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Everything posted by Virilis

  1. We definitely could use the incentive for more men to put more effort in
  2. Cool is a matter of opinion Jokes aside don't be scared to throw me an IM in game (Virilis Resident) Im relatively friendly, always for for a laugh and some banter.
  3. Hey, I'm still working on my shape As a male member I have to say there are two sides to this issue... Most men are lazy, they won't get past step two before thinking they're ready for the SL world of romance and XXX.... But then on a more 'for the guys' side of the coin, allot of the quality male stuff is hard to come by... (And at a reasonable price, it becomes harder still.) I'm still searching for a shape and skin which won't make me look like an albino stick insect or the Hulk painted brown... Still I have to agree with many of your points, if a man wants to get into your pants, his first effort should be his appearance, then they should keep in mind not every women is playing as Inflatable Ingrid the spread leg doll everyone's had a ride on, some girls want a bit more than that... Good luck in your crusade for boosting the male market and the removal of male ignorance.
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