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Disabling script ejection on mainland above the banline zone.

Extrude Ragu

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Maelstrom Janus wrote:

The situation is quite simple ...security provided by the lab is fine without the need for a mass of extra security orbs ban lines and all the rest....


Ban lines ARE the security LL provides. Ban lines aren't something residents created by themselves, they are part of the security provided by LL.

The rest, it's not worth arguing over, there are vastly different opinions on the matter and they rarely, if ever, cross paths. It's been a thorn in the side of folks for as long as I can remember. I don't think it's a problem going away anytime soon, either.

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There are conditions where these things are only going to be obtrusive to pervs and people sneaking into other people's private spaces, and conditions where they can be annoying.


Oh what crap! If someone does those things, just ban and AR them. End of story.

Sailors, pilots, drivers are not the least interested in your beloved sexbed or sneaking about in your house. We are just passers through. Maybe you're a homebody and cannot understand that ... but just imagine you were sailing for 2 hours straight, trying to finally find a waterway from Sea of Fables on Sansara into the inner lagoon of Heterocera. You have planned that expedition since weeks and you navigate carefully and then finally ... CRASH BOOM BANG your @$$ is TPd home. :smileysurprised: This was everyday problem a couple years back, before LL decided to make more public channels. Are they safe? No, not even today. Too many meanspirited and clueless land owners still  have their orbs adjusted so badly, they even block LL owned waterways and roads.

So you tp back and try to find a rez spot nearby, so you can continue your trip. But there is nothing. So you decide, now that your ride is phuked up anyways, to spend a few minutes and look up that particular parcel with the offending sec orb or banline. You wanna send the owner one of the OSP's (Open Seas Project) friendly notecards and ask for their co-operation. But then you find an artificial island with some building on it that has absolutely no coastal appearance but is a stable for Amaretto horseys. And then you ask yourself why could that silly beotch not find a (even much cheaper and better suited) parcel somewhere in the center of a mainland continent instead of clogging up precious waterland with her unrelated chit??? And then you hate her.  And you hate security systems. And you ask yourself a question the landowner should've asked herself long ago: why is there any need to protect her pretty breedables? It's not as if we could abduct them in any way. Also we are sailors and couldn't care less about landlocked animals. Heck, we wouldn't even know about their existence if that owner wouldn't have pushed our noses right onto them.

Pilots have it even worse: they usually travel on higher speed and have absolutely zero chance to see a banline in time to fly around it. As someone mentioned earlier in this thread, using Triple Peccable's Banline Hud isn't a real solution neither, since that thing causes severe lag and often makes the use of vehicles impossible.

And please don't think we vehiclists are a bunch of homeless freeloaders. You would be surprised to know how much land we usually own and maintain ourselves. But I don't know any sailor or pilot who ever had the idea to install a sec orb or erect a banline. Because we know it's useless crappola, only angers other residents and makes the grid a less loveable place.

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A few things here:

  1. Ban and Abuse Report is only ever reccomended by users who have zero clue concerning just how easy it is to circumvent a targeted ban or a Linden Lab IP Ban.
  2. No one has a guarunteed "right" of any kind to unfettered exploration in Second Life (general response to all those explorers with special snowflake syndrome).
  3. Your opinion of global access controls (setting land to group only) and the use of script functions Linden Lab has given its users is just that: an opinion. Your atempt to word your opinion on the matter (while attempting to speak for everyone who has ever used a vehicle for exploration) reduces the strength of your argument and opinion to ... Nothing.
  4. What a user does with land they have rented ('bought') from Linden Lab - outside of ToS/CS breaches and truly illegal activity - is none of your concern.

Now then .... Could I have worded this a bit less acridly? Probably - I don't really care to at this point and it's nothing against you personally. I have seen one too many responses like your own over the years I have been a user of Second Life and I am frankly sick and tired of it.

These same users who respond in a similar manner whenever this very topic comes up are also the same types who jump in and do not hesitate to tell those who complain about being banned or ejected from a club that the "land owner" is free to do as they please. Vehicle users apparently need reminding of this fact as well.

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Some of us "non full time sailors or pilots" also sail and fly. This is the same old crappola, you're right, about how people think they have a right to say how any landowner must open their land for others. I am sure many people spend a lot in sl that sail..and? I am not sure if you are aware of a nifty little hud you can wear so you will avoid ALL ban lines and non public areas on mainland so you don't crash and burn and get sent home home. It's really a small investment and may make your experience better without inflicting your freedom beliefs on others of their land. :)


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Oké, is my english really that bad? How did you manage to misunderstand me so grossly?

1. AR don't work, I know, but maybe it helps them understanding the term "privacy" better once the lab gets involved with a Tssk Tssk. What sure works is ban from your parcel tho. Of course if they are mean and destined enough they always find ways to come back. But, OMG, do you have the most special sexbed in your bedroom that you need to build such a Ft Knox around it?

2. I know I don't have any guarantee to freely roam all the grid. And I never claimed such.

3. I didn't state any opinion on access controls but I indeed do speak for everyone! I know how vehiclists tick in general and I can assure you some pretty parcels that appear in a blur along the wayside is neither our concern nor do they interest us.

4. True about the land. And I never questioned that. What I did and still do question is the stupid policy by LL to sell land in the most fragile and questionable places. Like up to the very last corner of continents and narrow waterways. I know some places where one single owner has blocked off access to a whole continent! Nautilus --> Corsica eastern corrridor was blocked by one of those pesky heart sims, owned by a knuckle headed profiteer. So LL had to create a second, western passage. Or take for example SL's best terraformed and landscaped continent, Heterocera Atoll: Huh, what atoll? you may ask. You can find it below all the shops, knights castles, pony ranches and stuff if you look hard enough. Typical example for LL mucking up their own ideas and principles. 


Thx for your fruitless attempt of teaching the educated.

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Some of us "non full time sailors or pilots" also sail and fly. This is the same old crappola, you're right, about how people think they have a right to say how any landowner must open their land for others. I am sure many people spend a lot in sl that sail..and? I am not sure if you are aware of a nifty little hud you can wear so you will avoid ALL ban lines and non public areas on mainland so you don't crash and burn and get sent home home. It's really a small investment and may make your experience better without inflicting your freedom beliefs on others of their land

I'm not trying to tell anybody how to use their land, it's theirs after all. They are kings and queens of their realm, no question about it. I'm just trying to make ppl think! Are those banlines and orbs really necessary? What do I try to protect here in the first place? The answers you get are mostly of a  very vague and emotional nature. Nothing a savvy SL resi should bother with.

I for one never felt any need to have a security for my lands, but that's just me.

And I'm very well aware of the nifty little hud, even mentioned it in my post. Thank you. Problem with these things is that they kinda defy most vehiclist's need to travel as light as possible. So I strip off my AO and all scripted clothes/hairs only to replace them with a much heavier hud? Thanks but  no thanks. And the usefulness of that thing is rather soso. Pilots and sailors can't just pull over or stop completely in mid-air, just to avoid a cordoned off parcel before they hit it.

All in all, I hate to say it again but it's obviously necessary: I'm not denying anyone's right to homeland security, I'm not trying to cure paranoia and xenophobia. I also know quite well that without land owners there would be no land.

I'm just petitioning everybody involved to START THEIR BRAINS!!!

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Banlines and orbs some feel necessary. Your opinion of them is just that, your opinion unless you own the land. I don't think it's about *protection*, it's a bit different than that, no point in going over it as it has been said a milion times here.

I can only speak for myself, my thinking is not prompted from any type of paranoia. It's really just about privacy and when you are on your land, it's quite a pain to keep ejectingg those that refuse to leave when you are there with others trying to enjoy your time.

I have never had a problem with the hud. I know there used to be a few different ones out there. I sail a lot, various crafts as well. The map is usually sufficeient enough for me.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Maelstrom Janus wrote:

I bet we'd soon hear the moans pouring in from you if someone started setting up banning orbs and lines around your property..

This would not bother me in the least.  I don't go on other's private property unless I am invited or the land description says I am welcome there. 

I agree, Amethyst.  This is such a simple concept - don't go on private property unless invited; good manners, really - what about this don't people get?

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From your first response to this thread:

"Oh what crap! If someone does those things, just ban and AR them. End of story."


"But I don't know any sailor or pilot who ever had the idea to install a sec orb or erect a banline. Because we know it's useless crappola, only angers other residents and makes the grid a less loveable place."

Individual, targeted bans only work on normal users. Griefers and those determined to be a PITA will laugh them off leaving the only recourse - lock down the parcel to group/white list access or use the scrpt commands Linden Lab provided.

That lovely second quote? That showcases your assumption that you speak for anyone other than yourself (you do not speak for anyone else Orca - don't pretend otherwise) as well as your assumption that your opinion regarding functions that Linden Lab provided is anything other than an opinion.

These two sections alone color your response to the thread. They give the feeling that you indeed believe you can tell others how to manage their parcels.

You would have been far better off leaving those two sections out of your initial response. You would have saved a bit of face by admitting that you do not speak for anyone other than yourself in your subsequent response to me.

Just to drive that point home: I have used vehicles to explore Second Life - I do not agree with you whatsoever concerning global bans (group only/white list type) or script based systems. It is the rare system that is set to no warning or timer.

With that, your claiom to speak for everyone and to know how verhicle users tick ... Is smashed to bits.

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Extrude Ragu wrote:

as long as those that would send you Home give you fair warning, you have no cause for complaint whatsoever.

But they DON'T give you fair warning, that is my issue here, they DON'T. 0 Second Warning Auto-Eject scripts are a thing that exist and cause grief and are actively used, if you have taken the time to explore the mainland for more than 10 minutes I gauruntee you you will be very, very aware of this.


I live on mainland and over my 6+ years on SL have explored quite a bit.  I personally MUCH prefer security orbs to banlines; in the past banlines were a visual blight but at least now one can choose to turn them off.  That was my only issue with banlines but I still prefer orbs because, with the ability to view banlines disabled, once in a great while (and it *is* VERY rare and was back when I had an older PC and could barely see farther than my nose in SL) I would bang into an "invisible" wall then realize...oh, must be a banline.

As far as orbs...I have NEVER seen one with a 0 warning on it.  I'm not saying they don't exist but I don't think they are so numerous to be the issue you are making it.  What I see 99% of the time are the 10 sec. warnings.  Again, on my old PC, I would get lagged to the point of not realizing I'd entered private space until I got the warning, then often couldn't get out of the way fast enough (which was MY issue due to my PC) and often got sent back home or tossed elsewhere on the sim.  I respect private property, realized I had a technical issue that prevented me from moving quickly in SL and was not upset about this.

I've used orbs in the past and the one can have up to a 60 sec. (1 minute) timer which is what I used and I think enough time for someone with an ok PC to move out of the area.  I don't use one at present as my SL home situation is now different, but I wholeheartedly support land owners to use them.

If all the parcels around my land set up ban lines, then yes I'd moan. I believe that LL would act on it too. A land owner has a right to go to his/her land on the ground.

>>>Then you should be moaning right now, because everyone around you has the right to set up a banline, it could happen to you at any second, and LL would NOT act on it, because they have made it so that people are allowed to do something, that takes away your rights, and I think it is wrong.<<<



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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Maelstrom Janus wrote:

I bet we'd soon hear the moans pouring in from you if someone started setting up banning orbs and lines around your property..

This would not bother me in the least.  I don't go on other's private property unless I am invited or the land description says I am welcome there. 

I agree, Amethyst.  This is such a simple concept - don't go on private property unless invited; good manners, really - what about this don't people get?

Seconded.  I pondered, from reading the OP's intro again, if he was continually invading someone's airspace uninvited or even asked not to, and they finally got tired of it and put up an orb with his name on it.  I may be off base, but it would explain why an orb found its way up in the middle of nowhere... 

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Individual, targeted bans only work on normal users. Griefers and those determined to be a PITA will laugh them off leaving the only recourse - lock down the parcel to group/white list access or use the scrpt commands Linden Lab provided.

Yes of course they only work on normal users. I never said anything else. And normal users like you and me are the ones suffering from all those orbs and banlines the most. So 100 innocent sailors are bounced off your parcel just as a precaution to avoid the 1 random griefer? I can only hope, for the sake of SL, your parcel is not near any Linden canal/route.


That lovely second quote? That showcases your assumption that you speak for anyone other than yourself (you do not speak for anyone else Orca - don't pretend otherwise) as well as your assumption that your opinion regarding functions that Linden Lab provided is anything other than an opinion.

Oh my, oh my oh my :smileysad: Has everybody lost the ability to read - and comprehehend - written text by now? I don't pretend to speak for anyone else, I actually do so! As commodore of a yacht club, member of the SL Sailing Association and the Open Seas Project I don't assume to speak for anyone else, I know it for a fact! I'm not alone in my thinking but have a large comunity to back me up. Yes, that's right, the same people who brought you the Blake Sea in a co-op with LL and lots of sailing estates, the same guys that also run the SLCG and monitor very closely the traffic on public waterways.


These two sections alone color your response to the thread. They give the feeling that you indeed believe you can tell others how to manage their parcels.

No, heck no! What makes you think that? I said repeadly that every landowner is free to impose all kinds of rules on their land. But I don't have to particularly like security orbs and banlines, do I? In 90% they are indeed absolutely nonsensical and just fulfillling the need of some people to feel powerful and set SL into a state of martial law. Miserable people.


You would have been far better off leaving those two sections out of your initial response. You would have saved a bit of face by admitting that you do not speak for anyone other than yourself in your subsequent response to me.

/me facepalms

Can you please be so nice and let me decide on my choice of words? I chose those words deliberately and wouldn't leave them out of the equation. BTW, are you now talking for the SL landowners association, for the whole forum or for all of SL to decide if I have lost face for anybody else? 


Just to drive that point home: I have used vehicles to explore Second Life - I do not agree with you whatsoever concerning global bans (group only/white list type) or script based systems. It is the rare system that is set to no warning or timer.

I can't say anything about that, since I never ever used a security system of any kind on my land. I have no clue about the technical site of sec orbs. I also wouldn't know how to fire a gun, so I can't be against them? So I don't know in what point you're disagreeing with me.


With that, your claiom to speak for everyone and to know how verhicle users tick ... Is smashed to bits.

Oh, is that important for you, smashing others arguments to bits? I thought - I had the slight hope - to get something productive out of this thread. And since I very well know how vehicle users - at least the organised community - tick your point is null and void.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Maybe you want to experience a community 24/7 but not everyone does.

I've always found that those that think they have a RIGHT to go where they want either on land, on water or in the air, are also the people that don't respect other people and their right to privacy, which btw IS a RIGHT granted under the TOS by granting landowners the right to restrict access to their land as they see fit.


Ironically the OP keeps talking about "community" and "exploring."  I rented a home on an estate for a short time in SL and what happened?  People decided to walk right into my house, with me there, and not speak to me when approached.  Maybe this is the kind of "exploring" the OP is talking about.  I talked to the estate manager and he said to use the lock doors function provided on a panel in the house and if someone still came in (I was so new in SL I didn't think it was possible to enter a locked home...lol), to use the built in eject function.

A week or so later I was in SL very late at night - like 3 am my time.  I was upstairs in my house trying on clothes and noticed a green dot right under me.  I locked the door!!  How did someone come in?  (I know now...but again, I was brand new.)  I headed downstairs and said hello to the avatar roaming around the living room.  No response.  I asked if they could please tell me why they had come into my house.  No response...avatar continued roaming.  After getting right in front of the avatar and being pushed out of the way, I availed myself of the eject button.  That was the last time I tried to be "polite" with intruders.

But, I never had anymore because, due to having been a part of a "community" where people still walked into my house, when I moved to mainland (I was partnered at the time) we located our home in the sky for precisely that reason - to have no "walk-ins."  At the time (someone help me out on this) the max sky distance was 1,000m or less.  We were at around 600m.  So now we're up in the sky, should be no problems with intruders, right? WRONG!  Apparently some people like to "explore" by being high-flyers - and I'm not talking in vehicles....I mean just flying around - probably to check out 2 green dots close together.  At least once I week we got "hovering avatars" outside our window.  One of them kept banging into the window kind of like a poor bird that doesn't realize it's hit glass.  I pulled up the avatar's profile and he was in a whole bunch of "Voyeur" groups.  I had no idea those kind of groups even existed!!! (I was still rather new to SL.)

That was it.  My partner installed an orb.  That one only had a 10 sec warning but, as I said, the one I now own but am not currently using has from 10 sec - 60 sec in 15 sec increments.

It was thanks to the community walk-ins that 1) I have lived in the sky ever since and 2) I've had to use orbs on occasion.  Well done.  :matte-motes-mad:




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Orca Flotta wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

There are conditions where these things are only going to be obtrusive to pervs and people sneaking into other people's private spaces, and conditions where they can be annoying.

Oh what crap! If someone does those things, just ban and AR them. End of story.

Sailors, pilots, drivers are not the least interested in your beloved sexbed or sneaking about in your house. We are just passers through. Maybe you're a homebody and cannot understand that ... but just imagine you were sailing for 2 hours straight, trying to finally find a waterway from Sea of Fables on Sansara into the inner lagoon of Heterocera. You have planned that expedition since weeks and you navigate carefully and then finally ... CRASH BOOM BANG your @$$ is TPd home. :smileysurprised: This was everyday problem a couple years back, before LL decided to make more public channels. Are they safe? No, not even today. Too many meanspirited and clueless land owners still  have their orbs adjusted so badly, they even block LL owned waterways and roads.

And please don't think we vehiclists are a bunch of homeless freeloaders. You would be surprised to know how much land we usually own and maintain ourselves. But I don't know any sailor or pilot who ever had the idea to install a sec orb or erect a banline. Because we know it's useless crappola, only angers other residents and makes the grid a less loveable place.

If you stop raging for a bit, you might realize you're not sounding very rational anymore - might be a good time to step back on this one for a day or two.


First... try reading the very part of my comments you quoted, which I've put in orange. If you wanted to attack of the various things I've said on this so far - that was likely your worst choice.

You then launch into a series of seemingly random assaults on me - none of which seem to have any basis in anything I've said, but just make random claims over things you have found to be frustrated with in the general SL.

And then you presume I don't use vehicles, boats, and so on. I think there's another recent thread even - where I included screenshots of some of my vehicles. A thread on motorcycles. If you were to visit either of my two water lots - you would notice a half dozen boats, and if I recall right - two public access boat rezzers and two 'free boat' givers.

And if you then move uphill from the one that is on a cliff - you will find no sexbed in my home... BUT if you manage to get through the walls of said home - yes, you will, if the script works, end up with a 0 warning TP-out ejection. To get it though, you have to get past locked doors and walls (There is also one orb in the sky over the 4000m mark, within walls that have no roof - but are pretty obviously not a public area).


So again with the note from me that you chose to quote:

There are conditions where these things are only going to be obtrusive to pervs and people sneaking into other people's private spaces, and conditions where they can be annoying.

Step back from the absolutes a bit, and read that.


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At the time (someone help me out on this) the max sky distance was 1,000m or less.

768 if I'm not mistaken.


That one only had a 10 sec warning but, as I said, the one I now own but am not currently using has from 10 sec - 60 sec in 15 sec increments.

10 secs is ample time for flying traffic to clear your airspace. On ground level, concering naval traffic, boats might need a wee bit longer to leave your parcel. When beating up against headwind we might have to do an additional tack. This physically unavoiadble zigzagging is tripleing the sailed way without adding any VMG (velocity made good).

Particularly I love those Orbs that give you a choice, if you wanna comply and leave the parcel (yes, of course, but the wind doesn't allow me) or if I wanna visit the shop (what? Beeeoch, do I look as if I have nothing better to do right now than shopping for an orb?).

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The persistence of some people impresses me. Last fall, a couple chose to snuggle on the sofa in my lighthouse. The sim is open to the public and there are no locks on any of the rental doors, so I sometimes find people roaming through my house. I'm rarely in-world, and want others to enjoy Jenne and Mandy's "Forgotten City", so I don't mind. When I log in to find visitors, I say hello and they usually apologize for being in my house. I tell them not to worry, to feel free to explore, and that I have other places to go.

But several times over the years, my arrival and introduction has produced no response, or a rude one. In these cases, I have no choice but to amuse myself. Here's a snapshot of a couple who were so intent on cuddling, they hung on while I flipped over the sofa and nailed it to the ceiling. It wasn't until I dragged them into the fireplace that they finally bowed to my own persistence.


I have ban rights for the entire sim, but haven't used them. I generally dislike confrontations, but knowing I'll win helps.

I don't think I'd ever use an orb. Booting people when I'm not around makes no sense to me (are there orbs that only work when the owner is on the sim?) and my encounters with people in my homes over the years have generated more good stories than bad, even if (or especially because) the good story involved setting them on fire. When I had a partner I didn't feel any different, though she might have. And that could be yet another reason I have no SL partner these days ;-)

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So again with the note from me that you chose to quote:

There are conditions where these things are only going to be obtrusive to pervs and people sneaking into other people's private spaces, and conditions where they can be annoying.

Step back from the absolutes a bit, and read that.


I rereaded that and obviously misunderstood you the first time. I thought you are one of those peeps who rather cordon off their whole parcel just to keep the random perv out. Please accept my sincere apologies, thank you. BTW I don't think my post was raging or irrational, nor was it meant as an assault. And despite my best efforts I can't find any absolutes in my post neither. I'm mostly sitting here with a mildly amused grin on my face and a very mellow mood when I visit the forums.


PS: why is my answer now orange as well? OMG, what have you done to me, witch? :smileyvery-happy:

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Oh gosh...that couple was persistent!!!!  Too funny!

Re: are there orbs that only work when the owner is on the sim - Orbs have a menu (well the ones I use do) that allow you to turn the orb on and off.  For example, back when I used one, if I invited someone over, I'd turn the orb off so they could arrive then, depending on the situation, turn it back on once they were in or just wait until they left.  So the answer is yes, but the owner has to do the turning on/off which is very simple.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Oh gosh...that couple was persistent!!!!  Too funny!

are there orbs that only work when the owner is on the sim -
Orbs have a menu (well the ones I use do) that allow you to turn the orb on and off.  For example, back when I used one, if I invited someone over, I'd turn the orb off so they could arrive then, depending on the situation, turn it back on once they were in or just wait until they left.  So the answer is yes, but the owner has to do the turning on/off which is very simple.

I built firelogs that only lit when both my partner and I were within a certain distance of them (they can also be configured to require only one of two people to be nearby, or anyone to be nearby). I was thinking that sort of orb control would be nice, as you'd never have to remember to enable/disable it. When you are not in/near your home, nobody is blocked.

Now that I'm thinking about those firelogs, it was lovely to see them light up when I was near them and my partner approached. Friends who received copies said the same thing.

The magic of SL comes in many forms.

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imagine a section of mainland where a group of people living close to each other all having banlines..

sounds prety terrible  right?

well just depends where you are standing at the time i guess hehehe


when someone hands you lemons such as banlines..

make lemonade.

there is a whole other world up there on those red straps of stretchy banding bouncy surfaces regular people call banlines..

We call this world.. The SkyZone..

mah example 


When you plane or spaceship vanishes out from under you and you're dropping at a high rate of speed and see these red lines coming at you ..don't panic...it's time to improvise..be like water my friend..







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Orca Flotta wrote:

Individual, targeted bans only work on normal users. Griefers and those determined to be a PITA will laugh them off leaving the only recourse - lock down the parcel to group/white list access or use the scrpt commands Linden Lab provided.

Yes of course they only work on normal users. I never said anything else. And normal users like you and me are the ones suffering from all those orbs and banlines the most. So 100 innocent sailors are bounced off your parcel just as a precaution to avoid the 1 random griefer? I can only hope, for the sake of SL, your parcel is not near any Linden canal/route.


That lovely second quote? That showcases your assumption that you speak for anyone other than yourself (you do not speak for anyone else Orca - don't pretend otherwise) as well as your assumption that your 
regarding functions that Linden Lab provided is anything other than an opinion.

Oh my, oh my oh my :smileysad: Has everybody lost the ability to read - and comprehehend - written text by now? I don't pretend to speak for anyone else, I actually do so! As commodore of a yacht club, member of the SL Sailing Association and the Open Seas Project I don't assume to speak for anyone else, I know it for a fact! I'm not alone in my thinking but have a large comunity to back me up. Yes, that's right, the same people who brought you the Blake Sea in a co-op with LL and lots of sailing estates, the same guys that also run the SLCG and monitor very closely the traffic on public waterways.


These two sections alone color your response to the thread. They give the feeling that you indeed believe you can tell others how to manage their parcels.

No, heck no! What makes you think that? I said repeadly that every landowner is free to impose all kinds of rules on their land. But I don't have to particularly like security orbs and banlines, do I? In 90% they are indeed absolutely nonsensical and just fulfillling the need of some people to feel powerful and set SL into a state of martial law. Miserable people.


You would have been far better off leaving those two sections out of your initial response. You would have saved a bit of face by admitting that you do not speak for anyone other than yourself in your subsequent response to me.

/me facepalms

Can you please be so nice and let me decide on my choice of words? I chose those words deliberately and wouldn't leave them out of the equation. BTW, are you now talking for the SL landowners association, for the whole forum or for all of SL to decide if I have lost face for anybody else? 


Just to drive that point home: I have used vehicles to explore Second Life - I do not agree with you whatsoever concerning global bans (group only/white list type) or script based systems. It is the rare system that is set to no warning or timer.

I can't say anything about that, since I never ever used a security system of any kind on my land. I have no clue about the technical site of sec orbs. I also wouldn't know how to fire a gun, so I can't be against them? So I don't know in what point you're disagreeing with me.


With that, your claiom to speak for everyone and to know how verhicle users tick ... Is smashed to bits.

Oh, is that important for you, smashing others arguments to bits? I thought - I had the slight hope - to get something productive out of this thread. And since I very well know how vehicle users - at least the organised community - tick your point is null and void.

I'm going to make this as clear as possible for you Orca: You do not speak for anyone else, you only speak for yourself. I do not care what groups you are in nor what groups you created. They are meaningless here.

Those lovely groups do not reflect the entrie user base, let alone the entire user base which uses vehicles. No one on this forum can speak for anyone else: The fact that you have now made the claim three times that you do shows your lack of understanding of this matter.

There is no "oranized community" of vehivle users. There are groups, some of which cross communicate, some of which do not. That is not a "community" - let alone "organized". Those are disparate groups.

No, I will not "be nice" here. Your initial response to this thread and subsequent responses have shown that you believe your opinion concerning Linden Lab provided tools beyond point/targeted bans to be absolute fact. Each and every time you are presented with this, you backpedal for about half a second and then charge forward again.


You do not have any special right to explore anywhere in Second Life - if someone wishes to lock down their parcel or place up an object making use of Linden provided script functions to keep others off and you (or anyone else) is inconvinienced by it while trying to navigate a waterway that the parcel extends into ... Too bad.

Oh and so you are quite aware: The parcels I do presently have control over do not have scripted security on them at present. There is very little need for me to use them at present: My parcels are either opened up so that users may pass through or locked down to group only and white list access for non-group users. If I find that a user has bypassed the lockdown, then I will add in a scripted security system (again).

What is all of that there to protect? While it is of no concern to anyone else, my parcels are set up that way for no other reason than I simply can set them up that way.

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I'm going to make this as clear as possible for you Orca: You do not speak for anyone else, you only speak for yourself. I do not care what groups you are in nor what groups you created. They are meaningless here.

Those lovely groups do not reflect the entrie user base, let alone the entire user base which uses vehicles. No one on this forum can speak for anyone else: The fact that you have now made the claim three times that you do shows your lack of understanding of this matter.

No, it doesn't. It shows a lack of understanding on your side, sorry. No vehiclist is happy to be wiped off their path just because some stupid barbie didn't know she had a banline up.  You can't tell me differently. And that's why groups like the OSP keep on sending notecards to those particular landowners.

FYI: I didn't create any of the mentioned groups, they were in existence long before I joined SL.


There is no "oranized community" of vehivle users. There are groups, some of which cross communicate, some of which do not. That is not a "community" - let alone "organized". Those are disparate groups.

So the SL Sailing Association and the SLCG, who work in close contact with Linden Lab are not organized? That's news for me and everyone else involved in the development of SL.


No, I will not "be nice" here. Your initial response to this thread and subsequent responses have shown that you believe your opinion concerning Linden Lab provided tools beyond point/targeted bans to be absolute fact. Each and every time you are presented with this, you backpedal for about half a second and then charge forward again.


Ya, it's enough indeed. I have quite enough of your brickheaded - and dare I say mean - responses. For me it becomes more and more clear you don't give a wet fart for SL as a whole, as long as you can enjoy your powerplays on your land.


You do not have any special right to explore anywhere in Second Life - if someone wishes to lock down their parcel or place up an object making use of Linden provided script functions to keep others off and you (or anyone else) is inconvinienced by it while trying to navigate a waterway that the parcel extends into ... Too bad.

OMG, why do you need to repeat that over and over again? Even I mentioned that fact already before. Should that stop  us from teaching people some fundamental stuff and work with them for the betterment of SL?


Oh and so you are quite aware: The parcels I do presently have control over do not have scripted security on them at present. There is very little need for me to use them at present: My parcels are either opened up so that users may pass through or locked down to group only and white list access for non-group users. If I find that a user has bypassed the lockdown, then I will add in a scripted security system (again).

Fair enough and applaudable. You seem to be quite educated on the whole affair. Unfortunately 90% of landowners aren't, and that's the reason for the many new open channels LL had to force through stupidly blocked areas.


What is all of that there to protect? While it is of no concern to anyone else, my parcels are set up that way for no other reason than I simply can set them up that way.

Exactly my question as well, regarding the first part. I never found anything worthy of protection in SL.

The second part makes me cringe. Of course it's your right to do anything you fancy on and with your land, BUT is it good and wise? Does i make the grid a better place, does it help the commonwealth, is it socially acceptable? Do you also wipe out a whole kindergarten with your car just because you can?


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One thing that was not mentioned is: the majority of the narrow channels that LL maintain go through exactly through a four corners borders.

One have to cross 2 sim borders in sequence. Each crossing let the skipper without control during a fraction of second (sometimes for more) while the servers are upsating info. This is sufficient to see themseves out of the channel (inside someone property), and be caught by an orb and find their are at home.

And contrary of what some said, almost every week I find myself sent home with no warn. Not eject, when I could find a nearby rezz zone and continue the trip, sent home and no warn at all.

I am not denying the right of people make what they want in their land, but I do not think there is a reasonable reason to make things this way. I have land in mainland since 2007. Never used ban lines or orbs, and never had a single problem doing this.

The worst problem I had was when arrived home and a guy there spent almost an hour trying to sell my land to me! I call some friends there and we spent a good time laughing at the tryings he was making :smileyvery-happy:

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