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When I've got nothing else to do, I usually travel the SL roads to see what changes have been made since the last time I've been on those roads.  Lately, I've seen avatar names with Harmless-Light-Legal above the account name.  And I mean I see the names.  The avatar itself is either invisible or under the ground somewhere.  Only the name with the tag shows.  I tried to talk to one of them via local chat and IM, but got no response.  And I have seen them on all the SL roads except for a couple of them.  I know they werent' there when I first discovered the roads back in 2009.  Any one have any idea who they are or why they are there?  Just curious.


Amza Hydraconis

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Amza Hydraconis wrote:


When I've got nothing else to do, I usually travel the SL roads to see what changes have been made since the last time I've been on those roads.  Lately, I've seen avatar names with Harmless-Light-Legal above the account name.  And I mean I see the names.  The avatar itself is either invisible or under the ground somewhere.  Only the name with the tag shows.  I tried to talk to one of them via local chat and IM, but got no response.  And I have seen them on all the SL roads except for a couple of them.  I know they werent' there when I first discovered the roads back in 2009.  Any one have any idea who they are or why they are there?  Just curious.



Amza Hydraconis

I've not seen in my meanderings around your planet but if you post some URL's I'm sure there will be others here salivating to investigate.   ;)

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there was a thread about them some time ago, they looked like normal avatars, they just stay in that place and didnt answer or move, it was discussed if they were copybots or were some kind of dangerous, if they added too much lag, if they were against the TOS, the owner of those bots decided to add "harmless-light-legal" as a group tag so everybody feel safe about them.

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I just did a search and there were a couple of threads on this, or similar, last year. The general consensus then was that these are bots that tend to be made either invisible or placed seated or underground to prevent them being tampered with while they get up to whatever they have been set up to do.

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Those are very odd. I saw the first one that sat down cross legged as soon as I appeared, then disappeared underground and became invisible but still registered as being nearby. The second one I could see the name but again it was invisible but didnt register as being there.


I have 45 minutes to kill before something comes onto the TV that I want to watch. I may go ghost hunting, lol.


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There's this long-running thread about the harmless-light-legal bots that might interest you.


Join Hrdtop75 Deluxe's Grid Star group to join us bot-hunters.

I tend to go on mini-hunts just before my RL bed-time. Have compiled a list of more than 200 of these bots so far (but what to do with it now? That's the 64,000L$ question !)

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

there was a thread about them some time ago, they looked like normal avatars, they just stay in that place and didnt answer or move, it was discussed if they were copybots or were some kind of dangerous, if they added too much lag, if they were against the TOS, the owner of those bots decided to add "harmless-light-legal" as a group tag so everybody feel safe about them.

Just like burglars always wear stripey tee shirts and masks, and carry around swag bags.

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Jewel Laurasia wrote:

My advice for hunting for them is to open map, look for large empty spaces, and a green dot somewhere in it. They are always on abandoned land, and all that I've seen are in large empty areas.

makes me suspicious that they may be monitoring areas people are interested in for land auctions, maybe even set up to automatically monitor auctions and overbid anyone else (can that be done from in world? Or they can of course communicate with out of world bots easily).

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm... not sure if this is important or not, but I've got two that come and go by my place on Heterocera - and they have some similarities to the ones posted above.

There's one in Cleora, with the first name "mantra" born May 26/2008, and a second one in Socaria named "manasa" born June 10/2008.

The Sagittata one's first name is "mazanta", born June 10/2008.

The Foxglove one is "maxuna", born May 14/2008.

...and all 4 of them were online about 20 minutes ago when I went to look at them, and now all 4 are offline.  (did I scare them away???)

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Sabean Pagan wrote:

Those are very odd.
I saw the first one that sat down cross legged as soon as I appeared,
then disappeared underground and became invisible but still registered as being nearby. The second one I could see the name but again it was invisible but didnt register as being there.

It didn't sit as soon as you appeared. When you come across a ground-sitting avatar, it always appears to sit when you see it, but it was sitting before you arrive. It's just that you see the animation from the start - when it actually sits.

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The "Curiouser and curiouser" thread was started in June 2011, so the bots started showing up a few years ago, which fits your theory...

But then it looks like most of the bots were born sometime in 2008-2009, so whoever made them either had the forethought to do that years in advance, or perhaps they were created for some other reason then re-purposed...?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Here's a thought. Does anyone remember that couple who had a 16sqm parcel in just about every sim. They never told us what they did with them. They got rid of all the parcels a few years ago. Maybe they gone over to using free bots instead of costly land 

Wow, yeah, I'd completely forgotten about them. In fact, my memory of all that is so fuzzy, I'm vaguely recalling that there were two separate outfits trying to hold a mystery microparcel in every sim. In this memory, one project was abandoned early-on... maybe a major land baron of the time... did Elanthius Flagstaff ever own microparcels? I may have that all completely confused.

The ones to whom you're referring, if I guess and recall correctly, might have been Weedy and <somebody> Herbst. 

And more recently there was the relatively brief invasion of Tulpa Experiment contraptions, similarly having no apparent purpose, then disappearing. But their time definitely overlapped the Movie Stars mysteriously boosting traffic for Governor Linden's parcels.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Here's a thought. Does anyone remember that couple who had a 16sqm parcel in just about every sim. They never told us what they did with them. They got rid of all the parcels a few years ago. Maybe they gone over to using free bots instead of costly land 

Wow, yeah, I'd completely forgotten about them. In fact, my memory of all that is so fuzzy, I'm vaguely recalling that there were two separate outfits trying to hold a mystery microparcel in every sim. In this memory, one project was abandoned early-on... maybe a major land baron of the time... did Elanthius Flagstaff ever own microparcels? I may have that all completely confused.

The ones to whom you're referring, if I guess and recall correctly, might have been Weedy and <somebody> Herbst. 

And more recently there was the relatively brief invasion of Tulpa Experiment contraptions, similarly having no apparent purpose, then disappearing. But their time definitely overlapped the Movie Stars mysteriously boosting traffic for Governor Linden's parcels.

That's the couple I was thinking of.

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They're bots, they used to go round under the "Movie-star" group tag. There were some hanging around near my mainland home for months, a year or so ago. What they do, no-one seems to know for sure but my guess is they're land-bots, scanning for land for sale at low prices. And yes, as long as they are registered as bots with Linden Lab, they are legal, legit and harmless.

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