I once got "blasted" for starting a thread like this. 

I had stumbled on a blog someone was doing of "ridicules (ridiculous?)" Avas. 

I got hit big time with the 'who are you to judge another person' posts.

A touchy subject. 

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Best argument for that is the fact that guys don't care about shallow things like looks because personality is what really matters so if you are a lady who is judging him by the look of its toon well thats your bad and you will loose my dear ;) 

I have a really good friend and well he earns few hundred thousands of lindens monthly so he can buy all he wants but his avi looks like a noob from 2007th and he changes outfits and stuff but its all nooby and really funny, one time he used to walk around with a cat food attached to the back of his head (it was floating in the air behind his neck) for like a week lol

I love gay guys, their avis are always well put together and no matter what style they do, you can always see how every detail matches:) 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Finally to be fair, I see lots of women running around SL that aren't all that either.  I could make a list of all the IMO ridicules things I see them do to their avatars.

Of this, I have no doubt and it may even make for as amusing a rant as the one the OP's.


I once got "blasted" for starting a thread like this. 

I had stumbled on a blog someone was doing of "ridicules (ridiculous?)" Avas. 

I got hit big time with the 'who are you to judge another person' posts.

A touchy subject. 

I used to link to a shaming blog, and have promoted them before. But I had second thoughts about that a year ago, give or take and pulled the link.

I try to avoid individually calling people out over their avatars (I may have in the middle or arguments but generally work to avoid letting myself slip there). Instead I've upped focusing on general advice on how to design a good looking and proportional avatar in the hopes that people can make the avatar they want rather than the one their skills are limited to.

(Its the first lesson in art, that to do caricature / cartooning well, you have to understand anatomy so you can deviate for effect rather than accident. So I try to get even people who want unreal avatars to learn proportion so they amp up the emotional impact of where they get unreal).

I'll leave it to other blogs to name and shame bad avatars now. Lots of people have thanked me for my proportion advice, even those who disagree with me on almost every style taste. I hope that instead of sounding like I want to force a style on them - it helps them maximize their style choice.


The way I see the rant in the OP is; guys, get some style. Any style - but have one.

You can tell an avatar that is a generic mess from one with a style you don't care for.

Make an avatar that communicates YOU... and it will be appreciated, even if WE don't like the style you choose.

- And that even goes for the styles I often ridicule, the blond or goth fish-mouthed baggy and big butt look. I've seen people do that and look like they copied a manual, and people do it in a way that seems them. The difference lets the second person stand out as individual.


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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:







Thank you.  I've looked at many feeds never found this one.  Whats up with the shortened males in the post.  They look 5 feet tall.  Some nice stuff and already adding an outfit :).

Some good male places I like:



Flow (Deformer Mesh)


Kal Rau

Redgrave (Liquid Mesh Only)

L&B (Jeans only)


Mesh Head




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NealCrz wrote:

KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:


Thank you.  I've looked at many feeds never found this one.  Whats up with the shortened males in the post.  They look 5 feet tall.  Some nice stuff and already adding an outfit

Combo of camera angle, T-rex arms, and the baggy pants that seem popular in so many of the images - makes the legs seem shorter and the height appears stunted.

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Wow...I thought it was just me. I personally take the time out to ensure my avie is always sexy and alluring...I mean this is SL and it is only a mere fashion show to me. I love seeing beautiful avies and always trying to better mine. I have nothing against how a person looks or dress tehre avie, but the problem I do have are those trying to approach one that is entirely out of their league. I know I might get a lot of bad mouthing about this...but I am not one to hold my tongue...if its the truth its the truth. If you don't want to put effort into your avie, don't expect people to be into on a realationship level. Most don't like change and that is fine, but I am not willing to waste my time with closed minded people. If you want help with your avie...I can show you the best places and at half or 80% of the usaul cost. Yes I think my avie is spectacular but I do shop reasonable and still contain the stylish era. If you need help with you avie please fell free to ask me and I'm sure others in this forum will help you too.

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