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Motorcycle Advice Wanted


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I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle in SL but I know nothing about them in SL or RL. I have some very basic questions:

Do motorcycles require roads or highways or special tracks?  I had visions of being able to ride my new motorcycle from my house on the mainland to anywhere I wanted to go but am doubting I can do that since there is only grass and some kind of path in my area.  So I guess I will will need to TP with the bike in my inventory somewhere there are the roads I will need.  Any favorite starting locations?

Looking in the marketplace the OAM Evolution V 1.2 caught my eye but am not sure if that will be too complicated for me.  Are there any motorcycle riding lessons or training areas that are good for compete dummies?  I can barely get my avi to walk in a straight line so I'm imagining riding off cliffs and into trees.  I'm just hoping bikes can't get damaged. Also have this horrid vision of the bike fallen over on its side with me trapped under it.

Do motorcycles require gas in SL?  If so where do I get it?

Any handy gadgets that would help when exploring new areas?

Any additional advice welcome.


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I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle in SL but I know nothing about them in SL or RL. I have some very basic questions:

Do motorcycles require roads or highways or special tracks?  I had visions of being able to ride my new motorcycle from my house on the mainland to anywhere I wanted to go but am doubting I can do that since there is only grass and some kind of path in my area.  So I guess I will will need to TP with the bike in my inventory somewhere there are the roads I will need.  Any favorite starting locations?

Looking in the marketplace the OAM Evolution V 1.2 caught my eye but am not sure if that will be too complicated for me.  Are there any motorcycle riding lessons or training areas that are good for compete dummies?  I can barely get my avi to walk in a straight line so I'm imagining riding off cliffs and into trees.  I'm just hoping bikes can't get damaged. Also have this horrid vision of the bike fallen over on its side with me trapped under it.

Do motorcycles require gas in SL?  If so where do I get it?

Any handy gadgets that would help when exploring new areas?

Any additional advice welcome.


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Hiya Studio,

SL land vehicles do not need roads. They'll drive over just about anything. The only requirement for a venue is that it must allow rezzing of objects. Many private sims won't allow that. Mainland allows rezzing on the public roads, so that's a good place to start. There may be obstacle courses for motorcycles but I've never heard of lessons. The operating characteristics of vehicles can vary widely, depending on how the creator scripts it. Some vehicles have beginner modes that make handling a bit easier. If the bike you're looking at doesn't have that, you can still just start out slow and work your way up to speed demon skills.

"Damage" is a feature of SL that's generally used only in combat, and refers to the health of the avatar, not a vehicle. You will not damage the bike or anything else if you crash. If the bike is capable of falling over, you can always just "Stand" and you will pop out from under it. It may then vanish back into your inventory if you are on a parcel with auto-return enabled.

After putting thousands of miles on a motorcycle in RL, I find my favorite SL wheeled vehicle to be my unicycle. I love to ride off cliffs and into things. Don't let reality get in the way of your imagination.

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SL bikes can ride over almost any terrain you throw at them. Many can convert to a sort of helicopter-ish hover mode for when you get into trouble.

What will get on your way more are property lines, there are avatar and object entry barriers all over the place, and you can expect all kinds of interesting times if you wander off the public roadways.

You generally don't need any fuel, but a couple of vehicle makers use an optional gas system if you really want that experience.

Generally mesh vehicles work quite well, but I would keep at least one non-mesh bike in inventory. Once every several months, if LL needs to upgrade the Havok libraries on the servers, sim crossings on mesh vehicles can become impossible for one to a few weeks until the versions are matched up across the grid.

The scripts matter a lot with vehicles, sometimes even more than the construction. Bikes and cars with the ACS set like in that bike tend to work well for me. Still, you should try to test drive for any vehicle you might spend on, they don't all handle the same or have the same controls, even when they do start from the same code base. If you can manage it at all, try to test on sim crossings, this can be a real sore spot on some makers'vehicles.

Finally, price has VERY little to do with how well a vehicle works. Don't overlook the free and cheap ones, some of them use the exact same scripts as the expensive ones, and they can be great to learn what works well for you.

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Thanks so much for your encouraging response.  It also touched on another question I had which was about adjusting the speed.  I was thinking about when riding with another that it would be nice to sync the speeds so you can ride together.


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Yeah, ACS is the engine used by most reasonable SL bike makers, it's mostly tweakable to your liking and allows you to fit the bike's size and seating position exactly to your avie.

As was already meantioned before, price doesn't say anything about the quality of the bike. Most my favourite bikes are in the 500 - 1000 l$ price range.

You can rez and ride your bike pretty much everywhere where rez is allowed. I'd start exploring the Linden Routes since I'm not a race track fanatic and as long as you stick to the road you won't be troubled by banlines. Also you'll find many rez spots, mostly at the beginnning end zones of the route and on intersections and crossroads. Check my Ridin' stories in my blogthingie. Just type ridin' into the search box. I have covered most mainland continents, maybe that's a good starting point.

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MLCC are also very expensive and well they make nice boats... and a Motorworld a bit.. meh... there is hardly any road there.

2Raw is much better or even my sim...


There are bike vendors with JFC\Picassa and KCP scripted bikes and a road way leading up over 2000M with lots of racetracks and with a couple of Simbaz tracks available by the teleporter system.

Just keep your script count below 200. Many biking sims are even more restrictive than that.

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MotorWorld is a decent enough track for a beginner, a couple of the corners can be tricky even at low speed for a novice rider, I speak from experience. Ocean + bike = OOPS!

MLCC bikes may be a little more on the expensive side but you get what you pay for IMHO.

You can always pick up freebie bikes if you want to ride at no cost, they mostly suck but they work and when one vanishes on a sim crossing it's no great loss. :)

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You can always pick up freebie bikes if you want to ride at no cost, they mostly suck but they work and when one vanishes on a sim crossing it's no great loss.

It's no loss anyway. Like 99.999% of vehicles are copy these days; any builder selling no copy vehicles is super stupid and should, go belly up soon. But yeah, freebie bikes do suck indeed. They are mostly running on the standard SL vehicle script which is a pita. No banking, no smooth movements, oldschool prim builds, you name it.

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Jayra has a very nice and friendly free bike hidden away in her shop.


before spending any money you should always try to test bikes first, Some bike makers make their bikes for racing and their handling is almost impossible to manage cruising about. Tama and Sau spring to mind... on the other hand if you want to race and get at the top of track time boards then they are the bikes to master.

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I must admit I have not read all the replys to this post (its almost 5 am in the morning here)


But I just had to put my two cents in and tell you that my partner makes motorcycles and have a bikeshop on our land..

You can rezz a bike from one of the vendors and try it out (for free)..

Test it and see if it is what you want it to be..  Its free to test them from the vendor.

That way you will get your own impression of what it is, and if it is what you want it to be...


We got 3 SIM's connected so there's room enough to try it...

The Sim's are set up mostly to fly helicopters (and if I am not mistaken then you can try those out aswell if you want too.

You might have to join our group to lend a helicopter,

I must admit I am not much into that part of the sim's (= I know nothing about flying helicopters or driving a bike) 

but if you run into any questions about the sims, ask cycloppers77 Cyberstar,

he is usually around somewhere on the sim's and also one of the SIM owners)

The Bike shop is here ------>  secondlife:///app/worldmap/The%20Pond/192.778/227.01/717.872

(((This is my first attempt ever of making a link to inworld, so I don't know if it will work

(and its still very very late here in Denmark, so I am not fully awake, but I sure am full of excuses *giggles)


If the link doesn't work, then go to my profile, in my picks is Lis'ten Mainshop, go there

and the motorcycle shop is just across from it. It is called R&R Cycles.)))

Have fun

Lis / Madam Martian


PS: I hope I am not breaking any rules with naming the shop? be cause its not meant as a ad,

it is only to tell the OP that there also is a option to try it out for free... If it do fall under advertising,

then let me know and I will delete this post (If I can figure out how to do that LOL)


Have a blessed night everyone, now I will go cuddle up with my 4 kittycats... nite nite

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i love this one..It's crazy fast...it was around $L4,800 i think.. but i'm going in world tomorrow and shopping again..


this one is called 


black beauty.png


This thread inspired me to go to the market and look around..And now with bikes being mesh..

OMG there are some very pretty Bikes out now..

here is the one i'm getting tomorrow..

It's beautiful and mesh =)



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Sounds fun. Do vehicles handle better now than they used to? It used to be difficult to find a vehicle that handled well. Sim crossings, etc.

If so, does anyone also know of a decent-looking, not too expensive (the cheaper the better, without sacrificing quality), fast motorcycle which does not use mesh?

That last part is the kicker.


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Melita Magic wrote:

Sounds fun. Do vehicles handle better now than they used to? It used to be difficult to find a vehicle that handled well. Sim crossings, etc.

If so, does anyone also know of a decent-looking, not too expensive (the cheaper the better, without sacrificing quality), fast motorcycle which
does not use mesh

That last part is the kicker.


I am afraid on any bike sim crossings are a bit unreliable, if you slow down youcan probably go a few sims before something goes wrong and you get a script error you have to get up off the bike from and maybe rezz another in one of the rezz zones along the roads on mainland. Why most bike sims have their roads looping around and up so there is no need for sim crossings.

In my opinion Jayra's JFC bikes are the easiest bikes to cruise around on, because of the scripts they use.I don't think she has done much if any work on her bikes since mesh came out so they should be fine for you.

Unless she has moved it the freebie bike is obtainable by going to the top of the shop and clicking on one of the skulls on the bannister at the top of the stairs. It teleports you to a hidden room and a free bike you can buy.

If you like the bike then I recommend buying one, so you are giving something back. The Hollister is my personal favourite, I love the choice of passenger poses on all her bikes :)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I was just playing this song in another place and remembered this thread. I knew the last place I heard motorocycles (and redheads) discussed was the forum.  I dinna ken if any SL creator has a Vincent Black Lightning, 1952, but if so: I want one.

i saw an Indian the other day..

there are a lot of nice bikes on the market now compared to before..

the next time i go looking i'll keep my eye out..

i was in there just the other day and i could swear  i seen one of those..but it could have just been something similar also..

i went and looked at that Shinobi i was wanting that is mesh..

my other bike still looks so much nicer and it's not mesh..

so i didn't get it..


i just can't find something more beautiful to me than my Katana so far..

i was thinking mesh bikes would have something out there that would blow it away..

not yet!1 hehehe


but there were some really impressive older looking bikes..


The indian i saw looked really nice..i was tempted hehehehe


This one always gets me wanting to get on my Katana hehehehe

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