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is it allowed to track other peoples camara

jacky Ogura

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It's allowed, the feature actually originated in the official viewer. Third parties just added names to make the markers easier to tell apart. They can't actually track your camera, what they really see are the information about where your avatar's eyes are supposed to be pointing.

The information isn't private, your viewer broadcasts those. Many third party viewers have a "private look at" feature that will stop your viewer from sending them. If you use the official viewer, you have to do a little bit fancier work to tailor them, but you still can; see Show Look At on the SL wiki for details.

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The see other avatars gaze cross hair feature is one of the most useless features there is.

I one was DJing a set and a new female patron popped in to the club. A few of the regulars had plopped down on sitting poses at the bar. Yup, these poses fixed the gaze off into the distance for each. I didn't mind since I knew they were listening to my set as they worked in their home offices. Since the sitting regulars are at the far corner of the club they are focused gazing at the dance floor lengthwise.

Anyway, this new patron starts to dance alone and notices that they are gazing at [actually gazing through] her and freaks out!. So she start to yell at the regulars in a belligerent tone of chat. I tell her in chat and in voice over the music that they are AFK and just have fun.

A few minutes later she finishes her freak-out and announces that she is never coming back here again because of the rude people staring at her.

Cross-hairs are for Drama Queens.



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

I've had similar experiences and yes I have mine turned off, too.

People that actually watch other people's crosshairs are drama whores, indeed.

I'm thinking about turning mine back on.  I might need more drama whores in my life... not the kind that piss me off mind you, but the kind that I can laugh at on a regular basis.


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jacky Ogura wrote:

so is it allowed?, i understand firestorm viewers have the ability to track the location of other people's cameras.


is this even allowed?

feels to me like its invading my computer by seemingly intercepting data that is not ment for others to be seen 


 If you were under the impression you had some privacy in SL, I hate to inform you you do not.

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If people don't want anyone else to look at them why do they even go to public places at all? Its like going to a bar and freaking out because someone offerd you a drink.

Hey if you don't want to be looked at, make an avatar that's a ginger-haired beardy bloke. Nobody ever pays attention to me :)

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Is it allowed? It's not forbidden.

But you can switch that off in every viewer. (More or less comfortable)

I don't show others crosshairs because I don't care. But I stopped to show mine to others. So I don't need to slap airheads from time to time (verbally) and I dislike if things are uneven.

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ITs currently tolerated because i dont think the lindens know that the look at targets are labled in TVPs. In the offical veiwer they can be toggled on but you cannot see what crosshair is whos. The labels turn it into a privacy invading drama feature that causes everyone to turn off thier own lookats and stare into space like a zombie. Just another way tpvs add crap to piss others off.

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ac14 Hutson wrote:

ITs currently tolerated because i dont think the lindens know that the look at targets are labled in TVPs. In the offical veiwer they can be toggled on but you cannot see what crosshair is whos. The labels turn it into a privacy invading drama feature that causes everyone to turn off thier own lookats and stare into space like a zombie. Just another way tpvs add crap to piss others off.

I can assure you, LL knows perfectly well what extra features are implemented by TPVs.  If they really had a problem with this feature they'd ask for it to be removed, like they've done with others (such as being able to tell what viewer another person is using), or they'd nor longer allow that viewer to be included in the TPV list and, in some instances, would block them from being able to connect to SL at all.

The problem doesn't stem from the feature itself, but from the idiots that simply can't help but get all bent out of shape over something as insignificant as having someone look their way.  So, in fact, it's actually a wonderful tool for discovering, very quickly, the type of hyper-emotional, drama queen a person is... thus, enabling you to steer clear of their ridiculous nonsense, before it gets any worse.


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An interesting side-memory.

Back when I enjoyed the 1st person shooters here in Second Life, I used to keep that feature on in order to "get an edge up on who was sighting me down!" - However I soon found it distracted me from what I was suppose to be concentrating on when people from behind were looking my way vs. people in front and to the side wanting to "poof"  me - LOL

I soon turned it off.

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I had assumed that they would know about it also, untill I learned that they did not even know about the "last owner" display when editing prims in TPVs. They discussed adding a last owner function to llGetObjectDetails but was concerned it would invade privacy and were complety unaware that many tpv's have shown that info for years now.

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ac14 Hutson wrote:

I had assumed that they would know about it also, untill I learned that they did not even know about the "last owner" display when editing prims in TPVs. They discussed adding a last owner function to llGetObjectDetails but was concerned it would invade privacy and were complety unaware that many tpv's have shown that info for years now.

Yeah, they know about it. Merov even proposed that a clone of the feature should be added to Snowglobe, back when he was running that show and TPVs were using incompatible licenses. A patch was made, but ironically the idea was ultimately voted down by the third party developers participating at the time.

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Invasion of "privacy" this and invasion of "privacy" that ....


Last Owner data, cam look at data (and WHICH cam is looking) and a whole host of other bits of information are broadcast b Second Life client software constantly (unless shut off) or received by the software from the server systems constantly.


Some bits of data have a basic encryption while others do not - the encrypted bits are the "private" ones. While drama inducing, knowing who is looking at what and where is not a breach of "privacy" nor is knowing who owned an item prior to you.


For crying out loud, even avatar keys are considered "public" information.


Now, Linden Lab does sometimes go and file information that by all rights should be treated as Public under the "Private" heading (local chat comes to mind) - They seem to have this very odd idea of what is and is not Public information, often times at odds with what everyone else might consider Public or Private.


Thankfully, they do not often listen to the extreme Privacy crowd.

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  • 8 months later...

serotica wrote:

I run the
Singularity Viewer
and wondered how I can stop, or turn off this function? Or stop people from seeing where I'm looking?

Can't disable this function, it's operated by the server.

You can stop people from seeing where you're looking by using the View Floater, or the Keyboard-based Camera controls [ctrl/shift]+alt+[arrow keys].

Information on advanced camera control can be found here:-

SL Wiki: Camera Control

serotica wrote:

I can see no crosshairs on my screen in any case.

It needs to be made active to be able to see crosshairs. I don't know where this feature lies within Singularity.



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serotica wrote:

I run the
Singularity Viewer
and wondered how I can stop, or turn off this function? Or stop people from seeing where I'm looking?

I can see no crosshairs on my screen in any case.

for Singularity open preferences, "System" tab, "Security & Privacy" section.

check "Do not look at objects and/or avatars" to turn off the crosshairs that others see.

just below that you can turn on "Show others' LookAt beacons" if you want to see how they appear.

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