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Compromised accounts

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Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.

Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it?

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.

Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it?

I  am not a merchant, but just from what people post on the forum it seems to be phishing scams or giving  permissions to an object or person. I don't know if the numbers have increased. It's been an issue where some people claim they don't understand how it happened to them.


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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.


As in a real SL account or your Vampire biz?

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months.


i'm around for quite a while now... it's been here as long there are passwords and accounts... nothing new on this world

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised.
This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months.
At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.

Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it?

Have you been living in the dark too long?  This has been going on as long as I've been in SL.


That said, given the huge number of idiots there are in Bloodlines, I would not be surprised that many have fallen for a Phishing scheme.



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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.

Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it?

Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced.

Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it?

Yes, my account has been hacked too. Please send me new stuff ASAP and please make it transfer, just in case!



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Thanks to those who tried to give helpful responses. Of course it's true that people have been stealing accounts forever, my point is that I have been seeing an increasing number of these incidents that appear to be credible, and all I wondered is if others have noticed the same thing or not. I'm just trying to open a discussion about something I've observed in SL. It's pretty disappointing to just get insulted in return. If all you want to do is insult me, please don't reply. This is not a thread about your objections to a game I developed. If you want to complain about Bloodlines, there are plenty of other threads you can take it to.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

It's not unknown for people to claim untrue things in order to get a replacement for something they still have. The method may be doing the rounds at the moment.

yup, encounter that a lot. Or they claim their "other account" has been compromised and would we please "transfer" the no-trans stuff from that to this new alt.

Which in itself is a scam, either they just want a freebie for the alt account, or they're trying to steal from someone else (we've of course no way of checking if avatar1 is indeed an alt of avatar2 when 2 comes and asks for 1s stuff).

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Thanks to those who tried to give helpful responses. Of course it's true that people have been stealing accounts forever, my point is that I have been seeing an increasing number of these incidents that appear to be credible, and all I wondered is if others have noticed the same thing or not. I'm just trying to open a discussion about something I've observed in SL. It's pretty disappointing to just get insulted in return. If all you want to do is insult me, please don't reply. This is not a thread about your objections to a game I developed. If you want to complain about Bloodlines, there are plenty of other threads you can take it to.

If you had taken a little bit of time to look you would have discovered that discussions of these topics in general have been ongoing for quite some time.

It would not surprise me if you recently are seeing an upsurge in Bloodline losers users being targeted.

Actually, I am more surprised that you are only recently seeing it occur.

If you don't like the fact that many of us dislike Bloodlines, tough.  You will notice that (much to my own surprise) I provided a useful link.

What I would be more interested in is if you were aware of and you response to the new TOS where LL has claimed the right to sell your content with out remuneration to you?

There is this and a dozen other threads on the topic if you were not aware.





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Yes, sometimes this is definitely a scam.  This is why we have a general policy not to transfer items or stats between avatars, and also because we have no way of knowing if two accounts are really alts. Even if it is their alt, it's possible they were banned for violating terms and then made a new account. We have the ability to deactivate items, so if we believe an account really has been compromised, we could deactivate the items on that account and forward them to another account if we wanted to. We don't usually do this, though, for the reasons stated above.

I'd be interested to hear about the experience of anyone who has experienced their account being compromised first hand, or come across a credible report, and how it was handled.

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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Yes, sometimes this is definitely a scam.  This is why we have a general policy not to transfer items or stats between avatars, and also because we have no way of knowing if two accounts are really alts. Even if it is their alt, it's possible they were banned for violating terms and then made a new account. We have the ability to deactivate items, so if we believe an account really has been compromised, we could deactivate the items on that account and forward them to another account if we wanted to. We don't usually do this, though, for the reasons stated above.

I'd be interested to hear about the experience of anyone who has experienced their account being compromised first hand, or come across a credible report, and how it was handled.

I personally know three people whose accounts were compromised.

In all three cases they have fallen for one of the Phishing schemes as outlined in the link I posted.

In two of three cases they had to call the Fraud line listed in this link because their Passwords had been changed:


The accounts were put on hold while LL investigated and in each case after several days the accounts were restored.  All of them had their Linden Dollar balances drained.  LL did make partial recoveries of these balances for all of them and then closed the support tickets basically saying we've done all that we can do.




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Lyle Maeterlinck wrote:

Thanks to those who tried to give helpful responses. Of course it's true that people have been stealing accounts forever, my point is that I have been seeing an increasing number of these incidents that appear to be credible, and all I wondered is if others have noticed the same thing or not. I'm just trying to open a discussion about something I've observed in SL. It's pretty disappointing to just get insulted in return. If all you want to do is insult me, please don't reply. This is not a thread about your objections to a game I developed. If you want to complain about Bloodlines, there are plenty of other threads you can take it to.

Lyle you maybe should have posted in the Commerce Forum. You probably would have received more accurate replies since you were asking if other merchants had seen a pattern with this.


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If Lyle posts a topic. Must be important.

But people tend to steal alot of accounts from what i seen around Christmas time. And then use the compromised accounts to advertise for them or scam others. And from you, If i remember right, at one time, someone was selling the Thirst hud on the marketplace. Anyone can steal accounts like that. Never know what things can steal your account now a days.

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Carl Thibodeaux wrote:

If Lyle posts a topic. Must be important.

But people tend to steal alot of accounts from what i seen around Christmas time. And then use the compromised accounts to advertise for them or scam others. And from you, If i remember right, at one time, someone was selling the Thirst hud on the marketplace. Anyone can steal accounts like that. Never know what things can steal your account now a days.

Nobody can steal your account if you're simply wearing an item or rezzing something in world. They can steal your L$ IF you're stupid enough to accept the permissions dialog where the item asks for permissions to take L$ out of your account (a permissions dialog that LL deliberately made to look different, more alarming, than the regular one).

And if they're targeting bloodlines users, that's because a lot of gullible people get suckered into bloodlines, so they're overall easy targets (bloodlines itself being dumped on a lot of newbies by scammers who go around newbie friendly sims, spamming bite requests, then telling the victims they have to send them L$ to get "cured" or to buy a bloodlines hud from them).

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Perrie Juran wrote:


 Wait Perrie...

You want me to click a link that says Don't Click the Link??

I'm SO confused!!!!! :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:


Also, talking about random bite requests...I had created a new AV for something and was in one of the HUBs when I immediately got a bite request from a lycan. I knew better than to click it, but I wonder how many n00bs got suckered into that one??

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I have had 2 of my previous accounts compromised. This was in 2006 and 2007. They ended up deleted. It was hard for me to get any help then when i kept submitting tickets i ended up with a  not so nice person just being a smart a** with me and didnt even care.


These days im am so very very careful with my account. I change my password weekly to something super complicated and long and i never accept any random items or open any links from anyone i do not know and trust.

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My account has never been compromised. Hackers use a simple tool and use it well. Lazy people that leave info that can be read. Whether it ones card PIN number in your purse or info on a web connected computer or even throwing paper receipts in the trash or just plain not removing ones password to log in.

ADDED: Any one that accepts anything online without reading it carefully really what can i say.


"Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced."

I only deal witth the recorded purchase name. The new avitar accountee is not my problem. I have no record of them.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I presume a bite request is not the same as someone saying "bite me". I've experience with the latter.

 Well Maddy, if you'd quit taking stuff out...of people's...pock..ets.....

Damn it, where are my keys??? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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Tex Monday wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I presume a bite request is not the same as someone saying "bite me". I've experience with the latter.

 Well Maddy, if you'd quit taking stuff out...of people's...pock..ets.....

Damn it, where are my keys??? :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

Old habits die hard, Tex. I'll return 'em after I take a li'l joy-ride.



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