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No more temp textures/snapshots??!

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Before I go postal... thought I would ask this question.... has anyone else noticed the lack of a "temporary" check box on the texture uploads and snapshots?

I'm really REALLY hoping that SL and Firestorm did not decide to take that out since it is important to up and coming creators, especially in the clothing field.  But like I said, thought I'd ask first because it might be a glitch on my part.


Thanks for any answers.

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When you are putting textures on an object use "Local" rather than from inventory. THis lets you "add" things from a location on your pc which is what temp did, Except this is more efficient since you can get it toautomatically update as you save over that file.



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Based on this thread—http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/No-More-Temporary-Texture-Uploads-with-Server-Side-Appearance/td-p/2094687—I'd guess that feature is no longer available.



ETA: To my (admittedly poorly educated about the subject) mind it appears Frawmusl has described an even better way to accomplish the same thing, so hopefully all is not lost.

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Yes, I believe it was announced some time back temporary textures would no longer be possible.  You can alway use the beta grid to test your texture...is no cost there to check it out.  When texture is how you want it, upload the good texture to the normal grid. 

Up and coming creators can do what so many of us had to do before the tempory textures function was available. Buy some Lindens from LL and spend the penny or two it costs for uploads. 

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

Yes, I believe it was announced some time back temporary textures would no longer be possible.  You can alway use the beta grid to test your texture...is no cost there to check it out.  When texture is how you want it, upload the good texture to the normal grid. 

Up and coming creators can do what so many of us had to do before the tempory textures function was available. Buy some Lindens from LL and spend the penny or two it costs for uploads. 

As I recall back during the (in)famous (dependending on your POV) TPV meeting with Oz, when the subject of introducing unsupported features came up while he said that it wouldn't have happened (been allowed) on his watch, he was not going to require that temp uploads be removed and he would not guarantee future changes would not break them but that LL was looking at providing alternatives.

My link to the transcript is now broken and I didn't feel like relistening to the whole video to document so some of my facts might be confused.

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Winter Ravenheart wrote:

Not all up and coming creators have the money to buy Lindens and waste them on uploading mistakes.  No one knows anyone else's circumstances without asking them.  They have the right to enjoy and create in SL as much as the "upper echelon" (sp).

If you cannot afford 5 cents to upload a texture, you are probably playing the wrong game. It has already been pointed out to you that you can upload textures for free on the Beta Grid anyways thereby avoiding uploading mistakes. 

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Winter Ravenheart wrote:

Thank you, Frawmust... {BIG HUG!}  That was a big help


*UPDATE:  using local did not work for applied clothing... guessing it works great for prims.  Will keep testing.... this might just be because it's Tuesday





Hi Winter, the "local" does work for clothing layers :)

Go into appearance

When you click on the texture box in appearance it opens your inventory to look for the texture. At that point, use "local" button.

Local textures are actually a very nice feature - if you are editing in your graphics program at the same time you are applying them to the prims or clothing layers, each time you "save" to your hard drive, the texture will update inworld. The only thing that I miss is that temporary textures did "persist" for about 24-48 hours, so I could always see them from log in to log in. With "Local" you have to reapply them each session (it does go fast which is good).  Another benefit - those days of mistakenly leaving a temp texture on a final product are gone since as soon as you log out and back in, the texture is now grey (so you know it does not have a real texture applied).

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Winter Ravenheart wrote:

I'm really REALLY hoping that SL and Firestorm did not decide to take that out since it is important to up and coming creators, especially in the clothing field.  But like I said, thought I'd ask first because it might be a glitch on my part.

Just one point. LL never included temporary textures in any of their viewers, so they haven't taken the feature out. It was done by 3rd party viewers, and I was always surprised that LL didn't stop it because it did use LL's servers for free, in a way that LL didn't intend.

The local textures feature is newer (for quite a while of me using temporary textures, I assumed it was a local thing). and is thankfully incorporated into LL's viewer. That's something I hadn't noticed until I just read this thread, so thank you for the thread :)

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To me the only problem with Local textures, compared to temp uploads, is that you cannot show the local texture to other, to receive criticism, or to show to a customer, in case of a personalised work. In these cases, both have to go to Aditi, instead to simply show the temp inworld.

Ok, I think I can live with it, especially as is a side effect of better rezz of avatars.

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I've been using the temp uploads for a while now, lol. I've not paid much attention to the local option. I tend to have quite a few uploads when making things, if I'm not careful. Sometimes I need help making sure things are perfect. Lack of depth perception has a lot to do with that. That was one benefit to temp. uploads. I could have someone else there to point out things I might not be able to see too well.

Only using local uploads, beta grid, or our own OS is an option, but not nearly as easy as temp uploads. Not that I'm only looking for easy solutions, it was just a nice benefit. At least there are options though, I suppose.

Like many things, it seems it had to go sometime. If it wasn't now, I'm sure sometime in the future.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Morgaine Christensen wrote:

Yes, I believe it was announced some time back temporary textures would no longer be possible.  You can alway use the beta grid to test your texture...is no cost there to check it out.  When texture is how you want it, upload the good texture to the normal grid. 

Up and coming creators can do what so many of us had to do before the tempory textures function was available. Buy some Lindens from LL and spend the penny or two it costs for uploads. 

As I recall back during the (in)famous (dependending on your POV) TPV meeting with Oz, when the subject of introducing unsupported features came up while he said that it wouldn't have happened (been allowed) on his watch, he was not going to require that temp uploads be removed and he would not guarantee future changes would not break them but that LL was looking at providing alternatives.

My link to the transcript is now broken and I didn't feel like relistening to the whole video to document so some of my facts might be confused.

i remember it being that server side rebake or whatever it was would be wrecking temp textures..whatever the name of this recent change they made is..

so it was kind of get one break the other..

but he wasn't too keen on temp textures anyways..

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Vania Chaplin wrote:

To me the only problem with Local textures, compared to temp uploads, is that you cannot show the local texture to other, to receive criticism, or to show to a customer, in case of a personalised work. In these cases, both have to go to Aditi, instead to simply show the temp inworld.


Ok, I think I can live with it, especially as is a side effect of better rezz of avatars.

Whats problematic with using Aditi to show a customer (or any one for that matter) a test version of a build is your Inventory doesn't automatically update.  If you were building the item on the main grid you might have to jump through some hoops to get it to appear on Aditi.  See this thread:



ETA, Aditi is a test grid that the actual purpose is for LL to test new code.  While it can be used for the purpose of building, testing, etc, things you are making, there is no guarantee they will behave the same on the Main Grid.  So there is a slight risk involved.

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No, I can't afford 5 cents to upload and YOU are not anyone to tell me if I'm playing the wrong "game"...especially since it's not a game to me, gamer.  And you have no idea when I recieved information about the beta grid.  Are you late for your WoW session?

Thank you to the nice socials who have responded... I learned about local and Aditi from you and it has helped greatly.  I'm off to create now... because I have the right to, whether or not I have 5 cents (which I don't)... and because I can.


Note: minimum is 2.50 to buy lindens... omg, more than 5 cents!

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You're right, Perry. Anyway it was the only way we had to see a texture before a definitive upload until TPVs introduced the temp uploads. And in the case of sculpts, we can upload the sculpt map there, and show it to others.

Not the ideal, but works.

Anyway, as others had pinted already, this was a feature that was never endorsed by LL. It was good while lasted :smileywink:


P.S. On the differences of inventories in Aditi and Agni, recently i just forgot this, and made 6poses that was to work according to certain parameters in a boat:

if the boat was turning right or left or going ahead, and if the wind was from port or leeboard, each had its own pose, commanded by script.

I went to Aditi to try the poses, and see if was all working as pretended, but forgot that I didn't had the boat there, only in Agni :smileytongue:

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Winter Ravenheart wrote:

No, I can't afford 5 cents to upload.

Note: minimum is 2.50 to buy lindens... omg, more than 5 cents!

Who pays your electric bill? Maybe they can loan or gift you the $2.50. However, if you are in desperate need of two dollars and fifty cents, you may want to spend that on food or some other essential.

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Temp Uploads were never a supported feature -- it's a clever hack some TPVs used, but LL have never included it and have always warned they''d break it if that was the cost of introducing a new feature or fixing a major bug.

It's turned out to be part of the price we pay for the new SSA baking method, which should mean people rez a lot more quickly and crisply, and we don't spend so much time as balls of smoke.

For what it's worth, I always used Aditi for my texturing projects in preference to the temp upload method, because (Aditi inventory server glitches notwithstanding) it meant I had semi-permanant copies of my experimental textures and builds in my inventory there, and didn't have to worry about my temp uploads turning grey after a day or so.

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X3aV wrote:

Winter Ravenheart wrote:

No, I can't afford 5 cents to upload.

Note: minimum is 2.50 to buy lindens... omg, more than 5 cents!

Who pays your electric bill? Maybe they can loan or gift you the $2.50. However, if you are in desperate need of two dollars and fifty cents, you may want to spend that on food or some other essential.

Well, that's the way Companies and Individuals go broke.  One nickle at a time.

And no matter how good and experienced you may be, especially when dealing with Multi Prim builds, it can take you several tries to get everything aligned right.  My modest home is only 120 prims.  So those nickles can add up fast.

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X3aV wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

 So those nickels can add up fast.

Hence the Local option or the beta (test) grid. Free and free.

I see that you freely availed yourself of the ability to clip the relevant parts of the post.

I guess you were free to do that.

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  • 1 month later...

She actually said appliers not layers.  

The appliers need UUID in the NC to make the apply hud work and the only way to get that before was to upload a temp texture, then apply to see if they lined up, sometimes taking A LOT of attempts, especially when lining up patterns. 

You can not do that with local as you do not get a UUID so i guess its off to the beta grid for that, how ...handy

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