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What Happened to the Cars?

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I've seen a retro looking car and some futuristic egg shaped vehicles here and there when I've done random mainland exploring. Exploring the mainland is a downer sometimes. I see a lot of older builds and it makes me feel like I've missed it's heyday, and then there are huge empty grassy plots. I like the smaller islands. Maybe because less space makes them less empty. I still want to see as much as I can. I only had the patience for the 'taxi' once. I had to get closer, and look around.

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The automated cars were largely the product of one person. Many people on the Mainland were angry about these vehicles because they frequently piled up at the side of the road or have other issues. The person making them now has a (rather melodramatic) statement in their profile now saying that the Lindens have removed them.

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Larree Quixote wrote:

Seriously.  Where are they?  They used to cruise the mainland roads and you could just jump on and off.  They were like the taxis of Second Life.  The mainland roads are so dead now without them.  Please bring them back.

I was not aware that they were gone, but they are a controversial subject and there are many people who would applaud if they were.  They were buggy, constantly running off the roads, stacking up on peoples property, etc, etc.

May I suggest if you want to take a ride on the Mainland Roads that you get your own car or other vehicle.


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The automated cars were largely the product of one person. Many people on the Mainland were angry about these vehicles because they frequently piled up at the side of the road or have other issues. The person making them now has a (rather melodramatic) statement in their profile now saying that the Lindens have removed them.

Wow, I just read.  Wow.

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For those who aren't aware the controversy over those vehicles drew a response from LL led to this interpretation of LL's policies: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Automated_Mainland_Vehicle_Guidelines


[ETA: Oh dear, I really messed that up.  As pointed out later in this thread that is NOT an official LL page as I originally said.  Sorry everyone]

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The automated cars were largely the product of one person. Many people on the Mainland were angry about these vehicles because they frequently piled up at the side of the road or have other issues. The person making them now has a (rather melodramatic) statement in their profile now saying that the Lindens have removed them.

Wow, I just read.  Wow.

No traffic bots

No ghosted avatars

Invisible *movie star* bots

No cars.

Quadruple Wow.

Beautiful mainland.

To the OP, you can obtain one of the driverless vehicles to have in your inventory from this location. (At least this way, they will be legitimately used, with a driver, not just ambling along aimlessly using up whatever resources.)


beautiful mainland.jpg

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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

For those who aren't aware the controversy other 
vehicles drew a response from LL: 


Thank you Peter.  In all the years these have been discussed I had never seen that mentioned before.

I was trying to figure out exactly how long those guidelines had been in place.  It looks to me like since July 2011 with the last revision being in December 2012.

No one is being told they can't have Vehicles there.  But there are standards they must meet.

For instance, there was a tank that "fired" at people.  That could be construed as "assault," a violation of the ToS and CS.  I'd think it would be pretty obvious that would not be allowed.


Potholes 06.jpg

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For my ex hubby's birthday here I bought him an Aston Martin DB9, but sadly he's no longer with us to be able to drive it. I also bought myself one but for some bizarre reason I can't sit in mine so it sits gathering dust in my inventory (I think/hope) we also both had motorbikes, him being a biker in rl but I can say hand on heart that it is a good thing I don't ride my bike ever, at all. I find walking in a straight line hard work, imagine what i'd be like in a powerful vehicle...I smell smoke, see carnage and the odd dead pedestrian.......

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The automated cars were largely the product of one person. Many people on the Mainland were angry about these vehicles because they frequently piled up at the side of the road or have other issues. The person making them now has a (
rather melodramatic
) statement in their profile now saying that the Lindens have removed them.

Not melodramatic enough for my taste, but whatever.  I will miss her obnoxious shtick here in the forums much more than I will miss her disastrous cars.  All's well that ends well, I suppose.


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The automated cars were largely the product of one person. Many people on the Mainland were angry about these vehicles because they frequently piled up at the side of the road or have other issues. The person making them now has a (rather melodramatic) statement in their profile now saying that the Lindens have removed them.


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Larree Quixote wrote:

Thanks for all the cool responses.  I never knew there was so much controversy over the taxis.  I appreciate all of the info and different opinions.


Peace, out!

FWIW I think Anne had a great project in mind (to make the roads look a bit more interesting and 'alive') and it did seem that LL had, at first, given it their sanction*.  For reasons far more to do with SL's limitations than hers - with possibly more "benefit of doubt" than others would - it turned out that the things littered and caused more trouble than they were worth, to the extent that LL applied their sanction* instead.

[*Sanction is one of a very small class of 'contronyms' words in English which mean their exact opposite - you can 'sanction' something (give permission) or 'sanction' it (impose a penalty)]

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I'd been thinking of commenting to AnnMarie's '200,000' thread lately because I wondered. I haven't seen one of her cars go by in days, maybe weeks. I wondered if the cars got kicked out, and from the comments in this thread it seems they have.. I wonder is she went off her spool when they coded out her hack of the autorez thing for her bus stops, and they just decided that enough was enough.

Larree, I can sort of understand how you might have liked her cars, and you are not alone. I've seen comments like yours from other people, and comments that said the vehicles added 'life' to an otherwise empty mainland. For me they were an eyesore and a blight from the very beginning. If you want to ride in a car I"m pretty sure there are drivable vehicles in your library and even if there aren't there are a whole lot of free drivabable vehicles, to say nothing of the vast number of priced vehicles. Without AnnMarie's roadhogs in the way, the mainland roads are your oyster.

I just went to look at AnnMarie's profile (I don't usually get all down and into drama but in her case I had to look) and it was not available to me even though I was logged in. She must have set everthing to a more private mode. Too bad: I'd be interested to read hear comments.

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I'm glad. I had a piece of land near one of her gas stations and it was a nonsense. All day long these vehicles were coming out! Some shot canon balls at us. They got stuck everywhere. I was convinced they were causing lag. I fought like hell to get them removed but no help then. Maybe others got sick of them. The idea was cute but the cars should not have launched on their own but been optional to ride from the stations.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

It's excellent news that those vehicles are gone. They were a real pain for road users. LL did something right for a change.

@Dillon. For some reason, I couldn't see anything in AnnMarie's profile with the LL viewer but I could read it all with the Singularity viewer.

The old non-web style profiles ignore the privacy settings we can set theough the web version.

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Viktoria Dovgal wrote:

Huh, those cars must have been more reliant on that autoreturn exploit than it appeared.

Oh, I don't think so. In fact, I saw those buses (which originally did use the exploit) rezzing in Tuliptree and maybe Satellite some time after the exploit was supposedly closed. I'd assumed they were just dropped off by other passing vehicles rezzed from her several "service station" parcels.  (On the other hand, I'm not sure the exploit is really closed yet anyway, inasmuch as there's been an up-tick in what sure looks like old-timey self-replicating griefing on some Atoll sims, at least.)

To the larger matter: I'm not jumping for joy here. For one thing, like Peter, I had a generally positive reaction to what was being attempted with those vehicles.

Technically, however, she was trying to meet requirements that simply cannot be reliably satisfied in SL. She was quite correct that nobody made vehicles do quite what she was trying to do -- but the reason was that others achieved much the same effect without all the disastrous side-effects, by simplifying requirements to something that's actually do-able.

The other reason I'm not too happy about this is a hunch I have about how LL likely handled this matter at the end, after years of letting it ride.

She does still have an account, however, and can get in to change her profile and parcel contents to comply with whatever the Lab demanded, so I guess the treatment could have been worse.

My most optimistic take would be that LL actually told her exactly how autonomous vehicles must behave to be acceptable and now she's off working on that.

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