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What Happened to the Cars?

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The Pods are still here and are really worth taking a ride on... they're much better than the cars as they actually morph into boats, ski lifts and all kinds of quirky vehicles! You can request them from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Durango/158/180/117. There are also some other versions around that I think aren't by the same creator but still fun -  jeeps and horses and hot air balloons that travel across mainland - you can request them from http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Calleta/186/222/33. And there are some ferries that go around mainland too... one can be found here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tuliptree/212/152/23. 

Hope this is useful to you :)

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Botcar-Heap.jpgGood Riddance!

I'm one of the property owners (1/2 Region) who filed dozens of Abuse Reports against the creator of these pieces of $#!+, that would constantly pile up on MY land.  They were based on OLD tech that was never updated.

I would love to see a similar idea that was actually maintained and equiped with the latest Path-finding technology.  Unfortunately, mainland maintenance is no longer a priority with Linden Lab.

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I'm a bit confused about the status of these things.  Are they supposed to be gone?  If so, they're not.  I ride the roads frequently and have been run over by these stupid things as recently as today.  Yesterday, there was one sitting in a Linden rez zone waiting for passengers.  Unfortunately it was eating up all the prims and I couldn't rez my vehicle.  I for one would be THRILLED to see these things gone.  They're unsightly, egotistical, and a public nuisance.  They break at least two of the TOS terms I can think of.  I've been run over by them if I stop my bike for a second on the road to look around which is assault, and they pile up in epic crash sites everywhere on the mainland, which is object littering.  Not to even get into unfair use of region resources or the idea that she's selling them by sending them down public roads.

Nice.  I've been sitting next to one of her spawning stations writing this and it just spawned one and I watched it roll over me and a friend out onto the road.  These things are NOT gone yet.


Edit:  Now she's doing something else weird... one of her stations is rezzing a huge cube (not phantom) in the middle of the road and then sliding it over.  Over and over again.

Annemarie cube_001.jpg

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

100% certain its the same person?

Had thought that person had given up on the idea.

I always liked the vehicles, but I seem to be in a minority on that. I thought they added good ambiance to SL.

Absolutely positive.  We were surprised when we came cruising down the road and hit a cube.  We checked and found her name on it and both AR'ed it.  I ran into several of her cars on the roads this weekend and we had a car launch itself (and run over us) from one of her rez points as we were sitting there.  No question they're hers. 

I personally detest them.  Mainly because of her attitude that SL is her personal sandbox and the mess they cause.  I used to have a roadside parcel that also had a beach and I used to see her CARS cruising through the water all the time.  Plus I'm tired of having my bike constantly pushed around by them.  

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


I loved the cars - but if the person is now openly violating an order they were given by LLs to not do something - that's not acceptable.


We don't really know what happenned outside of some comments she made in her profile that left the impression she'd been told to cease and desist.

There was a change to temp rezzing that broke something she had started doing.

It could be she has attempted to rescript the cars to bring them into compliance with what LL told her.

The pods that have been running on the roads have never ceased running so I would assume that running vehicles on the roads is not in and of itself a violation.

But if they are going to pile up like in my pictures above then they need to go.


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Cassandra Kestrel wrote:


Edit:  Now she's doing something else weird... one of her stations is rezzing a huge cube (not phantom) in the middle of the road and then sliding it over.  Over and over again.

Annemarie cube_001.jpg

That box was part of a bug repro set up for the Lindens to see. You probably also saw boxes owned by myself there testing this bug :smileywink:

This particular bug that was being tested is now fixed on Bluesteel and LeTigre - "Fixed a bug in which certain objects had incorrect status when crossing between regions"

So, nothing sinister, just bug hunting.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Cassandra Kestrel wrote:


Edit:  Now she's doing something else weird... one of her stations is rezzing a huge cube (not phantom) in the middle of the road and then sliding it over.  Over and over again.


That box was part of a bug repro set up for the Lindens to see. You probably also saw boxes owned by myself there testing this bug :smileywink:

This particular bug that was being tested is now fixed on
- "Fixed a bug in which certain objects had incorrect status when crossing between regions"

So, nothing sinister, just bug hunting.

Are you posting here because you saw my comment in the Deploy Thread?

Was it also necesary for the box to be pushed into the road?

And are the vehicles we are now seeing piling up also part of this test?

Honestly, given Ann's less than favourable reputation, having what many would percieve as a malicious object rezzed out in her name to do a test was the wrong way to go about it.

The object should have been rezzed by a Linden and named "Test Object" or something similar.

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ObviousAltIsObvious wrote:

part of the problem was to figure out what was different about those objects that made them get returned. a fresh cube rezzed by a Linden would not have exhibited the bug.

You are saying a fresh cube with the same scripts would not have gotten the desired results?

Because everytime Ann rezzed one it would have been a fresh copy.

Or was somehow the cube she had in inventory corrupted?

Just trying to understand the logic here.

I guess I'm assuming it was the scripts that caused the problem.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Maestro explained what the problem was on the


Well, there was an explanation of sorts. But  he did say that Ann Marie's box and ONLY that box exhibited the problem. No other object had the problem.

Other than 'just because I can' is there a reason why the aberrant box needs to be left in place? LL has seen it and acknowledged that the oddity is happening. I'm not being especially snarky here although I freely admit I think Ann Marie is an arrogant loon. I'm honestly curious. Does it serve a useful purpose to leave it in place?

edited: wrote 'sharky', meant 'snarky'

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Just read AnneMarie's new profile entry.


Yes I am the notorious AnnMarie who invented the drunken vehicles on the SL Roads but the Lindens shut it down due to a SL bug..

5 years with over 110,000 visitors taking over 325,000 rides.

Rising from the dead now the bug is minimized."



The one bug the Lindens fix... :P

Let it stay dead, AnnMarie... please let them stay dead.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Maestro explained what the problem was on the

I had read the "special box" comment.

We wonder what makes the box so special but ok.




I don't know about you, Perrie, but I'm still wondering. Whirly felt compelled to post here but does not, apparently, feel at all compelled to answer either your question or mine.

Clearly Whirly knows this thread exists, having chosen to post here and educate us.. One wonders why Whirly does not answer reasonably asked questions.


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I didn't answer because I'm not 100% sure how this special box was created.

But this is what I think happened.

There was a bug at the beginning of December (now fixed) that caused certain objects to not get autoreturned because they behaved as if they were selcted/sat upon when they wern't - this bug is discussed briefly here

Any objects that were "infected" by this bug will now (since the fix) exhibit behaviour like Anne-Marie's special box, in that they will die after crossing a region if they have no sitter.

If you want an accurate answer for why this box was "special", compell yourself over to the deploy thread and ask Maestro :smileyindifferent:


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The "specialness" of these things may reveal something interesting, but the history (going back to at least December's BUG-4635) is convoluted enough that I can't see below the surface, although others may know better, and server-side Lindens surely do.

We have, however, learned from this that some objects bear hidden state that affects how they're handled by sims. By "hidden" I mean something not reflected in the object's details nor status bitfields, and something other than merely "selected/sat-upon."  These guys are treated specially, somewhat "as if selected" -- possibly they actually were selected at some point -- but differently from objects one can recreate today. (Or, possibly, one can still create them, but we don't know how.)

I doubt any of this is particularly useful to know in detail now, although I gather that at one point some variant may have aided griefers. What may someday have significance is the fact that objects can acquire state that's hidden to us but known to the sim. It's not something I'd ever considered before this, when trying to isolate bugs.

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Thank you for the reply. I was going to suggest the property (whatever it was) that created the symptom was hardly worth spending time upon, but Qie's suggestion that it might be attractive to griefers and his further suggestion that objects could acquire states 'known to the sim' but otherwise undetectable would I assume be worthy of investigation on its own.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Thank you for the reply. I was going to suggest the property (whatever it was) that created the symptom was hardly worth spending time upon, but Qie's suggestion that it might be attractive to griefers and his further suggestion that objects could acquire states 'known to the sim' but otherwise undetectable would I assume be worthy of investigation on its own.

I was just getting ready to reply to this also.

Just the fact that a SIM would not know to delete a prim could be an exploitable security issue. 


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